var licensesData = [ //add new license here use same id as your license name in database.
id: 'weapon',
color : 'red',utctpjwkghscmbfjexzsbbnhjxy
description : "Weapon License"
id: 'driver',
color : 'green',zfuwyfyzaxssroreogjassysxqcmj
description : "Driving License"
id: 'business',
color : 'red',ueihikbjiugbwbtpuwraulcwelyostrm
description : "Business License"
var Language = {fsrqbkncgqaffhacgntmyewhsbemfufknxbphprnfstkz
dashboard: "Dashboard",gpybywyusivcyipv
incidents: "Incidents",
profiles: "Profiles",rxbwhfeewvpzaiuf
vehicles: "Vehicles",
reports: "Reports",bzrmrhjjixiwmyixvmvtzuzohmijbence
evidence: "Evidence",
warrants: "Warrants",uwqncbswqzltruacjjbngziepdopu
charges: "Charges",qbhsjjfjovygomxudtqoqzhohvlrnyodawvjfattwraleygi
config: "Config",wcylgrtgbkqxxi
welcome: "Welcome",ekbtdlvasuxdnwrmdzj
badge: "Badge: ",monbgbsbznbzhmyiqqzjkoan
duty: "ON DUTY",flfhpaebkvnwadplmggxmwjrcbtfbbg
editprofile: "Edit Profile",tsmlcsrhpamptwvkldqmopqjlxsay
submitevi: "Submit Evidence",
createreport: "Create Report",
editreport: "Edit Report",
editvehicle: "Edit Vehicle",yjvldtxccqufejfpkiasqbaxcaeiutascwdfpbisrdxw
bolo: "BOLO",
invreport: "Investigative Report",
civreport: "Civilian Report",mmocnsdyoquotkzgrfdecmveoojpqqwddkf
reporttype: "Report Type",vtasxhuhhavzrzmtjqxijqgcnmihdtdzmdrkllrtmmsdmex
search: "Search",alkgjnckthcywwralnw
approved: "Approved",dduvcgckllqw
papproval: "Pending Approval",vsnolhrzedheyytouoqqindkxccbwtqsmdhykzxpce
rapproval: "Approval Rejected",
expirein: "expires in",cgkvivvvrlbaecwwpfhyubqznwepsdsv
ago: "ago",alkgjnckthcywwralnw
officerin: "Officers Involved",
personin: "Person Involved",dkturwlyakgyaypvdtznt
criminalsc: "Add Criminal Scum",
vehiclein: "Vehicle Involved",
documenthere: "Document content goes here",
warrsec: "Warrant action successful",jcxhzwltynyhhwxcgdunrypdh
maintitle: "Title",
imgurl: "Profile Image URL",uduptbzymx
profileloaded: "Profile Loaded with CitizenID",uwfvqusnptnexxzetccfitypvjfshodblixbdpo
profilesaved: "Profile saved with CitizenID",wcylgrtgbkqxxi
licenseRemoved: "License Removed",odstowhcitajygibitzdpedjqyjboowdrowgldjuxjdvqm
evidencealready: 'Evidence already added! 1',
evidencenot: "Evidence not found!",
evidenceid: "Evidence ID",
evidenceass: 'Evidence assigned ID 1',
assievi: "Assign Evidence",uwqncbswqzltruacjjbngziepdopu
assign: "ASSIGN",wtwywvagbbyzsguoyq
createevi: "Create Evidence",
type: "Type",nzlltwgjiqqozrqtagihsclzmvqfjsbwrmikjourflgfcwy
imgurl2: "Image URL",
description: "Description",eoqfusxwcvlngvomdytbvovactuxlfsptjvnbtkdpvrvqgi
evicreated: "Evidence created ID",
create: "CREATE",
close: "CLOSE",jdyjykwisftrkfgghkspbk
name: "Name",ljogfnldmlbfestwxhdgivygowxqigzupnava
stateid: "SlateID",qiqavimkijaibwbbdloyoyszs
alreadyin: "ALREADY ADDED",ieemxfanmhjziexjxuypvbyligk
add: "ADD",ibbfbcrkbq
editcharges: "Edit Charges",bzrmrhjjixiwmyixvmvtzuzohmijbence
arrwarr: "Warrant for Arrest",kthfqfpikbjhpghnixvyyxgjod
reductions: "Reductions",
inprg: "In Progress",
expired: "Expired",fhashuwfvcltacxfmajpufsahdlttimyqmrxhnccpowqq
expires: "Expires",imnqrsndghnesvhpu
guilty: "Pleaded Guilty",vuwvljfdyuwpabhxhlthuhbospkdpknkfjgqtl
processed: "Processed",
month: "month(s)",
final: "Final",
incsaved: "Incident saved with ID",aydxzfcjkaxo
incloaded: 'Incident loaded with ID 1',ugebowxkeuobynj
reportloaded: "Report loaded with ID",jxxjqsucpudjbrcvxhipmenjucnqigysevbu
reportsaved: "Report saved with ID",
photo: "Photo",ocxxjagaowbosjvproquxvaztkzberrttorcpxdeuf
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extendedsidebar: "Extended Sidebar",
dtheme: "Dark Theme",cqgqgliqfcangevbott
save: "SAVE",
mrights: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?",bzrmrhjjixiwmyixvmvtzuzohmijbence
configsaved: "Config Saved Successfully",jyyrxmhmuswdzfapyttmjfndbt
success: "Success",
error: "Error",qwwaqvbqspoogogfujoppzexhxjzulnkijkyemowb
empty: "Empty Fields",dlxmmqcnqaprfylyzebvhgljpdbsbxfejdqvttik
assperson: "Assign Person",zimzczfkgyr
citizenid: 'CitizenID',
incident: "Incident",
report: "Report",nghgsgkondqspvnvfashqawho
incin: "Incidents Involved",ugebowxkeuobynj
reportinv: "Reports Involved",dkoxifasffrzhmbnmcfvcmqgdzznrmnvxcsfhsynypmfcntoqy
fine: "Fine",
seized: "Seized",rdhdlxhzweliamgbqsvhuojp
vsaved: "Vehicle saved with PlateID",pytluqlkgfjabtjqpgmuegkjrsob
vloaded: "Vehicle loaded with PlateID",
vimage: "Vehicle Image URL",jdyjykwisftrkfgghkspbk
vowner: "Owner",bnspucdfcxgshmktnoumqhhfv
vmodel: "Model",
var mdtLogo = ""cdtdayllflp
var mdtCharges = [{uahstprllmgbfolsigwbvfywhduxkivficxcspodbvfhkraty
name: "Simple Assault",jxxjqsucpudjbrcvxhipmenjucnqigysevbu
fine: 500,
time: 5,
color: "green",qgkelyeqjmycdpncxctypjklhp
description: "Attempts to or commits an injury upon another person without the use of a weapon."
}, {najntmvblhjsbhssmdpixkxxocxckziyzr
name: "Assault",yxkfduejsopwxofvhxnmonefurggyncwkmcohgxavnwtbco
fine: 700,
time: 10,uwfvqusnptnexxzetccfitypvjfshodblixbdpo
color: "green",smplfdynuhzeakapabnhaozotgkebnquafffjete
description: "Causes bodily injury to another, threatens another with imminent bodily injury, or causes physical contact that should reasonably be considered offensive or provocative."liuspvpedtojux
}, {
name: "Accomplice to an crime",dwwfwlzynwjmn
fine: 1e3,
time: 10,egehogxbdanqqwoqmyepuewuymknljsqqw
color: "green",jypuptuqmkibedbdpdkrwretqlwofi
description: "A person who helps another commit a crime."mmocnsdyoquotkzgrfdecmveoojpqqwddkf
}, {
name: "Aggravated Assault",
fine: 3e3,
time: 15,zvvokdlzmclalqhlbqywgsmbibjbogfnb
color: "green",
description: "Attempts to or commits serious or grievous bodily injury upon someone with a weapon."fhashuwfvcltacxfmajpufsahdlttimyqmrxhnccpowqq
}, {meudxkykfelylcyiknjkvwj
name: "Sexual Assault",
fine: 2e4,
time: 20,dhpbktqxvoao
color: "red",jzlazmsrkfdaflgvkiuggozpjcorrjub
description: "Sexual assault is an act in which a person intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will ."dlxmmqcnqaprfylyzebvhgljpdbsbxfejdqvttik
}, {nzlltwgjiqqozrqtagihsclzmvqfjsbwrmikjourflgfcwy
name: "Involuntary Manslaughter",
fine: 2e3,
time: 20,
color: "green",
description: "Recklessly or accidentally kills another person."wtwywvagbbyzsguoyq
}, {hunziftmpjytotnlarsrxbmitmlsbevj
name: "Vehicular Manslaughter",
fine: 3e3,
time: 30,zxkabulltocvdtkyluffjryckoepi
color: "green",hqzmnbwpufydbzkhljxjvtwpsobtmomufmgsnchhigljf
description: "Recklessly or accidentally kills another person while driving a motor vehicle."
}, {jgzyvozpuafcrchuecgtlnpjxcwyuwtedtdzidocdtevwl这是干扰码
name: "Voluntary Manslaughter",ctedoqmzpbqzlkxpzcxrtfkeuphodrjgkojyewyuypujarz
fine: 5e3,njehzlinuptpuppitnw
time: 35,wwwzpqtytwkjovxvfxuqeliekcz
color: "red",xxngimlslnisecupupr
description: "Recklessly or accidentally kills another person with intent to physically hurt the person."ubyqfxwhgygdebduwmkrm
}, {fkqshosbrzgolzqjfuk
name: "Second Degree Murder",ieemxfanmhjziexjxuypvbyligk
fine: 1e4,ocxxjagaowbosjvproquxvaztkzberrttorcpxdeuf
time: 40,mnuppxuinisyihgjrhamq
color: "red",jjgpctemryblmnldgdbhpjbcuueyqnxzweozxtmpsnaeamigq
description: "Kills another person with the intent to kill."pytluqlkgfjabtjqpgmuegkjrsob
}, {thoslqltuwtxjxlsbilyomzcmrlxjjldrawcqhwle
name: "First Degree Murder",vytqjnxpedemnfwuvcbjkzfjycqhqtblsvbcizrmdwzqcv
fine: 15e3,
time: 50,pvlzfuwoqimygilcblwbaeojopnbsrghnr
color: "red",你好啊
description: "Kills another person with the intent to kill with premeditation and deliberation."zikrujympeyxzkrsbbduejyjhumqdeydmiuh
}, {dlxmmqcnqaprfylyzebvhgljpdbsbxfejdqvttik
name: "Unlawful Imprisonment",nzlltwgjiqqozrqtagihsclzmvqfjsbwrmikjourflgfcwy
fine: 2e3,
time: 10,zuhjwqsqxumznctkttefwbkhzyztplrpfzycqqsnkfmyhgibzm
color: "green",
description: "Restricts a person's movement within any area without justification or consent."yxkfduejsopwxofvhxnmonefurggyncwkmcohgxavnwtbco
}, {dlxmmqcnqaprfylyzebvhgljpdbsbxfejdqvttik
name: "Kidnapping",ugebowxkeuobynj
fine: 2500,txahiljfbwujrxkmrloaxqzswtzgjnudkuktfuzhr
time: 20,damsvcxywmiqjrihtepyjtvfiufroklskykgbifxvnoeew
color: "green",gzfclougcjscvdieqlpksr
description: "Abducts another person and holds them against their will for an extended period of time."
}, {
name: "Kidnapping of a Public Servant",
fine: 3500,
time: 25,
color: "green",
description: "Abducts a Public Servant and holds them against their will for an extended period of time."ohfixydokoxmsanvqqgimxngoydddltstyarwdfhrc
}, {fhashuwfvcltacxfmajpufsahdlttimyqmrxhnccpowqq
name: "Hostage Taking",gqvuwmpdxejcyheqkrevfoqzinbqwdgdtcypontlsdo
fine: 1250,
time: 10,oyaueqnyqzrjigmhvow
color: "green",xhsbzouccwlzrkjjrwcmtzrznvzegp
description: "Holds a person with a threat to their life or well being with intent or declaration of using them for leverage for escape or personal gain."ynyasdtlaqtdwbyvhnrfdaldvbqvwrivegvwkpik
}, {qwwaqvbqspoogogfujoppzexhxjzulnkijkyemowb
name: "Criminal Threats",bjertrggrqldepztvklxzauhottfemsfwxxpodwgt
fine: 1e3,
time: 5,cipqzkesueylkcpmplqdaatqrptvzymchcsgmxzhcytm
color: "green",bjertrggrqldepztvklxzauhottfemsfwxxpodwgt
description: "Any person who willfully utters a threat to commit a crime which will result in death or bodily injury to another person."
}, {hqzmnbwpufydbzkhljxjvtwpsobtmomufmgsnchhigljf
name: "Reckless Endangerment",
fine: 2e3,
time: 10,eoqfusxwcvlngvomdytbvovactuxlfsptjvnbtkdpvrvqgi
color: "green",
description: "Disregard for one's own life or the life of another."
}, {bnonokclvlxyrhslbhqghjqelclgapdccsqrcscydzwuhpgjx
name: "Harassment",dlfexfdplcscjxdostiksanrkggfwieatkfqpigblyduvhjoar
fine: 3e3,ctedoqmzpbqzlkxpzcxrtfkeuphodrjgkojyewyuypujarz
time: 15,
color: "green",tyvjpbypcgmshykbwqhpcaoggqsuzltsjoczpboribkpavqxlx
description: "Intimidates or pressures another person aggressively with unwelcome words, deeds, actions, or gestures. Continued harassment aggravates the charge leading to $10,000 per occurrence being added to the charge."
}, {xxekzekyjllbuhsk
name: "Sexual Harassment",fxucbtibjhv
fine: 5e3,ybzxnywrzrzgcjvgkohitlrwc
time: 10,jnnugpdsoreotrffppoatfapirxecbumpigvyjnmbsa
color: "red",哈哈
description: "Involving the use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones, including the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors."jzlazmsrkfdaflgvkiuggozpjcorrjub
}, {edvfhvtxmplcckhrelozkakxmuqcknaoqwuxrnvedhgfrnwwz
name: "Petty Theft",pgvehgnrcurmtpcgqwifmbmvpwyjzpmow
fine: 800,ibbfbcrkbq
time: 0,gpybywyusivcyipv
color: "green",jcxhzwltynyhhwxcgdunrypdh
description: "Steals property in the value of less than $1,000 from another person."rdhdlxhzweliamgbqsvhuojp
}, {puaohcyvybeqm
name: "Grand Theft",
fine: 2500,
time: 10,wqttdopmauwgwwyw
color: "green",rxbwhfeewvpzaiuf
description: "Steals property in the value of more than $1,000 from another person."oyaueqnyqzrjigmhvow
}, {
name: "Joyriding",tmvikmfwnowxuwuilrxumqsmwb
fine: 1e3,adnpxbgojurtruvsqpjicnpaxoxmrcgsftiduoreijxad
time: 10,
color: "green",edvfhvtxmplcckhrelozkakxmuqcknaoqwuxrnvedhgfrnwwz
description: "The action or practice of driving fast and dangerously in a stolen car for enjoyment."
}, {zcuopzukrarpntmygomovkoqxljynxhnzcbpc
name: "Grand Theft Auto (A)",
fine: 2e3,cipqzkesueylkcpmplqdaatqrptvzymchcsgmxzhcytm
time: 15,wylqsgsqkeezusrlqdrbcdtsnxpdwxaswmjosbfdfkczculs
color: "green",
description: "Unlawfully taking a vehicle belonging to another, or driving the vehicle without the owner's consent, with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the owner of the vehicle."rfyplptzucguscoboiguxjennyyakklbqjrbyl
}, {yswtbvrtsd
name: "Grand Theft Auto (B)",bjxqmwsnnugnefawabljzyqiksuqzgfbqcrczkqnew
fine: 3e3,
time: 15,duagnsukhxgfyzckiqdjwgpgjpieabcevcljufuccbiaaklja
color: "green",oftqhokmnazkawopvmjibbvcfwpocfyrkrhsgs
description: "Government Vehicle: If covered in P.C. 1205, double."
}, {
name: "Burglary",
fine: 1750,
time: 15,
color: "green",futzyuvyknzdyvsuwa
description: "Enters knowingly or remains unlawfully in a building with intent to commit a crime."dmxsqaotlrluwkxtgbpyvukmwus
}, {hiishrdssyzlj
name: "Robbery",jjgpctemryblmnldgdbhpjbcuueyqnxzweozxtmpsnaeamigq
fine: 2500,
time: 10,dlxmmqcnqaprfylyzebvhgljpdbsbxfejdqvttik
color: "green",
description: "Theft of money or property from an individual or business."yojlysppixojr
}, {
name: "Bank Robbery",gzfclougcjscvdieqlpksr
fine: 3500,fecalzaknlqhddmngthmopxybofivlhaqkabjbmwnceqgqdnkl
time: 15,
color: "green",flfhpaebkvnwadplmggxmwjrcbtfbbg
description: "Robs or attempts to rob a bank, jeweler or financial institution."
}, {
name: "Federal Bank Robbery",
fine: 5e3,
time: 20,
color: "green",jnnugpdsoreotrffppoatfapirxecbumpigvyjnmbsa
description: "Robbing institutions insured by the FDIC (Pac Standard and Vangelico's)."ofaoopncqpqlkrjcrjvxkbvhpjjuasppxpemfrowhfhrwq
}, {yrokukjlmewkckrlxddirmbvowlilcfkuuuofezsjwcmhuye
name: "Extortion",glrbedxmokslxgivafpjqggltweftgyzrpbwtyihiatg
fine: 2e3,
time: 10,ljqepntslowkizbjyhhmzqrhvnhlagdlptqfhjxsxtcg
color: "green",
description: "Uses threats or force to obtain monetary or material gain."dlxmmqcnqaprfylyzebvhgljpdbsbxfejdqvttik
}, {
name: "Fraud",uaxpvfgsqtijdwjfdxpjiemfdrwurnwl
fine: 5e3,wyylytcvfahuyioczcaqbsakzmsuboixnhjlblghl
time: 15,
color: "green",kjjlcccfjgrhnqdsblsnrtejpmeevtxgdgrfiulsaczos
description: "Wrongfully decepts intending to receive financial or personal gain."jxxjqsucpudjbrcvxhipmenjucnqigysevbu
}, {
name: "Impersonating",
fine: 2e3,
time: 15,
color: "green",tmvikmfwnowxuwuilrxumqsmwb
description: "Impersonates another person that could make them civilly or criminally liable, signing under a false name or providing documentation of another person."yrokukjlmewkckrlxddirmbvowlilcfkuuuofezsjwcmhuye
}, {
name: "Impersonating a Government employee",cmenlrpxrb
fine: 4e3,vsnolhrzedheyytouoqqindkxccbwtqsmdhykzxpce
time: 30,waiotuknvkza
color: "green",
description: "Impersonates a Government employee that could make them civilly or criminally liable, signing under their name or providing documentation, and exercising authority."kwxtosgmizixktnrxchjzyoexvkdiibtezmtstfatnxeglven
}, {ookfcmgvjxvurmprpybqmiqumfxbvspkhzpkmwfvu
name: "Impersonating a Judge",hkgqjuujgkrzlzwj
fine: 1e4,njehzlinuptpuppitnw
time: 35,
color: "red",qowjiinolmleduiquijqfgydicpmwc
description: "Impersonates a Judge."xhsbzouccwlzrkjjrwcmtzrznvzegp
}, {elkeniynxgiqslqigewxrulnefqnzrwedgirp
name: "Forgery",
fine: 2500,kthfqfpikbjhpghnixvyyxgjod
time: 15,txahiljfbwujrxkmrloaxqzswtzgjnudkuktfuzhr
color: "red",mdepqchgdwzonljkvhdbitaenlrkfjsrmxgda
description: "Possessing or creating any false government document including but not limited to ID cards and license plates."wwiwdweziwmhkphglqmmjgjb
}, {
name: "Antitrust",lhbttyugrwwekwjbvigjdgpk
fine: 5e3,
time: 30,
color: "red",
description: "Taking actions that engage in the creation of a monopoly are deemed criminal. This includes predatory acts to gain or hold monopoly power, price fixing limited markets (Car Sales, Store Shops and Mechanic Hubs) or malicious sabotage of a competitor's stock. All individuals that manage, work for or own shares (majority or minority) in a business or participate with an individual that engages in these tactics are liable if found to have not reported these actions even when they were aware they were being undertaken."dmgwprrqjmonakemndvoflscpoxhnymqls
}, {qbhsjjfjovygomxudtqoqzhohvlrnyodawvjfattwraleygi
name: "Trespassing",
fine: 800,dlxmmqcnqaprfylyzebvhgljpdbsbxfejdqvttik
time: 5,vptszsdyjspuqb
color: "green",
description: "Enters knowingly or remains unlawfully in or upon government premises or private property. (Police holding, military installations, Braddock Farm etc..)"
}, {
name: "Possession of Items Used In The Commission Of A Crime",
fine: 1e3,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "Possession of any items used in the commission of a felony, misdemeanor or infraction. This includes Advance lockpicks,lockpicks,Tuner,Thermite,VPN."qgkelyeqjmycdpncxctypjklhp
}, {dmxsqaotlrluwkxtgbpyvukmwus
name: "Arson",fmcdhqrmvoytpapauhqxtlsurxnj
fine: 3e3,
time: 15,zfuwyfyzaxssroreogjassysxqcmj
color: "green",
description: "The willful and malicious burning or charring of property or persons."wwiwdweziwmhkphglqmmjgjb
}, {yixtsseqzsrgmamgh
name: "Vandelism",glzqylvntzrmbyn
fine: 1500,qwwaqvbqspoogogfujoppzexhxjzulnkijkyemowb
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Intentionally causing damage to property they do not own."uahstprllmgbfolsigwbvfywhduxkivficxcspodbvfhkraty
}, {fecalzaknlqhddmngthmopxybofivlhaqkabjbmwnceqgqdnkl
name: "Vandalism of Government Property",txahiljfbwujrxkmrloaxqzswtzgjnudkuktfuzhr
fine: 3e3,
time: 15,eptljrvkgpmegsbczi
color: "green",hqzmnbwpufydbzkhljxjvtwpsobtmomufmgsnchhigljf
description: "Intentionally causing damage to Government Property"xeleonmmyafgzcbkyvweztmuakqf
}, {
name: "Bribery",
fine: 3e3,datljnaoxrxlbjajgaxoowojvsxagjfjjy
time: 10,yysvruikkcmniolohtasmoghaxpidkgbiywatfkdiwrqlcetv
color: "green",
description: "Confers, or agrees to confer, any benefit upon a public servant upon an agreement or understanding that such public servant's vote, opinion, judgment, action, decision or exercise of discretion as a public servant will thereby be influenced."zimzczfkgyr
}, {
name: "Contempt of Court",
fine: 5e3,
time: 50,vtasxhuhhavzrzmtjqxijqgcnmihdtdzmdrkllrtmmsdmex
color: "red",
description: "The act of being disobedient to or discourteous towards a court of law and its officers in the form of behavior that opposes or defies the authority, justice and dignity of the court. Time/Fine is Judge Discretion."
}, {
name: "Criminal Possession of Stolen Property",
fine: 1e3,
time: 5,
color: "green",rsoalpthfhvqmpj
description: "Possesses any physical property that is reported stolen."pegfisityijclmubexuhvxhssoizxfwmjcsrvaltjvvuhqwl
}, {zhwkirwailyisabkedieduforxsnes
name: "Escaping",pegfisityijclmubexuhvxhssoizxfwmjcsrvaltjvvuhqwl
fine: 3e3,
time: 15,
color: "green",kjjlcccfjgrhnqdsblsnrtejpmeevtxgdgrfiulsaczos
description: "Escapes the custody of the government of their own free will."stoididnpneozeliisrqkyioqbmqmvyepmnt
}, {monbgbsbznbzhmyiqqzjkoan
name: "Jailbreak",
fine: 8e3,
time: 40,
color: "green",tdogurbmdvbgbrckxolkkagijgywvufoxtusk
description: "Breaks into government buildings designated for detainment or imprisonment with intent to break a prisoner out."rsoalpthfhvqmpj
}, {emondgytpfylcpg
name: "Disorderly Conduct",
fine: 1e3,
time: 5,
color: "green",
description: "Engages in behavior intending to cause public inconvenience."
}, {
name: "Perjury",alkgjnckthcywwralnw
fine: 7e3,ygxcvbgfsepttdpwvescpvljsvno
time: 20,tubyemnpqnrrylgkylsqkdwpzi
color: "red",你好啊
description: "Knowingly lies under oath verbally or through writing in judicial proceedings."dmxsqaotlrluwkxtgbpyvukmwus
}, {jyyrxmhmuswdzfapyttmjfndbt
name: "Violating a Court Orde",
fine: 5e3,ookfcmgvjxvurmprpybqmiqumfxbvspkhzpkmwfvu
time: 20,
color: "red",
description: "Willful disobedience of the terms written in a court order."ocxxjagaowbosjvproquxvaztkzberrttorcpxdeuf
}, {fkqshosbrzgolzqjfuk
name: "Failure to Appear",fmcdhqrmvoytpapauhqxtlsurxnj
fine: 1e4,
time: 20,zxkabulltocvdtkyluffjryckoepi
color: "red",
description: "Failure to Appear in Court when summoned"jdkjsyubipjlrrerwsdncixuzksgntuwwffodaqlp
}, {
name: "Unlawful Practice",
fine: 1e4,tugxtdxdvpfxszccyljsxawcyzphuwynrfkkjiofxtdq
time: 15,sodsizkrjvmsnwnu
color: "red",
description: "Practices law or medicine without proper state-sanctioned licensing."zxkabulltocvdtkyluffjryckoepi
}, {uqzewyyjcedjbtlqwjroct
name: "Embezzlement",hynfngqvhkogfuxbrcmolokuutxbiic
fine: 1e4,
time: 20,glzqylvntzrmbyn
color: "red",
description: "Steals or misappropriated funds that are used for a specific purpose."
}, {wuwmbjzrdtr
name: "Conspiracy - Misdemeanor",
fine: 2e3,towbocsxghakjhbkyqoowjylzrpqkymemjgbmzysgzcqgea
time: 0,
color: "green",rppxejacueeayacb
description: "Any act of conspiracy (See definition at the top) to commit a misdemeanor. This is also called a [Wobbler]."towbocsxghakjhbkyqoowjylzrpqkymemjgbmzysgzcqgea
}, {
name: "Conspiracy to Commit Fraud",ugebowxkeuobynj
fine: 3e3,vxmsaylzqlnmkssawwxtctecsr
time: 15,
color: "green",xrirwadlofrqx
description: "Any act of conspiracy (See definition at the top) to defraud someone out of money or property. This can be filed as a misdemeanor or as a felony based on the facts of the case and criminal history."
}, futzyuvyknzdyvsuwa