

ohyohy3 发表于 2024-6-12 03:40:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Config                            = {}
Config.Locale = 'en' -- your language, It would be nice if you send me your translation on fivem forum
Config.TimeToSell = 8 -- how many seconds player have to wait/stand near ped
Config.CallCops = true -- if true and if ped reject your offer then there is [Config.CallCopsPercent]% to call cops
Config.CopsRequiredToSell = 0 -- required cops on server to sell drugs
Config.CallCopsPercent = 2 -- (min1) if 1 cops will be called every time=100%, 2=50%, 3=33%, 4=25%, 5=20%
Config.PedRejectPercent = 2 -- (min1) if 1 ped reject offer=100%, 2=50%, 3=33%, 4=25%, 5=20%
Config.PlayAnimation = true -- just play animation when sold
Config.SellPooch = true -- if true, players can sell pooch like weed_pooch, meth_pooch
Config.SellSingle = true -- if true, players can sell single item like weed, meth
Config.SellWeed = true        -- if true, players can sell weed
Config.SellCoke = true        -- if true, players can sell coke
Config.SellLsa = true
Config.SellLsd = true
Config.SellHeroin = true
Config.WeedPrice = 3000        -- sell price for single, not pooch (black money)
--Config.MethPrice = 1200        -- sell price for single, not pooch (black money)
--Config.CokePrice = 1200        -- sell price for single, not pooch (black money)
--Config.OpiuPrice = 1200        -- sell price for single, not pooch (black money)
--Config.LsdPrice = 1200
--Config.LsaPrice = 1200
Config.HerPrice = 1000
Config.DistanceFromCity = 250 -- set distance that player cant sell drugs too far from city
Config.CityPoint = {x= 272.59, y= -1857.41, z= 26.86}

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使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-6-12 08:37:42 | 显示全部楼层
Config                            = {}
Config.Locale = 'zh' -- 你的语言,如果可能的话,请在FiveM论坛上发送你的翻译
Config.TimeToSell = 8 -- 玩家必须等待/站在npc附近的秒数
Config.CallCops = true -- 如果为true并且npc拒绝你的出价,会有一定几率报警
Config.CopsRequiredToSell = 0 -- 在服务器上出售毒品所需的警察数量
Config.CallCopsPercent = 2 --(最小1)如果为1,每次都会叫警察=100%,2=50%,3=33%,4=25%,5=20%
Config.PedRejectPercent = 2 --(最小1)如果为1,npc拒绝报价=100%,2=50%,3=33%,4=25%,5=20%
Config.PlayAnimation = true -- 出售时是否播放动画
Config.SellPooch = true -- 如果为true,玩家可以出售像weed_pooch, meth_pooch这样的小袋
Config.SellSingle = true -- 如果为true,玩家可以出售单个物品,比如weed, meth
Config.SellWeed = true -- 如果为true,玩家可以出售大麻
Config.SellCoke = true -- 如果为true,玩家可以出售可卡因
Config.SellLsa = true
Config.SellLsd = true
Config.SellHeroin = true
Config.WeedPrice = 3000 -- 单个物品的出售价格,不包括小袋(黑钱)
--Config.MethPrice = 1200        -- 单个物品的出售价格,不包括小袋(黑钱)
--Config.CokePrice = 1200        -- 单个物品的出售价格,不包括小袋(黑钱)
--Config.OpiuPrice = 1200        -- 单个物品的出售价格,不包括小袋(黑钱)
--Config.LsdPrice = 1200
--Config.LsaPrice = 1200
Config.HerPrice = 1000
Config.DistanceFromCity = 250 -- 设置离城市太远无法出售毒品的距离
Config.CityPoint = {x= 272.59, y= -1857.41, z= 26.86}

使用道具 举报

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