
[有效回答] 汉化,保留源代码

万斯 发表于 2024-12-14 22:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

["PutTakeAnkle"] = "Put/take ankle cuff",
    ["LogsDate"] = "LOGS DATES",
    ["Localize"] = "LOCALIZE",
    ["Tase"] = "TASE",
    ["revive"] = "Revive",
    ["VehicleInteraction"] = "INTERACTION WITH VEHICLES",
    ["VehicleInformation"] = "VEHICLE INFORMATION",
    ["SeizeVehicle"] = "SEIZE VEHICLE",
    ["CallTow"] = "Call tow truck",
    ["ForceLock"] = "FORCE LOCK",
    ["StopTraffic"] = "STOP TRAFFIC",
    ["ReduceTraffic"] = "REDUCE TRAFFIC",
    ["ResumeTraffic"] = "RESUME TRAFFIC",
    ["Availabel"] = "AVAILABLE",
    ["WeaponsConfiguration"] = "WEAPONS CONFIGURATION",
    ["ShowHideWeapons"] = "Show/Hide Weapons",
    ["PistolPos"] = "PISTOL POSITION",
    ["RiflePos"] = "RIFLE POSITION",
    ["Front"] = "FRONT",
    ["Behind"] = "BEHIND",
    ["WaistCart"] = "WAIST CARTRIDGE",
    ["NormalCart"] = "NORMAL CARTRIDGE",
    ["ChestCart"] = "CHEST CARTRIDGE",
    ["ThighCart"] = "THIGH CARTRIDGE",
    ["LegCart"] = "LEG CARTRIDGE",
    ["SeparateLegCart"] = "SEPARATE LEG CARTRIDGE",
    ["Chest"] = "CHEST",
    ["Back"] = "BACK",
    ["PoliceObjects"] = "POLICE OBJECTS",
    ["Cone"] = "CONE",
    ["Barrier"] = "BARRIER",
    ["Sign"] = "SIGN",
    ["Spikes"] = "SPIKES",
    ["Radar"] = "RADAR",
    ["Delete"] = "DELETE",
    ["Emergencies"] = "EMERGENCIES",
    ["NoAlertRecived"] = "There are no alerts received",
    ["Settings"] = "SETTINGS",
    ["Guide"] = "Guide of Use",
    ["General"] = "General",
    ["AlertsCode"] = "Alerts 488, 487, 487-V",
    ["DrugTrafficking"] = "Drug trafficking",
    ["VehicleRobs"] = "Vehicle robberies",
    ["Alerts215"] = "Alerts 215 / Weapons",
    ["Radars"] = "Radars",
    ["KeyToAlert"] = "Key to go to the alert",
    ["DeleteAlertKey"] = "Alert Deleye Key",
    ["EmergencyOpenKey"] = "Emergencies opening key",
    ["Equipment"] = "Equipment",
    ["Cone"] = "Cone",
    ["ConeDesc"] = "The cone",
    ["Barriers"] = "Barreras",
    ["BarriersDesc"] = "The barriers",
    ["TrafficLights"] = "Traffic lights",
    ["TrafficLightsDesc"] = "The traffic signs",
    ["Spikes"] = "Spikes",
    ["SpikesDesc"] = "The spikes",
    ["Radar"] = "Radar",
    ["RadarDesc"] = "The radar",
    ["K9Title"] = "K9 Control",
    ["K9Follow"] = "Follow",
    ["K9FollowDesc"] = "Order the K9 unit to follow yourself",
    ["K9DontMove"] = "Don't Move",
    ["K9DontMoveDesc"] = "Order the K9 unit to stay in the place",
    ["K9Sit"] = "Sit",
    ["K9SitDesc"] = "Order the K9 unit to sit",
    ["K9LieDown"] = "Lie Down",
    ["K9LieDownDesc"] = "Order the K9 unit to lie down",
    ["K9SearhArea"] = "Search in Area",
    ["K9SearhAreaDesc"] = "Order the K9 unit to search in the area",
    ["K9ReturnCar"] = "Return to the car",
    ["K9ReturnCarDesc"] = "Order the K9 unit to return to the car",

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使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-12-14 22:22:06 | 显示全部楼层
"PutTakeAnkle"] = "放置/取回脚踝手铐",
"LogsDate"] = "日志日期",
"Localize"] = "本地化",
"Tase"] = "电击",
"revive"] = "复活",
"VehicleInteraction"] = "与车辆的互动",
"VehicleInformation"] = "车辆信息",
"SeizeVehicle"] = "扣押车辆",
"CallTow"] = "呼叫拖车",
"ForceLock"] = "强制锁定",
"StopTraffic"] = "停止交通",
"ReduceTraffic"] = "减少交通",
"ResumeTraffic"] = "恢复交通",
"Availabel"] = "可用",
"WeaponsConfiguration"] = "武器配置",
"ShowHideWeapons"] = "显示/隐藏武器",
"PistolPos"] = "手枪位置",
"RiflePos"] = "步枪位置",
"Front"] = "前面",
"Behind"] = "后面",
"WaistCart"] = "腰部弹夹",
"NormalCart"] = "普通弹夹",
"ChestCart"] = "胸部弹夹",
"ThighCart"] = "大腿弹夹",
"LegCart"] = "腿部弹夹",
"SeparateLegCart"] = "分开的腿部弹夹",
"Chest"] = "胸部",
"Back"] = "背部",
"PoliceObjects"] = "警察物品",
"Cone"] = "锥形桶",
"Barrier"] = "障碍物",
"Sign"] = "标志",
"Spikes"] = "尖刺",
"Radar"] = "雷达",
"Delete"] = "删除",
"Emergencies"] = "紧急情况",
"NoAlertRecived"] = "没有接收到警报",
"Settings"] = "设置",
"Guide"] = "使用指南",
"General"] = "一般",
"AlertsCode"] = "警报 488, 487, 487-V",
"DrugTrafficking"] = "毒品贩运",
"VehicleRobs"] = "车辆抢劫",
"Alerts215"] = "警报 215 / 武器",
"Radars"] = "雷达",
"KeyToAlert"] = "前往警报的按键",
"DeleteAlertKey"] = "删除警报的按键",
"EmergencyOpenKey"] = "紧急情况打开按键",
"Equipment"] = "设备",
"Cone"] = "锥形桶",
"ConeDesc"] = "锥形桶",
"Barriers"] = "障碍物",
"BarriersDesc"] = "障碍物",
"TrafficLights"] = "红绿灯",
"TrafficLightsDesc"] = "交通信号灯",
"Spikes"] = "尖刺",
"SpikesDesc"] = "尖刺",
"Radar"] = "雷达",
"RadarDesc"] = "雷达",
"K9Title"] = "K9 控制",
"K9Follow"] = "跟随",
"K9FollowDesc"] = "命令 K9 单位跟随你",
"K9DontMove"] = "不移动",
"K9DontMoveDesc"] = "命令 K9 单位保持在原地",
"K9Sit"] = "坐下",
"K9SitDesc"] = "命令 K9 单位坐下",
"K9LieDown"] = "卧下",
"K9LieDownDesc"] = "命令 K9 单位卧下",
"K9SearhArea"] = "在区域内搜索",
"K9SearhAreaDesc"] = "命令 K9 单位在该区域内搜索",
"K9ReturnCar"] = "返回车辆",
"K9ReturnCarDesc"] = "命令 K9 单位返回汽车",

使用道具 举报

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