name = "Always Shop",
licenseType = "",
currency = "money",
hasOwner = false, -- when this is false you don't need all the config elements but dont forget to add on Config.ShowVehicle and Config.TransitionCamerasOffset
coords = {x = -74.93, y = -1116.35, z = 25.43},
sellVehicleCoords = {x = -70.91, y = -1123.73, z = 24.60},
sellVehicleMarker = {id = 1, color = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 90}, size = {x = 4.0, y = 4.0, z = 1.5}, radius = 2.5, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0},
radius = 1,
blip = {blipId = 225, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Vehicleshop"},
marker = {id = 20, color = {r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0, textureDict = 0, textureName = 0},
type = "vehicles",
id = "alwaysshop1", |