
[有效回答] 翻译,保留源代码

杰瑞米瓦德 发表于 2024-10-8 05:41:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

-- Fuel
    set_fuel_debug = "Set fuel to:",
    cancelled = "Cancelled.",
    not_enough_money = "You don't have enough money!",
    not_enough_money_in_bank = "You don't have enough money in your bank!",
    not_enough_money_in_cash = "You don't have enough money in your pocket!",
    more_than_zero = "You have to fuel more than 0L!",
    emergency_shutoff_active = "The pumps are currently shut off via the emergency shut off system.",
    nozzle_cannot_reach = "The nozzle can't reach this far!",
    station_no_fuel = "This station is out of fuel!",
    station_not_enough_fuel = "The station does not have this much fuel!",
    show_input_key_special = "Press [G] when near the vehicle to fuel it up!",
    tank_cannot_fit = "Your tank cannot fit this!",
    tank_already_full = "Your vehicle is already full!",
    need_electric_charger = "I need to go to an electric charger!",
    cannot_refuel_inside = "You cannot refuel from inside of the vehicle!",
    -- 2.1.2 -- Reserves Pickup ---
    fuel_order_ready = "Your fuel order is available for pickup! Take a look at your GPS to find the pickup!",
    draw_text_fuel_dropoff = "[E] Drop Off Truck",
    fuel_pickup_success = "Your reserves have been filled to: %sL",
    fuel_pickup_failed = "Ron Oil has just dropped off the fuel to your station!",
    trailer_too_far = "The trailer is not attached to the truck or is too far!",

    -- 2.1.0
    no_nozzle = "You do not have the nozzle!",
    vehicle_is_damaged = "Vehicle is too damaged to refuel!",
    vehicle_too_far = "You are too far to fuel this vehicle!",
    inside_vehicle = "You cannot refuel from inside the vehicle!",
    you_are_discount_eligible = "If you go on duty, you could recieve a discount of "..Config.EmergencyServicesDiscount['discount'].."%!",
    no_fuel = "No fuel..",

    -- Electric
    electric_more_than_zero = "You have to charge more than 0KW!",
    electric_vehicle_not_electric = "Your vehicle is not electric!",
    electric_no_nozzle = "Your vehicle is not electric!",

    -- Phone --
    electric_phone_header = "Electric Charger",
    electric_phone_notification = "Electricity Total Cost: $",
    fuel_phone_header = "Gas Station",
    phone_notification = "Total Cost: $",
    phone_refund_payment_label = "Refund @ Gas Station!",

    -- Stations
    station_per_liter = " / Liter!",
    station_already_owned = "This location is already owned!",
    station_cannot_sell = "You cannot sell this location!",
    station_sold_success = "You successfully sold this location!",
    station_not_owner = "You do not own the location!",
    station_amount_invalid = "Amount is invalid!",
    station_more_than_one = "You have to buy more than 1L!",
    station_price_too_high = "This price is too high!",
    station_price_too_low = "This price is too low!",
    station_name_invalid = "This name is invalid!",
    station_name_too_long = "Name cannot be longer than "..Config.NameChangeMaxChar.." characters.",
    station_name_too_short = "Name must be longer than "..Config.NameChangeMinChar.." characters.",
    station_withdraw_too_much = "You cannot withdraw more than the station has!",
    station_withdraw_too_little = "You cannot withdraw less than $1!",
    station_success_withdrew_1 = "Successfully withdrew $",
    station_success_withdrew_2 = " from this station's balance!", -- Leave the space @ the front!
    station_deposit_too_much = "You cannot deposit more than the you have!",
    station_deposit_too_little = "You cannot deposit less than $1!",
    station_success_deposit_1 = "Successfully deposited $",
    station_success_deposit_2 = " into this station's balance!", -- Leave the space @ the front!
    station_cannot_afford_deposit = "You cannot afford to deposit $",
    station_shutoff_success = "Successfully altered the shutoff valve state for this location!",
    station_fuel_price_success = "Successfully altered fuel price to $",
    station_reserve_cannot_fit = "The reserves cannot fit this!",
    station_reserves_over_max =  "You cannot purchase this amount as it will be great than the maximum amount of "..Config.MaxFuelReserves.." Liters",
    station_name_change_success = "Successfully changed name to: ", -- Leave the space @ the end!
    station_purchased_location_payment_label = "Purchased a Gas Station Location: ",
    station_sold_location_payment_label = "Sold a Gas Station Location: ",
    station_withdraw_payment_label = "Withdrew money from Gas Station. Location: ",
    station_deposit_payment_label = "Deposited money to Gas Station. Location: ",
    -- All Progress Bars
    prog_refueling_vehicle = "Refueling Vehicle..",
    prog_electric_charging = "Charging..",
    prog_jerry_can_refuel = "Refueling Jerry Can..",
    prog_syphoning = "Syphoning Fuel..",

    -- Menus
    menu_header_cash = "Cash",
    menu_header_bank = "Bank",
    menu_header_close = "Cancel",
    menu_pay_with_cash = "Pay with cash.  \nYou have: $",
    menu_pay_with_bank = "Pay with bank.",
    menu_refuel_header = "Gas Station",
    menu_refuel_accept = "I would like to purchase the fuel.",
    menu_refuel_cancel = "I actually don't want fuel anymore.",
    menu_pay_label_1 = "Gasoline @ ",
    menu_pay_label_2 = " / L",
    menu_header_jerry_can = "Jerry Can",
    menu_header_refuel_jerry_can = "Refuel Jerry Can",
    menu_header_refuel_vehicle = "Refuel Vehicle",

    menu_electric_cancel = "I actually don't want to charge my car anymore.",
    menu_electric_header = "Electric Charger",
    menu_electric_accept = "I would like to pay for electricity.",
    menu_electric_payment_label_1 = "Electricity @ ",
    menu_electric_payment_label_2 = " / KW",

    -- Station Menus

    menu_ped_manage_location_header = "Manage This Location",
    menu_ped_manage_location_footer = "If you are the owner, you can manage this location.",

    menu_ped_purchase_location_header = "Purchase This Location",
    menu_ped_purchase_location_footer = "If no one owns this location, you can purchase it.",

    menu_ped_emergency_shutoff_header = "Toggle Emergency Shutoff",
    menu_ped_emergency_shutoff_footer = "Shut off the fuel in case of an emergency.   \n The pumps are currently ",
    menu_ped_close_header = "Cancel Conversation",
    menu_ped_close_footer = "I actually don't want to discuss anything anymore.",

    menu_station_reserves_header = "Buy Reserves for ",
    menu_station_reserves_purchase_header = "Buy reserves for: $",
    menu_station_reserves_purchase_footer = "Yes I want to buy fuel reserves for $",
    menu_station_reserves_cancel_footer = "I actually don't want to buy more reserves!",
    menu_purchase_station_header_1 = "The total cost is going to be: $",
    menu_purchase_station_header_2 = " including taxes.",
    menu_purchase_station_confirm_header = "Confirm",
    menu_purchase_station_confirm_footer = "I want to purchase this location for $",
    menu_purchase_station_cancel_footer = "I actually don't want to buy this location anymore. That price is bonkers!",

    menu_sell_station_header = "Sell ",
    menu_sell_station_header_accept = "Sell Gas Station",
    menu_sell_station_footer_accept = "Yes, I want to sell this location for $",
    menu_sell_station_footer_close = "I actually don't have anything more to discuss.",

    menu_manage_header = "Management of ",
    menu_manage_reserves_header = "Fuel Reserves  \n",
    menu_manage_reserves_footer_1 =  " Liters out of ",
    menu_manage_reserves_footer_2 =  " Liters  \nYou can purchase more reserves below!",
    menu_manage_purchase_reserves_header = "Purchase More Fuel for Reserves",
    menu_manage_purchase_reserves_footer = "I want to purchase more fuel reserves for $",
    menu_manage_purchase_reserves_footer_2 = " / L!",

    menu_alter_fuel_price_header = "Alter Fuel Price",
    menu_alter_fuel_price_footer_1 = "I want to change the price of fuel at my Gas Station!  \nCurrently, it is $",
    menu_manage_company_funds_header = "Manage Company Funds",
    menu_manage_company_funds_footer = "I want to manage this locations funds.",
    menu_manage_company_funds_header_2 = "Funds Management of ",
    menu_manage_company_funds_withdraw_header = "Withdraw Funds",
    menu_manage_company_funds_withdraw_footer = "Withdraw funds from the Station's account.",
    menu_manage_company_funds_deposit_header = "Deposit Funds",
    menu_manage_company_funds_deposit_footer = "Deposit funds to the Station's account.",
    menu_manage_company_funds_return_header = "Return",
    menu_manage_company_funds_return_footer = "I want to discuss something else!",

    menu_manage_change_name_header = "Change Location Name",
    menu_manage_change_name_footer = "I want to change the location name.",

    menu_manage_sell_station_footer = "Sell your gas station for $",

    menu_manage_close = "I actually don't have anything more to discuss!",

    -- Jerry Can Menus
    menu_jerry_can_purchase_header = "Purchase Jerry Can for $",
    menu_jerry_can_footer_full_gas = "Your Jerry Can is full!",
    menu_jerry_can_footer_refuel_gas = "Refuel your Jerry Can!",
    menu_jerry_can_footer_use_gas = "Put your gasoline to use and refuel the vehicle!",
    menu_jerry_can_footer_no_gas = "You have no gas in your Jerry Can!",
    menu_jerry_can_footer_close = "I actually don't want a Jerry Can anymore.",
    menu_jerry_can_close = "I actually don't want to use this anymore.",

    -- Syphon Kit Menus
    menu_syphon_kit_full = "Your Syphon Kit is full! It only fits " .. Config.SyphonKitCap .. "L!",
    menu_syphon_vehicle_empty = "This vehicle's fuel tank is empty.",
    menu_syphon_allowed = "Steal fuel from an unsuspecting victim!",
    menu_syphon_refuel = "Put your stolen gasoline to use and refuel the vehicle!",
    menu_syphon_empty = "Put your stolen gasoline to use and refuel the vehicle!",
    menu_syphon_cancel = "I actually don't want to use this anymore. I've turned a new leaf!",
    menu_syphon_header = "Syphon",
    menu_syphon_refuel_header = "Refuel",

    -- Input --
    input_select_refuel_header = "Select how much gas to refuel.",
    input_refuel_submit = "Refuel Vehicle",
    input_refuel_jerrycan_submit = "Refuel Jerry Can",
    input_max_fuel_footer_1 = "Up to ",
    input_max_fuel_footer_2 = "L of gas.",
    input_insert_nozzle = "Insert Nozzle", -- Used for Target as well!

    input_purchase_reserves_header_1 = "Purchase Reserves  \nCurrent Price: $",
    input_purchase_reserves_header_2 = Config.FuelReservesPrice .. " / Liter  \nCurrent Reserves: ",
    input_purchase_reserves_header_3 = " Liters  \nFull Reserve Cost: $",
    input_purchase_reserves_submit_text = "Buy Reserves",
    input_purchase_reserves_text = 'Purchase Fuel Reserves.',

    input_alter_fuel_price_header_1 = "Alter Fuel Price   \nCurrent Price: $",
    input_alter_fuel_price_header_2 = " / Liter",
    input_alter_fuel_price_submit_text = "Change Fuel Price",

    input_change_name_header_1 = "Change ",
    input_change_name_header_2 = "'s Name.",
    input_change_name_submit_text = "Submit Name Change",
    input_change_name_text = "New Name..",

    input_withdraw_funds_header = "Withdraw Funds  \nCurrent Balance: $",
    input_withdraw_submit_text = "Withdraw",
    input_withdraw_text = "Withdraw Funds",

    input_deposit_funds_header = "Deposit Funds  \nCurrent Balance: $",
    input_deposit_submit_text = "Deposit",
    input_deposit_text = "Deposit Funds",

    -- Target
    grab_electric_nozzle = "Grab Electric Nozzle",
    insert_electric_nozzle = "Insert Electric Nozzle",
    grab_nozzle = "Grab Nozzle",
    return_nozzle = "Return Nozzle",
    grab_special_nozzle = "Grab Special Nozzle",
    return_special_nozzle = "Return Special Nozzle",
    buy_jerrycan = "Purchase Jerry Can",
    station_talk_to_ped = "Discuss Gas Station",

    -- Jerry Can
    jerry_can_full = "Your Jerry can is full!",
    jerry_can_refuel = "Refuel your Jerry Can!",
    jerry_can_not_enough_fuel = "The Jerry Can doesn't have this much fuel!",
    jerry_can_not_fit_fuel = "The Jerry Can cannot fit this much fuel!",
    jerry_can_success = "Successfully filled the Jerry Can!",
    jerry_can_success_vehicle = "Successfully fueled the vehicle with the Jerry Can!",
    jerry_can_payment_label = "Purchased Jerry Can.",

    -- Syphoning
    syphon_success = "Successfully syphoned from vehicle!",
    syphon_success_vehicle = "Successfully fueled the vehicle with the Syphon Kit!",
    syphon_electric_vehicle = "This vehicle is electric!",
    syphon_no_syphon_kit = "You need something to syphon gas with.",
    syphon_inside_vehicle = "You cannot syphon from the inside of the vehicle!",
    syphon_more_than_zero = "You have to steal more than 0L!",
    syphon_kit_cannot_fit_1 = "You cannot syphon this much, your can won't fit it! You can only fit: ",
    syphon_kit_cannot_fit_2 = " Liters.",
    syphon_not_enough_gas = "You don't have enough gas to refuel that much!",
    syphon_dispatch_string = "(10-90) - Gasoline Theft",
Lang = Locale:new({phrases = Translations, warnOnMissing = true})


参与人数 1金币 +10 收起 理由
admin + 10 杰瑞米瓦德退款10金币


[发帖际遇]: 杰瑞米瓦德 乐于助人,奖励 98 贡献. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
回复 论坛版权

使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-10-8 05:48:08 | 显示全部楼层
-- 燃油
set_fuel_debug = "设置燃油为:",
cancelled = "已取消。",
not_enough_money = "你没有足够的钱!",
not_enough_money_in_bank = "你在银行里没有足够的钱!",
not_enough_money_in_cash = "你口袋里没有足够的钱!",
more_than_zero = "你必须加油超过0升!",
emergency_shutoff_active = "油泵目前通过紧急关闭系统关闭。",
nozzle_cannot_reach = "喷嘴无法伸到那么远!",
station_no_fuel = "该加油站没有燃油!",
station_not_enough_fuel = "该加油站没有这么多燃油!",
show_input_key_special = "靠近车辆时按下以加油!",
tank_cannot_fit = "你的油箱无法容纳这个!",
tank_already_full = "你的车辆已经满油!",
need_electric_charger = "我需要去电动充电站!",
cannot_refuel_inside = "你无法在车内加油!",

-- 2.1.2 -- 储备油提取 ---
fuel_order_ready = "你的燃油订单可以提取了!查看你的GPS找到提取地点!",
draw_text_fuel_dropoff = " 卸车",
fuel_pickup_success = "你的储备油已加满至:%sL",
fuel_pickup_failed = "Ron Oil刚刚将燃油送到你的加油站!",
trailer_too_far = "拖车未连接到卡车或距离太远!",

-- 2.1.0
no_nozzle = "你没有喷嘴!",
vehicle_is_damaged = "车辆损坏太严重,无法加油!",
vehicle_too_far = "你距离车辆太远,无法加油!",
inside_vehicle = "你无法从车内加油!",
you_are_discount_eligible = "如果你开始工作,你可能会获得" .. Config.EmergencyServicesDiscount['discount'] .. "%的折扣!",
no_fuel = "没有燃油..",

-- 电动
electric_more_than_zero = "你必须充电超过0KW!",
electric_vehicle_not_electric = "你的车辆不是电动的!",
electric_no_nozzle = "你的车辆不是电动的!",

-- 电话 --
electric_phone_header = "电动充电器",
electric_phone_notification = "电力总费用:$",
fuel_phone_header = "加油站",
phone_notification = "总费用:$",
phone_refund_payment_label = "在加油站退款!",

-- 加油站
station_per_liter = " / 升!",
station_already_owned = "该地点已经被拥有!",
station_cannot_sell = "你不能出售这个地点!",
station_sold_success = "你成功出售了这个地点!",
station_not_owner = "你不拥有这个地点!",
station_amount_invalid = "数量无效!",
station_more_than_one = "你必须购买超过1升!",
station_price_too_high = "这个价格太高了!",
station_price_too_low = "这个价格太低了!",
station_name_invalid = "这个名字无效!",
station_name_too_long = "名字不能超过" .. Config.NameChangeMaxChar .. "个字符。",
station_name_too_short = "名字必须超过" .. Config.NameChangeMinChar .. "个字符。",
station_withdraw_too_much = "你不能提取超过加油站有的金额!",
station_withdraw_too_little = "你不能提取少于$1!",
station_success_withdrew_1 = "成功提取$",
station_success_withdrew_2 = "从这个加油站的余额中!", -- 在前面留个空格!
station_deposit_too_much = "你不能存入超过你拥有的金额!",
station_deposit_too_little = "你不能存入少于$1!",
station_success_deposit_1 = "成功存入$",
station_success_deposit_2 = "到这个加油站的余额中!", -- 在前面留个空格!
station_cannot_afford_deposit = "你无法负担存入$",
station_shutoff_success = "成功更改该地点的关闭阀状态!",
station_fuel_price_success = "成功将燃油价格更改为$",
station_reserve_cannot_fit = "储备油无法容纳这个!",
station_reserves_over_max = "你购买的数量将超过最大限量" .. Config.MaxFuelReserves .. "升",
station_name_change_success = "成功更改名称为:", -- 在后面留个空格!
station_purchased_location_payment_label = "购买了一个加油站位置:",
station_sold_location_payment_label = "出售了一个加油站位置:",
station_withdraw_payment_label = "从加油站提取资金。地点:",
station_deposit_payment_label = "向加油站存入资金。地点:",
-- 所有进度条
prog_refueling_vehicle = "正在为车辆加油..",
prog_electric_charging = "正在充电..",
prog_jerry_can_refuel = "正在为备用油壶加油..",
prog_syphoning = "正在抽油..",

-- 菜单

menu_header_cash = "现金",
menu_header_bank = "银行",
menu_header_close = "取消",
menu_pay_with_cash = "使用现金支付。  \n你有:$",
menu_pay_with_bank = "使用银行支付。",
menu_refuel_header = "加油站",
menu_refuel_accept = "我想购买燃油。",
menu_refuel_cancel = "我实际上不想要燃油了。",
menu_pay_label_1 = "汽油 @ ",
menu_pay_label_2 = " /L",
menu_header_jerry_can = "备用油壶",
menu_header_refuel_jerry_can = "为备用油壶加油",
menu_header_refuel_vehicle = "为车辆加油",

menu_electric_cancel = "我实际上不想再给我的车充电了。",
menu_electric_header = "电动充电器",
menu_electric_accept = "我想支付电费。",
menu_electric_payment_label_1 = "电费 @ ",
menu_electric_payment_label_2 = " /KW",

-- 加油站菜单

menu_ped_manage_location_header = "管理此地点",
menu_ped_manage_location_footer = "如果你是拥有者,你可以管理此地点。",

menu_ped_purchase_location_header = "购买此地点",
menu_ped_purchase_location_footer = "如果没有人拥有这个地方,你可以购买它。",

menu_ped_emergency_shutoff_header = "切换紧急关闭",
menu_ped_emergency_shutoff_footer = "在紧急情况下关闭燃油。   \n油泵目前是 ",

menu_ped_close_header = "取消对话",
menu_ped_close_footer = "我实际上不想再讨论任何事情了。",

menu_station_reserves_header = "购买储备油:",
menu_station_reserves_purchase_header = "购买储备油:$",
menu_station_reserves_purchase_footer = "是的,我想以$购买燃油储备",
menu_station_reserves_cancel_footer = "我实际上不想再购买更多储备油!",

menu_purchase_station_header_1 = "总费用将为:$",
menu_purchase_station_header_2 = " 包括税费。",
menu_purchase_station_confirm_header = "确认",
menu_purchase_station_confirm_footer = "我想以$购买此地点",
menu_purchase_station_cancel_footer = "我实际上不想再购买这个地方了。这个价格太离谱了!",

menu_sell_station_header = "出售 ",
menu_sell_station_header_accept = "出售加油站",
menu_sell_station_footer_accept = "是的,我想以$出售此地点",
menu_sell_station_footer_close = "我实际上没有更多事情要讨论。",

menu_manage_header = "管理 ",
menu_manage_reserves_header = "燃油储备  \n",
menu_manage_reserves_footer_1 = " 升 / ",
menu_manage_reserves_footer_2 = " 升  \n你可以在下面购买更多储备油!",

menu_manage_purchase_reserves_header = "购买更多燃油储备",
menu_manage_purchase_reserves_footer = "我想以$购买更多燃油储备",
menu_manage_purchase_reserves_footer_2 = " /L!",

menu_alter_fuel_price_header = "更改燃油价格",
menu_alter_fuel_price_footer_1 = "我想更改我加油站的燃油价格!  \n当前价格为$",

menu_manage_company_funds_header = "管理公司资金",
menu_manage_company_funds_footer = "我想管理这个地点的资金。",
menu_manage_company_funds_header_2 = "资金管理 ",
menu_manage_company_funds_withdraw_header = "提取资金",
menu_manage_company_funds_withdraw_footer = "从车站账户提取资金。",
menu_manage_company_funds_deposit_header = "存入资金",
menu_manage_company_funds_deposit_footer = "向车站账户存入资金。",
menu_manage_company_funds_return_header = "返回",
menu_manage_company_funds_return_footer = "我想谈论其他事情!",

menu_manage_change_name_header = "更改地点名称",
menu_manage_change_name_footer = "我想更改地点名称。",

menu_manage_sell_station_footer = "将你的加油站出售$",

menu_manage_close = "我实际上没有更多事情要讨论!", 

-- 备用油壶菜单 
menu_jerry_can_purchase_header = "以$购买备用油壶",
menu_jerry_can_footer_full_gas = "你的备用油壶已满!",
menu_jerry_can_footer_refuel_gas = "给你的备用油壶加油!",
menu_jerry_can_footer_use_gas = "利用你的汽油为车辆加油!",
menu_jerry_can_footer_no_gas = "你的备用油壶里没有油!",
menu_jerry_can_footer_close = "我实际上不想要备用油壶了。",
menu_jerry_can_close = "我实际上不想再使用这个了。",

-- 抽油工具菜单
menu_syphon_kit_full = "你的抽油工具已满!它最多只能装 " .. Config.SyphonKitCap .. "L!",
menu_syphon_vehicle_empty = "这辆车的油箱是空的。",
menu_syphon_allowed = "从一个毫无防备的受害者那里偷油!",
menu_syphon_refuel = "将你偷来的汽油用来为车辆加油!",
menu_syphon_empty = "将你偷来的汽油用来为车辆加油!",
menu_syphon_cancel = "我实际上不想再使用这个了。我要重新开始新生活!",
menu_syphon_header = "抽油",
menu_syphon_refuel_header = "加油",

-- 输入 --
input_select_refuel_header = "选择加多少油。",
input_refuel_submit = "为车辆加油",
input_refuel_jerrycan_submit = "为备用油壶加油",
input_max_fuel_footer_1 = "最多 ",
input_max_fuel_footer_2 = "升。",
input_insert_nozzle = "插入喷嘴", -- 也用于目标!

input_purchase_reserves_header_1 = "购买储备油  \n当前价格:$",
input_purchase_reserves_header_2 = Config.FuelReservesPrice .. " / 升  \n当前储备:",
input_purchase_reserves_header_3 = " 升  \n全部储备费用:$",
input_purchase_reserves_submit_text = "购买储备",
input_purchase_reserves_text = '购买燃油储备。',

input_alter_fuel_price_header_1 = "更改燃油价格   \n当前价格:$",
input_alter_fuel_price_header_2 = " / 升",
input_alter_fuel_price_submit_text = "更改燃油价格",

input_change_name_header_1 = "更改 ",
input_change_name_header_2 = "'s 名称。",
input_change_name_submit_text = "提交名称更改",
input_change_name_text = "新名称..",

input_withdraw_funds_header = "提取资金  \n当前余额:$",
input_withdraw_submit_text = "提取",
input_withdraw_text = "提取资金",

input_deposit_funds_header = "存入资金  \n当前余额:$",
input_deposit_submit_text = "存入",
input_deposit_text = "存入资金",

-- 目标
grab_electric_nozzle = "抓取电动喷嘴",
insert_electric_nozzle = "插入电动喷嘴",
grab_nozzle = "抓取喷嘴",
return_nozzle = "归还喷嘴",
grab_special_nozzle = "抓取特殊喷嘴",
return_special_nozzle = "归还特殊喷嘴",
buy_jerrycan = "购买备用油壶",
station_talk_to_ped = "讨论加油站",

-- 备用油壶
jerry_can_full = "你的备用油壶已满!",
jerry_can_refuel = "给你的备用油壶加油!",
jerry_can_not_enough_fuel = "备用油壶没有这么多油!",
jerry_can_not_fit_fuel = "备用油壶无法容纳这么多油!",
jerry_can_success = "成功装满备用油壶!",
jerry_can_success_vehicle = "成功用备用油壶为车辆加油!",
jerry_can_payment_label = "购买备用油壶。",

-- 抽油
syphon_success = "成功从车辆抽油!",
syphon_success_vehicle = "成功用抽油工具为车辆加油!",
syphon_electric_vehicle = "这辆车是电动的!",
syphon_no_syphon_kit = "你需要一些东西来抽油。",
syphon_inside_vehicle = "你无法在车内抽油!",
syphon_more_than_zero = "你必须抽取超过0升!",
syphon_kit_cannot_fit_1 = "你不能抽那么多油,你的罐子装不下!你只能装:",
syphon_kit_cannot_fit_2 = " 升。",
syphon_not_enough_gas = "你没有足够的油来加满它!",
syphon_dispatch_string = "(10-90) - 汽油盗窃",
Lang = Locale:new({phrases = Translations, warnOnMissing = true})


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