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waaaa 发表于 2024-4-29 19:03:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Config = {}

Config.ShowTime = 8000 -- Time in milliseconds on how long the line should show in the killfeed before disappearing
Config.MaxLines = 5 -- The maximum number of lines the killfeed can show at any given time

Config.DisplayHeadshots = true -- Whether or not to show the headshot icon when someone was headshotted
Config.DisplayNoScopes = true -- Whether or not to show the noscope icon when someone was not no-scoped
Config.DisplayDriveByIcons = false -- Whether or not to show the driveby icons, sadly it only works 90% ish of the time

Config.DisplayJoinLeave = false -- Whether or not to display connections and disconnections in the killfeed
Config.JoinLeaveColour = { r = 30, g = 100, b = 210 } -- The colour of the name of the person who left/joined
Config.ShowLeaveReason = false -- If true, it will display the reason the player left (exit, disconnect, crash, kick, ban etc.), otherwise it'll just say 'NAME left the server' regardless of the reason

-- These are the default victim/killer colours (rgb)
Config.KillerColour = {
    Player = { r = 125, g = 160, b = 215 },
    NPC = { r = 125, g = 160, b = 215 },
Config.VictimColour = {
    Player = { r = 219, g = 66, b = 66 },
    NPC = { r = 219, g = 66, b = 66 },

Config.IncludeAI = false -- If set to true, it will include deaths and kills involving NPC's. If this is set to false and a player gets killed by an NPC it just shows the death without a killer.
Config.AddAIPrefix = true
Config.AIPrefix = "NPC "
Config.UseRandomAINames = true -- If this is set to false it will use the entity id. (example: 184578)

Config.IncludeAnimals = false -- Makes animals appear in the killfeed, only works if Config.IncludeAI is set to true
Config.AddAnimalPrefix = false
Config.AnimalPrefix = "[Animal] "
Config.AddAnimalSuffix = true -- example: Nilo the Dog, "the Dog" beeing the suffix

Config.Proximity = false -- Whether or not to use proximity checks (aka only show kills close by).
Config.ProximityRange = 424.0 -- The max distance in meters the player can be from the victim and it displaying the kill. 424 meters is the max extent of the default client scope/culling in onesync

Config.ShowKillDistance = 1 -- 0/false = don't show at all, 1 = show for weapons with the showDist option set to true (by default only snipers), 2 = show distance on every kill
Config.KillDistanceUnit = "meters" -- "meters" or "feet"
Config.KillDistanceColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 }

-- Whether or not to use ace permissions. When setting the permissions you should set the 'killfeed.display' ace to allow. If the Config.Proximity is set to true, then this will allow those with permissions to see all kills while regular players only see kills within the proximity range.
-- Example: `add_ace admin "killfeed.display" allow` in server.cfg or permissions.cfg or `ExecuteCommand('add_ace admin killfeed.display allow')` in a script that can change permissions (both without the ``)
Config.UsePermissions = true

-- Easter eggs names, they can only appear on NPCs such as when you kill an animal or pedestrian.
Config.UseEasterEggs = true
Config.EasterEggs = { "blattersturm", "nihonium", "Disquse", "gottfriedleibniz", "PichotM", "LWSS", "Hellslicer", "TomGrobbe", "NCG", "Mads" } -- These are some of the top contributors to the fivem project on github (+ 2 others), you can replace them with your own if you desire.

-- Whether or not to add a command for the client to toggle the killfeed on/off
Config.ToggleCommand = true

Config.UseGroups = false
Config.Groups = {
    -- This is just an example of a group/team/gang/whatever, you can add as many as you want, or even create them dynamically by calling the CreateGroup function (server export).
    ['vagos'] = {
        tag = "[VAGOS] ",
        tagColour = { r = 150, g = 0, b = 150 },
        colour = { r = 250, g = 200, b = 10 },
        members = {}

-- Read the documentation on how to utilize lobbies
Config.UseLobbies = false
Config.Lobbies = {
    -- Example:
    ['general'] = {
        members = {
        'license:47e25581ce3eceb80564fb23b83745162674ebee' ,
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ChatGPT 发表于 2024-4-29 19:04:11 | 显示全部楼层
-- 代码是放在服务器的脚本文件server.lua中

Config = {}

Config.ShowTime = 8000 -- 显示击杀信息在击杀列表中停留的时间(以毫秒为单位)
Config.MaxLines = 5 -- 击杀列表中可以同时显示的最大行数

Config.DisplayHeadshots = true -- 是否显示头部爆头图标
Config.DisplayNoScopes = true -- 是否显示非瞄准射击图标
Config.DisplayDriveByIcons = false -- 是否显示车内射击图标,很遗憾只有大约90%的时间可以正常工作

Config.DisplayJoinLeave = false -- 是否在击杀列表中显示玩家连接和断开连接的信息
Config.JoinLeaveColour = { r = 30, g = 100, b = 210 } -- 离开/加入的人名字的颜色
Config.ShowLeaveReason = false -- 如果为true,将显示玩家离开的原因(退出、断开连接、崩溃、踢出、封禁等),否则无论原因如何都只会显示'NAME left the server'

-- 这些是默认的受害者/凶手颜色(rgb)
Config.KillerColour = {
    Player = { r = 125, g = 160, b = 215 },
    NPC = { r = 125, g = 160, b = 215 },
Config.VictimColour = {
    Player = { r = 219, g = 66, b = 66 },
    NPC = { r = 219, g = 66, b = 66 },

Config.IncludeAI = false -- 如果设置为true,则包括与NPC有关的死亡和击杀信息。如果设置为false,并且玩家被NPC杀死,将只显示死亡信息而不会显示凶手信息。
Config.AddAIPrefix = true
Config.AIPrefix = "NPC " -- NPC的前缀
Config.UseRandomAINames = true -- 如果设置为false,将使用实体id。例如:184578

Config.IncludeAnimals = false -- 使动物在击杀列表中出现,仅在Config.IncludeAI设置为true时起作用
Config.AddAnimalPrefix = false
Config.AnimalPrefix = " " -- 动物的前缀
Config.AddAnimalSuffix = true -- 例如:Nilo the Dog,"the Dog" 是后缀

Config.Proximity = false -- 是否使用近距离检查(即仅显示附近的击杀信息)。
Config.ProximityRange = 424.0 -- 玩家与受害者之间的最大距离,以米为单位。424米是onesync默认客户端范围/剔除的最大距离

Config.ShowKillDistance = 1 -- 0/false = 完全不显示,1 = 对于具有showDist选项设置为true的武器(默认仅狙击步枪),显示距离,2 = 在每次击杀时显示距离
Config.KillDistanceUnit = "meters" -- "meters" 或 "feet"
Config.KillDistanceColour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255 }

-- 是否使用ace权限。在设置权限时,您应该将'killfeed.display'ace设置为允许。如果Config.Proximity设置为true,那么这将允许具有权限的玩家查看所有击杀,而普通玩家只能看到在近距离范围内的击杀。
-- 示例:`add_ace admin "killfeed.display" allow` 在server.cfg或permissions.cfg中,或在可以更改权限的脚本中使用`ExecuteCommand('add_ace admin killfeed.display allow')`
Config.UsePermissions = true

-- 彩蛋名称,它们只能出现在NPC身上,如杀死动物或行人时。
Config.UseEasterEggs = true
Config.EasterEggs = { "blattersturm", "nihonium", "Disquse", "gottfriedleibniz", "PichotM", "LWSS", "Hellslicer", "TomGrobbe", "NCG", "Mads" } -- 这些是GitHub上fivem项目的一些主要贡献者(+其他2个),您可以根据需要将其替换为您自己的。

-- 是否添加一个命令供客户端切换击杀列表的显示/隐藏
Config.ToggleCommand = true

Config.UseGroups = false
Config.Groups = {
    -- 这只是一个组/团队/帮派的示例,您可以添加任意数量的组,甚至通过调用CreateGroup函数(服务器导出)来动态创建它们。
     = {
        tag = " ",
        tagColour = { r = 150, g = 0, b = 150 },
        colour = { r = 250, g = 200, b = 10 },
        members = {}

-- 阅读关于如何利用大堂的文件的文档
Config.UseLobbies = false
Config.Lobbies = {
    -- 例子:
     = {
        members = {
        'license:47e25581ce3eceb80564fb23b83745162674ebee' ,

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