Config = {}
-- Integrations (recommended to leave as "auto")
Config.Framework = "auto" -- or "QBCore", "Qbox", "ESX"
Config.Inventory = "auto" -- or "ox_inventory", "qb-inventory", "esx_inventory"
Config.Notifications = "auto" -- or "default", "ox_lib", "ps-ui", "okokNotify"
Config.ProgressBar = "auto" -- or "ox-circle", "ox-bar", "qb"
Config.SkillCheck = "auto" -- or "ox", "qb"
Config.DrawText = "auto" -- or "jg-textui", "ox_lib", "okokTextUI", "ps-ui", "qb"
Config.SocietyBanking = "auto" -- or "okokBanking", "fd_banking", "Renewed-Banking", "qb-banking", "qb-management", "esx_addonaccount"
-- Localisation
Config.Locale = "zh"
Config.NumberAndDateFormat = "en-US"
Config.Currency = "USD"
-- Set to false to use built-in job system
Config.UseFrameworkJobs = true
-- Mechanic Tablet
Config.UseTabletCommand = "tablet" -- set to false to disable command
Config.TabletConnectionMaxDistance = 4.0
-- Skill Bars
Config.UseSkillbars = true -- set to false to use progress bars instead of skill bars for installations
Config.ProgressBarDuration = 10000 -- if not using skill bars, this is the progress bar duration in ms (10000 = 10 seconds)
Config.MaximumSkillCheckAttempts = 3 -- How many times the player can attempt a skill check before the skill check fails
Config.SkillCheckDifficulty = { "easy", "easy", "easy", "easy", "easy" } -- for ox only
Config.SkillCheckInputs = { "w", "a", "s", "d" } -- for ox only
-- Servicing
Config.EnableVehicleServicing = true
Config.ServiceRequiredThreshold = 20 -- [%] if any of the servicable parts hit this %, it will flag that the vehicle needs servicing
Config.ServicingBlacklist = {
"police", "police2" -- Vehicles that are excluded from servicing damage
-- Nitrous
Config.NitrousScreenEffects = true
Config.NitrousRearLightTrails = true -- Only really visible at night
Config.NitrousPowerIncreaseMult = 2.0
Config.NitrousDefaultKeyMapping = "RMENU"
Config.NitrousMaxBottlesPerVehicle = 3 -- The UI can't really handle more than 7, more than that would be unrealistic anyway
Config.NitrousBottleDuration = 10 -- [in seconds] How long a nitrous tank lasts
Config.NitrousBottleCooldown = 5 -- [in seconds] How long until player can start using the next bottle
Config.NitrousPurgeDrainRate = 0.1 -- purging drains bottle only 10% as fast as actually boosting - set to 1 to drain at the same rate
-- Stancing
Config.StanceMinSuspensionHeight = -0.3
Config.StanceMaxSuspensionHeight = 0.3
Config.StanceMinCamber = 0.0
Config.StanceMaxCamber = 0.5
Config.StanceMinTrackWidth = 0.5
Config.StanceMaxTrackWidth = 1.25
Config.StanceNearbyVehiclesFreqMs = 500
-- Repairs
Config.AllowFixingAtOwnedMechanicsIfNoOneOnDuty = false
Config.DuctTapeMinimumEngineHealth = 100.0
Config.DuctTapeEngineHealthIncrease = 150.0
-- Tuning
Config.TuningGiveInstalledItemBackOnRemoval = false
-- Locations
Config.UseCarLiftPrompt = "[E] Use car lift"
Config.UseCarLiftKey = 38
Config.CustomiseVehiclePrompt = "[E] 打开自定义改装面板"
Config.CustomiseVehicleKey = 38
-- Update vehicle props whenever they are changed [probably should not touch]
-- You can set to false to leave saving any usual props vehicle changes such as
-- GTA performance, cosmetic, colours, wheels, etc to the garage or other scripts
-- that persist the props data to the database. Additional data from this script,
-- such as engine swaps, servicing etc is not affected as it's saved differently
Config.UpdatePropsOnChange = true
-- Misc
Config.UniqueBlips = true
Config.ModsPricesAsPercentageOfVehicleValue = true -- Enable pricing tuning items as % of vehicle value - it tries jg-dealerships, then QBShared, then the vehicles meta file automagically for pricing data
Config.AdminsHaveEmployeePermissions = false -- admins can use tablet & interact with mechanics like an owner
Config.MechanicEmployeesCanSelfServiceMods = false -- set to true to allow mechanic employees to bypass the "place order" system at their own mechanic
Config.FullRepairAdminCommand = "vfix"
Config.MechanicAdminCommand = "mechanicadmin"
Config.ChangePlateDuringPreview = false
-- Mechanic Locations
Config.MechanicLocations = {
lscustoms = {
type = "owned",
job = "mechanic",
jobManagementRanks = {4},
logo = "ls_customs.png",
locations = {
coords = vector3(-337.25, -137.2, 38.35),
size = 10.0,
showBlip = true,
coords = vector3(-324.2, -132.0, 38.54),
size = 5.0,
showBlip = false,
employeeOnly = true,
blip = {
id = 446,
color = 47,
scale = 1.5
mods = {
repair = { enabled = true, price = 500, percentVehVal = 0.01 },
performance = { enabled = true, price = 500, percentVehVal = 0.01, priceMult = 0.1 },
cosmetics = { enabled = true, price = 500, percentVehVal = 0.01, priceMult = 0.1 },
stance = { enabled = true, price = 500, percentVehVal = 0.01 },
respray = { enabled = true, price = 500, percentVehVal = 0.01 },
wheels = { enabled = true, price = 500, percentVehVal = 0.01, priceMult = 0.1 },
neonLights = { enabled = true, price = 500, percentVehVal = 0.01 },
headlights = { enabled = true, price = 500, percentVehVal = 0.01 },
tyreSmoke = { enabled = true, price = 500, percentVehVal = 0.01 },
bulletproofTyres = { enabled = true, price = 500, percentVehVal = 0.01 },
extras = { enabled = true, price = 500, percentVehVal = 0.01 }
tuning = {
engineSwaps = { enabled = true, requiresItem = true },
drivetrains = { enabled = true, requiresItem = true },
turbocharging = { enabled = true, requiresItem = true },
tyres = { enabled = true, requiresItem = true },
brakes = { enabled = true, requiresItem = true },
driftTuning = { enabled = true, requiresItem = true },
carLifts = { -- only usable by employees
vector4(-357.45, -114.17, 38.7, 339.89)
-- Add electric vehicles to disable combustion engine features
-- PLEASE NOTE: In b3258 (Bottom Dollar Bounties) and newer, electric
-- vehicles are detected automatically, so this list is not used!
Config.ElectricVehicles = {
"Airtug", "buffalo5", "caddy",
"Caddy2", "caddy3", "coureur",
"cyclone", "cyclone2", "imorgon",
"inductor", "iwagen", "khamelion",
"metrotrain", "minitank", "neon",
"omnisegt", "powersurge", "raiden",
"rcbandito", "surge", "tezeract",
"virtue", "vivanite", "voltic",
-- Nerd options
Config.DisableSound = false
Config.AutoRunSQL = true
Config.Debug = false |