-- Phrases peds say when they buy drugs from a player
Config.AcceptMessages = {
'This better be good',
'Show me what you got',
'Thanks, you ain\'t seen me',
'You\'re lucky I need this asap',
'What a trip last time, gimme more'
-- Phrases peds say when they refuse to buy drugs from a player
Config.RejectMessages = {
'No can do',
'Do I look like an addict?',
'Whatever you\'re selling, I ain\'t buying',
'Getting high on your shit, you must be joking',
'I\'ve seen many but this must be the worst of the worst',
-- Phrases peds say when they refuse to buy drugs from a player and want to call the police
Config.ReportMessages = {
'You\'re done in this hood',
'Today is not your lucky day',
'The locals have had enough of your shit',
'Just because you can smoke it doesn\'t mean that you should smoke it',
'My brother-in-law is a DOA agent and I will not hesitate to call him',
-- Phrases peds say when they already interacted with a player
Config.InteractedMessages = {
'Get lost dude.',
'Leave me alone already.',
'The dope fried your memory?',
'Are you mad? We just talked.',
'You should stop getting high on your own supply.',
-- All drugs used by the script
-- Each drug must be classified into one of the three categories below
-- Each category corresponds directly to drug preferences in all zones
-- To classify a drug, write its name in the category, followed by its price
Config.Drugs = {
['weed_ak47'] = 40,
['weed_skunk'] = 44,
['weed_amnesia'] = 46,
['weed_og-kush'] = 52,
['weed_purple-haze'] = 56,
['weed_white-widow'] = 58,
['meth'] = 52,
['crack_baggy'] = 60,
['cokebaggy'] = 70,
-- Price multipliers
-- Each zone has a set multiplier based on the amount of drugs sold in that zone
Config.DrugSaleMultipliers = {
{ sold = 10, multiply = 1.2 },
{ sold = 30, multiply = 1.0 },
{ sold = 45, multiply = 0.8 },
{ sold = 50, multiply = 0.6 },
{ sold = 60, multiply = 0.4 },
{ sold = 70, multiply = 0.2 }
-- Chances of drug sales
-- Each chance is selected based on the amount of drugs that the individual player has sold
-- Each chance has three numbers which make up one hundred
-- The script will randomly generate a number between one and one hundred every time a player tries to sell drugs
-- The first number is the chance of acceptance
-- The second number is the chance of rejection
-- The third number is the chance of rejection and a dispatch to the police
Config.DrugSaleChances = {
{ 100, 0, 0 },
{ 90, 10, 0 },
{ 85, 10, 5 },
{ 85, 15, 0 },
{ 80, 10, 10 },
{ 70, 20, 10 },
{ 70, 10, 20 },
{ 70, 15, 15 },
{ 60, 30, 10 },
{ 60, 20, 20 },
{ 60, 10, 30 },
{ 50, 35, 15 },
{ 50, 40, 10 },
{ 40, 30, 30 },
{ 40, 40, 20 },
{ 40, 20, 40 },
-- All businesses used by the script
-- Each business has hourly passive income
-- Each business loses half of its money when it is robbed
-- The owners of the zone where the business is located can collect money for protection
Config.Businesses = {
label = 'Globe Oil, Downtown Vinewood',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'DTVINE',
hourlyIncome = 70,
checkpoint = vec3(645.64, 267.62, 103.23)
label = 'Xero Gas, Little Seoul',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'KOREAT',
hourlyIncome = 90,
checkpoint = vec3(-531.24, -1220.81, 18.45)
name = 'XERO_GAS_STRAW',
label = 'Xero Gas, Strawberry',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'STRAW',
hourlyIncome = 25,
checkpoint = vec3(288.69, -1266.93, 29.44)
name = 'XERO_GAS_SANDY',
label = 'Xero Gas, Sandy Shores',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'SANDY',
hourlyIncome = 20,
checkpoint = vec3(2001.76, 3779.31, 32.18)
label = 'Xero Gas, Paleto Bay',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'PALETO',
hourlyIncome = 18,
checkpoint = vec3(-93.18, 6410.32, 31.64)
['LTD_KOREAT'] = {
name = 'LTD_KOREAT',
label = 'LTD, Little Seoul',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'KOREAT',
hourlyIncome = 100,
checkpoint = vec3(-709.26, -905.42, 19.22)
['LTD_DAVIS'] = {
name = 'LTD_DAVIS',
label = 'LTD, Davis',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'DAVIS',
hourlyIncome = 38,
checkpoint = vec3(-43.89, -1749.65, 29.42)
['LTD_MIRR'] = {
name = 'LTD_MIRR',
label = 'LTD, Mirror Park',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'MIRR',
hourlyIncome = 22,
checkpoint = vec3(1160.19, -315.20, 69.22)
['LTD_GRAPES'] = {
name = 'LTD_GRAPES',
label = 'LTD, Grapeseed',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'GRAPES',
hourlyIncome = 10,
checkpoint = vec3(1706.59, 4920.77, 42.06)
['RON_MORN'] = {
name = 'RON_MORN',
label = 'Ron, Morningwood',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'MORN',
hourlyIncome = 50,
checkpoint = vec3(-1428.70, -268.84, 46.21)
['RON_DAVIS'] = {
name = 'RON_DAVIS',
label = 'Ron, Davis',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'DAVIS',
hourlyIncome = 35,
checkpoint = vec3(167.32, -1553.84, 29.26)
['RON_LMESA'] = {
name = 'RON_LMESA',
label = 'Ron, La Mesa',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'LMESA',
hourlyIncome = 30,
checkpoint = vec3(818.17, -1040.34, 26.75)
['RON_EBURO'] = {
name = 'RON_EBURO',
label = 'Ron, El Burro Heights',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'EBURO',
hourlyIncome = 25,
checkpoint = vec3(1211.19, -1389.48, 35.38)
['RON_PALETO'] = {
name = 'RON_PALETO',
label = 'Ron, Paleto Bay',
banner = 'shopui_title_gasstation',
zone = 'PALETO',
hourlyIncome = 22,
checkpoint = vec3(161.74, 6636.23, 31.57)
label = 'Rob\'s Liquor, Morningwoord',
banner = 'shopui_title_liquorstore2',
zone = 'MORN',
hourlyIncome = 33,
checkpoint = vec3(-1479.83, -373.27, 39.16)
label = 'Rob\'s Liquor, Vespucci Canals',
banner = 'shopui_title_liquorstore2',
zone = 'VCANA',
hourlyIncome = 22,
checkpoint = vec3(-1218.73, -915.63, 11.33)
['247_DTVINE'] = {
name = '247_DTVINE',
label = '24/7, Downtown Vinewood',
banner = 'shopui_title_conveniencestore',
zone = 'DTVINE',
hourlyIncome = 46,
checkpoint = vec3(379.25, 332.62, 103.57)
['247_STRAW'] = {
name = '247_STRAW',
label = '24/7, Strawberry',
banner = 'shopui_title_conveniencestore',
zone = 'STRAW',
hourlyIncome = 15,
checkpoint = vec3(29.45, -1339.67, 29.50)
['247_SANDY'] = {
name = '247_SANDY',
label = '24/7, Sandy Shores',
banner = 'shopui_title_conveniencestore',
zone = 'SANDY',
hourlyIncome = 13,
checkpoint = vec3(1960.58, 3749.12, 32.34)
name = 'AMMO_KOREAT',
label = 'Ammu-Nation, Little Seoul',
banner = 'shopui_title_gunclub',
zone = 'KOREAT',
hourlyIncome = 80,
checkpoint = vec3(-666.12, -933.69, 21.83)
name = 'AMMO_HAWICK',
label = 'Ammu-Nation, Hawick',
banner = 'shopui_title_gunclub',
zone = 'HAWICK',
hourlyIncome = 75,
checkpoint = vec3(255.02, -46.89, 69.94)
['AMMO_PBOX'] = {
name = 'AMMO_PBOX',
label = 'Ammu-Nation, Pillbox Hill',
banner = 'shopui_title_gunclub',
zone = 'PBOX',
hourlyIncome = 45,
checkpoint = vec3(18.94, -1104.31, 29.80)
['AMMO_MORN'] = {
name = 'AMMO_MORN',
label = 'Ammu-Nation, Morningwood',
banner = 'shopui_title_gunclub',
zone = 'MORN',
hourlyIncome = 30,
checkpoint = vec3(-1303.30, -390.89, 36.70)
['AMMO_LMESA'] = {
name = 'AMMO_LMESA',
label = 'Ammu-Nation, La Mesa',
banner = 'shopui_title_gunclub',
zone = 'LMESA',
hourlyIncome = 22,
checkpoint = vec3(846.25, -1035.176, 28.26)
['AMMO_CYPRE'] = {
name = 'AMMO_CYPRE',
label = 'Ammu-Nation, Cypress Flats',
banner = 'shopui_title_gunclub',
zone = 'CYPRE',
hourlyIncome = 20,
checkpoint = vec3(814.06, -2158.91, 29.62)
['AMMO_SANDY'] = {
name = 'AMMO_SANDY',
label = 'Ammu-Nation, Sandy Shores',
banner = 'shopui_title_gunclub',
zone = 'SANDY',
hourlyIncome = 13,
checkpoint = vec3(1689.75, 3758.06, 34.71)
name = 'AMMO_PALETO',
label = 'Ammu-Nation, Paleto Bay',
banner = 'shopui_title_gunclub',
zone = 'PALETO',
hourlyIncome = 12,
checkpoint = vec3(-334.26, 6082.17, 31.45)
label = 'Second Hand, Strawberry',
banner = 'shopui_title_lowendfashion',
zone = 'STRAW',
hourlyIncome = 15,
checkpoint = vec3(71.64, -1391.20, 29.38)
label = 'Second Hand, Paleto Bay',
banner = 'shopui_title_lowendfashion',
zone = 'PALETO',
hourlyIncome = 10,
checkpoint = vec3(6.23, 6508.64, 31.88)
label = 'Second Hand, Grapeseed',
banner = 'shopui_title_lowendfashion',
zone = 'GRAPES',
hourlyIncome = 8,
checkpoint = vec3(1697.77, 4821.64, 42.06)
label = 'Suburban, Alta',
banner = 'shopui_title_midfashion',
zone = 'ALTA',
hourlyIncome = 78,
checkpoint = vec3(117.67, -233.88, 54.56)
label = 'Suburban, Richards Majestic',
banner = 'shopui_title_midfashion',
zone = 'MOVIE',
hourlyIncome = 50,
checkpoint = vec3(-1180.83, -764.08, 17.33)
name = 'PONSON_ROCKF',
label = 'Ponsonbys, Rockford Hills',
banner = 'shopui_title_highendfashion',
zone = 'ROCKF',
hourlyIncome = 50,
checkpoint = vec3(-700.60, -151.85, 37.42)
name = 'PONSON_MORN',
label = 'Ponsonbys, Morningwood',
banner = 'shopui_title_highendfashion',
zone = 'MORN',
hourlyIncome = 37,
checkpoint = vec3(-1446.40, -246.05, 49.82)
label = 'Ponsonbys, Burton',
banner = 'shopui_title_highendfashion',
zone = 'BURTON',
hourlyIncome = 25,
checkpoint = vec3(-170.50, -296.60, 39.73)
name = 'BINCO_VCANA',
label = 'Binco, Vespucci Canals',
banner = 'shopui_title_lowendfashion2',
zone = 'VCANA',
hourlyIncome = 45,
checkpoint = vec3(-822.83, -1069.55, 11.33)
name = 'BINCO_TEXTI',
label = 'Binco, Textile City',
banner = 'shopui_title_lowendfashion2',
zone = 'TEXTI',
hourlyIncome = 37,
checkpoint = vec3(429.27, -807.85, 29.49)
name = 'BARBER_ROCKF',
label = 'Bob Mulét, Rockford Hills',
banner = 'shopui_title_highendsalon',
zone = 'ROCKF',
hourlyIncome = 80,
checkpoint = vec3(-808.94, -180.04, 37.57)
name = 'BARBER_VESP',
label = 'Beachcombover Barbers, Vespucci',
banner = 'shopui_title_barber2',
zone = 'VESP',
hourlyIncome = 40,
checkpoint = vec3(-1278.78, -1119.22, 6.99)
label = 'Hair on Hawick, Hawick',
banner = 'shopui_title_barber4',
zone = 'HAWICK',
hourlyIncome = 35,
checkpoint = vec3(-36.33, -155.71, 57.08)
name = 'BARBER_DAVIS',
label = 'Herr Kutz Barber, Davis',
banner = 'shopui_title_barber',
zone = 'DAVIS',
hourlyIncome = 32,
checkpoint = vec3(141.14, -1706.17, 29.29)
name = 'BARBER_MIRR',
label = 'Herr Kutz Barber, Mirror Park',
banner = 'shopui_title_barber',
zone = 'MIRR',
hourlyIncome = 28,
checkpoint = vec3(1215.86, -475.74, 66.21)
label = 'Herr Kutz Barber, Paleto Bay',
banner = 'shopui_title_barber',
zone = 'PALETO',
hourlyIncome = 9,
checkpoint = vec3(-276.55, 6223.67, 31.70)
name = 'BARBER_SANDY',
label = 'O\'Sheas Barbers, Sandy Shores',
banner = 'shopui_title_barber3',
zone = 'SANDY',
hourlyIncome = 8,
checkpoint = vec3(1931.28, 3735.05, 32.84)
label = 'Blazing Tattoo, Downtown Vinewood',
banner = 'shopui_title_tattoos',
zone = 'DTVINE',
hourlyIncome = 23,
checkpoint = vec3(320.78, 183.50, 103.59)
name = 'TATTOO_VCANA',
label = 'The Pit, Vespucci Canals',
banner = 'shopui_title_tattoos3',
zone = 'VCANA',
hourlyIncome = 20,
checkpoint = vec3(-1150.63, -1426.09, 4.95)
name = 'TATTOO_EBURO',
label = 'Los Santos Tattoos, El Burro Heights',
banner = 'shopui_title_tattoos4',
zone = 'EBURO',
hourlyIncome = 18,
checkpoint = vec3(1326.30, -1652.38, 52.28)
name = 'TATTOO_SANDY',
label = 'Tattoo Body Art & Piercing, Sandy Shores',
banner = 'shopui_title_tattoos2',
zone = 'SANDY',
hourlyIncome = 7,
checkpoint = vec3(1865.21, 3749.04, 33.05)