Config.SaveInterval = 5 -- Interval in Minutes to Save Properties
Config.CanAlwaysExit = true -- Disabling this allows players to be locked in
Config.OwnerCanAlwaysEnter = true -- Disabling this means the owner can't enter the property unless door is unlocked
Config.MaxNameLength = 20 -- Max Name Length for Owned Properties Default: 20
Config.CanCustomiseInventoryAndWardrobePositions = true -- Allow users to customise inventory and wardrobe positions Default: true
Config.WipeCustomNameOnSell = true -- Wipe custom name on sell Default: true
Config.WipeFurnitureOnSell = true -- Wipe custom name on sell Default: true
--------------------- Zone Suggested Prices ---------------------------------
Config.ZonePriceOptions = {
Enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable Zone Prices Modifiers Default: true
Default = 250000, -- Default Price of a property Default: 250000
-- The Amount to Multiply the Default Price by (if the above is enabled):
Config.ZonePrices = {
[0] = 10, -- Posh
[1] = 7, -- Nice
[2] = 5, -- Above Average
[3] = 3, -- Bellow Average
[4] = 2, -- Crap
[5] = 1, -- Scum
--------------------- Raid Settings ---------------------------------
Config.Raiding = {
Enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable Raiding Default: true
CanAdminsRaid = true, -- Can Admins Raid Houses Default: true
ItemRequired = { -- Item Required to Raid -- Remove To Disable
RemoveItem = true, -- Remove Item from Inventory Default: true
name = "bread", -- Item Name Default: "bread"
label = "Bread", -- Item label Default: "Bread"
ItemCount = 1, -- Item Count Default: 1
Animation = {
type = "Scenario",
--------------------- Garage Settings ---------------------------------
Config.Garage = {
Enabled = true, -- Enable/Disable Garage Default: true
OwnedVehiclesOnly = true, -- Only allow owned vehicles to be stored Default: true
MySQLquery = "UPDATE `owned_vehicles` SET `stored` = ? WHERE `plate` = ?" -- MySQL Query to store vehicles `?` = True/false, Vehicle Plate
--------------------- Log Settings ---------------------------------
if IsDuplicityVersion() then
Config.Logs = {
Webhook = "",
LogLevel = 1
----------- Log Levels ------------
-- 0 = No Logs
-- 1 = Logs Major Actions
-- 2 = Logs Major + Minor Actions
-- 3 = Logs All Actions
--------------------- Furniture Settings ---------------------------------
Config.Furniture = {
Enabled = true,
RotationSpeed = 0.4, -- Object Rotation Speed
MovementSpeed = 0.01, -- Object Movement Speed
MovementZspeed = 0.05, -- Object Z Movement Speed
WipeFurnitureOnSell = true, -- Wipe Furniture On Sell Default: true
Controls = {
PlusX = 174, -- lEFT Arrow
MinusX = 175, -- RIGHT Arrow
RotateRight = 19, -- Alt,
RotateLeft = 21, -- Shift,
Up = 96, -- UP Arrow
Down = 97, -- DOWN Arrow
Confirm = 201, -- ENTER
Exit = 194, -- BACKSPACE
PlusY = 172, -- SHIFT
MinusY = 173, -- SHIFT
--------------------- CCTV Settings ---------------------------------
Config.CCTV = {
Enabled = true,
PictureWebook = IsDuplicityVersion() and "" or "DO NOT CHANGE THIS STRING", -- Set a discord webhook here to enable taking pictures of the CCTV (link is copied to user`s clipboard)
HeightAboveDoor = 2.5, -- Height above the door to place the cctv camera
FOV = 80.0, -- Camera Field of View
MaxLeftRotation = 80,
MaxZoom = 30,
MinZoom = 100,
MaxRightRotation = -50,
MaxUpRotation = 10,
MaxDownRotation = -45,
RotateSpeed = 0.3, -- Camera Rotation Speed
Controls = {
Left = 34, -- lEFT Arrow
Right = 35, -- RIGHT Arrow
Screenshot = 201, -- ENTER
NightVision = 38, -- E
ZoomIn = 96, -- UP Arrow
ZoomOut = 97, -- DOWN Arrow
Up = 32, -- UP Arrow
Down = 33, -- DOWN Arrow
Exit = 194, -- BACKSPACE
-------- Groups allowed to use Admin Functions -------------------
Config.AllowedGroups = {
-- Note: Superadmin is not a group In ESX