---------- Property Actions Menu -------------------------
["knocking"] = "Someone Is ~b~Knocking~s~ On The Door.",
["name_edit"] = "Edit Property Name",
["name"] = "Name",
["confirm"] = "Confirm",
["name_edit_success"] = "You Have Set The Property Name To ~b~%s~s~.",
["name_edit_error"] = "You Cannot Set The Property Name To ~r~%s~s~.",
["door_locked"] = "Door: Locked",
["door_unlocked"] = "Door: Unlocked",
["name_manage"] = "Manage Name",
["name_manage_desc"] = "Set The Name of the Property.",
["sell_title"] = "Sell",
["sell_desc"] = "Sell This Property For $%s",
["raid_title"] = "Raid",
["raid_desc"] = "Force Entry Into Property.",
["cctv_title"] = "CCTV",
["cctv_desc"] = "Check the CCTV Camera.",
["inventory_title"] = "Inventory",
["inventory_desc"] = "Change Position of Property Storage.",
["wardrobe_title"] = "Wardrobe",
["wardrobe_desc"] = "Change Position of Property Wardrobe.",
["furniture_title"] = "Furniture",
["furniture_desc"] = "Change Position of Property Furniture.",
["enter_title"] = "Enter",
["knock_title"] = "Knock On Door",
["buy_title"] = "Buy",
["buy_desc"] = "Buy This Property For $%s",
["sellplayer_title"] = "Sell To Player",
["sellplayer_desc"] = "Sell This Property For $%s",
["view_title"] = "Preview Interior",
["exit_title"] = "Exit",
["property_editing_error"] = "You Are Currently Editing The Property.",
["unlock_error"] = "You Cannot ~b~Unlock~s~ This Property",
["lock_error"] = "You Cannot ~b~Lock~s~ This Property",
["prep_raid"] = "~b~Preparing~s~ Raid!",
["raiding"] = "Raiding...",
["cancel_raiding"] = "~r~Cancelled~s~ Raid!",
["cannot_raid"] = "You Cannot ~b~Raid~s~ This Property.",
["storage_pos_textui"] = "Press ~b~[G]~s~ To Set Storage Position",
["storage_pos_success"] = "~b~Storage~s~ Position Set.",
["storage_pos_error"] = "~r~Cannot~s~ Set ~b~Storage~s~ Position.",
["wardrobe_pos_textui"] = "Press ~b~[G]~s~ To Set Wardrobe Position",
["wardrobe_pos_success"] = "~b~Wardrobe~s~ Position Set.",
["wardrobe_pos_error"] = "~r~Cannot~s~ Set ~b~Wardrobe~s~ Position.",
["please_finish"] = "Please Finish Setting ~b~%s~s~ Position",
["cannot_afford"] = "You Cannot Purchase This Property!",
["select_player"] = "Select Player",
["cannot_sell"] = "Cannot Sell To This Player!",
["knock_on_door"] = "Knocking On Door...",
["nobody_home"] = "It Seems Nobody is home...",
---------- General Strings ----------------
["enabled"] = "Enabled",
["disabled"] = "Disabled",
["exiting"] = "Exiting property...",
["entering"] = "Entering property...",
["shell_disabled"] ="This Interior Uses Shells, which are disabled!",
["access_textui"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Access ~b~%s",
["raid_notify_error"] = "You need ~b~ %sx %s~s~ to be able to raid!",
["raid_notify_success"] = "Your Property is Currently Being ~b~Raided!",
--------------- Garage Strings --------------
["store_success"] = "Vehicle ~b~Stored!",
["store_error"] = "You Cannot Store This Vehicle!",
["property_garage"] = "Property Garage",
["retriving_notify"] = "Retrieving ~b~%s~s~ ...",
["cannot_access"] = "You Cannot Access This Garage!",
["store_textui"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Store ~b~%s",
["garage_not_enabled"] = 'Garage Not Enabled On This Property.',
["cannot_access_property"] = 'You ~r~Cannot~s~ Access this property.',
----------------- Creation Menu Strings ----------------
["menu_title"] = "Property Creation",
["element_title1"] = "Street Number",
["element_description1"] = "Set the Property Street Number.",
["element_title2"] = "Price",
["element_description2"] = "Set the Price of the Property.",
["element_title3"] = "Interior",
["element_description3"] = "Select An Interior For The Property",
["element_title4"] = "Garage",
["element_description4"] = "(Optional) Manage Garage Settings",
["element_title5"] = "CCTV",
["element_description5"] = "(Optional) Manage CCTV Settings",
["element_title6"] = "Entrance",
["element_description6"] = "Set The Property`s Entrance Location.",
["element_create_title"] = "Create Property",
["element_create_desc_1"] = "Please Fill Out all Required Inputs!",
["entrance_set_title"] = "Entrance Set.",
["entrance_set_description"] = "Entrance: %s, %s, %s",
["interior_set_title"] = "Interior Selected.",
["interior_set_description"] = "Selected: %s",
["ipl_title"] = "IPL Interiors",
["types_title"] = "Interior Types",
["ipl_description"] = "Native GTA Interiors, Made by R*",
["shell_title"] = "Custom Interiors",
["shell_description"] = "Custom Interiors, Made by You",
["cctv_settings"] = "CCTV Settings",
["garage_settings"] = "Garage Settings",
["toggle_title"] = "Toggle Usage",
["toggle_description"] = "Current Status: %s",
["cctv_set_title"] = "Set CCTV Angle",
["cctv_set_description"] = "Sets the Camera angle to your Cameras Direction",
["back_description"] = "return to property creation.",
["garage_set_title"] = "Set Garage Position",
["garage_set_description"] = "Set the position of the Property Garage.",
["garage_textui"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Position",
["cctv_textui_1"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Angle",
["cctv_textui_2"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Max Right Roation",
["cctv_textui_3"] = "Press ~b~[E]~s~ to Set Max Left Roation",
["create_success"] = "Property created!",
["missing_data"] = "Please Fill Out all Required Inputs!",
-- Saving Translations
["server_restart"] = "Server Restarting",
["server_shutdown"] = "Server Shutdown",
["manual_save"] = "Manual Save (Requested By %s)",
["resource_stop"] = "Resource Stopping",
["force_save"] = "Force Save (Requested By %s)",
["interval_saving"] = "Interval Saving"