page = 'mypets'; pedId = 0;
pedCategory = 'Dogs';
pedGender = 'M';
buyId = 0;
number = 0;
texture = 0;
type = "";
petsData = [];
firstData = [];
id = 0;
mynetID = 0;
petName = "";
petLabel = "";
petHungryLevel = 0;
petThirstLevel = 0;
petEnergyLevel = 0;
petHealthLevel = 0;
petGender = "";
petLevel = 0;
pedHash = 0;
hungryDecrase = 0;
thirstDecrase = 0;
animalList = "";
listOf = "";
petXP = 0;
lastXP = 0;
petTexureID = 0;
spawn = false;
outside = 0;
interactBool = false;
showInfo = true;
items = [];
totalPrice = 0;
basketItems = [];
generalData = [];
petCoord = [];
shopCoord = [];
duiCoord = [];
updatePetCoords = false;
updateShopCoords = false;
updateDuiCoords = false;
window.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
e =
if (whileLoop == false) {
switch (e.action) {
return openBuyScreen(e);
case "BUY_SHOP":
return buyShop(e);
case "BOSS_MENU":
return bossMenu(e);
case "MY_PETS":
return myPets(e);
case "SHOW_KEY":
const coordX = e.coordX;
const coordY = e.coordY;
return showKey(coordX, coordY, e.petName,e.petLevel,e.petIMG,e.petHungryLevel, e.petThirstLevel, e.petEnergyLevel, e.petHealthLevel, e.petGender, e.vehicleSeat, e.showInfo,e.Locales);
case "CLOSE_KEY":
return closeInteractionKey();
return openControlMenu(, e.Locales, e.Orders, e.ManualMode, e.isSelling)
return openItemShop(;
return openPermission(;
case "PET_COORDS":
return petCoords(e);
case "OPEN_DUI":
return openDui(e);
case "CLOSE_DUI":
return closeDui();
$(document).on('click', '.shop-box .purchase', function (e) {
index = $(this).data('index');
index = index + 1;
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/buyshop`, JSON.stringify({index:index}), function (a) {
if (a) {
notification('success', 'Purchase successful');
notification('error', 'An error occurred while purchasing');
$(document).on('click', '.shop-box .map', function (e) {
coords = $(this).data('coords');
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/setWaypoint`, JSON.stringify({coords:coords}), function (a) {
if (a) {
notification('success', 'Waypoint set successfully');
notification('error', 'An error occurred while setting the waypoint');
$(document).on('click', '.list', function (e) {
pedId = $(this).data('id');
pedCategory = $(this).data('category');
if ($(this).hasClass('fa-eye')) {
$(this).parent().css('opacity', '0.5');
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/hidePet`, JSON.stringify({pedId:pedId,pedCategory:pedCategory,hide:false}), function (a) {})
} else {
$(this).parent().css('opacity', '1');
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/hidePet`, JSON.stringify({pedId:pedId,pedCategory:pedCategory,hide:true}), function (a) {})
$(document).on('click', '.pay-button', function (e) {
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/pay`, JSON.stringify({amount:totalPrice,basket:basketItems,method:$(this).data('method')}), function (a) {
if (a) {
notification('success', 'Payment successful');
notification('error', 'An error occurred while paying');
$(document).on('click', '.shop-panel', function (e) {
'filter': '',
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'filter': 'brightness(1.2) drop-shadow(0 0 0.35rem #FFD15B)',
'cursor': 'pointer'
$(this).find('svg path').css({
'fill': '#FFD15B'
category = $(this).data('category');
$.each(items[category], function (i, v) {
<div class="item">
<div class="price">$${formatNumber(v.price)}</div>
<div class="alt">${category} </div>
<div class="name">${v.label}</div>
<svg data-img="${v.img}" data-price="${v.price}" data-item=${} width="38" height="38" viewBox="0 0 38 38" fill="none" xmlns="">
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if (basketItem) {
basketItem.count += 1;
} else {
basketItems.push({ item, price, img, count: 1 });
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<div class="price">$${formatNumber(price)}</div>
<div class="name">${item}</div>
<div class="arti">+</div>
<div class="eksi">-</div>
<div class="count">1</div>
totalPrice += price;
$('.total-payment').html('$' + formatNumber(totalPrice));
$(document).on('click', '.basket-list .basket-item .arti', function (e) {
const $parent = $(this).parent();
const item = $'item');
const basketItem = basketItems.find(b => b.item === item);
if (basketItem) {
basketItem.count += 1;
let count = basketItem.count;
totalPrice += basketItem.price;
$('.total-payment').html('$' + formatNumber(totalPrice));
$(document).on('click', '.basket-list .basket-item .eksi', function (e) {
const $parent = $(this).parent();
const item = $'item');
const basketItem = basketItems.find(b => b.item === item);
if (basketItem) {
basketItem.count -= 1;
let count = basketItem.count;
if (count === 0) {
basketItems = basketItems.filter(b => b.item !== item);
} else {
totalPrice -= basketItem.price;
$('.total-payment').html('$' + formatNumber(totalPrice));
let whileLoop = false;
function openDui(data) {
if (whileLoop == false) {
$('body , .dui').show();
$('.dui img').attr('src', data.img);
whileLoop = true;
function closeDui(data){
$('body , .dui').fadeOut(100);
whileLoop = false;
function openItemShop(data) {
$('body , .shop-menu').fadeIn(100);
$('.item-list , .basket-list').empty();
items = data['items'];
$.each(data['items']['dog'], function (i, v) {
<div class="item">
<div class="price">$${formatNumber(v.price)}</div>
<div class="alt">dog </div>
<div class="name">${v.label}</div>
<svg data-img="${v.img}" data-price="${v.price}" data-item=${} width="38" height="38" viewBox="0 0 38 38" fill="none" xmlns="">
<rect width="38" height="38" rx="4" fill="#FFD15B"/>
<path d="M15.0003 26.9999C15.7367 26.9999 16.3337 26.403 16.3337 25.6666C16.3337 24.9302 15.7367 24.3333 15.0003 24.3333C14.2639 24.3333 13.667 24.9302 13.667 25.6666C13.667 26.403 14.2639 26.9999 15.0003 26.9999Z" fill="#0A0A0A"/>
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<path d="M26.7 13.3658C26.6063 13.2513 26.4883 13.159 26.3546 13.0957C26.2208 13.0324 26.0746 12.9997 25.9267 13H13.2454L12.99 11.5508C12.9628 11.3965 12.882 11.2566 12.7619 11.1559C12.6418 11.0552 12.4901 11 12.3333 11H9.66667C9.48986 11 9.32029 11.0702 9.19526 11.1953C9.07024 11.3203 9 11.4899 9 11.6667C9 11.8435 9.07024 12.013 9.19526 12.1381C9.32029 12.2631 9.48986 12.3333 9.66667 12.3333H11.7742L13.6767 23.1158C13.7039 23.2702 13.7847 23.41 13.9047 23.5108C14.0248 23.6115 14.1766 23.6667 14.3333 23.6667H25C25.1768 23.6667 25.3464 23.5964 25.4714 23.4714C25.5964 23.3464 25.6667 23.1768 25.6667 23C25.6667 22.8232 25.5964 22.6536 25.4714 22.5286C25.3464 22.4036 25.1768 22.3333 25 22.3333H14.8925L14.6575 21H24.7267C24.9579 20.9997 25.1819 20.9195 25.3607 20.7731C25.5396 20.6266 25.6624 20.4228 25.7083 20.1962L26.9083 14.1963C26.9372 14.051 26.9336 13.9012 26.8975 13.7576C26.8615 13.614 26.794 13.4802 26.7 13.3658Z" fill="#0A0A0A"/>
function openPermission(data) {
$('.members-box , .hired-box').empty();
$.each(data['members'], function (i, v) {
<div class="member-item">
<div class="name">${}</div>
<div class="position">User</div>
<div class="auth">Authority</div>
<div class="auth-status">None</div>
$.each(data['players'], function (i, v) {
<div class="hired-item">
<div class="name">${}</div>
<div class="position">Manager</div>
<div class="auth">Authority</div>
<div class="auth-status">None</div>
function openControlMenu(data,Locales, Orders, ManualMode, isSelling) {
$('body , .pet-interact').fadeIn(100);
$('.pet-interact .name').html(data.petName);
$('.pet-interact .petinteract-img').attr('src', data.petIMG);
$('.pet-interact .hearth-svg').css('stroke-dasharray', data.petHealthLevel + ' 2000');
$.each(Orders, function (i, v) {
if (v.listOf.includes(data.listOf)) {
let clickable, style, imgSrc;
if (data.petHealthLevel >= 3 && data.petLevel >= v.level) {
clickable = true;
style = "";
imgSrc = v.svg;
} else {
clickable = false;
style = "color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.5);";
imgSrc = '../images/locked.png';
<div data-netid="${Number(data.netID)}" data-animaltype="${data.listOf}" data-event="${v.args}" data-clickable="${clickable}" class="interact-item">
<div class="text" style="${style}">${v.label}</div>
$('.interact-item').click(function (e) {
const eventName = $(this).attr('data-event');
const animalType = $(this).attr('data-animaltype');
const animalNetworkID = $(this).attr('data-netid');
const clickable = $(this).attr('data-clickable') === "true";
if (eventName === "lab-pet:client:backPet") {
$('body, .pet-interact').fadeOut(100);
if (clickable) {
$.post("https://lab-petv3/setEvent", JSON.stringify({
const interactionKeyDOM = document.getElementsByClassName("dog-interact-box")[0];
let interactionKeyOpened = false;
function showKey(coordX, coordY,petName,petLevel,petIMG,petHungryLevel, petThirstLevel, petEnergyLevel, petHealthLevel, petGender, vehicleSeat, showInfo, Locales) {
interactBool = true
$('body, .dog-interact-box').fadeIn(100);
showInfo = showInfo
if (!vehicleSeat) {
if (showInfo) {
if (interactionKeyOpened) { = coordX*100+"%"; = (100 - coordX*100)+"%"; = coordY*80+"%"; = (100 - coordY*100)+"%";
else { = coordX*100+"%"; = (100 - coordX*100)+"%"; = coordY*80+"%"; = (100 - coordY*100)+"%";
interactionKeyOpened = true;
interactionKeyDOM.classList.remove("fadeIn"); = 1
}, 1000);
$('.dog-interact-box .alt').html(petName);
$('.dog-interact-box img').attr('src', petIMG);
const closeInteractionKey = () => {
interactBool = false
if (showInfo) {
interactionKeyOpened = false;
interactionKeyDOM.classList.remove("fadeOut"); = 0
}, 1000);
// $(document).on('keydown', function () {
// switch (event.keyCode) {
// case 69:
// if (interactionKeyOpened) {
// $(".pet-operations").fadeIn(500)
// $(".pet-operations").show()
// }else{
// $(".pet-operations").fadeOut(500)
// }
// }
// });
function bossMenu(e) {
$('body, .boss-menu').fadeIn(100);
<div class="edit-box">
<div class="change-text">更改照片</div>
<div class="name-box">
<div class="text">宠物爱称</div>
<input class="name-input setname" value="Snoop Dogg" type="text">
<div class="name-box" style="top: 47%;">
<div class="text">IMG</div>
<input class="name-input setimg" value="" type="text">
<div class="name-box" style="top: 59%;">
<div class="text">宠物价格</div>
<input class="name-input setprice" style="color: #FFD15B;" value="Snoop Dogg" type="number">
<div class="name-box" style="top: 71%;">
<div class="text">性别</div>
<div class="save mypets-save" >保存更改</div>
const shopsData = e['data']['shopsData'];
const logs = shopsData.logs || [];
const pets = shopsData.pets ? shopsData.pets['Dogs'] || [] : [];
const cats = shopsData.pets ? shopsData.pets['Cat'] || [] : [];
generalData = || [];
const level = shopsData.level || { level: 0, xp: 0 };
const currentXp = level.xp;
const currentLevelXp = e['data']['level'][level.level] ? e['data']['level'][level.level].xp : 0;
const nextLevelXp = e['data']['level'][level.level + 1] ? e['data']['level'][level.level + 1].xp : 100;
const xpPercentage = ((currentXp - currentLevelXp) / (nextLevelXp - currentLevelXp)) * 144;
const barPercentage = ((currentXp - currentLevelXp) / (nextLevelXp - currentLevelXp)) * 100;
$('.menu-box .level-box svg').css('stroke-dasharray', 144+xpPercentage + ' 2000');
$('.bar').css('width', 100+barPercentage + '%');
$('.current-xp').html(currentXp + " xp");
$('.required-xp').html(nextLevelXp + " xp");
$('.total-price').html('$' + formatNumber(;
$('.level-box .name').html( + ' Pet Shop' || 'Unknown');
logs.forEach(log => {
<div class="sell-item">
<div class="name">${log.playerName}</div>
<div class="alt">bought <span style="color: #FFD15B;">${log.petName} ${log.action}</span> for <span style="color: #FFD15B;">$${formatNumber(log.amount)}</span></div>
pets.forEach(pet => {
const genderText = pet.petGender === 'M' ? 'male' : 'female';
const genderImg = pet.petGender === 'M' ? '../images/male.png' : '../images/female.png';
const displayLocked = level.level < pet.requiredLevel ? 'flex' : 'none';
<div class="mypet-item" style="opacity: ${pet.list ? 1 : 0.5};">
<div style=" width: 30%;height: 24%;left: 33%;top: 8%;z-index: 5;" class="loader"></div>
<div style="display:${displayLocked};" class="locked-bg">
<div class="text" style="color: white;">This pet is locked</div>
<div class="text" style="top: 60%;">reach 15 level to unlock this pet</div>
<div class="bg-blur"></div>
<div class="name">${pet.petName}</div>
<div class="name-alt">
<div class="text">${pet.petNickName}</div>
<div class="levels-box">${pet.petLevel} level</div>
<div class="sex-box">${genderText}
<div class="hr"></div>
<div class="price-header">Price</div>
<div class="prices">$${formatNumber(pet.price)}</div>
<i data-ped="${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(pet))}" data-id="${}" data-category="${pet.listOf}" class="fa ${pet.list ? 'fa-eye' : 'fa-eye-slash'} list" style="font-size:2vh"></i>
$('.mypets-list .loadimg:last').on('load', function() {
}).each(function() {
if(this.complete) $(this).load();
cats.forEach(cat => {
const genderText = cat.petGender === 'M' ? 'male' : 'female';
const genderImg = cat.petGender === 'M' ? '../images/male.png' : '../images/female.png';
const displayLocked = level.level < cat.requiredLevel ? 'flex' : 'none';
<div class="mypet-item" style="opacity: ${cat.list ? 1 : 0.5};">
<div style=" width: 30%;height: 24%;left: 33%;top: 8%;z-index: 5;" class="loader"></div>
<div style="display:${displayLocked};" class="locked-bg">
<div class="text" style="color: white;">This pet is locked</div>
<div class="text" style="top: 60%;">reach 15 level to unlock this pet</div>
<div class="bg-blur"></div>
<div class="name">${cat.petName}</div>
<div class="name-alt">
<div class="text">${cat.petNickName}</div>
<div class="levels-box">${cat.petLevel} level</div>
<div class="sex-box">${genderText}
<div class="hr"></div>
<div class="price-header">Price</div>
<div class="prices">$${formatNumber(cat.price)}</div>
<i data-ped="${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(cat))}" data-id="${}" data-category="${cat.listOf}" class="fa ${cat.list ? 'fa-eye' : 'fa-eye-slash'} list" style="font-size:2vh"></i>
$('.mypets-list .loadimg:last').on('load', function() {
}).each(function() {
if(this.complete) $(this).load();
function myPets(data) {
$('body , .mypets').fadeIn(100);
firstData = data['petlist'][0];
$('.mypets .pet-name').html(firstData.petName);
$('.mypets .pet-name').attr('src', firstData.petIMG);
$('.mypets .my-years').html(firstData.petAge + ' Years');
$('.mypets .my-level').html(firstData.petLevel + ' Level');
$('.mypets .my-sex-img').attr('src', firstData.petGender === 'M' ? '../images/sec.png' : '../images/sec2.png');
$('.mypets .my-sex').html(firstData.petGender === 'M' ? 'Male' : 'Female');
$.each(data['petlist'], function (i, v) {
sex = v.petGender === 'M' ? '../images/sec.png' : '../images/sec2.png';
sexCss = v.petGender === 'M' ? 'width:5%;height:15%;' : 'width:5%;height:21%;';
<div data-ped="${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(v))}" data-level="${v.petLevel}" data-age="${v.petAge}" class="owned-item">
<div class="pet-name">${v.petName}</div>
<div class="pet-features">${v.petLevel} level , ${v.petAge} years old </div>
$('.owned-box .owned-item:first').css({
border: '1px solid rgba(255, 209, 91, 0.75)',
background: 'rgba(255, 209, 91, 0.20)',
'border-radius': '0vh'
setPetData($('.owned-box .owned-item:first'));
$('.owned-box .owned-item').on('click', function () {
function setPetData(element) {
$('.mypets .pet-name').html(element.find('.pet-name').html());
$('.mypets .pet-name').attr('src', element.find('.pet-img').attr('src'));
$('.mypets .my-years').html('age') + ' Years');
$('.mypets .my-level').html('level') + ' Level');
pet = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent('ped')));
id =;
mynetID = pet.netID;
petName = pet.petName;
petLabel = pet.petLabel;
petHungryLevel = pet.petHungryLevel;
petThirstLevel = pet.petThirstLevel;
petEnergyLevel = pet.petEnergyLevel;
petHealthLevel = pet.petHealthLevel;
petGender = pet.petGender;
petLevel = pet.petLevel;
pedHash = pet.pedHash;
hungryDecrase = pet.hungryDecrase;
thirstDecrase = pet.thirstDecrase;
animalList = pet.animalList;
listOf = pet.listOf;
petXP = pet.petXP;
lastXP = pet.lastXP;
petTexureID = pet.petTexureID;
spawn = pet.spawn;
outside = pet.isOutSide;
if (outside==1) {
$('.take-it').html(' take it in');
$('.take-it').html(' take it out');
$(document).on('click', '.owned-item', function (e) {
$('.mypets .owned-box .owned-item').css({
border: '1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.35)',
background: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.10)',
'border-radius': '0.5vh'
border: '1px solid rgba(255, 209, 91, 0.75)',
background: 'rgba(255, 209, 91, 0.20)',
'border-radius': '0vh'
$('.mypets .pet-name').html($(this).find('.pet-name').html());
$('.mypets .pet-name').attr('src', $(this).find('.pet-img').attr('src'));
$('.mypets .my-years').html($(this).data('age') + ' Years');
$('.mypets .my-level').html($(this).data('level') + ' Level');
pet = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent($(this).data('ped')));
id =;
mynetID = pet.netID;
petName = pet.petName;
petLabel = pet.petLabel;
petHungryLevel = pet.petHungryLevel;
petThirstLevel = pet.petThirstLevel;
petEnergyLevel = pet.petEnergyLevel;
petHealthLevel = pet.petHealthLevel;
petGender = pet.petGender;
petLevel = pet.petLevel;
pedHash = pet.pedHash;
hungryDecrase = pet.hungryDecrase;
thirstDecrase = pet.thirstDecrase;
animalList = pet.animalList;
listOf = pet.listOf;
petXP = pet.petXP;
lastXP = pet.lastXP;
petTexureID = pet.petTexureID;
spawn = pet.spawn;
outside = pet.isOutSide;
if (outside==1) {
$('.take-it').html(' take it in');
$('.take-it').html(' take it out');
// $.post("https://lab-petv3/spawnPet", JSON.stringify({id,mynetID, petName,petLabel,petHungryLevel,petThirstLevel,petEnergyLevel,petHealthLevel,petGender,petLevel,pedHash,hungryDecrase,thirstDecrase,animalList,listOf, petXP, lastXP,petTexureID,spawn}),function (x) {})
$(document).on('click', '.take-it', function (e) {
if (outside==1) {
$.post("https://lab-petv3/takeInPet", JSON.stringify({id,mynetID, petName,petLabel,petHungryLevel,petThirstLevel,petEnergyLevel,petHealthLevel,petGender,petLevel,pedHash,hungryDecrase,thirstDecrase,animalList,listOf, petXP, lastXP,petTexureID,spawn}),function (x) {})
$.post("https://lab-petv3/spawnPet", JSON.stringify({id,mynetID, petName,petLabel,petHungryLevel,petThirstLevel,petEnergyLevel,petHealthLevel,petGender,petLevel,pedHash,hungryDecrase,thirstDecrase,animalList,listOf, petXP, lastXP,petTexureID,spawn}),function (x) {})
$('body, .mypets').fadeOut(100);
$(document).on('click', '.member-item .arti', function (e) {
const $parent = $(this).closest('.member-item');
const id = $(this).data('id');
const name = $(this).data('name');
const identifier = $(this).data('identifier');
const img = $parent.find('img.user-img').attr('src');
<div class="hired-item">
<div class="name">${name}</div>
<div class="position">Manager</div>
<div class="auth">Authority</div>
<div class="auth-status">Employee</div>
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/addManager`, JSON.stringify({
name: name,
identifier: identifier,
id: id
}), function (a) {});
$(document).on('click', '.hired-item .arti', function (e) {
const $parent = $(this).closest('.hired-item');
const id = $(this).data('id');
const name = $(this).data('name');
const identifier = $(this).data('identifier');
const img = $parent.find('img.user-img').attr('src');
<div class="member-item">
<div class="name">${name}</div>
<div class="position">User</div>
<div class="auth">Authority</div>
<div class="auth-status">None</div>
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/removeManager`, JSON.stringify({
name: name,
identifier: identifier,
id: id
}), function (a) {});
function notification(type, text) {
setTimeout(() => {
$('.notification').fadeOut(100, function() {
}, 3000);
function buyShop(data) {
$('body, .buy-shop').fadeIn(100);
$('.mypets, .boss-menu, .pet-interact, .pet-select').fadeOut();
$.each(data['data']['shops'], function(i, v) {
let stars = '';
for (let j = 0; j < v.rate; j++) {
stars += '';
<div class="item">
<div class="color"></div>
<div class="color-hover"></div>
<div class="stars-box">${stars}</div>
<div class="type">${v.level}</div>
<div class="name">${}</div>
<div class="description">${v.description}</div>
<div class="coord1">${v.neighborhood}</div>
<div class="coord1" style="left: 30%;">${v.street}</div>
<div class="price">$ ${formatNumber(v.price)}</div>
<div data-index=${i} class="purchase">Purchase</div>
<div data-coords="${v.coords}" class="map">
function formatNumber(num) {
return num.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
function openBuyScreen(data) {
$('body , .pet-select').fadeIn(100);
petsData = data['data']['shopsData']['pets'];
firstData = data['data']['shopsData']['pets'];
$.each(data['data']['shopsData']['pets']['Dogs'], function (i,v) {
if (v.list) {
<div data-id=${i} data-hash=${v.pedHash} data-ped="${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(v))}" class="pet-item">
<div class="loader"></div>
<div class="status-border">
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$('.pets-box img:last').on('load', function() {
}).each(function() {
if(this.complete) $(this).load();
$(document).on('click', '.withdraw-button', function (e) {
withdrawAmount = $('.total-price').html().replace('$', '').replace(/,/g, '');
if (withdrawAmount=="0") {
notification('error', 'You have no money to withdraw');
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/withdraw`, JSON.stringify({}), function (a) {
if (a) {
notification('success', 'Withdraw successful');
notification('error', 'An error occurred while withdrawing');
$(document).on('click', '.personel-panel', function (e) {
if (page === 'personel') {
page = 'mypets';
$(this).html(`My pets
} else {
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/getnearbyplayers`, JSON.stringify({}), function (a) {
a.forEach((member) => {
<div class="member-item">
<div class="name">${}</div>
<div class="position">User</div>
<div class="auth">Authority</div>
<div class="auth-status">None</div>
page = 'personel';
$(this).html(`Personel Panel
$(document).on('click', '.fa-gear', function (e) {
$('#shop-edit , .bg-color').fadeIn(100);
$('#shop-edit').css('display', 'flex');
$('.shopattr').attr('src', generalData.shopimg);
$(document).on('click', '.setpedcoords', function (e) {
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/setcoords`, JSON.stringify({}), function (a) {
if (a) {
notification('success', 'Coordinates set successfully');
petCoord = a;
updatePetCoords = true;
$(document).on('click', '.setprop', function (e) {
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/setprop`, JSON.stringify({}), function (a) {
if (a) {
duiCoord = a;
updateDuiCoords = true;
notification('success', 'Coordinates set successfully');
$(document).on('click', '.setshopcoords', function (e) {
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/setshopcoords`, JSON.stringify({}), function (a) {
if (a) {
shopCoord = a;
updateShopCoords = true;
notification('success', 'Coordinates set successfully');
$(document).on('click', '.shopsettings-save', function (e) {
$('#shop-edit , .bg-color').fadeOut(100);
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/editShop`, JSON.stringify({
updateShopCoords : updateShopCoords,
updatePetCoords : updatePetCoords,
updateDuiCoords : updateDuiCoords
}), function (a) {
if (a) {
updateShopCoords = false;
updatePetCoords = false;
updateDuiCoords = false;
notification('success', 'Shop edited successfully');
$('.shopattr').attr('src', $('.shopvalue').val());
notification('error', 'An error occurred while editing the shop');
$(document).on('click', '.mypets-save', function (e) {
$('.edit-box , .bg-color').fadeOut(100);
$.post(`https://lab-petv3/editPet`, JSON.stringify({
}), function (a) {
if (a) {
notification('success', 'Pet edited successfully');
var editedPet = $('.mypet-item').filter(function() {
return $(this).find('.edit').data('id') === pedId;
editedPet.find('.dog-img.loadimg').attr('src', $('.setimg').val());
editedPet.find('.dog-blur.loadimg').attr('src', $('.setimg').val());
editedPet.find('.prices').text('$' + formatNumber($('.setprice').val()));
notification('error', 'An error occurred while editing the pet');
$(document).on('click', '.setcloth', function(e){
const direction = $(this).data("direction");
type = $(this).data("type");
if (type === "hat") {
number = (direction === "right") ? Math.min(number + 1, 4) : Math.max(number - 1, 0);
}else if(type=="leash"){
number = (direction === "right") ? Math.min(number + 1, 4) : Math.max(number - 1, 0);
}else if(type=="glasses"){
number = (direction === "right") ? Math.min(number + 1, 4) : Math.max(number - 1, 0);
$.post("https://lab-petv3/setcloth", JSON.stringify({ type, number, texture }));
$(document).on('click', '.settexture', function(e){
const direction = $(this).data("direction");
let category = $(this).data("category");
if (category=="hat") {
texture = (direction === "right") ? Math.min(texture + 1, 8) : Math.max(texture - 1, 0);
}else if(category == "leash"){
texture = (direction === "right") ? Math.min(texture + 1, 6) : Math.max(texture - 1, 0);
}else if(category == "glasses"){
texture = (direction === "right") ? Math.min(texture + 1, 6) : Math.max(texture - 1, 0);
$.post("https://lab-petv3/setcloth", JSON.stringify({ type, number, texture }));
$(document).on('click', '.buy-pet', function (e) {
clothArray = [
hat = {
"draw" : $("#hatinput").val(),
"texture" : $(".hattexture").val()
leash = {
"draw" : $("#leashinput").val(),
"texture" : $(".leashtexture").val()
glasses = {
"draw" : $("#glassesinput").val(),
"texture" : $(".glassestexture").val()
sellType = ""
$.post("https://lab-petv3/buyPet", JSON.stringify({buyId,clothArray,pedCategory,sellType}), function (response) {
if (response.success) {
notification('success', 'Purchase successful');
} else if (response.error) {
notification('error', 'An error occurred while purchasing');
} else {
notification('error', 'An unexpected error occurred');
// $('body, .buy-shop').fadeOut(100);
$(document).on('click', '.edit', function (e) {
$('.edit-box , .bg-color').fadeIn(100);
$('.edit-box').css('display', 'flex');
pedId = $(this).data('id');
pedCategory = $(this).data('category');
pedObj = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent($(this).data('ped')));
pedGender = pedObj.petGender;
$('.setedit').attr('src', pedObj.img);
if (pedObj.petGender === 'M') {
$('.male').css('background-color', '#0460A1');
$('.female').css('background-color', '');
} else if (pedObj.petGender === 'F') {
$('.female').css('background-color', '#ED6898');
$('.male').css('background-color', '');
$(document).on('click', '.sex', function (e) {
$('.sex').css('background-color', 'transparent');
$(this).css('background-color', $(this).data('color'));
$(document).on('click', '.pet-item', function (e) {
pedObj = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent($(this).data('ped')));
buyId = $(this).data('id');
pedCategory = pedObj.listOf;
$('.health-stats').css('width', pedObj.healthRatio + '%');
$('.energy-stats').css('width', pedObj.energyRatio + '%');
$('.hungry-stats').css('width', pedObj.hungryRatio + '%');
$('.thirsty-stats').css('width', pedObj.thirstRatio + '%');
$('.petprice').html('$' + formatNumber(pedObj.price));
$('.petyears').html(pedObj.petAge + ' years');
$('.petlevel').html(pedObj.petLevel + ' level');
if (pedObj.petGender=="M") {
$('.petsex').attr('src', '../images/sec.png');
$('.petsex').attr('src', '../images/sec2.png');
$('.pet-item').css({backgroundColor: 'rgb(217, 217, 217,0.4)',border: '1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)'});
$(this).css({backgroundColor: 'white',border: '1px solid white'});
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$.post(`https://lab-petv3/changePet`, JSON.stringify({pedHash:$(this).data('hash')}), function (a) {})
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$(this).css({backgroundColor: 'rgb(255, 209, 91,0.15)',border: '1px solid rgb(255, 209, 91,0.45)'});
petsData = petsData[$(this).data('category')];
$.each(petsData, function (i,v) {
if (v.list) {
<div data-id=${i} data-hash=${v.pedHash} data-ped="${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(v))}" class="pet-item">
<div class="loader"></div>
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$('.pets-box img:last').on('load', function() {
}).each(function() {
if(this.complete) $(this).load();
petsData = firstData;
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$(this).scrollLeft(scrollLeft + delta);
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