["liftme5"] = { -- Male Custom emote by -Moses-
"Lift Me 5",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteLoop = true
["liftme6"] = { -- Female Custom emote by -Moses-
"Lift Me 6",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteLoop = true,
Attachto = true,
bone = 0,
xPos = -0.2120,
yPos = -0.5400,
zPos = -0.1000,
xRot = 0.0000,
yRot = 0.0000,
zRot = 0.0000
["csdog"] = {
"Carry Small Dog",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = true,
EmoteLoop = true
AnimalEmote = true
["csdog2"] = { -- Emote by MissSnowie
"Small Dog Carried",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteLoop = true,
Attachto = true,
xPos = -0.040,
yPos = 0.330,
zPos = 0.280,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 80.0,
AnimalEmote = true
["csdog3"] = { -- Custom Emote by MissSnowie
"Carry Small Dog 2",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = true,
EmoteLoop = true
AnimalEmote = true
["csdog4"] = { -- Custom Emote by MissSnowie
"Small Dog Carried 2",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteLoop = true,
Attachto = true,
bone = 24818,
xPos = -0.95,
yPos = 0.16,
zPos = -0.15,
xRot = 3.70,
yRot = 75.00,
zRot = -161.90,
AnimalEmote = true
["cbdog"] = {
"Carry Big Dog",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = true,
EmoteLoop = true
AnimalEmote = true
["cbdog2"] = {
"Big Dog Carried",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteLoop = true,
Attachto = true,
xPos = -0.100,
yPos = 0.650,
zPos = 0.430,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = -100.00,
AnimalEmote = true
["pback"] = { -- Custom Animation By SapphireMods
"Offer Piggy Back",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = true,
EmoteLoop = true
["pback2"] = { -- Custom Animation By SapphireMods
"Be Piggy Backed",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteLoop = true,
Attachto = true,
bone = 0,
xPos = 0.0200,
yPos = -0.4399,
zPos = 0.4200,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 0.0
["cprs"] = {
"Give CPR",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteLoop = true,
StartDelay = 250
["cprs2"] = {
"Get CPR",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteLoop = true,
Attachto = true,
xPos = 0.35,
yPos = 0.8,
zPos = 0.0,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 270.0
["cprs3"] = {
"Give CPR 2",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteLoop = true,
StartDelay = 250
["cprs4"] = {
"Get CPR 2",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteLoop = true,
Attachto = true,
xPos = 0.35,
yPos = 0.65,
zPos = 0.0,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 270.0
["hostage"] = {
"Take hostage",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = true,
EmoteLoop = true
["hostage2"] = {
"Be hostage",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteLoop = true,
Attachto = true,
xPos = -0.3,
yPos = 0.1,
zPos = 0.0,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 0.0
["search"] = { -- Custom Emote By ultrahacx
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = true,
EmoteLoop = false,
-- EmoteDuration = 9700
["search2"] = {
"Be searched",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = true,
EmoteLoop = false,
-- EmoteDuration = 9700,
Attachto = true,
xPos = 0.0,
yPos = 0.5,
zPos = 0.0,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 0.0
["followa"] = { -- Custom Ped In Front Emote By Dollie Mods
"Follow A (Front)",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteLoop = true,
EmoteMoving = false,
-- We can set this to true for lols, however it messes up if you walk through doors. Either player can press X to cancel the shared emotes
["followb"] = { -- Custom Ped At Back Emote by Dollie Mods
"Follow B (Back)",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteLoop = true,
Attachto = true,
xPos = 0.078,
yPos = 0.018,
zPos = 0.00,
xRot = 0.00,
yRot = 0.00,
zRot = 0.00
["kiss"] = {
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteDuration = 10000,
SyncOffsetFront = 0.08
["kiss2"] = {
"Kiss 2",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteDuration = 10000,
SyncOffsetFront = 0.08
["kiss3"] = {
"Kiss 3",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteDuration = 10000,
SyncOffsetFront = 0.08
["kiss4"] = {
"Kiss 4",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteDuration = 10000,
SyncOffsetFront = 0.08
["kisscuteneck"] = {
"Kiss Cute - Neck (Male)",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteLoop = true,
Attachto = true,
--SyncOffsetFront = 0.05,
--bone = 0,
xPos = -0.56,
yPos = 0.0,
zPos = 0.0,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 0.0,
["kisscuteneck2"] = {
"Kiss Cute - Neck (Female)",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteLoop = true,
--SyncOffsetFront = 0.05,
["kisscutecheek"] = {
"Kiss Cute Cheek (Male)",
AnimationOptions = {
EmoteMoving = false,
EmoteLoop = true,
Attachto = true,
--SyncOffsetFront = 0.05,
--bone = 0,
xPos = 0.35,
yPos = 0.0,
zPos = 0.0,
xRot = 0.0,
yRot = 0.0,
zRot = 0.0,