Config = {}
Config.Debug = false -- Set to true to enable debug mode
Config.DatabaseChecker = {}
Config.DatabaseChecker.Enabled = true -- if true, the phone will check the database for any issues and fix them if possible
Config.DatabaseChecker.AutoFix = true
Config.Framework = "auto"
Supported frameworks:
* auto: auto-detect framework (ONLY WORKS WITH THE ONES LISTED BELOW)
* esx: es_extended,
* qb: qb-core,
* ox: ox_core,
* standalone: no framework, note that framework specific apps will not work unless you implement the functions
Config.CustomFramework = false -- if set to true and you use standalone, you will be able to use framework specific apps
Config.QBMailEvent = true -- if you want this script to listen for qb email events, enable this.
Config.QBOldJobMethod = false -- use the old method to check job in qb-core? this is slower, and only needed if you use an outdated version of qb-core.
Config.Item = {}
Config.Item.Require = true -- require a phone item to use the phone
Config.Item.Name = "phone" -- name of the phone item
Config.Item.Unique = false -- should each phone be unique?
Config.Item.Inventory = "auto" --[[
The inventory you use, IGNORE IF YOU HAVE Config.Item.Unique DISABLED.
* auto: auto-detect inventory (ONLY WORKS WITH THE ONE LISTED BELOW)
* ox_inventory -
* qb-inventory -
* lj-inventory -
* core_inventory -
* mf-inventory -
* qs-inventory -
* codem-inventory -
Config.ServerSideSpawn = false -- should entities be spawned on the server? (phone prop, vehicles)
Config.PhoneModel = `lb_phone_prop` -- the prop of the phone, if you want to use a custom phone model, you can change this here
Config.PhoneRotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 180.0) -- the rotation of the phone when attached to a player
Config.PhoneOffset = vector3(0.0, -0.005, 0.0) -- the offset of the phone when attached to a player
Config.DynamicIsland = true -- if enabled, the phone will have a Iphone 14 Pro inspired Dynamic Island.
Config.SetupScreen = true -- if enabled, the phone will have a setup screen when the player first uses the phone.
Config.AutoDeleteNotifications = false -- notifications that are more than X hours old, will be deleted. set to false to disable. if set to true, it will delete 1 week old notifications.
Config.MaxNotifications = 100 -- the maximum amount of notifications a player can have. if they have more than this, the oldest notifications will be deleted. set to false to disable
Config.DisabledNotifications = { -- an array of apps that should not send notifications, note that you should use the app identifier, found in config.json
-- "DarkChat",
Config.WhitelistApps = {
-- ["test-app"] = {"police", "ambulance"}
Config.BlacklistApps = {
-- ["DarkChat"] = {"police"}
Config.ChangePassword = {
["Trendy"] = true,
["InstaPic"] = true,
["Birdy"] = true,
["DarkChat"] = true,
["Mail"] = true,
Config.DeleteAccount = {
["Trendy"] = false,
["InstaPic"] = false,
["Birdy"] = false,
["DarkChat"] = false,
["Mail"] = false,
["Spark"] = false,
Config.Companies = {}
Config.Companies.Enabled = true -- allow players to call companies?
Config.Companies.MessageOffline = true -- if true, players can message companies even if no one in the company is online
Config.Companies.DefaultCallsDisabled = false -- should receiving company calls be disabled by default?
Config.Companies.AllowAnonymous = false -- allow players to call companies with "hide caller id" enabled?
Config.Companies.SeeEmployees = "everyone" -- who should be able to see employees? they will see name, online status & phone number. options are: "everyone", "employees" or "none"
Config.Companies.DeleteConversations = true -- allow employees to delete conversations?
Config.Companies.Services = {
job = "police",
name = "Police",
icon = "",
canCall = true, -- if true, players can call the company
canMessage = true, -- if true, players can message the company
bossRanks = {"boss", "lieutenant"}, -- ranks that can manage the company
location = {
name = "Mission Row",
coords = {
x = 428.9,
y = -984.5,
-- customIcon = "IoShield", -- if you want to use a custom icon for the company, set it here:
-- onCustomIconClick = function()
-- print("Clicked")
-- end
job = "ambulance",
name = "Ambulance",
icon = "",
canCall = true, -- if true, players can call the company
canMessage = true, -- if true, players can message the company
bossRanks = {"boss", "doctor"}, -- ranks that can manage the company
location = {
name = "Pillbox",
coords = {
x = 304.2,
y = -587.0
job = "mechanic",
name = "Mechanic",
icon = "",
canCall = true, -- if true, players can call the company
canMessage = true, -- if true, players can message the company
bossRanks = {"boss", "worker"}, -- ranks that can manage the company
location = {
name = "LS Customs",
coords = {
x = -336.6,
y = -134.3
job = "taxi",
name = "Taxi",
icon = "",
canCall = true, -- if true, players can call the company
canMessage = true, -- if true, players can message the company
bossRanks = {"boss", "driver"}, -- ranks that can manage the company
location = {
name = "Taxi HQ",
coords = {
x =984.2,
y = -219.0
Config.Companies.Contacts = { -- not needed if you use the services app, this will add the contact to the contacts app
-- ["police"] = {
-- name = "Police",
-- photo = ""
-- },
Config.Companies.Management = {
Enabled = true, -- if true, employees & the boss can manage the company
Duty = true, -- if true, employees can go on/off duty
-- Boss actions
Deposit = true, -- if true, the boss can deposit money into the company
Withdraw = true, -- if true, the boss can withdraw money from the company
Hire = true, -- if true, the boss can hire employees
Fire = true, -- if true, the boss can fire employees
Promote = true, -- if true, the boss can promote employees
Config.CustomApps = {} --
Config.Valet = {}
Config.Valet.Enabled = true -- allow players to get their vehicles from the phone
Config.Valet.Price = 100 -- price to get your vehicle
Config.Valet.Model = `S_M_Y_XMech_01`
Config.Valet.Drive = true -- should a ped bring the car, or should it just spawn in front of the player?
Config.Valet.DisableDamages = false -- disable vehicle damages (engine & body health) on esx
Config.Valet.FixTakeOut = false -- repair the vehicle after taking it out?
Config.HouseScript = "auto" --[[
The housing script you use on your server
* loaf_housing -
* qb-houses -
* qs-housing -
--[[ VOICE OPTIONS ]] --
Config.Voice = {}
Config.Voice.CallEffects = false -- enable call effects while on speaker mode? (NOTE: This may create sound-issues if you have too many submixes registered in your server)
Config.Voice.System = "auto"
Supported voice systems:
* pma: pma-voice - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
* mumble: mumble-voip - Not recommended, update to pma-voice
* salty: saltychat - Not recommended, change to pma-voice
* toko: tokovoip - Not recommended, change to pma-voice
Config.Voice.HearNearby = true --[[
Only works with pma-voice
If true, players will be heard on instapic live if they are nearby
If false, only the person who is live will be heard
If true, allow nearby players to listen to phone calls if speaker is enabled
If false, only the people in the call will be able to hear each other
This feature is a work in progress and may not work as intended. It may have an impact on performance.
Config.Voice.RecordNearby = true --[[
Should video recordings include nearby players?
--[[ PHONE OPTIONS ]] --
Config.Locations = { -- Locations that'll appear in the maps app.
position = vector2(428.9, -984.5),
name = "LSPD",
description = "Los Santos Police Department",
icon = "",
position = vector2(304.2, -587.0),
name = "Pillbox",
description = "Pillbox Medical Hospital",
icon = "",
Config.Locales = { -- languages that the player can choose from when setting up a phone [Check the docs to see which languages the phone supports]
locale = "en",
name = "English"
locale = "de",
name = "Deutsch"
locale = "fr",
name = "Français"
locale = "es",
name = "Español"
locale = "nl",
name = "Nederlands"
locale = "dk",
name = "Dansk"
locale = "no",
name = "Norsk"
locale = "th",
name = "ไทย"
locale = "ar",
name = "عربي"
locale = "ru",
name = "Русский"
locale = "cs",
name = "Czech"
locale = "sv",
name = "Svenska"
locale = "pl",
name = "Polski"
locale = "hu",
name = "Magyar"
locale = "tr",
name = "Türkçe"
locale = "pt-br",
name = "Português (Brasil)"
locale = "pt-pt",
name = "Português"
locale = "it",
name = "Italiano"
locale = "ua",
name = "Українська"
Config.DefaultLocale = "en"
Config.DateLocale = "en-US" -- ... rmat/DateTimeFormat
Config.FrameColor = "#39334d" -- This is the color of the phone frame. Default (#39334d) is SILVER.
Config.AllowFrameColorChange = true -- Allow players to change the color of their phone frame?
Config.PhoneNumber = {}
Config.PhoneNumber.Format = "({3}) {3}-{4}" -- Don't touch unless you know what you're doing. IMPORTANT: The sum of the numbers needs to be equal to the phone number length + prefix length
Config.PhoneNumber.Length = 7 -- This is the length of the phone number WITHOUT the prefix.
Config.PhoneNumber.Prefixes = { -- These are the first numbers of the phone number, usually the area code. They all need to be the same length
Config.Battery.Enabled = false -- Enable battery on the phone, you'll need to use the exports to charge it.
Config.Battery.ChargeInterval = { 5, 10 } -- How much battery
Config.Battery.DischargeInterval = { 50, 60 } -- How many seconds for each percent to be removed from the battery
Config.Battery.DischargeWhenInactiveInterval = { 80, 120 } -- How many seconds for each percent to be removed from the battery when the phone is inactive
Config.Battery.DischargeWhenInactive = true -- Should the phone remove battery when the phone is closed?
Config.CurrencyFormat = "$%s" -- ($100) Choose the formatting of the currency. %s will be replaced with the amount.
Config.MaxTransferAmount = 1000000 -- The maximum amount of money that can be transferred at once via wallet / messages.
Config.TransferLimits = {}
Config.TransferLimits.Daily = false -- The maximum amount of money that can be transferred in a day. Set to false for unlimited.
Config.TransferLimits.Weekly = false -- The maximum amount of money that can be transferred in a week. Set to false for unlimited.
Config.EnableMessagePay = true -- Allow players to pay other players via messages?
Config.EnableVoiceMessages = true -- Allow players to send voice messages?
Config.CityName = "Los Santos" -- The name that's being used in the weather app etc.
Config.RealTime = true -- if true, the time will use real life time depending on where the user lives, if false, the time will be the ingame time.
Config.CustomTime = false -- NOTE: disable Config.RealTime if using this. you can set this to a function that returns custom time, as a table: { hour = 0-24, minute = 0-60 }
Config.EmailDomain = ""
Config.AutoCreateEmail = false -- should the phone automatically create an email for the player when they set up the phone?
Config.DeleteMail = true -- allow players to delete mails in the mail app?
Config.DeleteMessages = true -- allow players to delete messages in the messages app?
Config.SyncFlash = true -- should flashlights be synced across all players? May have an impact on performance
Config.EndLiveClose = false -- should InstaPic live end when you close the phone?
Config.AllowExternal = { -- allow people to upload external images? (note: this means they can upload nsfw / gore etc)
Gallery = false, -- allow importing external links to the gallery?
Birdy = false, -- set to true to enable external images on that specific app, set to false to disable it.
InstaPic = false,
Spark = false,
Trendy = false,
Pages = false,
MarketPlace = false,
Mail = false,
Messages = false,
Other = false, -- other apps that don't have a specific setting (ex: setting a profile picture for a contact, backgrounds for the phone etc)
-- Blacklisted domains for external images. You will not be able to upload from these domains.
Config.ExternalBlacklistedDomains = {
-- Whitelisted domains for external images. If this is not empty/nil/false, you will only be able to upload images from these domains.
Config.ExternalWhitelistedDomains = {
-- ""
-- Set to false/empty to disable
Config.UploadWhitelistedDomains = { -- domains that are allowed to upload images to the phone (prevent using devtools to upload images)
"" -- lb-upload
Config.WordBlacklist = {}
Config.WordBlacklist.Enabled = false
Config.WordBlacklist.Apps = { -- apps that should use the word blacklist (if Config.WordBlacklist.Enabled is true)
Birdy = true,
InstaPic = true,
Trendy = true,
Spark = true,
Messages = true,
Pages = true,
MarketPlace = true,
DarkChat = true,
Mail = true,
Other = true,
Config.WordBlacklist.Words = {
-- array of blacklisted words, e.g. "badword", "anotherbadword"
Config.AutoFollow = {}
Config.AutoFollow.Enabled = false
Config.AutoFollow.Birdy = {}
Config.AutoFollow.Birdy.Enabled = true
Config.AutoFollow.Birdy.Accounts = {} -- array of usernames to automatically follow when creating an account. e.g. "username", "anotherusername"
Config.AutoFollow.InstaPic = {}
Config.AutoFollow.InstaPic.Enabled = true
Config.AutoFollow.InstaPic.Accounts = {} -- array of usernames to automatically follow when creating an account. e.g. "username", "anotherusername"
Config.AutoFollow.Trendy = {}
Config.AutoFollow.Trendy.Enabled = true
Config.AutoFollow.Trendy.Accounts = {} -- array of usernames to automatically follow when creating an account. e.g. "username", "anotherusername"
Config.AutoBackup = true -- should the phone automatically create a backup when you get a new phone?
Config.Post = {} -- What apps should send posts to discord? You can set your webhooks in server/webhooks.lua
Config.Post.Birdy = true -- Announce new posts on Birdy?
Config.Post.InstaPic = true -- Anmnounce new posts on InstaPic?
Config.Post.Accounts = {
Birdy = {
Username = "Birdy",
Avatar = ""
InstaPic = {
Username = "InstaPic",
Avatar = ""
Config.BirdyTrending = {}
Config.BirdyTrending.Enabled = true -- show trending hashtags?
Config.BirdyTrending.Reset = 7 * 24 -- How often should trending hashtags be reset on birdy? (in hours)
Config.BirdyNotifications = false -- should everyone get a notification when someone posts?
Config.PromoteBirdy = {}
Config.PromoteBirdy.Enabled = true -- should you be able to promote post?
Config.PromoteBirdy.Cost = 2500 -- how much does it cost to promote a post?
Config.PromoteBirdy.Views = 100 -- how many views does a promoted post get?
Config.TrendyTTS = {
{"English (US) - Female", "en_us_001"},
{"English (US) - Male 1", "en_us_006"},
{"English (US) - Male 2", "en_us_007"},
{"English (US) - Male 3", "en_us_009"},
{"English (US) - Male 4", "en_us_010"},
{"English (UK) - Male 1", "en_uk_001"},
{"English (UK) - Male 2", "en_uk_003"},
{"English (AU) - Female", "en_au_001"},
{"English (AU) - Male", "en_au_002"},
{"French - Male 1", "fr_001"},
{"French - Male 2", "fr_002"},
{"German - Female", "de_001"},
{"German - Male", "de_002"},
{"Spanish - Male", "es_002"},
{"Spanish (MX) - Male", "es_mx_002"},
{"Portuguese (BR) - Female 2", "br_003"},
{"Portuguese (BR) - Female 3", "br_004"},
{"Portuguese (BR) - Male", "br_005"},
{"Indonesian - Female", "id_001"},
{"Japanese - Female 1", "jp_001"},
{"Japanese - Female 2", "jp_003"},
{"Japanese - Female 3", "jp_005"},
{"Japanese - Male", "jp_006"},
{"Korean - Male 1", "kr_002"},
{"Korean - Male 2", "kr_004"},
{"Korean - Female", "kr_003"},
{"Ghostface (Scream)", "en_us_ghostface"},
{"Chewbacca (Star Wars)", "en_us_chewbacca"},
{"C3PO (Star Wars)", "en_us_c3po"},
{"Stitch (Lilo & Stitch)", "en_us_stitch"},
{"Stormtrooper (Star Wars)", "en_us_stormtrooper"},
{"Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy)", "en_us_rocket"},
{"Singing - Alto", "en_female_f08_salut_damour"},
{"Singing - Tenor", "en_male_m03_lobby"},
{"Singing - Sunshine Soon", "en_male_m03_sunshine_soon"},
{"Singing - Warmy Breeze", "en_female_f08_warmy_breeze"},
{"Singing - Glorious", "en_female_ht_f08_glorious"},
{"Singing - It Goes Up", "en_male_sing_funny_it_goes_up"},
{"Singing - Chipmunk", "en_male_m2_xhxs_m03_silly"},
{"Singing - Dramatic", "en_female_ht_f08_wonderful_world"}
-- ICE Servers for WebRTC (ig live, live video). If you don't know what you're doing, leave this as it is.
-- see ... n/RTCPeerConnection
-- Config.RTCConfig = {
-- iceServers = {
-- { urls = "" },
-- }
-- }
Config.Crypto = {}
Config.Crypto.Enabled = true
Config.Crypto.Coins = {"bitcoin","ethereum","tether","binancecoin","usd-coin","ripple","binance-usd","cardano","dogecoin","solana","shiba-inu","polkadot","litecoin","bitcoin-cash"}
Config.Crypto.Currency = "usd" -- currency to use for crypto prices.
Config.Crypto.Refresh = 5 * 60 * 1000 -- how often should the crypto prices be refreshed (client cache)? (Default 5 minutes)
Config.Crypto.QBit = true -- support QBit? (requires qb-crypto & qb-core)