"TITLE": "Contacts",
"FIRST_NAME": "First Name",
"LAST_NAME": "Last Name",
"PHONE_NUMBER": "Phone Number",
"MY_CARD": "My Card",
"ADD_PHOTO": "Add Photo",
"REMOVE_CONTACT_TITLE": "Remove Contact",
"REMOVE_CONTACT_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to remove this contact?",
"DELETE_CONTACT": "Delete Contact",
"MESSAGE": "message",
"CALL": "call",
"VIDEO": "video",
"SHARE": "share",
"MAIN": "main",
"SHARE_CONTACT": "Share Contact",
"SHARE_LOCATION": "Share my Location",
"REMOVE_FAVORITE": "Remove from Favorites",
"ADD_FAVORITE": "Add to Favorites",
"ADD_CONTACT": "Add to Contacts",
"UNBLOCK_CALLER": "Unblock this Caller",
"BLOCK_CALLER": "Block this Caller",
"UNBLOCK_NUMBER_TITLE": "Unblock Number",
"UNBLOCK_NUMBER_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to unblock {number}?",
"BLOCK_NUMBER_TITLE": "Block Number",
"BLOCK_NUMBER_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to block {number}?",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"ADDRESS": "Address",
"CHANGE_AVATAR": "Change Avatar",
"REMOVE_AVATAR": "Remove Avatar"
"TITLE": "Favorites",
"REMOVE_TITLE": "Remove from Favorites",
"REMOVE_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to remove this contact from your favorites?",
"TITLE": "Keypad",
"ADD_NUMBER": "Add Number"
"TITLE": "Recents",
"ALL": "All",
"MISSED": "Missed"
"TITLE": "Voicemail",
"AT": "at",
"TITLE": "Delete Voicemail",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to delete this voicemail?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Delete"
"TITLE": "Call",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to call {number}?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Call"
"TITLE": "Wallet",
"BALANCE": "Balance",
"SEND": "Send",
"NEXT": "Next",
"DONE": "Done",
"DONE_SUBTITLE": "You sent {amount} to {number}",
"NO_REFUNDS": "Payments are non refundable, double check the number.",
"NEW_BALANCE": "New Balance",
"HOME": "Home",
"LATEST_TRANSACTIONS": "Latest Transactions",
"TRANSACTIONS": "Transactions",
"ALL_TRANSACTIONS": "All Transactions",
"LATEST_BILLS": "Latest Bills",
"NOW": "Now",
"AGO": "ago",
"SELECT_CONTACT": "Select Contact",
"TODAY": "Today",
"YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
"TITLE": "Not enough money",
"DESCRIPTION": "You do not have enough money to send this amount"
"TITLE": "Could not proceed",
"DESCRIPTION": "The number you entered does not exist or the player is not online"
"TITLE": "Error",
"DESCRIPTION": "You're trying to perform a action that requires internet access, disable airplane mode to continue."
"TITLE": "Invalid amount",
"DESCRIPTION": "You entered an invalid amount"
"TITLE": "Failed to send",
"DESCRIPTION": "Failed to send money (no phone equipped)"
"TITLE": "Daily limit exceeded",
"DESCRIPTION": "You have exceeded your daily limit"
"TITLE": "Weekly limit exceeded",
"DESCRIPTION": "You have exceeded your weekly limit"
"TITLE": "Failed to add money",
"DESCRIPTION": "Failed to add money to the specified account"
"OK": "OK"
"TITLTE": "Garage",
"ACTIONS": "Actions",
"MY_CARS": "My Cars",
"OUT": "Out",
"GARAGE": "Garage",
"IMPOUNDED": "Impounded",
"IMPOUND_INFO": "Impound info",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"SUMMON": "Summon",
"VALET": "Valet",
"STATISTICS": "Statistics",
"FUEL": "Fuel",
"ENGINE": "Engine",
"BODY": "Body",
"VEHICLE": "Vehicle",
"STATUS": "Status",
"LOCKED": "Locked",
"LOCK": "Lock",
"UNLOCKED": "Unlocked",
"UNLOCK": "Unlock",
"TITLE": "Set Waypoint",
"TEXT": "Do you want to set a waypoint to your {model}?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Valet",
"TEXT": "Do you want to valet your {model} ({plate})?",
"TEXT_PAID": "Do you want to valet your {model} ({plate}) for {amount}?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "{toggle} vehicle",
"TEXT": "Do you want to {toggle} your vehicle?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"REASON": "Reason",
"RETRIEVABLE": "Retrievable",
"IMPOUNDER": "Impounded by",
"PRICE": "Cost"
"HOME": {
"TITLE": "Home",
"MY_HOMES": "My Homes",
"MY_HOME": "My Home",
"KEY_ACCESS": "Key Access",
"ACTIONS": "Actions",
"FRONT_DOOR": "Front Door",
"LOCATION": "Location",
"SET_WAYPOINT": "Set Waypoint",
"UNLOCK": "Unlock",
"UNLOCKED": "Unlocked",
"LOCK": "Lock",
"LOCKED": "Locked",
"GIVE_KEY": "Give Key",
"MANAGE": "Manage",
"TITLE": "Set Waypoint",
"TEXT": "Do you want to set a waypoint to {home}?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "{toggle} Home",
"TEXT": "Do you want to {toggle} your home?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Give Key",
"TEXT": "Insert the ID of the person you want to give a key to",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Remove Keyholder",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to remove access from {name}?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"MARKETPLACE": "Marketplace",
"TITLE": "Title",
"SEARCH": "Search for listings or numbers",
"HOME": "Home",
"YOUR_POSTS": "Your Posts",
"PRICE": "Price",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"IMAGES": "Images",
"POST": "Post",
"AMOUNT_OF_TOTAL": "{amount} of {total}",
"MESSAGE": "Message",
"CALL": "Call",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"TITLE": "Error",
"NO_TITLE": "You need to enter a title",
"NO_DESCRIPTION": "You need to enter a description",
"NO_PRICE": "You need to enter a price",
"NO_ATTACHMENTS": "You need to attach at least one image",
"OK": "OK"
"TITLE": "Delete Listing",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to delete this listing?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Delete"
"PAGES": "Pages",
"SEARCH": "Search for posts or numbers",
"FROM": "From",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"NEW_POST": "New Post",
"TITLE": "Title",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"PRICE": "Price",
"POST": "Post",
"CALL": "Call",
"TITLE": "Error",
"NO_TITLE": "You need to enter a title",
"NO_DESCRIPTION": "You need to enter a description",
"OK": "OK"
"TITLE": "Delete Post",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to delete this post?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Delete"
"MAIL": {
"TITLE": "Mail",
"YOU": "You",
"UPDATED_NOW": "Updated just now",
"NEW_MESSAGE": "New Message",
"INBOX": "Inbox",
"TO": "To",
"FROM": "From",
"SUBJECT": "Subject",
"MESSAGE": "Message",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SEND": "Send",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"EMAIL_INVALID": "Invalid email address",
"EMAIL_EXISTS": "Email already exists",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"WRONG_PASSWORD": "Wrong password",
"LOGIN": "Login",
"NO_EMAIL": "Don't have an email address?",
"CREATE_ONE": "Create one",
"UNREAD": "Unread",
"CREATE_MAIL": "Create Email",
"ALREADY_HAVE": "Already have an email address?",
"ADD_EMAIL": "Add Email",
"RE": "Re: {subject}",
"CHANGE_ACCOUNT": "Change Account",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change Password",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Delete Account",
"TITLE": "Sign Out",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to sign out?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Delete Email",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to delete this email?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"DELETE": "Delete"
"MAPS": {
"TITLE": "Maps",
"GO": "Go",
"ADD": "Add",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"SET_WAYPOINT": "Set Waypoint",
"SHARE": "Share",
"TITLE": "Add Location",
"DESCRIPTION": "Enter the name of the location you want to add",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Change Name",
"DESCRIPTION": "Enter the new name of the location",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"MUSIC": {
"TITLE": "Music",
"LIBRARY": "Library",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"ADD_QUEUE": "Add to Queue",
"ADD_PLAYLIST": "Add to Playlist",
"REMOVE_SONG": "Remove Song",
"NOT_PLAYING": "Not Playing",
"EDIT_PLAYLIST": "Edit Playlist",
"DELETE_PLAYLIST": "Delete Playlist",
"SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Artists, Songs, Albums, Playlists",
"SONGS": "Songs",
"ALBUMS": "Albums",
"PLAY": "Play",
"SHUFFLE": "Shuffle",
"ARTIST": "Artist",
"ALBUM": "Album",
"PLAYLIST": "Playlist",
"SONG": "Song",
"TITLE": "Song already exists",
"DESCRIPTION": "This song already exists in this playlist",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE": "New Playlist",
"DESCRIPTION": "Create a new playlist",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Playlist Name",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Remove Song",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to remove this song from the playlist?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Spark",
"LIKES_YOU_TOO": "likes you too!",
"KEEP_SWIPING": "Keep swiping",
"SAY_SOMETHING_NICE": "Say something nice",
"NO_MORE": "We've run out of people for you to swipe on, check back later!",
"SEND": "Send",
"AGREE_TERMS": "By pressing 'Create Account' you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Create Account",
"AGE_PUBLIC": "Your age will be public",
"BE_OVER_18": "You must be over 18 to use this service",
"NAME_MINIMUM": "Your name must be at least 3 characters long",
"ADD_PHOTOS": "Add Photos",
"PHOTOS_MINIMUM": "You must have at least one photo",
"DESCRIPTION": "Tell us a bit about yourself",
"DESCRIPTION_MINIMUM": "Your description must be at least 10 characters long",
"SHOW_ME": "Show Me",
"WOMEN": "Women",
"MEN": "Men",
"EVERYONE": "Everyone",
"EVERYTHING": "Everything",
"I_AM": "I am a",
"MALE": "Male",
"FEMALE": "Female",
"CONTINUE": "Continue",
"NAME": "Name",
"PHOTOS": "Photos",
"ABOUT_ME": "About Me",
"INTERESTED_IN": "Interested In",
"GENDER": "Gender",
"SAVE": "Save",
"NEW_MATCHES": "New Matches",
"MESSAGES": "Messages",
"VISIBILITY": "Profile Visibility",
"VISIBLE": "Visible",
"HIDDEN": "Hidden",
"HIDDEN_WARNING": "Your account is currently hidden. You will not be shown to other users, and not able to swipe.",
"HIDDEN_PROFILE": "Your profile is not active. You can activate your profile in settings.",
"SEARCH_MATCHES": "Search Matches",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Delete Account"
"TITLE": "InstaPic",
"SEND": "Send",
"POST": "Post",
"NEW_MESSAGE": "New Message",
"NOW": "Now",
"TITLE": "Go Live",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to go live?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "End Live",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to {action} this live?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"END": "End",
"LEAVE": "Leave"
"TITLE": "Unfollow",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to unfollow {name}?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Delete Post",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to delete this post?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Sign Out",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to sign out?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Delete Story",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to delete this story?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Live Invite",
"DESCRIPTION": "{username} invited you to their live, Do you want to join?",
"NO": "No",
"YES": "Yes"
"TITLE": "Remove {username}",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to remove {username} from your live?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"REMOVE": "Remove"
"TITLE": "Leave Live",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to leave this live?",
"LEAVE": "Leave"
"LIVE_ENDED": "Live Ended",
"LIVE": "Live",
"YOUR_STORY": "Your Story",
"CREATE_STORY": "Create Story",
"GO_LIVE": "Go Live",
"EMPTY_FEED": "Start following people to see their photos and videos here",
"COMMENTS": "Comments",
"ADD_COMMENT_AS": "Add Comment as {name}",
"NEW_POST": "New Post",
"NEXT": "Next",
"CAPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Write a caption...",
"ACTIVITY": "Activity",
"FOLLOW": "Follow",
"FOLLOWING": "Following",
"FOLLOWERS": "Followers",
"FOLLOWER": "Follower",
"REQUESTED": "Requested",
"LIKES": "Likes",
"LIKED_BY": "Liked by",
"VIEW_ALL_COMMENTS": "View all {count} comments",
"FIRST_COMMENT": "Be the first to comment...",
"LOG_IN": "Log In",
"CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Create Account",
"NOT_HAVE_ACCOUNT": "Don't have an account?",
"HAVE_ACCOUNT": "Have an account?",
"LIKED_PHOTO": "liked your photo.",
"LIKED_COMMENT": "liked your comment: {comment}",
"COMMENTED": "commented on your post: {comment}",
"FOLLOWED": "started following you.",
"DONE": "Done",
"EDIT_PROFILE": "Edit Profile",
"CHANGE_PICTURE": "Change profile picture",
"NAME": "Name",
"BIO": "Bio",
"PRIVATE": "Toggle Private",
"SIGN_OUT": "Sign Out",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change Password",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Delete Account",
"POSTS": "Posts",
"MESSAGE": "Message",
"SENT_A_PHOTO": "sent a photo",
"TO": "To",
"SEND_A_MESSAGE": "Send a message...",
"STORY_VIEWERS": "Viewers",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"SEEN_BY": "Seen by {count}",
"ADD_ACCOUNT": "Add Account",
"INVITE": "Invite",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"IN_THIS_ROOM": "In This Room",
"WHOS_WATCHING": "Who's watching",
"FOLLOW_REQUESTS": "Follow requests",
"CONFIRM": "Confirm",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"ANDOTHERS": "{username} + {amount} others",
"PRIVATE_ACCOUNT": "This account is private",
"PRIVATE_ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION": "Follow this account to see their photos and videos.",
"ERROR": "Error",
"USERNAME_TAKEN": "Username is already taken",
"UNKNOWN": "Unknown error",
"UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT": "Account does not exist",
"INVALID_USERNAME": "Invalid username",
"INCORRECT_PASSWORD": "Incorrect password",
"OK": "OK"