while true do
Citizen.Wait(0) -- prevent crashing
-- These natives have to be called every frame.
SetVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) -- set traffic density to 0
SetPedDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) -- set npc/ai peds density to 0
SetRandomVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) -- set random vehicles (car scenarios / cars driving off from a parking spot etc.) to 0
SetParkedVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) -- set random parked vehicles (parked car scenarios) to 0
SetScenarioPedDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0, 0.0) -- set random npc/ai peds or scenario peds to 0
SetGarbageTrucks(false) -- Stop garbage trucks from randomly spawning
SetRandomBoats(false) -- Stop random boats from spawning in the water.
SetCreateRandomCops(false) -- disable random cops walking/driving around.
SetCreateRandomCopsNotOnScenarios(false) -- stop random cops (not in a scenario) from spawning.
SetCreateRandomCopsOnScenarios(false) -- stop random cops (in a scenario) from spawning.
local x,y,z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()))
ClearAreaOfVehicles(x, y, z, 1000, false, false, false, false, false)
RemoveVehiclesFromGeneratorsInArea(x - 500.0, y - 500.0, z - 500.0, x + 500.0, y + 500.0, z + 500.0);
while true do
Citizen.Wait(0) -- 防止崩溃
-- 这些原生函数必须每帧调用。
SetVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) -- 将交通密度设置为0
SetPedDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) -- 将NPC/AI行人密度设置为0
SetRandomVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) -- 将随机车辆(如汽车场景/汽车从停车位驶出等)密度设置为0
SetParkedVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0) -- 将随机停放车辆(停车场景)密度设置为0
SetScenarioPedDensityMultiplierThisFrame(0.0, 0.0) -- 将随机NPC/AI行人或场景行人密度设置为0
SetGarbageTrucks(false) -- 停止垃圾车随机生成
SetRandomBoats(false) -- 停止随机船只在水中生成
SetCreateRandomCops(false) -- 禁用随机警察在周围走动/驾驶
SetCreateRandomCopsNotOnScenarios(false) -- 停止随机警察(不在场景中)生成
SetCreateRandomCopsOnScenarios(false) -- 停止随机警察(在场景中)生成
local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()))
ClearAreaOfVehicles(x, y, z, 1000, false, false, false, false, false) -- 清除指定半径内的车辆
RemoveVehiclesFromGeneratorsInArea(x - 500.0, y - 500.0, z - 500.0, x + 500.0, y + 500.0, z + 500.0) -- 从指定区域内的生成器中移除车辆
这段代码应该放在 `client.lua` 中,因为它涉及到客户端的操作,例如获取玩家坐标和清除车辆等。