Config = {
Debug = true, -- set to false to disable debug
SyncToDatabase = 5, -- time in minutes to sync gangs from server file to database
Items = {
[1] = 'zipties', -- edit item name, not key-number
[2] = 'headbag', -- edit item name, not key-number
[3] = 'cutter', -- edit item name, not key-number
[4] = 'coke_packaged', -- edit item name, not key-number
[5] = 'meth_packaged', -- edit item name, not key-number
[6] = 'weed_packaged', -- edit item name, not key-number
-- add more items for drug sale if u want. Make sure to add the key inside Config.DrugSale.Items as well.
AdminMenu = { -- settings for admin gang menu
Command = {Enable = true, String = 'admingang'}, -- enable/disable command, set command string.
Keybind = {Enable = false, DefaultMapping = 'F10'} -- enable/disable keybind, set default mapping (players edit button in-game inside GTA Settings)
PlayerMenu = { -- settings for admin gang menu
Command = {Enable = true, String = 'gangmenu'}, -- enable/disable command, set command string.
Keybind = {Enable = true, DefaultMapping = 'F7'} -- enable/disable keybind, set default mapping (players edit button in-game inside GTA Settings)
DefaultRanks = { -- every gang has these ranks, they can change the title in-game through their menu. Add as many ranks you want, gang-leader can select which ranks to give the gang-members.
[1] = "Boss", -- (leader)
[2] = "Underboss", -- (same perms as leader)
[3] = "Shot Caller", -- (can recruit members to gang or kick members from gang)
[4] = "Soldier",
[5] = "Associate",
InviteMember = {
ShowFullName = true, -- set to false to only show player server id (prevent meta-gaming)
Distance = 10.0 -- distance to players in area to include.
Markers = {
['garage'] = {
enable = true, -- enable garage marker
cooldown = {enable = true, time = 60}, -- enable/disable cooldown on creating new marker when cur marker has been deleted. Time is in minutes.
pincode = {enable = true, attempts = 3, cooldown = 60}, -- enable/disable cooldown on x attempts of failed pin-code on markers.
cost = {notoriety = 100, cash = 5000}, -- set cost of creating this marker. Removes notoriety point and cash from cash locker. Set to 0 to disable.
showMarker = true, -- show a marker in-game to see where to interact
keybind = 38, -- key to interact with marker.
blip = {enable = true, name = 'Gang Garage', sprite = 357, display = 4, scale = 0.65, color = 0}, -- blip settings
renderDist = 10.0, -- thread render dist to show marker
interactDist = 1.0, -- interact dist to open menu
menuTitle = 'Garage', -- menu title in context menu
icon = 'car', -- icon in context menu
useBuiltInGarage = true -- use the built in garage system, see documentation for reference.
['stash'] = {
enable = true,
cooldown = {enable = true, time = 60}, -- enable/disable cooldown on creating new marker when cur marker has been deleted. Time is in minutes.
pincode = {enable = true, attempts = 3, cooldown = 60}, -- enable/disable cooldown on x attempts of failed pin-code on markers.
cost = {notoriety = 100, cash = 5000}, -- set cost of creating this marker. Removes notoriety point and cash from cash locker. Set to 0 to disable.
showMarker = true, -- show a marker in-game to see where to interact
keybind = 38, -- key to interact with marker.
blip = {enable = true, name = 'Gang Stash', sprite = 587, display = 4, scale = 0.65, color = 0}, -- blip settings
renderDist = 10.0, -- thread render dist to show marker
interactDist = 1.0,-- interact dist to open menu
menuTitle = 'Stash',-- menu title in context menu
icon = 'box', -- icon in context menu
stash = {slots = 50, weight = 100000}
['locker'] = {
enable = true,
cooldown = {enable = true, time = 60}, -- enable/disable cooldown on creating new marker when cur marker has been deleted. Time is in minutes.
pincode = {enable = true, attempts = 3, cooldown = 60}, -- enable/disable cooldown on x attempts of failed pin-code on markers.
cost = {notoriety = 100}, -- set cost of creating this marker. Removes notoriety point and cash from cash locker. Set to 0 to disable.
showMarker = true, -- show a marker in-game to see where to interact
keybind = 38, -- key to interact with marker.
blip = {enable = true, name = 'Gang Locker', sprite = 272, display = 4, scale = 0.65, color = 0}, -- blip settings
renderDist = 10.0, -- thread render dist to show marker
interactDist = 1.0, -- interact dist to open menu
menuTitle = 'Locker', -- menu title in context menu
icon = 'sack-dollar'-- icon in context menu
Actions = {
Menu = {
['ziptie'] = {
icon = 'handcuffs',
notoriety = 100, -- required gang notoriety to use this, set to 0 to disable required notoriety.
prop = 'p_cs_cuffs_02_s',
anim = {
[1] = {dict = 'mp_arrest_paired', name = {['crook'] = 'crook_p2_back_left', ['cop'] = 'cop_p2_back_left'}, flag = 49},
[2] = {dict = 'mp_arresting', name = 'idle', flag = 49},
['remove_zipties'] = {
icon = 'key',
notoriety = 100, -- required gang notoriety to use this, set to 0 to disable required notoriety.
['escort'] = {
icon = 'people-pulling',
notoriety = 200, -- required gang notoriety to use this, set to 0 to disable required notoriety.
['vehicle_in'] = {
icon = 'car',
notoriety = 300, -- required gang notoriety to use this, set to 0 to disable required notoriety.
['vehicle_out'] = {
icon = 'car',
notoriety = 300, -- required gang notoriety to use this, set to 0 to disable required notoriety.
['trunk_in'] = {
icon = 'suitcase',
notoriety = 400, -- required gang notoriety to use this, set to 0 to disable required notoriety.
['trunk_out'] = {
icon = 'suitcase',
notoriety = 400, -- required gang notoriety to use this, set to 0 to disable required notoriety.
['headbag'] = {
icon = 'eye-slash',
notoriety = 500, -- required gang notoriety to use this, set to 0 to disable required notoriety.
prop = 'prop_money_bag_01',
['hostage'] = {
icon = 'gun',
notoriety = 600, -- required gang notoriety to use this, set to 0 to disable required notoriety.
anim = {
[1] = {lib = 'anim@gangops@hostage@', name = {'perp_idle', 'victim_idle', 'perp_fail', 'victim_fail'}},
[2] = {lib = 'reaction@shove', name = {'shove_var_a', 'shoved_back'}},
}, -- anim libs & names
pos = {x = -0.24, y = 0.11, z = 0.0}, -- anim pos of hostage
rot = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.0}, -- anim rot of hostage
DrugSale = {
Enable = true, -- set to false if using your own drug sale mechanism, make sure to add export for drug zone checking.
AllowGangsOnly = true, -- set to true to only allow gang-members to sell drugs.
RequiredPolice = 0, -- required police online to sell drugs to NPC's.
BlackMoney = {enable = true, account = 'black_money'}, -- enable and set account to use other money than normal cash/money.
Blacklisted = { -- blacklisted ped models for selling;
's_m_y_cop_01', 's_m_y_dealer_01', 'mp_m_shopkeep_01', 's_m_y_xmech_02_mp', 'mp_m_weed_01', 'ig_chef', 'g_m_m_casrn_01'
Distance = 2.0, -- distance to target/interact with ped.
Cooldown = 3, -- cooldown in seconds between each drug sale.
Anims = {
['sale'] = {dict = 'mp_common', name = 'givetake2_a'},
['report'] = {dict = 'cellphone@', name = 'cellphone_call_listen_base'},
Notoriety = {
rejected = 1, -- amount of points to deduct on rejected sale (only when NPC calls police).
maxSellPriceBonus = true, -- adds 1 notoriety point if a unit sell price is equal to the max sell price of the drug.
requiredSales = 5, -- required amount of sales to NPC before notoriety point is added (to prevent adding points for each sales on grinders)
accepted = 1, -- amount of points to add on an accepted sale when the requiredSales count is met.
Items = {
-- Drug item:
itemKey = 4, -- Config.Items[4]
sell = {
price = {min = 700, max = 1100}, -- min and max base sell price
amount = {min = 1, max = 20}, -- random amount to be sold, between min & max.
chance = 50 -- chance in % to sell this drug to NPC.
report = {
chance = 100, -- chance in % of NPC calling the police on a failed drug-sale.
timer = 5 -- time in seconds to beat up NPC to prevent the police alert.
policeBonus = {
enable = true, -- enable police bonus on drug sales.
required = 3, -- required police to apply police-bonus
percentage = 10 -- percentage added on-top of unit sell price. If price is $800 + 10% makes it $880
streetBonus = {
enable = true, -- enable street bonus for selling this item.
streets = { -- add streets and bonus in %. I eligibile for street bonus % is added on top of the unit sell.
['Grove St'] = 25,
['Forum Dr'] = 30,
['Jamestown St'] = 15,
['Clinton Ave'] = 20,
-- add, remove or edit streets.
-- Drug item:
itemKey = 5, -- Config.Items[5]
sell = {
price = {min = 500, max = 800}, -- min and max base sell price
amount = {min = 1, max = 15}, -- random amount to be sold, between min & max.
chance = 60 -- chance in % to sell this drug to NPC.
report = {
chance = 80, -- chance in % of NPC calling the police on a failed drug-sale.
timer = 5 -- time in seconds to beat up NPC to prevent the police alert.
policeBonus = {
enable = true, -- enable police bonus on drug sales.
required = 3, -- required police to apply police-bonus
percentage = 10 -- percentage added on-top of unit sell price. If price is $800 + 10% makes it $880
streetBonus = {
enable = true, -- enable street bonus for selling this item.
streets = { -- add streets and bonus in %. I eligibile for street bonus % is added on top of the unit sell.
['Forum Dr'] = 25,
['Jamestown St'] = 30,
['Clinton Ave'] = 15,
-- add, remove or edit streets.
-- Drug item:
itemKey = 6, -- Config.Items[6]
sell = {
price = {min = 150, max = 400}, -- min and max base sell price
amount = {min = 1, max = 10}, -- random amount to be sold, between min & max.
chance = 80 -- chance in % to sell drugs to NPC.
report = {
chance = 50, -- chance in % of NPC calling the police on a failed drug-sale.
timer = 5 -- time in seconds to beat up NPC to prevent the police alert.
policeBonus = {
enable = true, -- enable police bonus on drug sales.
required = 3, -- required police to apply police-bonus
percentage = 10 -- percentage added on-top of unit sell price. If price is $800 + 10% makes it $880
streetBonus = {
enable = true, -- enable street bonus for selling this item.
streets = { -- add streets and bonus in %. I eligibile for street bonus % is added on top of the unit sell.
['Grove St'] = 30,
['Forum Dr'] = 25,
['Jamestown St'] = 20,
['Clinton Ave'] = 15,
-- add, remove or edit streets.
-- Drug item: add more here if u want, copy paste the table from above. Make sure to add itemKey inside Config.Items in the top of Config.lua as well!
ContractNPC = {
Model = 'g_m_m_casrn_01', -- model of the contract NPC
Pos = vector4(-1119.84, -1097.26, 2.15, 171.74), -- pos of NPC
Scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_AA_SMOKE', -- scenario of the NPC
InteractDist = 1.5, -- distance to interact with NPC.
Blip = {enable = true, name = 'Contract NPC', sprite = 671, display = 4, scale = 0.65, color = 5}, -- Blip settings for NPC
Rackets = {
['protection'] = {
label = 'Protection Racket',
icon = 'shield',
claimed = false, -- do not touch!
gang = nil, -- do not touch!
cost = 100, -- costs of notoriety points to claim racket.
data = {
keybind = 38, -- keybind to collect/request protection money
timer = 30, -- time in minutes to collect from a request.
cash = {min = 2000, max = 10000},
marker = {type = 29, size = {x = 0.35, y = 0.35, z = 0.35}, color = {r = 38, g = 194, b = 129, a = 100}, faceCamera = true, bobUpAndDown = true},
notoriety = 1, -- amount of notoriety points added when collecting protection money.
shops = {
[1] = {
coords = vector3(-41.83, -1749.36, 29.41),
cache = {}, -- do not touch!
[2] = {
coords = vector3(138.30, -1704.36, 29.27),
cache = {}, -- do not touch!
['prostitution'] = {
label = 'Prostitution Racket',
icon = 'person-dress',
claimed = false, -- do not touch!
gang = nil, -- do not touch!
cost = 100, -- costs of notoriety points to claim racket.
data = {
peds = {'s_f_y_hooker_01', 's_f_y_hooker_02', 's_f_y_hooker_03', 's_f_y_stripper_01', 's_f_y_stripper_02'},
damagePercentage = 20.0, -- cancel job if vehicle engine is damaged more than 20% from picking up the girl. ex. engine is 800 when picking up and during delivery engine goes to 639, then job cancels.
notoriety = 1, -- amount of notoriety points added when job complete.
jobs = {
[1] = {
pickup = vector4(507.58, -1875.87, 25.97, 116.22),
dropoff = vector3(-13.87, -1847.35, 24.81),
cash = {min = 100, max = 500},
[2] = {
pickup = vector4(31.09,-1868.86, 22.94, 136.06),
dropoff = vector3(473.60, -1583.51, 29.09),
cash = {min = 100, max = 500},