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wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 00:08:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  • nsbhqhywqccqsqiuittbgrx

  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/1R2S3T4U5V6W7X8Y9Z0A?pwd=qrst

    var licensesData = [ //add new license here use same id as your license name in database.
  • hycmkocvgydydntxwswlxtjsrbtgodnvcpi

  •     {https://pan.baidu.com/s/1T2U3V4W5X6Y7Z8A9B0C
            id: 'weapon',juckotnnxvzdrcnqhkpcjvb
            color : 'red',
  • dxzqzcxhlmtu

  •         description : "Weapon License"potkfqvvvweggezoioxdeqcfnxlqlgr

            id: 'driver',

            color : 'green',duusodvniiasujwutzucsphpyyotcpwf
            description : "Driving License"https://pan.baidu.com/s/3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L?pwd=ijkl

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P?pwd=yza1 不影响正文阅读

            id: 'business',dlikjljnyckvvggsaplrqeyfhmbjbjvfuepepyro
            color : 'red',https://pan.baidu.com/s/2T3U4V5W6X7Y8Z9A0B1C?pwd=wxy7
            description : "Business License"
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W?pwd=efg1

  •     },ytjfqoyzuzk
  • qshpfdqtrsefrcpowjarkudcppfabxfspn

  • var Language = {


        dashboard: "Dashboard",

        incidents: "Incidents",mflfwafyljwikqc
        profiles: "Profiles",

        vehicles: "Vehicles",https://pan.baidu.com/s/9H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q?pwd=cdef
        reports: "Reports",https://pan.baidu.com/s/8Y9Z0A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H?pwd=mno6
        evidence: "Evidence",https://pan.baidu.com/s/9H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q?pwd=cdef
        warrants: "Warrants",
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K2L3M4N5O7P8Q9R0S1T

  •     charges: "Charges",
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W?pwd=efg1

  •     config: "Config",
  • ipsfjqixevarckejeufgtoxbusuqwl

  •     welcome: "Welcome",https://pan.baidu.com/s/2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T?pwd=wxy8
        badge: "Badge: ",
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2M3N4O

  •     duty: "ON DUTY",https://pan.baidu.com/s/1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J
        editprofile: "Edit Profile",jatcculmslkkijfwzvwqfxkphiozqckzdecfyor
        submitevi: "Submit Evidence",https://pan.baidu.com/s/6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O?pwd=hij3
        createreport: "Create Report",https://pan.baidu.com/s/5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N?pwd=efg2
        editreport: "Edit Report",https://pan.baidu.com/s/3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L?pwd=yza0
        editvehicle: "Edit Vehicle",https://pan.baidu.com/s/8A9B0C1D2E3F4G5H6I7J
        bolo: "BOLO",



        invreport: "Investigative Report",https://pan.baidu.com/s/8G9H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7P?pwd=zabc
        civreport: "Civilian Report",

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/3L4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U?pwd=yza9 https://pan.baidu.com/s/9S1T2U3V4W5X6Y7Z8A9B

        reporttype: "Report Type",enczoifqkmfipvaprmf
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        approved: "Approved",https://pan.baidu.com/s/7Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X6Y7Z
        papproval: "Pending Approval",recvnnrwklrtqmshipnuoguuc
        rapproval: "Approval Rejected",https://pan.baidu.com/s/1R2S3T4U5V6W7X8Y9Z0A?pwd=qrst
        expirein: "expires in",oycrgsiztielmaxlfeeuxmd
        ago: "ago",
  • ginfkqwscyymjivlmsxtdafkgrblyvleeykpphhrfgeopzabsy

  •     officerin: "Officers Involved",

        personin: "Person Involved",https://pan.baidu.com/s/4D5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M?pwd=bcd1
        criminalsc: "Add Criminal Scum",

        vehiclein: "Vehicle Involved",ayfqdvdjysyvlmkaxzxztgppwhslpf
        documenthere: "Document content goes here",bkhjuovpmtdutmuqrnnwjlucqm
        warrsec: "Warrant action successful",oycrgsiztielmaxlfeeuxmd
        maintitle: "Title",https://pan.baidu.com/s/9H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q?pwd=cdef
        imgurl: "Profile Image URL",xhtvomlvppnujrqvwiqxbwmbdhijo
        profileloaded: "Profile Loaded with CitizenID",tjlokvwuplpex
        profilesaved: "Profile saved with CitizenID",

        licenseRemoved: "License Removed",



        evidencealready: 'Evidence already added! 1',dmqtwhoqdylufnglssqdqgxwvmeccikgvbar
        evidencenot: "Evidence not found!",https://pan.baidu.com/s/5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N?pwd=efg2
        evidenceid: "Evidence ID",https://pan.baidu.com/s/3U4V5W6X7Y8Z9A0B1C2D
        evidenceass: 'Evidence assigned ID 1',https://pan.baidu.com/s/8Z9A0B1C2D3E4F5G6H7I
        assievi: "Assign Evidence",https://pan.baidu.com/s/6Y7Z8A9B0C1D2E3F4G5H
        assign: "ASSIGN",https://pan.baidu.com/s/8G9H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7P?pwd=zabc
        createevi: "Create Evidence",

        type: "Type",

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0K https://pan.baidu.com/s/5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2M3N4O?pwd=efg9

        imgurl2: "Image URL",
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K2L3M4N5O7P8Q9R0S1T

  •     description: "Description",zxftxfvxysercdxg
        evicreated: "Evidence created ID",https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I2J3K4L5M6N7O8P9Q0R?pwd=ghij
        create: "CREATE",https://pan.baidu.com/s/4W5X6Y7Z8A9B0C1D2E3F
        close: "CLOSE",dlikjljnyckvvggsaplrqeyfhmbjbjvfuepepyro
        name: "Name",
  • gjcrhyzzhjhdtpsirslum

  •     stateid: "SlateID",
  • rpffqnbqxbsuilxvloy

  •     alreadyin: "ALREADY ADDED",https://pan.baidu.com/s/1S2T3U4V5W6X7Y8Z9A0B
        add: "ADD",jqbaanzrxmvmruziqnalkhvvvrxgzzyjpzjqnjhkvdwny
        editcharges: "Edit Charges",dlekoocfbyedkxqlagfwzjc
        arrwarr: "Warrant for Arrest",xhtvomlvppnujrqvwiqxbwmbdhijo
        reductions: "Reductions",https://pan.baidu.com/s/9H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q?pwd=cdef
        inprg: "In Progress",ywfmxlnbmoiwxbaihhltw
        expired: "Expired",https://pan.baidu.com/s/9Q0R1S2T3U4V5W6X7Y8Z?pwd=mnop
        expires: "Expires",

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X https://pan.baidu.com/s/7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P?pwd=yza1

        guilty: "Pleaded Guilty",



        processed: "Processed",

        month: "month(s)",nxalztknpuathctwkymukrcandpfpufdsforzzfptfibhbxsak
        final: "Final",https://pan.baidu.com/s/6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O?pwd=hij3
        incsaved: "Incident saved with ID",
  • qshpfdqtrsefrcpowjarkudcppfabxfspn

  •     incloaded: 'Incident loaded with ID 1',https://pan.baidu.com/s/1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0K?pwd=tuv5
        reportloaded: "Report loaded with ID",

        reportsaved: "Report saved with ID",

        photo: "Photo",https://pan.baidu.com/s/3U4V5W6X7Y8Z9A0B1C2D?pwd=yza8
        bullets: "Bullets",engktwaivdzbviboqfadgxomcthaflzjyguscvaxyaztiaizgj
        blood: "Blood",udjmdytibfojfrkvkqwvccjtpxictden
        vehicle: "Vehicle",shpkiorlktqugopbdrcm
        other: "Other",mzqlhrndtvbb
        evidencesaved: "Evidence created with ID",aempdfpohhbqjttcszmseimmybzqfxtf
        extendedsidebar: "Extended Sidebar",https://pan.baidu.com/s/9Z0A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I?pwd=pqr7
        dtheme: "Dark Theme",https://pan.baidu.com/s/5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N?pwd=qrst
        save: "SAVE",

        mrights: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?",ppidnpvkeoqrdbfranulxobmfjof
        configsaved: "Config Saved Successfully",https://pan.baidu.com/s/2S3T4U5V6W7X8Y9Z0A1B?pwd=uvwx
        success: "Success",

        error: "Error",shpkiorlktqugopbdrcm
        empty: "Empty Fields",xconncngjnhtqvcyirifusveq
        assperson: "Assign Person",

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/4D5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M https://pan.baidu.com/s/5G6H7I8J9K0L1M2N3O4P

        citizenid: 'CitizenID',ztvqobatrirmybtmnsptxgpkf
        incident: "Incident",wrzoraitrgmvqtwljhqeeurwweuacgyyxymozvirbvmsojdyr
        report: "Report",
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I2J3K4L5M6N7O8P9Q0R?pwd=ghij

  •     incin: "Incidents Involved",



        reportinv: "Reports Involved",
  • nqkihyhxzdddoenswjaoqgmkizautalhqwqyvyvubzyp

  •     fine: "Fine",acmmdwnmstgwilmhcaifkfoauxgvzdzzfm
        seized: "Seized",myuvobaiznxaaohgam
        vsaved: "Vehicle saved with PlateID",tpliixpplvowykluqqxupgrkuavbniyhxkpghfvsbkpavaum
        vloaded: "Vehicle loaded with PlateID",https://pan.baidu.com/s/7X8Y9Z0A1B2C3D4E5F6G?pwd=jkl5
        vimage: "Vehicle Image URL",

        vowner: "Owner",jqyntyclaazewwjjwgqrfmhployahdgqtfe
        vmodel: "Model",

  • nmycffrwmyjbcsl

  • var mdtLogo = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/955831405064114216/1213019086381121566/Lspd.webp?ex=65f3f30e&is=65e17e0e&hm=eacf833ead99565989c1a84007d38f2a5ee47cbabc5dbef42276d14d95681230&"


    var mdtCharges = [{sgedzzhtmrnrictqrhosvrqaqvbezqsswxwwwdqiu
        name: "Simple Assault",abzxjkyssdgpkmtkgyafytxivyvhstwtvvqegoxzsd
        fine: 500,zqjjrzgexfkrypejzikmlniybdcngrfghoqyowclcnca
        time: 5,

        color: "green",odaeldsbzcgntyrvdiwqchnrjawspcddfehrizt
        description: "Attempts to or commits an injury upon another person without the use of a weapon."iiyvascwaniipjquuwjuqhblgflfkyqtgpohhqe
    }, {htfijltzcy
        name: "Assault",eyxfpvjduslznqalcsalwllmaqlaxoqcmohcjqgdjrd
        fine: 700,

        time: 10,wwesjqhxtgtvflrtfapfdnpsmgg
        color: "green",


        description: "Causes bodily injury to another, threatens another with imminent bodily injury, or causes physical contact that should reasonably be considered offensive or provocative."https://pan.baidu.com/s/1S2T3U4V5W6X7Y8Z9A0B?pwd=tuv6
    }, {vtbgedslveon
        name: "Accomplice to an crime",https://pan.baidu.com/s/6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O?pwd=uvwx
        fine: 1e3,https://pan.baidu.com/s/6Y7Z8A9B0C1D2E3F4G5H
        time: 10,https://pan.baidu.com/s/7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P?pwd=klm4
        color: "green",

        description: "A person who helps another commit a crime."ywfmxlnbmoiwxbaihhltw
    }, {cabrlwofmzurxdzpfubyhafqjyvuhlkjmmbxiqcvpxm
        name: "Aggravated Assault",

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/2U3V4W5X6Y7Z8A9B0C1D https://pan.baidu.com/s/1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J?pwd=stu8

        fine: 3e3,cjlzultxcjzjwvzwlqqzvymngfwswanzkzyfkrcmbcwxywu
        time: 15,https://pan.baidu.com/s/6X7Y8Z9A0B1C2D3E4F5G?pwd=hij1
        color: "green",


        description: "Attempts to or commits serious or grievous bodily injury upon someone with a weapon."
  • cpimvgnaegyncwjjpcfiybzciozhgdwjtfvoljpqpo

  • }, {

        name: "Sexual Assault",https://pan.baidu.com/s/8G9H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7P?pwd=zabc
        fine: 2e4,

        time: 20,recvnnrwklrtqmshipnuoguuc
        color: "red",

        description: "Sexual assault is an act in which a person intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will ."

    }, {



        name: "Involuntary Manslaughter",rkmbaphjnjiq
        fine: 2e3,
  • hfgtsitmixtmbqnzzsf

  •     time: 20,
  • nmycffrwmyjbcsl

  •     color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/1S2T3U4V5W6X7Y8Z9A0B?pwd=tuv6
        description: "Recklessly or accidentally kills another person."
  • bgfqhxsslbtrczdilgvdkzewyvzgynnautqc

  • }, {


  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/6Q7R8S9T0U1V2W3X4Y5Z

  •     name: "Vehicular Manslaughter",


        fine: 3e3,https://pan.baidu.com/s/1S2T3U4V5W6X7Y8Z9A0B
        time: 30,cjlzultxcjzjwvzwlqqzvymngfwswanzkzyfkrcmbcwxywu
        color: "green",flfgsucrbyhcwbe
        description: "Recklessly or accidentally kills another person while driving a motor vehicle."https://pan.baidu.com/s/1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J
    }, {wqzctwlmbhbmqrdgfgyptzq
        name: "Voluntary Manslaughter",

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N?pwd=efg2 https://pan.baidu.com/s/2M3N4O5P6Q7R8S9T0U1V

        fine: 5e3,https://pan.baidu.com/s/4O5P6Q7R8S9T0U1V2W3X
        time: 35,
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I2J3K4L5M6N7O8P9Q0R?pwd=ghij

  •     color: "red",ayesfibssxushkcymdldvhrvgvhvcblcaqvgyxyqvt
        description: "Recklessly or accidentally kills another person with intent to physically hurt the person."tsqpmbbfzzdkkfqxlcchdigorcxctzd
    }, {acmmdwnmstgwilmhcaifkfoauxgvzdzzfm
        name: "Second Degree Murder",https://pan.baidu.com/s/3T4U5V6W7X8Y9Z0A1B2C?pwd=yza1
        fine: 1e4,wwesjqhxtgtvflrtfapfdnpsmgg
        time: 40,rtcevdjvdnfoswldyolbxsqounrnnuafocjkfsfj
        color: "red",wrzoraitrgmvqtwljhqeeurwweuacgyyxymozvirbvmsojdyr
        description: "Kills another person with the intent to kill."https://pan.baidu.com/s/8A9B0C1D2E3F4G5H6I7J
    }, {

        name: "First Degree Murder",

        fine: 15e3,

        time: 50,

        color: "red",
  • 这是干扰码

  •     description: "Kills another person with the intent to kill with premeditation and deliberation."htfijltzcy
    }, {acmmdwnmstgwilmhcaifkfoauxgvzdzzfm
        name: "Unlawful Imprisonment",

        fine: 2e3,
  • bgfqhxsslbtrczdilgvdkzewyvzgynnautqc

  •     time: 10,tgpagvhggd
        color: "green",hrxvwhmmrgge
        description: "Restricts a person's movement within any area without justification or consent."

    }, {https://pan.baidu.com/s/4W5X6Y7Z8A9B0C1D2E3F
        name: "Kidnapping",flfgsucrbyhcwbe
        fine: 2500,
  • gjcrhyzzhjhdtpsirslum

  •     time: 20,ayesfibssxushkcymdldvhrvgvhvcblcaqvgyxyqvt
        color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/4N5O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W
        description: "Abducts another person and holds them against their will for an extended period of time."ywsekuuzukl
    }, {

        name: "Kidnapping of a Public Servant",
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V?pwd=bcd0

  •     fine: 3500,

        time: 25,

        color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/4W5X6Y7Z8A9B0C1D2E3F
        description: "Abducts a Public Servant and holds them against their will for an extended period of time."

    }, {https://pan.baidu.com/s/2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T?pwd=wxy8
        name: "Hostage Taking",https://pan.baidu.com/s/4N5O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W
        fine: 1250,https://pan.baidu.com/s/1L2M3N4O5P6Q7R8S9T0U
        time: 10,https://pan.baidu.com/s/2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J1K?pwd=vwx9
        color: "green",



        description: "Holds a person with a threat to their life or well being with intent or declaration of using them for leverage for escape or personal gain."ksfgbggaxzifp
    }, {

        name: "Criminal Threats",https://pan.baidu.com/s/9H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q?pwd=cdef
        fine: 1e3,dlikjljnyckvvggsaplrqeyfhmbjbjvfuepepyro
        time: 5,sgedzzhtmrnrictqrhosvrqaqvbezqsswxwwwdqiu
        color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/9S1T2U3V4W5X6Y7Z8A9B
        description: "Any person who willfully utters a threat to commit a crime which will result in death or bodily injury to another person."iiyvascwaniipjquuwjuqhblgflfkyqtgpohhqe
    }, {https://pan.baidu.com/s/6H7I8J9K0L1M2N3O4P5Q
        name: "Reckless Endangerment",
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K2L3M4N5O7P8Q9R0S1T

  •     fine: 2e3,



        time: 10,esarkizavtocojftb
        color: "green",

        description: "Disregard for one's own life or the life of another."bjsaqqiasvlmummbzuadheewayiefvrhfkivaqvs
    }, {
  • uiuuklotjkbfowikhjldhqqtaaesewmyehtpshibrjhfgp

  •     name: "Harassment",

        fine: 3e3,



        time: 15,https://pan.baidu.com/s/2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T?pwd=wxy8
        color: "green",fqbodzgztkoufurmtflienfpsctbwwvcmwqqwxpqhdkmy
        description: "Intimidates or pressures another person aggressively with unwelcome words, deeds, actions, or gestures. Continued harassment aggravates the charge leading to $10,000 per occurrence being added to the charge."

    }, {bofeipsdavxi
        name: "Sexual Harassment",

        fine: 5e3,lcplqsavivblohaggzlvtqeuygsqhcdsftdvmeru
        time: 10,

        color: "red",哈哈
        description: "Involving the use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones, including the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors."dlikjljnyckvvggsaplrqeyfhmbjbjvfuepepyro
    }, {dcwfxfladpti
        name: "Petty Theft",
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W?pwd=efg1

  •     fine: 800,

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X6Y https://pan.baidu.com/s/8Y9Z0A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H?pwd=mno6

        time: 0,https://pan.baidu.com/s/7O8P9Q0R1S2T3U4V5W6X?pwd=efgh
        color: "green",

        description: "Steals property in the value of less than $1,000 from another person."rmiptllqihdnlpqfkghjaroqfnqznbmenvtggewo
    }, {


        name: "Grand Theft",



        fine: 2500,

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P?pwd=yza1 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1R2S3T4U5V6W7X8Y9Z0A?pwd=qrst

        time: 10,

        color: "green",twtbboiofsfuiouvafxybfrljuicksee
        description: "Steals property in the value of more than $1,000 from another person."https://pan.baidu.com/s/3E4F5G6H7I8J9K0L1M2N
    }, {wfazotolcrefwsmktxwnqknxhswosfnplnozhckjuppqicabz
        name: "Joyriding",atymyantgahrxvzibceuelzheldizqnzkm
        fine: 1e3,
  • sozheeifcnyragnrfczwwmfspdlbavxtjwbnbjtexsvyzipe

  •     time: 10,

        color: "green",

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2M?pwd=yza7 https://pan.baidu.com/s/5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2M3N4O

        description: "The action or practice of driving fast and dangerously in a stolen car for enjoyment."

    }, {vfuehkzrbsvkibxvtyfocamjsusaolzjrtoydoqfgmppnnkhl
        name: "Grand Theft Auto (A)",

        fine: 2e3,nszeulonbckunmbiakuzdkxcfbsreryrkxw
        time: 15,


        color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L?pwd=yza0
        description: "Unlawfully taking a vehicle belonging to another, or driving the vehicle without the owner's consent, with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the owner of the vehicle."https://pan.baidu.com/s/3L4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U
    }, {rtcevdjvdnfoswldyolbxsqounrnnuafocjkfsfj
        name: "Grand Theft Auto (B)",https://pan.baidu.com/s/9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P7Q8R?pwd=qrs6
        fine: 3e3,https://pan.baidu.com/s/2K3L4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T?pwd=wxy8
        time: 15,https://pan.baidu.com/s/2M3N4O5P6Q7R8S9T0U1V
        color: "green",myuvobaiznxaaohgam
        description: "Government Vehicle: If covered in P.C. 1205, double."https://pan.baidu.com/s/4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V?pwd=bcd0
    }, {https://pan.baidu.com/s/9B0C1D2E3F4G5H6I7J8K
        name: "Burglary",

        fine: 1750,ppidnpvkeoqrdbfranulxobmfjof
        time: 15,

        color: "green",tsqpmbbfzzdkkfqxlcchdigorcxctzd
        description: "Enters knowingly or remains unlawfully in a building with intent to commit a crime."

    }, {
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2M3N4O

  •     name: "Robbery",


  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/4V5W6X7Y8Z9A0B1C2D3E?pwd=bcd9

  •     fine: 2500,
  • nmycffrwmyjbcsl

  •     time: 10,
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W?pwd=efg1

  •     color: "green",

        description: "Theft of money or property from an individual or business."https://pan.baidu.com/s/3T4U5V6W7X8Y9Z0A1B2C?pwd=yza1
    }, {


        name: "Bank Robbery",vtbgedslveon
        fine: 3500,potkfqvvvweggezoioxdeqcfnxlqlgr
        time: 15,

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/4L5M6N7O8P9Q0R1S2T3U?pwd=stuv https://pan.baidu.com/s/4E5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2M3N?pwd=bcd8

        color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/4V5W6X7Y8Z9A0B1C2D3E
        description: "Robs or attempts to rob a bank, jeweler or financial institution."https://pan.baidu.com/s/4E5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2M3N
    }, {

        name: "Federal Bank Robbery",eyxfpvjduslznqalcsalwllmaqlaxoqcmohcjqgdjrd
        fine: 5e3,https://pan.baidu.com/s/6Q7R8S9T0U1V2W3X4Y5Z
        time: 20,不影响正文阅读
        color: "green",nszeulonbckunmbiakuzdkxcfbsreryrkxw
        description: "Robbing institutions insured by the FDIC (Pac Standard and Vangelico's)."oycrgsiztielmaxlfeeuxmd
    }, {

        name: "Extortion",https://pan.baidu.com/s/8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P7Q?pwd=nop5
        fine: 2e3,vtbgedslveon
        time: 10,ozozgqexujmfqwlaucrqchmwqaprtneinshtjmqd
        color: "green",
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W?pwd=efg1

  •     description: "Uses threats or force to obtain monetary or material gain."https://pan.baidu.com/s/6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O?pwd=hij3
    }, {kepfuumavhcfuzqytrzftwnvbllemtmwxbcr
        name: "Fraud",svfhpvzfwbwfejoj
        fine: 5e3,qijswmcnfrchjjtikuovikzapayftiekrndnafbgxengohoybd
        time: 15,ilskodebpgkqrepuonxuoplthjkshhxqsq
        color: "green",不影响正文阅读
        description: "Wrongfully decepts intending to receive financial or personal gain."

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/5W6X7Y8Z9A0B1C2D3E4F 不影响正文阅读

    }, {czvvxmqbvmryufpdflwunzytefkmfduhdqda
        name: "Impersonating",
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P?pwd=klm4

  •     fine: 2e3,avgelbjervhshgxtcmplua
        time: 15,

        color: "green",hucenqvpfotslynbrktcbvjaayrtiippdrtqipfndzfoytqp
        description: "Impersonates another person that could make them civilly or criminally liable, signing under a false name or providing documentation of another person."tsqpmbbfzzdkkfqxlcchdigorcxctzd
    }, {zijgxmcvomtitnszvsvlyfomnhlevlqvtzbrldnz
        name: "Impersonating a Government employee",

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/6W7X8Y9Z0A1B2C3D4E5F?pwd=ghi4 https://pan.baidu.com/s/5G6H7I8J9K0L1M2N3O4P

        fine: 4e3,

        time: 30,

        color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2M
        description: "Impersonates a Government employee that could make them civilly or criminally liable, signing under their name or providing documentation, and exercising authority."

    }, {
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/4M5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V?pwd=bcd0

  •     name: "Impersonating a Judge",xhtvomlvppnujrqvwiqxbwmbdhijo
        fine: 1e4,

        time: 35,
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/5W6X7Y8Z9A0B1C2D3E4F?pwd=efg0

  •     color: "red",wejsiddfbslpfinhsqffwbstxhn
        description: "Impersonates a Judge."wejsiddfbslpfinhsqffwbstxhn
    }, {qnnrtjnwkqeptccjwsfhmfgcruejahwrvjiotwld
        name: "Forgery",duusodvniiasujwutzucsphpyyotcpwf
        fine: 2500,jsekfhcmowkggnwnen
        time: 15,


        color: "red",
  • jbrcrtubowmdpzqmupqlsecaoscyndvxfnaxhuyvqkygjpte

  •     description: "Possessing or creating any false government document including but not limited to ID cards and license plates."



    }, {xconncngjnhtqvcyirifusveq
        name: "Antitrust",

        fine: 5e3,ptdiwglsmixyjbodkrsppbrglzabglovereayqtk
        time: 30,recvnnrwklrtqmshipnuoguuc
        color: "red",qnnrtjnwkqeptccjwsfhmfgcruejahwrvjiotwld
        description: "Taking actions that engage in the creation of a monopoly are deemed criminal. This includes predatory acts to gain or hold monopoly power, price fixing limited markets (Car Sales, Store Shops and Mechanic Hubs) or malicious sabotage of a competitor's stock. All individuals that manage, work for or own shares (majority or minority) in a business or participate with an individual that engages in these tactics are liable if found to have not reported these actions even when  they were aware they were being undertaken."cymtcnhhsq
    }, {https://pan.baidu.com/s/6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O?pwd=uvwx
        name: "Trespassing",amcghdfoekfojaiqmtzygbvprxkhuxuvkwbrzggd
        fine: 800,

        time: 5,eokmbpkjfzgffqqzjvktsrcljsqnxskbhvojlysqyyvdpldz
        color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/7Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X6Y7Z
        description: "Enters knowingly or remains unlawfully in or upon government premises or private property. (Police holding, military installations, Braddock Farm etc..)"zcchliekdabjylzfuoekqpktumztaqlasnievmpzmqil
    }, {https://pan.baidu.com/s/5E6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N?pwd=efg2
        name: "Possession of Items Used In The Commission Of A Crime",https://pan.baidu.com/s/3T4U5V6W7X8Y9Z0A1B2C?pwd=yza1
        fine: 1e3,



        time: 10,

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/5G6H7I8J9K0L1M2N3O4P https://pan.baidu.com/s/1T2U3V4W5X6Y7Z8A9B0C

        color: "green",

        description: "Possession of any items used in the commission of a felony, misdemeanor or infraction. This includes Advance lockpicks,lockpicks,Tuner,Thermite,VPN."

    }, {



        name: "Arson",qnnrtjnwkqeptccjwsfhmfgcruejahwrvjiotwld
        fine: 3e3,

        time: 15,gyyyfkfmjogmkujnpknzxmmicsvsyt
        color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/7Y8Z9A0B1C2D3E4F5G6H
        description: "The willful and malicious burning or charring of property or persons."


    }, {sgedzzhtmrnrictqrhosvrqaqvbezqsswxwwwdqiu
        name: "Vandelism",

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/4F5G6H7I8J9K0L1M2N3O https://pan.baidu.com/s/8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P7Q?pwd=nop5

        fine: 1500,wqzctwlmbhbmqrdgfgyptzq
        time: 0,

        color: "green",vrzdaieeleonqhbvhgpiyo
        description: "Intentionally causing damage to property they do not own."https://pan.baidu.com/s/6X7Y8Z9A0B1C2D3E4F5G?pwd=hij1
    }, {setzyldagqoynz
        name: "Vandalism of Government Property",

        fine: 3e3,

        time: 15,oandjijhtkuvztrpycgmx
        color: "green",

        description: "Intentionally causing damage to Government Property"sgedzzhtmrnrictqrhosvrqaqvbezqsswxwwwdqiu
    }, {https://pan.baidu.com/s/2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0K1L
        name: "Bribery",oandjijhtkuvztrpycgmx
        fine: 3e3,

        time: 10,ywsekuuzukl
        color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P7Q?pwd=nop5
        description: "Confers, or agrees to confer, any benefit upon a public servant upon an agreement or understanding that such public servant's vote, opinion, judgment, action, decision or exercise of discretion as a public servant will thereby be influenced."
  • comhwiyatsszrefmvablhcerefolgkfjyrrvzqwtiotasy

  • }, {

        name: "Contempt of Court",



        fine: 5e3,

        time: 50,https://pan.baidu.com/s/2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0K1L?pwd=wxy6
        color: "red",

        description: "The act of being disobedient to or discourteous towards a court of law and its officers in the form of behavior that opposes or defies the authority, justice and dignity of the court. Time/Fine is Judge Discretion."

    }, {

        name: "Criminal Possession of Stolen Property",https://pan.baidu.com/s/8P9Q0R1S2T3U4V5W6X7Y?pwd=ijkl
        fine: 1e3,

        time: 5,

        color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/7O8P9Q0R1S2T3U4V5W6X?pwd=efgh
        description: "Possesses any physical property that is reported stolen."mafwrvgwoznaorrltudumktfqpcionxbndyfzebneo
    }, {vklaagvwcacifcxnquqvktayqlobrfc
        name: "Escaping",

        fine: 3e3,gjbpunbiwzjzbxgscnzrdyfzaqbntcqa
        time: 15,npqbikcqfqoipptfnasttrqtwszcaatoqjqzuspzieh
        color: "green",https://pan.baidu.com/s/8A9B0C1D2E3F4G5H6I7J
        description: "Escapes the custody of the government of their own free will."xhtvomlvppnujrqvwiqxbwmbdhijo
    }, {

        name: "Jailbreak",

        fine: 8e3,dltrfzmfuruopgbsjbaxhbv
        time: 40,vklaagvwcacifcxnquqvktayqlobrfc
        color: "green",
  • bgfqhxsslbtrczdilgvdkzewyvzgynnautqc

  •     description: "Breaks into government buildings designated for detainment or imprisonment with intent to break a prisoner out."

    }, {

        name: "Disorderly Conduct",ptdiwglsmixyjbodkrsppbrglzabglovereayqtk
        fine: 1e3,cjlzultxcjzjwvzwlqqzvymngfwswanzkzyfkrcmbcwxywu
        time: 5,tyjkaxdcodnfttkkh
        color: "green",



        description: "Engages in behavior intending to cause public inconvenience."

    }, {
  • sozheeifcnyragnrfczwwmfspdlbavxtjwbnbjtexsvyzipe

  •     name: "Perjury",
  • comhwiyatsszrefmvablhcerefolgkfjyrrvzqwtiotasy

  •     fine: 7e3,ptdiwglsmixyjbodkrsppbrglzabglovereayqtk
        time: 20,https://pan.baidu.com/s/8G9H0I1J2K3L4M5N6O7P?pwd=zabc
        color: "red",zqjjrzgexfkrypejzikmlniybdcngrfghoqyowclcnca
        description: "Knowingly lies under oath verbally or through writing in judicial proceedings."https://pan.baidu.com/s/7Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X6Y7Z
    }, {qeqgilkrkcqfocqoaq
        name: "Violating a Court Orde",setzyldagqoynz
        fine: 5e3,https://pan.baidu.com/s/7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X6Y?pwd=klm3
        time: 20,cmfbjbswtudjbcgsejjxzrrilljschkftqhcrzzlucvv
        color: "red",

        description: "Willful disobedience of the terms written in a court order."

    }, {
  • bgfqhxsslbtrczdilgvdkzewyvzgynnautqc

  •     name: "Failure to Appear",

        fine: 1e4,https://pan.baidu.com/s/6F7G8H9I0J1K2L3M4N5O?pwd=uvwx
        time: 20,https://pan.baidu.com/s/4E5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2M3N?pwd=bcd8
        color: "red",jqyntyclaazewwjjwgqrfmhployahdgqtfe
        description: "Failure to Appear in Court when summoned"https://pan.baidu.com/s/6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X?pwd=hij2
    }, {

        name: "Unlawful Practice",hucenqvpfotslynbrktcbvjaayrtiippdrtqipfndzfoytqp
        fine: 1e4,

        time: 15,mafwrvgwoznaorrltudumktfqpcionxbndyfzebneo
        color: "red",



        description: "Practices law or medicine without proper state-sanctioned licensing."dcwfxfladpti
    }, {iuxaxjrntierhcqsnhmnjobccaphtibcdycaiunbcstjv
        name: "Embezzlement",https://pan.baidu.com/s/5X6Y7Z8A9B0C1D2E3F4G
        fine: 1e4,ilskodebpgkqrepuonxuoplthjkshhxqsq
        time: 20,https://pan.baidu.com/s/7Q9R0S1T2U3V4W5X6Y7Z
        color: "red",https://pan.baidu.com/s/2S3T4U5V6W7X8Y9Z0A1B?pwd=uvwx
        description: "Steals or misappropriated funds that are used for a specific purpose."zcchliekdabjylzfuoekqpktumztaqlasnievmpzmqil
    }, {uadhawbunsojlnmlnfzepqdjitjrxqprrtzspamdsamdnzpbf
        name: "Conspiracy - Misdemeanor",


  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/9I0J1K2L3M4N5O6P7Q8R?pwd=qrs6

  •     fine: 2e3,
  • https://pan.baidu.com/s/5N6O7P8Q9R0S1T2U3V4W?pwd=efg1

  •     time: 0,ugamrmtsyavdgteksmtjcurw
        color: "green",

        description: "Any act of conspiracy (See definition at the top) to commit a misdemeanor. This is also called a [Wobbler]."https://pan.baidu.com/s/2M3N4O5P6Q7R8S9T0U1V
    }, {vrzdaieeleonqhbvhgpiyo
        name: "Conspiracy to Commit Fraud",https://pan.baidu.com/s/8Y9Z0A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H?pwd=mno6
        fine: 3e3,dmqtwhoqdylufnglssqdqgxwvmeccikgvbar
        time: 15,

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/8I9J0K1L2M3N4O5P6Q7R https://pan.baidu.com/s/2J3K4L5M6N7O8P9Q0R1S?pwd=klmn

        color: "green",

        description: "Any act of conspiracy (See definition at the top) to defraud someone out of money or property. This can be filed as a misdemeanor or as a felony based on the facts of the case and criminal history."wfazotolcrefwsmktxwnqknxhswosfnplnozhckjuppqicabz
    }, rsqlcildztexyklnhinysvudpaugwhyozpzbxlewejuc

    https://pan.baidu.com/s/4E5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2M3N?pwd=bcd8 https://pan.baidu.com/s/2L3M4N5O7P8Q9R0S1T2U



    回复 论坛版权

    使用道具 举报

    ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 00:09:35 | 显示全部楼层
    var licensesData = [ //在这里添加新许可证,使用与你数据库中的许可证名称相同的ID。
            id: 'weapon',
            color: 'red',
            description: "武器许可证"
            id: 'driver',
            color: 'green',
            description: "驾驶许可证"
            id: 'business',
            color: 'red',
            description: "营业执照"
    var Language = {
        dashboard: "仪表板",
        incidents: "事件",
        profiles: "档案",
        vehicles: "车辆",
        reports: "报告",
        evidence: "证据",
        warrants: "逮捕令",
        charges: "指控",
        config: "配置",
        welcome: "欢迎",
        badge: "徽章:",
        duty: "值班",
        editprofile: "编辑档案",
        submitevi: "提交证据",
        createreport: "创建报告",
        editreport: "编辑报告",
        editvehicle: "编辑车辆",
        bolo: "搜查通知",
        invreport: "调查报告",
        civreport: "平民报告",
        reporttype: "报告类型",
        search: "搜索",
        approved: "批准",
        papproval: "待批准",
        rapproval: "拒绝批准",
        expirein: "到期于",
        ago: "前",
        officerin: "涉及警官",
        personin: "涉及人员",
        criminalsc: "添加罪犯",
        vehiclein: "涉及车辆",
        documenthere: "文件内容在此",
        warrsec: "逮捕令执行成功",
        maintitle: "标题",
        imgurl: "档案图片URL",
        profileloaded: "档案加载完毕,CitizenID为",
        profilesaved: "档案保存完毕,CitizenID为",
        licenseRemoved: "许可证已移除",
        evidencealready: '证据已添加!',
        evidencenot: "未找到证据!",
        evidenceid: "证据ID",
        evidenceass: '证据分配ID为',
        assievi: "分配证据",
        assign: "分配",
        createevi: "创建证据",
        type: "类型",
        imgurl2: "图片URL",
        description: "描述",
        evicreated: "证据创建完毕,ID为",
        create: "创建",
        close: "关闭",
        name: "名称",
        stateid: "状态ID",
        alreadyin: "已添加",
        add: "添加",
        editcharges: "编辑指控",
        arrwarr: "逮捕令",
        reductions: "减刑",
        inprg: "进行中",
        expired: "已过期",
        expires: "到期",
        guilty: "认罪",
        processed: "已处理",
        month: "月",
        final: "最终",
        incsaved: "事件保存完毕,ID为",
        incloaded: '事件加载完毕,ID为',
        reportloaded: "报告加载完毕,ID为",
        reportsaved: "报告保存完毕,ID为",
        photo: "照片",
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        blood: "血液",
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        evidencesaved: "证据创建完毕,ID为",
        extendedsidebar: "扩展侧栏",
        dtheme: "黑暗主题",
        save: "保存",
        mrights: "你有权保持沉默。你所说的一切都可以并且会被用作对你不利的证据。你有权利在审讯时有律师在场。如果你无法支付律师费用,将为你指定一位律师。你明白我刚才告知你的权利吗?在你知道这些权利的情况下,你是否愿意和我谈话?",
        configsaved: "配置保存成功",
        success: "成功",
        error: "错误",
        empty: "字段为空",
        assperson: "分配人员",
        citizenid: '公民ID',
        incident: "事件",
        report: "报告",
        incin: "涉及的事件",
        reportinv: "涉及的报告",
        fine: "罚款",
        seized: "扣押",
        vsaved: "车辆保存完毕,车牌ID为",
        vloaded: "车辆加载完毕,车牌ID为",
        vimage: "车辆图片URL",
        vowner: "所有者",
        vmodel: "型号",
    var mdtLogo = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/955831405064114216/1213019086381121566/Lspd.webp?ex=65f3f30e&is=65e17e0e&hm=eacf833ead99565989c1a84007d38f2a5ee47cbabc5dbef42276d14d95681230&"
    var mdtCharges = [{
        name: "简单攻击",
        fine: 500,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "在没有使用武器的情况下试图或实施对他人的伤害。"
    }, {
        name: "攻击",
        fine: 700,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "对他人造成身体伤害,威胁他人即将造成身体伤害,或进行应合理认为是冒犯或挑衅的身体接触。"
    }, {
        name: "共犯",
        fine: 1000,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "协助他人犯罪的人。"
    }, {
        name: "严重攻击",
        fine: 3000,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "用武器试图或实施对他人的严重或严重身体伤害。"
    }, {
        name: "性侵犯",
        fine: 20000,
        time: 20,
        color: "red",
        description: "性侵犯是一种行为,其中一个人故意在没有他人同意的情况下对其进行性接触,或强迫或逼使某人在违背其意愿的情况下参与性行为。"
    }, {
        name: "过失杀人",
        fine: 2000,
        time: 20,
        color: "green",
        description: "鲁莽或意外地杀害他人。"
    }, {
        name: "机动车过失杀人",
        fine: 3000,
        time: 30,
        color: "green",
        description: "驾驶机动车时鲁莽或意外地杀害他人。"
    }, {
        name: "自愿杀人",
        fine: 5000,
        time: 35,
        color: "red",
        description: "以身体伤害的意图鲁莽或意外地杀害他人。"
    }, {
        name: "二级谋杀",
        fine: 10000,
        time: 40,
        color: "red",
        description: "有意杀害他人。"
    }, {
        name: "一级谋杀",
        fine: 15000,
        time: 50,
        color: "red",
        description: "在有预谋和深思熟虑的情况下,有意杀害他人。"
    }, {
        name: "非法监禁",
        fine: 2000,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "无正当理由或同意限制他人的活动范围。"
    }, {
        name: "绑架",
        fine: 2500,
        time: 20,
        color: "green",
        description: "诱拐他人并在违背其意愿的情况下长时间拘禁他们。"
    }, {
        name: "绑架公务员",
        fine: 3500,
        time: 25,
        color: "green",
        description: "诱拐公务员并在违背其意愿的情况下长时间拘禁他们。"
    }, {
        name: "人质挟持",
        fine: 1250,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "以威胁其生命或身体健康的方式挟持某人,意图或宣称将其用于逃脱或个人利益。"
    }, {
        name: "犯罪威胁",
        fine: 1000,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "任何人故意威胁实施将导致他人死亡或身体伤害的犯罪行为。"
    }, {
        name: "鲁莽危害",
        fine: 2000,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "对自己或他人的生命置之不顾。"
    }, {
        name: "骚扰",
        fine: 3000,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "通过不受欢迎的言语、行为、动作或手势对他人进行恐吓或施加压力。持续的骚扰会加重指控,每次事件会增加$10,000的罚款。"
    }, {
        name: "性骚扰",
        fine: 5000,
        time: 10,
        color: "red",
        description: "涉及使用明确或隐含的性暗示,包括承诺在性行为中提供奖励的行为。"
    }, {
        name: "轻微偷窃",
        fine: 800,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "盗取价值低于$1,000的他人财物。"
    }, {
        name: "重大偷窃",
        fine: 2500,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "盗取价值超过$1,000的他人财物。"
    }, {
        name: "飙车",
        fine: 1000,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "驾驶失窃车辆快速且危险行驶以取乐。"
    }, {
        name: "重大偷车罪 (A)",
        fine: 2000,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "非法夺取他人车辆,或在未经车主同意的情况下驾驶车辆,以永久或暂时剥夺车主车辆的使用权。"
    }, {
        name: "重大偷车罪 (B)",
        fine: 3000,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "政府车辆:如法律条文P.C. 1205所述,罚款翻倍。"
    }, {
        name: "入室盗窃",
        fine: 1750,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "有意进入或非法停留在建筑物内,意图实施犯罪。"
    }, {
        name: "抢劫",
        fine: 2500,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "从个人或企业盗窃金钱或财物。"
    }, {
        name: "银行抢劫",
        fine: 3500,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "抢劫或企图抢劫银行、珠宝商或金融机构。"
    }, {
        name: "联邦银行抢劫",
        fine: 5000,
        time: 20,
        color: "green",
        description: "抢劫由FDIC保险的银行(Pac Standard和Vangelico's)。"
    }, {
        name: "敲诈勒索",
        fine: 2000,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "使用威胁或武力获取金钱或物质利益。"
    }, {
        name: "诈骗",
        fine: 5000,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "以欺骗手段故意获取经济或个人利益。"
    }, {
        name: "冒充他人",
        fine: 2000,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "冒充他人以至于使其负有民事或刑事责任,签署虚假姓名或提供他人身份证明文件。"
    }, {
        name: "冒充政府雇员",
        fine: 4000,
        time: 30,
        color: "green",
        description: "冒充政府雇员以至于使其负有民事或刑事责任,签署其名义或提供身份证明文件,并行使权力。"
    }, {
        name: "冒充法官",
        fine: 10000,
        time: 35,
        color: "red",
        description: "冒充法官。"
    }, {
        name: "伪造",
        fine: 2500,
        time: 15,
        color: "red",
        description: "持有或制作任何虚假政府文件,包括但不限于身份证和车牌。"
    }, {
        name: "反垄断",
        fine: 5000,
        time: 30,
        color: "red",
        description: "采取行动从事垄断行为被视为犯罪。这包括为了获取或保持垄断权力而进行的掠夺性行为,限制市场价格固定(汽车销售、店铺和机械中心)或恶意破坏竞争对手的库存。任何管理、为企业工作或拥有股份(大多数或少数)的个人,或参与这些策略的个人,如果被发现没有在知情情况下报告这些行为,都要承担责任。"
    }, {
        name: "擅闯",
        fine: 800,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "有意进入或非法停留在政府或私人物业内。(警察拘留、军事设施、布拉多克农场等)"
    }, {
        name: "拥有用于实施犯罪的物品",
        fine: 1000,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "持有任何用于实施重罪、轻罪或违规行为的物品。包括高级锁匠工具、锁匠工具、调谐器、炸药、VPN。"
    }, {
        name: "纵火",
        fine: 3000,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "故意和恶意焚烧或烧毁财产或人。"
    }, {
        name: "破坏",
        fine: 1500,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "故意造成不属于自己的财产损害。"
    }, {
        name: "破坏政府财产",
        fine: 3000,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "故意造成政府财产破坏。"
    }, {
        name: "贿赂",
        fine: 3000,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "向公务员给予或同意给予任何好处,以协议或理解影响其投票、意见、判断、行动、决定或作为公务员的酌情权。"
    }, {
        name: "藐视法庭",
        fine: 5000,
        time: 50,
        color: "red",
        description: "在形式上对法庭及其官员表现出不服从或不尊重的行为,反对或蔑视法院的权威、公正和尊严。时间/罚款由法官酌情决定。"
    }, {
        name: "非法持有被盗财产",
        fine: 1000,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "持有任何举报为被盗的实际财产。"
    }, {
        name: "越狱",
        fine: 3000,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "自行逃脱政府的拘留。"
    }, {
        name: "越狱暴动",
        fine: 8000,
        time: 40,
        color: "green",
        description: "意图突破囚犯的政府建筑物。"
    }, {
        name: "扰乱秩序",
        fine: 1000,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "进行旨在引起公共不便的行为。"
    }, {
        name: "伪证",
        fine: 7000,
        time: 20,
        color: "red",
        description: "在司法程序中故意在宣誓下撒谎或书面撒谎。"
    }, {
        name: "违反法院命令",
        fine: 5000,
        time: 20,
        color: "red",
        description: "故意不服从法院命令中的条款。"
    }, {
        name: "未出庭",
        fine: 10000,
        time: 20,
        color: "red",
        description: "召唤时未出庭。"
    }, {
        name: "非法执业",
        fine: 10000,
        time: 15,
        color: "red",
        description: "在没有适当的国家许可的情况下从事法律或医学实践。"
    }, {
        name: "挪用公款",
        fine: 10000,
        time: 20,
        color: "red",
        description: "盗用或误用用于特定目的的资金。"
    }, {
        name: "共谋 - 轻罪",
        fine: 2000,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "任何共谋行为(参见顶部定义)以实施轻罪。这也称为。"
    }, {
        name: "共谋欺诈",
        fine: 3000,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "任何共谋行为(参见顶部定义)以欺骗某人取得金钱或财产。根据案件事实和犯罪历史,这可以作为轻罪或重罪提出。"

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     楼主| wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 00:11:25 | 显示全部楼层

        name: "Violation of Restraining Order",
        fine: 3500,
        time: 20,
        color: "green",
        description: "Violating a lawful restraining order."
    }, {
        name: "Anti-Mask Law",
        fine: 500,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Willfully wears a mask and refuses to remove it in a public institution (Police stations, hospitals, courthouses) or in hindrance of law enforcement duties."
    }, {
        name: "Operating without a permit",
        fine: 1e4,
        time: 10,
        color: "red",
        description: "The illegal act of operation of an activity that requires a valid permit. The fine can not exceed 110% of the permit price."
    }, {
        name: "Disobeying a Peace Officer",
        fine: 800,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Willfully refusing or failing to comply with a lawful order, signal, or direction of any peace officer."
    }, {
        name: "Disturbing the Peace",
        fine: 1500,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Unlawfully fighting, or challenging another person to fight, in a public place. Disturbing another person by loud and unreasonable noise; if this is done willfully and maliciously. Using offensive words in a public place, if the words are likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction."
    }, {
        name: "False Reporting",
        fine: 1e3,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "Reports a false or non-existent crime."
    }, {
        name: "Obstruction of justice",
        fine: 8e3,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "Willfully tampers with the discovery, apprehension, conviction or punishment of a crime after a crime has been committed or charged."
    }, {
        name: "Inciting a Riot",
        fine: 1e4,
        time: 30,
        color: "green",
        description: "Organizes an event/assembly which results in violent conduct or creates a risk of causing public harm with a group of at least four people."
    }, {
        name: "Loitering",
        fine: 2e3,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Intentionally standing or waiting idly without apparent purpose."
    }, {
        name: "Tampering",
        fine: 750,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "Tampering with property of another person or entity with intent to cause substantial inconvenience or gain unlawful access for monetary gain. Must be caught in the act with item from P.C. 1204."
    }, {
        name: "Tampering with Evidence",
        fine: 1e4,
        time: 25,
        color: "red",
        description: "Tampering with evidence obtained from the scene of the crime with intent to cause substantial inconvenience that can affect the end result of an ongoing session in court."
    }, {
        name: "Animal Cruelty",
        fine: 2e3,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "Maliciously and intentionally wounds or kills an animal."
    }, {
        name: "Reckless Driving",
        fine: 1500,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "Driving with a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of others, or a willful disregard of the potential consequences of one’s actions"
    }, {
        name: "Government Corruption",
        fine: 2e4,
        time: 20,
        color: "red",
        description: "The use of powers by government officials or their network contacts for illegitimate private/personal gain."
    }, {
        name: "Vigilantism",
        fine: 1e3,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "Law enforcement undertaken without legal authority by a self-appointed group or person."
    }, {
        name: "Government Grand Larceny",
        fine: 3e3,
        time: 10,
        color: "red",
        description: "The unlawful taking of government property worth more than $2000.00. See PC. 2203 (B) for vehicles."
    }, {
        name: "Unlawful Assembly",
        fine: 5e3,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "Participates in an event/assembly which results in violent conduct or creates a risk of causing public harm with a group of at least four people."
    }, {
        name: "Possession of Controlled substance Class A",
        fine: 2500,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "Possession of meth"
    }, {
        name: "Possession of Controlled substance with the intent to distribute class A",
        fine: 4500,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "The sale or trade of meth."
    }, {
        name: "Possession of Controlled substance class B",
        fine: 1e3,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "Possession of Cocaine and oxycontin."
    }, {
        name: "Possession of controlled substance with the intent to distribute class B",
        fine: 4500,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "The Sale or trade of Cocaine and oxycontin."
    }, {
        name: "Possession of  Controlled substance class C",
        fine: 1500,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "Possession of marijuana without a valid permit."
    }, {
        name: "Possession of Controlled substance with the intent to distribute class C",
        fine: 2e3,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "The sale ,trade or offering of marijuana without sales permit for monetary, materials or social "
    }, {
        name: "Possession of controlled substance with intent to distribute ",
        fine: 3e3,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "Sells a controlled substance."
    }, {
        name: "Possession of Illegal Tools",
        fine: 2e3,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "Illegal tools or materials. Refer to P.C. 1204b."
    }, {
        name: "Prostitution",
        fine: 500,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Offering, for payment, the services of prostitution or offering payment for prostitution."
    }, {
        name: "Criminal Possession of Firearm Class 1 ",
        fine: 2e3,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "Possess an illegal Class 1 Weapon; Walther P99 | Pistol"

        name: "Criminal Possession of Firearm Class 2",
        fine: 4e3,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "Possess a Class 2 weapon; refer to P.C. 1202."
    }, {
        name: "Criminal Possession of Firearm Class 3",
        fine: 5e3,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "Possess a Class 3 weapon; refer to P.C. 1203."
    }, {
        name: "Criminal Sale of Firearm [Class 1]",
        fine: 5e3,
        time: 15,
        color: "red",
        description: "Sells a Class 1 weapon to a person who does not own a gun license or sells a Pistol MK2."
    }, {
        name: "Criminal Sale of Firearm [Class 2]",
        fine: 7e3,
        time: 20,
        color: "red",
        description: "Sells a Class 2 weapon"
    }, {
        name: "Criminal Sale of Firearm [Class 3]",
        fine: 1e4,
        time: 25,
        color: "red",
        description: "Sells a Class 3 weapon."
    }, {
        name: "Criminal Use of Firearm",
        fine: 2e3,
        time: 15,
        color: "green",
        description: "Discharges a firearm for no legal reason."
    }, {
        name: "Brandishing",
        fine: 1500,
        time: 20,
        color: "green",
        description: "it is unlawful for you to draw or exhibit a deadly weapon in a rude, angry, or threatening way in the presence of another person and not in self defense or in defense of someone."
    }, {
        name: "Illegal stop on highway or freeway",
        fine: 1500,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "it is unlawful for you to draw or exhibit a deadly weapon in a rude, angry, or threatening way in the presence of another person and not in self defense or in defense of someone."
    }, {
        name: "Resisting Arrest",
        fine: 1e3,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "Flees from a police officer to avoid being apprehended, detained, or arrested while on foot."
    }, {
        name: "Jaywalking",
        fine: 500,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Crossing  a road without the use of a crosswalk."
    }, {
        name: "Terrorism",
        fine: 4e4,
        time: 100,
        color: "red",
        description: "Causes mass destruction using explosives, sickness, or extreme violence."
    }, {
        name: "Driving While Intoxicated",
        fine: 750,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "Drives while affected by drug or alcohol intoxication."
    }, {
        name: "Evading",
        fine: 1250,
        time: 5,
        color: "green",
        description: "Flees from a police officer in a vehicle to avoid being apprehended, detained, or arrested."
    }, {
        name: "Reckless Evading",
        fine: 1500,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "Dangerously flees from a police officer in a vehicle to avoid being apprehended, detained, or arrested in a way which clearly shows blatant disregard for civilian life. This charge already implies Evading and Reckless Endangerment/Driving, do not stack."
    }, {
        name: "Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle",
        fine: 1e3,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Does not pull to the side of the road when an emergency vehicle is trying to pass with sirens enabled."
    }, {
        name: "Failure to Obey Traffic Control Devices",
        fine: 750,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Does not obey a sign or signal defined as regulatory."
    }, {
        name: "Nonfunctional Vehicle",
        fine: 1e3,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Drives a nonfunctional vehicle e.g. smashed windows, illegal window tint (Fully blacked out windows), doors, etc."
    }, {
        name: "Negligent Driving",
        fine: 800,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Drives in a way that is negligent, demonstrating a lack of proper regard or attention to safety."
    }, {
        name: "Reckless Driving",
        fine: 1e3,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "Drives in a way that is careless and with gross disregard for human life."
    }, {
        name: "Third Degree Speeding",
        fine: 500,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Speeds in excess of 0 mph to 35 mph."
    }, {
        name: "Second Degree Speeding",
        fine: 800,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Speeds in excess of 36 mph to 55 mph."
    }, {
        name: "First Degree Speeding",
        fine: 1e3,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Speeds in excess of more than 55 mph. Driver's License may be subject to removal."
    }, {
        name: "Unlicensed Operation of Vehicle",
        fine: 1e3,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Drives a car without a proper license."
    }, {
        name: "Illegal U-turn",
        fine: 750,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Performing a U-turn that is within City Limits, or crosses lanes of traffic."
    }, {
        name: "Illegal passing",
        fine: 800,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Passing another vehicle by a shoulder, median, or solid lines. Passing must be completely made without interfering with safe operation of any approaching vehicle from the opposite direction."
    }, {
        name: "Failure to maintain lane",
        fine: 500,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Failure to maintain control of a vehicle within an appropriate lane of travel."
    }, {
        name: "Illegal Turn",
        fine: 600,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Performing a turn at a stop sign or red light without coming to a full and complete stop, or failure to yield to traffic and pedestrians. Making a left-hand turn where signs posted prohibit such a turn."
    }, {
        name: "Failure to Stop",
        fine: 500,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Failure to come to a complete and full stop at a posted stop sign, or red light. Right on red is permitted when a full stop is completed and after yielding to traffic and pedestrians."
    }, {
        name: "Unauthorized Parking",
        fine: 1e3,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Parks in a non-designated area."
    }, {
        name: "Hit and Run",
        fine: 2e3,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "The act of causing a traffic collision and failing to stop and identify oneself afterwards."
    }, {
        name: "Airspace Violation",
        fine: 3500,
        time: 25,
        color: "green",
        description: "Flying in an unauthorized area, flying without a license or landing an aircraft outside helipads and airports when not responding to an emergency call."
    }, {
        name: "Driving w/o Headlights or Signals",
        fine: 750,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Driving after dusk and before dawn or in other poor visibility conditions without headlights or in a vehicle without brake lights or other signals."
    }, {
        name: "Excessive Vehicle Noise",
        fine: 500,
        time: 0,
        color: "green",
        description: "Creating vehicle noise that is disruptive or otherwise inappropriate, such as excessive honking, loud music, spinning tires, damaged muffler, etc."
    }, {
        name: "Street Racing",
        fine: 3e3,
        time: 10,
        color: "green",
        description: "Participating in a race with a motorized vehicle on a public street."


    使用道具 举报

    ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 00:12:18 | 显示全部楼层
    wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 00:11
        name: "Violation of Restraining Order",

    // 车牌数据,添加新车牌请使用与数据库中车牌名称相同的ID。
    var licensesData = [
            id: 'weapon',
            color : 'red',
            description : "武器许可证"
            id: 'driver',
            color : 'green',
            description : "驾驶证"
            id: 'business',
            color : 'red',
            description : "商业许可证"

    // 语言设置
    var Language = {
        dashboard: "仪表板",
        incidents: "事件",
        profiles: "档案",
        vehicles: "车辆",
        reports: "报告",
        evidence: "证据",
        warrants: "逮捕令",
        charges: "指控",
        config: "配置",
        welcome: "欢迎",
        badge: "徽章:",
        duty: "值班",
        editprofile: "编辑档案",
        submitevi: "提交证据",
        createreport: "创建报告",
        editreport: "编辑报告",
        editvehicle: "编辑车辆",
        bolo: "搜查通知",
        invreport: "调查报告",
        civreport: "平民报告",
        reporttype: "报告类型",
        search: "搜索",
        approved: "批准",
        papproval: "待批准",
        rapproval: "拒绝批准",
        expirein: "到期于",
        ago: "前",
        officerin: "涉及警官",
        personin: "涉及人员",
        criminalsc: "添加罪犯",
        vehiclein: "涉及车辆",
        documenthere: "文件内容在此",
        warrsec: "逮捕令执行成功",
        maintitle: "标题",
        imgurl: "档案图片URL",
        profileloaded: "档案加载完毕,CitizenID为",
        profilesaved: "档案保存完毕,CitizenID为",
        licenseRemoved: "许可证已移除",
        evidencealready: '证据已添加!',
        evidencenot: "未找到证据!",
        evidenceid: "证据ID",
        evidenceass: '证据分配ID为',
        assievi: "分配证据",
        assign: "分配",
        createevi: "创建证据",
        type: "类型",
        imgurl2: "图片URL",
        description: "描述",
        evicreated: "证据创建完毕,ID为",
        create: "创建",
        close: "关闭",
        name: "名称",
        stateid: "状态ID",
        alreadyin: "已添加",
        add: "添加",
        editcharges: "编辑指控",
        arrwarr: "逮捕令",
        reductions: "减刑",
        inprg: "进行中",
        expired: "已过期",
        expires: "到期",
        guilty: "认罪",
        processed: "已处理",
        month: "月",
        final: "最终",
        incsaved: "事件保存完毕,ID为",
        incloaded: '事件加载完毕,ID为',
        reportloaded: "报告加载完毕,ID为",
        reportsaved: "报告保存完毕,ID为",
        photo: "照片",
        bullets: "子弹",
        blood: "血液",
        vehicle: "车辆",
        other: "其他",
        evidencesaved: "证据创建完毕,ID为",
        extendedsidebar: "扩展侧栏",
        dtheme: "黑暗主题",
        save: "保存",
        mrights: "你有权保持沉默。你所说的一切都可以并且会被用作对你不利的证据。你有权利在审讯时有律师在场。如果你无法支付律师费用,将为你指定一位律师。你明白我刚才告知你的权利吗?在你知道这些权利的情况下,你是否愿意和我谈话?",
        configsaved: "配置保存成功",
        success: "成功",
        error: "错误",
        empty: "字段为空",
        assperson: "分配人员",
        citizenid: '公民ID',
        incident: "事件",
        report: "报告",
        incin: "涉及的事件",
        reportinv: "涉及的报告",
        fine: "罚款",
        seized: "扣押",
        vsaved: "车辆保存完毕,车牌ID为",
        vloaded: "车辆加载完毕,车牌ID为",
        vimage: "车辆图片URL",
        vowner: "所有者",
        vmodel: "型号",

    // MDT(移动数据终端)相关
    var mdtLogo = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/955831405064114216/1213019086381121566/Lspd.webp?ex=65f3f30e&is=65e17e0e&hm=eacf833ead99565989c1a84007d38f2a5ee47cbabc5dbef42276d14d95681230&"

    // 指控清单
    var mdtCharges = [
            name: "违反限制令",
            fine: 3500,
            time: 20,
            color: "green",
            description: "违反合法限制令。"
        }, {
            name: "反蒙面法",
            fine: 500,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "在公共机构(警察局、医院、法院)中故意戴面具并拒绝取下,或妨碍执法。"
        }, {
            name: "无证经营",
            fine: 10000,
            time: 10,
            color: "red",
            description: "进行需要有效许可证的活动而没有许可证。罚款不得超过许可证价格的110%。"
        }, {
            name: "不服从治安官命令",
            fine: 800,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "故意拒绝或未能遵守任何治安官的合法命令、信号或指示。"
        }, {
            name: "扰乱治安",
            fine: 1500,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "非法在公共场所打斗或挑战他人打斗;通过大声和不合理的噪音干扰他人;如果这样做是故意和恶意的。在公共场所使用冒犯性的词语,如果这些词语可能引发立即的暴力反应。"
        }, {
            name: "虚假报告",
            fine: 1000,
            time: 5,
            color: "green",
            description: "报告虚假或不存在的犯罪。"
        }, {
            name: "妨碍司法",
            fine: 8000,
            time: 15,
            color: "green",
            description: "故意干扰犯罪后的发现、逮捕、定罪或惩罚。"
        }, {
            name: "煽动骚乱",
            fine: 10000,
            time: 30,
            color: "green",
            description: "组织导致暴力行为的事件/集会,或与至少四人的团体一起造成公众伤害风险。"
        }, {
            name: "游荡",
            fine: 2000,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "故意无目的地站着或等待。"
        }, {
            name: "篡改",
            fine: 750,
            time: 5,
            color: "green",
            description: "篡改他人或实体的财产,意图造成重大不便或获得非法访问以获得金钱利益。必须在使用《P.C. 1204》项下的物品的过程中被抓获。"
        }, {
            name: "篡改证据",
            fine: 10000,
            time: 25,
            color: "red",
            description: "篡改从犯罪现场获取的证据,意图造成重大不便,从而影响法院正在进行的审判的最终结果。"
        }, {
            name: "虐待动物",
            fine: 2000,
            time: 10,
            color: "green",
            description: "恶意和故意伤害或杀死动物。"
        }, {
            name: "鲁莽驾驶",
            fine: 1500,
            time: 10,
            color: "green",
            description: "以对他人安全漠不关心的态度驾驶,或故意无视其行为可能造成的后果。"
        }, {
            name: "政府腐败",
            fine: 20000,
            time: 20,
            color: "red",
            description: "政府官员或其网络联系使用权力以获得非法私人/个人利益。"
        }, {
            name: "自发正义",
            fine: 1000,
            time: 15,
            color: "green",
            description: "在没有合法授权的情况下,由一个自任的团体或个人进行执法。"
        }, {
            name: "政府重大盗窃",
            fine: 3000,
            time: 10,
            color: "red",
            description: "非法取得价值超过2000美元的政府财产。参见《P.C. 2203(B)》关于车辆的规定。"
        }, {
            name: "非法集会",
            fine: 5000,
            time: 5,
            color: "green",
            description: "参与导致暴力行为的事件或集会,或与至少四人的团体一起造成公众伤害风险。"
        }, {
            name: "持有A级管制物质",
            fine: 2500,
            time: 10,
            color: "green",
            description: "持有冰毒。"
        }, {
            name: "意图分发A级管制物质",
            fine: 4500,
            time: 15,
            color: "green",
            description: "销售或交易冰毒。"
        }, {
            name: "持有B级管制物质",
            fine: 1000,
            time: 10,
            color: "green",
            description: "持有可卡因和羟考酮。"
        }, {
            name: "意图分发B级管制物质",
            fine: 4500,
            time: 5,
            color: "green",
            description: "销售或交易可卡因和羟考酮。"
        }, {
            name: "持有C级管制物质",
            fine: 1500,
            time: 5,
            color: "green",
            description: "在没有有效许可的情况下持有大麻。"
        }, {
            name: "意图分发C级管制物质",
            fine: 2000,
            time: 10,
            color: "green",
            description: "以金钱、材料或社交为目的,销售、交易或提供大麻而没有销售许可。"
        }, {
            name: "意图分发管制物质",
            fine: 3000,
            time: 10,
            color: "green",
            description: "销售管制物质。"
        }, {
            name: "持有非法工具",
            fine: 2000,
            time: 10,
            color: "green",
            description: "持有非法工具或材料。参见《P.C. 1204b》。"
        }, {
            name: "卖淫",
            fine: 500,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "提供、收取或接受金钱换取性服务。"
        }, {
            name: "非法拥有1级枪支",
            fine: 2000,
            time: 5,
            color: "green",
            description: "非法持有1级武器;例:瓦尔特P99 | 手枪。"
        }, {
            name: "非法拥有2级枪支",
            fine: 4000,
            time: 15,
            color: "green",
            description: "持有2级武器;参见《P.C. 1202》。"
        }, {
            name: "非法拥有3级枪支",
            fine: 5000,
            time: 15,
            color: "green",
            description: "持有3级武器;参见《P.C. 1203》。"
        }, {
            name: "非法销售枪支",
            fine: 5000,
            time: 15,
            color: "red",
            description: "将1级武器出售给没有持枪许可证的人,或销售MK2手枪。"
        }, {
            name: "非法销售2级枪支",
            fine: 7000,
            time: 20,
            color: "red",
            description: "销售2级武器。"
        }, {
            name: "非法销售3级枪支",
            fine: 10000,
            time: 25,
            color: "red",
            description: "销售3级武器。"
        }, {
            name: "非法使用枪支",
            fine: 2000,
            time: 15,
            color: "green",
            description: "无合法理由开枪。"
        }, {
            name: "挥舞武器",
            fine: 1500,
            time: 20,
            color: "green",
            description: "在没有自卫或他卫的情况下,以粗鲁、愤怒或威胁的方式展示或出动致命武器。"
        }, {
            name: "非法停车在高速公路或高速公路上",
            fine: 1500,
            time: 10,
            color: "green",
            description: "在没有自卫或他卫的情况下,以粗鲁、愤怒或威胁的方式展示或出动致命武器。"
        }, {
            name: "抗拒逮捕",
            fine: 1000,
            time: 5,
            color: "green",
            description: "逃避警察以避免被逮捕、拘留或拘捕,通常步行。"
        }, {
            name: "闯红灯",
            fine: 500,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "在没有斑马线的情况下横穿马路。"
        }, {
            name: "恐怖主义",
            fine: 40000,
            time: 100,
            color: "red",
            description: "使用爆炸物、疾病或极端暴力造成大规模破坏。"
        }, {
            name: "酒驾",
            fine: 750,
            time: 5,
            color: "green",
            description: "在药物或酒精影响下驾驶。"
        }, {
            name: "逃避",
            fine: 1250,
            time: 5,
            color: "green",
            description: "为了避免被逮捕、拘留或拘捕而驾驶车辆逃避警察。"
        }, {
            name: "鲁莽逃避",
            fine: 1500,
            time: 10,
            color: "green",
            description: "为了避免被逮捕、拘留或拘捕,以明显对平民生命不顾的方式驾驶车辆逃避警察。此指控已经包括逃避和鲁莽危险/驾驶,不要叠加。"
        }, {
            name: "未让路给紧急车辆",
            fine: 1000,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "当紧急车辆启用警报器尝试通过时,没有靠边停车。"
        }, {
            name: "不服从交通控制设备",
            fine: 750,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "没有遵守作为监管的标志或信号。"
        }, {
            name: "非功能性车辆",
            fine: 1000,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "驾驶非功能性车辆,例如窗户损坏、非法车窗色(完全遮黑的窗户)、没门等。"
        }, {
            name: "疏忽驾驶",
            fine: 800,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "以一种疏忽的方式驾驶,表现出对安全缺乏适当关注。"
        }, {
            name: "鲁莽驾驶",
            fine: 1000,
            time: 10,
            color: "green",
            description: "以粗心大意和对人类生命极度不顾的方式驾驶。"
        }, {
            name: "三级超速",
            fine: 500,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "超速0至35英里每小时。"
        }, {
            name: "二级超速",
            fine: 800,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "超速36至55英里每小时。"
        }, {
            name: "一级超速",
            fine: 1000,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "超速超过55英里每小时。驾驶执照可能会被取消。"
        }, {
            name: "无证驾驶",
            fine: 1000,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "在没有合适的驾驶执照的情况下驾驶汽车。"
        }, {
            name: "非法掉头",
            fine: 750,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "在市区范围内执行掉头,或穿越交通车道。"
        }, {
            name: "非法超车",
            fine: 800,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "通过肩带、中位线或实线超车。超车必须完全完成,而不会干扰对面来车的安全操作。"
        }, {
            name: "未保持车道",
            fine: 500,
            time: 0,
            color: "green",
            description: "未能在合适的车道内控制车辆。"
        }, {
            name: "非法转弯",
            fine: 600,
            time: 0,
            color: "green

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