error = {
need_more_exp = 'You need to have more experience to make this item!',
need_more_mat = 'You dont have enough materials',
crafting_is_restricted = 'Crafting this item is restricted.',
crafting_failed = 'Crafting Failed! ^.^',
not_authorized = 'You are not authorized to do this'
success = {
successful_crafting = 'crafting was successful'
info = {
mr = 'Mr.',
mrs = 'Mrs.',
mail = {
sender = 'Crafting Company',
subject = 'Materials list',
message = 'Dear %s %s, <br /><br />List of materials you need to craft (%s): <br /><br /> * Success rate: %d, <br /> * Restricted: %s <br />',
level = ' * Level: %s <br />',
yes = 'Yes',
no = 'No',
tnx_message = '<br /><br />We are happy to have you!',
materials_list_header = '<br /># Materials list:',
materials_list = '<br />- %s %dx'
menu = {
back = 'Back',
leave = 'Leave',
player_crafting_information = 'Your Crafting Information',
-- craft menu
item_name = 'Item Name',
craft = 'Craft',
check_mat_list = 'Check Materials List',
-- player crafting information menu
your_name = 'Your Name',
your_job = 'Your Job',
job_sub = 'Name: %s | Grade: %s',
crafting_exp = 'Your Crafting exp',
-- main menu
main_menu_header = 'Crafting Workbench'