Lang = {
['dispatch_name'] = '^5 Dispatch: ',
['police_notify'] = '^0Ongoing BANK ROBBERY in ^1%s^0 at ^3%s^0',
['silent_alarm'] = '^0A silent alarm has been triggered in ^3%s',
-- Drilling Draw Texts:
['safe_not_drilled'] = '~r~[E]~s~ | Drill Safe',
['safe_drilled'] = 'Safe ~g~[drilled]~s~',
['safe_destroyed'] = 'Safe ~r~[destroyed]~s~',
['safe_reward_txt'] = 'You found ~y~%sx~s~ %s',
-- Drilling Texts:
['safe_destroyed_noti'] = 'This safe is ~r~destroyed',
['safe_arealdy_robbed'] = 'This safe is already ~g~robbed~s~!',
['you_destroyed_safe'] = 'You ~r~destroyed~s~ the safe!',
['drilling_paused'] = 'You ~y~stopped~s~ drilling',
['safe_drilled_by_ply'] = 'This safe is drilled by someone else.',
['drill_item_usable'] = 'Your drill is still usable',
['drill_item_not_usable'] = 'Your drill is not usable anymore',
-- Bank Draw Texts:
['hack_keypad_1'] = '~r~[E]~s~ | Hack Keypad',
['open_keypad_1'] = '~y~[G]~s~ | Use Access Card',
['hack_keypad_2'] = '~r~[K]~s~ | Hack Keypad',
['open_keypad_2'] = '~y~[G]~s~ | Use Access Card',
['lockpick_desk_door'] = '~r~[E]~s~ | Lockpick Door',
['open_desk_door'] = '~r~[E]~s~ | Open Door',
['open_desk_door_pol'] = '~r~[E]~s~ | Open Door | ~r~[G]~s~ Secure Bank',
['close_desk_door'] = '~r~[E]~s~ | Close Door',
['close_desk_door_pol'] = '~r~[E]~s~ | Close Door | ~r~[G]~s~ Secure Bank',
['desk_cash_not_robbed'] = '~r~[E]~s~ | Rob Petty Cash',
['desk_cash_robbed'] = 'Cash ~g~[robbed]~s~',
['power_box_not_disabled'] = '~r~[E]~s~ | Disable Electric',
['power_box_disabled'] = 'Power Box ~r~[disabled]~s~',
['open_pacific_safe'] = '~r~[E]~s~ | Open Safe',
['pacific_safe_cracked'] = 'Safe ~g~[cracked]~s~',
['close_vault_dr'] = '~g~[E]~s~ | Close Vault Door',
['open_vault_dr'] = '~g~[E]~s~ | Open Vault Door',
['open_vault_dr_pol'] = '~g~[E]~s~ Open Vault Door | ~r~[G]~s~ Secure Vault',
-- Bank Text:
['bank_in_lockdown'] = 'BANK IN LOCKDOWN',
['no_drill'] = 'You need a drill.',
['no_hacking_dev'] = 'You need a hacking device!',
['no_access_card'] = 'You need the access card from the safe.',
['no_lockpick'] = 'You need a lockpick!',
['no_hammerwirecutter'] = 'You need a Hammer & Wire Cutter',
['get_closer_to_door'] = 'Move closer to the door to interact.',
['vault_dr_must_close'] = 'You need to close the vault door first!',
['found_access_card'] = 'You found an access card in the safe.',
['hacker_dev_corrupted'] = 'Hacker Device got corrupted, no longer usable.',
['you_secured_bank'] = 'You secured the bank. All banks will be unlocked!',
['no_access_to_cam'] = 'You do not have access to security cameras.',
['notify_free_time'] = 'Electric is cutted. You have ~b~%s seconds~s~ until silent alarm is triggered.',
['extra_free_time_added'] = 'More time added. You now have: ~b~%s seconds~s~ until silent alarm is triggered.',
-- Camera:
['camera_not_exist'] = 'Entered camera ID does not exist.',