杰瑞米瓦德 发表于 2 小时前

翻译 保留原代码

Locales['en'] = {

    -- Text UI

    ['prop_menu'] = {
      text = ' Place Prop | Cancel',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['vehicles'] = {
      text = ' Vehicle Menu',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['storevehicle'] = {
      text = ' Store Vehicle',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['armories'] = {
      text = ' Open Armory',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['cloakrooms'] = {
      text = ' Open Cloakroom',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['stashes'] = {
      text = ' Open Stash',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['trashes'] = {
      text = ' Open Trash',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['evidences'] = {
      text = ' Open Evidences',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['sendreport'] = {
      text = ' Send Report',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['seereport'] = {
      text = ' See Reports',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['close_cam'] = {
      text = ' Close Camera',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['clean'] = {
      text = ' Clean',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['work'] = {
      text = ' Repair',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['removeprop'] = {
      text = ' Remove Prop',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    -- Error Notifications

    ['not_police'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You are not a police officer",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000


    ['prop_removed'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The prop has been removed",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_player'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "There is no player nearby",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['not_handcuffed'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The player is not handcuffed",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['hands_up'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The player needs to have their hands up or be handcuffed",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['player_offline'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The player is offline",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['not_owned_vehicle'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The vehicle with plate ${plate} is not owned by anyone",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_vehicle'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "There is no vehicle nearby",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000
    ['failed_opening_doors'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You failed to open the doors",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['canceled'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "Canceled",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_handcuffs'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have no handcuffs with you",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_space'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "There is no space for the vehicle",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['report_deleted'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The report with ID ${id} has been deleted",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_escorting'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You are not escorting anyone",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['cant_handcuff'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You can't handcuff a player while escorting",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_ankle_monitor'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The player has no ankle monitor",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['already_ankle_monitor'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The player already has an ankle monitor",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['not_on_duty'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You are not on duty",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['cant_uncuff'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You can't uncuff the player while escorting",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['max_objects'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have reached the maximum number of objects in that area",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['handcuff_in_vehicle'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You can't handcuff a player that's inside a vehicle",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    -- Success Notifications

    ['prop_placed'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The ${prop} has been placed",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['placed_ankle_monitor'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have placed an ankle monitor on ${player}",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['removed_ankle_monitor'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have removed the ankle monitor from ${player}",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['copied_plate'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The plate has been copied to your clipboard",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['copied_phone'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The phone number has been copied to your clipboard",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['sent_to_recover'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The vehicle with plate ${plate} has been sent to police recover",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['impounded_vehicle'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The vehicle with plate ${plate} has been impounded",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['vehicle_unlocked'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The vehicle has been unlocked",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['cam_added'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "Camera ${cctv} has been added",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['radar_added'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "Radar ${radar} has been added with speed limit of ${speed} " .. (Config.UseKMH and "km/h" or "mph"),
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['jailed'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have jailed ${player} for ${time} months",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['community_service'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have sent ${player} to community service for ${time} months",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['report_sent'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have sent your report to the police department",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['report_updated'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have updated the report with ID ${id} to '${status}'",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['remove_prison'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You removed ${name} from prison",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['remove_community_service'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You removed ${name} from community service",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['all_props_removed'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "All props have been removed",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    -- Info Notifications

    ['searching_player'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You are searching ${player}",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['being_searched'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You are being searched",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000
    ['escorting_player'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You are escorting ${player}",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['being_escorted'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You are being escorted",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000
    ['ankle_monitor_placed'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have now an ankle monitor",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['ankle_monitor_removed'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You no longer have an ankle monitor",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['ankle_monitor'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "The ankle monitor location for ${name} as been set on the map",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['get_jailed'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have been jailed for ${months} months",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['jail_time_updated'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "Your jail time has been updated to ${months} months",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['jailed_end'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have been released from jail",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['get_community'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have been sent to community service for ${months} months",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['community_service_updated'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "Your community service has been updated to ${months} months",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['community_end'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "You have been released from community service",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['community_service_added'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "It has been added ${months} months to the community service because you tried to escape",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['new_report'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "${name} has sent a new report",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    -- Warning Notifications

    ['emergency_signal'] = {
      title = "Police Job",
      text = "${player} has sent an emergency signal",
      type = 'warning',
      time = 5000

    ['speeding'] = {
      title = "Police Radar",
      text = "You got caught speeding at ${speed} " .. (Config.UseKMH and "km/h" or "mph"),
      type = 'warning',
      time = 5000

    -- Translations

    ['translations'] = {
      removeprop = "Remove prop",
      object = "prop",
      objectdescription = "Object to place",
      sendtorecover = "Send to Recover",
      vehicleinfo = "Vehicle Info",
      vehiclename = "Vehicle Name",
      vehicleplate = "Vehicle Plate",
      vehicleowner = "Vehicle Owner",
      owneridentifier = "Owner Identifier",
      ownerphone = "Owner Phone",
      na = "N/A",
      impoundingVehicle = "Impounding Vehicle",
      sendingToRecover = "Sending to Recover",
      vehicles = "Police Vehicles",
      helicopters = "Police Helicopters",
      boats = "Police Boats",
      cctvsettings = "CCTV Settings",
      cctvname = "Camera Name",
      cctvplaceholder = "Pacific Bank 1",
      rotate = "Rotate",
      confirm = "Confirm",
      vehicles = "Vehicles",
      helicopters = "Helicopters",
      boats = "Boats",
      armories = "Armory",
      cloakrooms = "Cloakroom",
      stashes = "Stash",
      trashes = "Trash",
      evidences = "Evidences",
      report = "Report",
      storevehicle = "Store Vehicle",
      newradar = "New Radar",
      radarname = "Radar Name",
      radarplaceholder = "Legion Square",
      radarspeed = "Radar Speed",
      speedtrap = "Speed Trap",
      radar = "Radar",
      back = "Back",
      closemenu = "Close Menu",
      placeobjects = "Place Objects",
      menu = "Menu",
      playermenu = "Player Menu",
      vehiclemenu = "Vehicle Menu",
      anklemonitor = "Ankle Monitor",
      anklemonitordesc = "Place an ankle monitor on the nearest player",
      anklemonitorlocations = "Ankle Monitor Locations",
      evidencestashes = "Evidence Stashes",
      securitycameras = "Security Cameras",
      emergencysignal = "Emergency Signal",
      securitycamera = "security camera",
      viewthe = "View the",
      openevidencestash = "Open Evidence Stash",
      openevidencelocker = "Open the evidence locker",
      citizenid = "Citizen ID",
      spawna = "Spawn a",
      placea = "Place a",
      ontheground = "on the ground",
      openthe = "Open the",
      removeanklemonitor = "Remove Ankle Monitor",
      removeanklemonitordesc = "Remove the ankle monitor from the nearest player",
      placeanklemonitor = "Place Ankle Monitor",
      placeanklemonitordesc = "Place an ankle monitor on the nearest player",
      getanklemonitorlocation = "Get Ankle Monitor Location",
      getanklemonitorlocationdesc = "Get a list of all ankle monitor locations",
      vehicleinformation = "Vehicle Information",
      vehicleinformationdesc = "Get information about the nearest vehicle",
      impoundvehicle = "Impound Vehicle",
      impoundvehicledesc = "Impound the nearest vehicle",
      forceopenvehicle = "Force Open Vehicle",
      forceopenvehicledesc = "Force open the nearest vehicle",
      searchplayer = "Search Player",
      searchplayerdesc = "Search the nearest player",
      handcuffplayer = "Handcuff Player",
      handcuffplayerdesc = "Handcuff the nearest player",
      escortplayer = "Escort Player",
      escortplayerdesc = "Escort the nearest player",
      placeinvehicle = "Place in Vehicle",
      placeinvehicledesc = "Place the nearest player in a vehicle",
      removefromvehicle = "Remove from Vehicle",
      removefromvehicledesc = "Remove the nearest player from a vehicle",
      openpolicemenudesc = "Open the police menu",
      playerinteractions = "Player Interactions",
      playerinteractionsdesc = "Open the player menu to interact with players",
      vehicleinteractions = "Vehicle Interactions",
      vehicleinteractionsdesc = "Open the vehicle menu to interact with vehicles",
      billplayer = "Bill Player",
      billplayerdesc = "Open the billing menu to bill players",
      opencameras = "Open Cameras",
      opencamerasdesc = "Open the cameras menu to security cameras",
      placeobjects = "Place Objects",
      placeobjectsdesc = "Place objects on the ground",
      emergencybutton = "Emergency Button",
      emergencybuttondesc = "Send an emergency signal to all available units",
      policeactions = "Police Actions",
      communityservice = "Community Service",
      communityservicedesc = "Send the nearest player to community service",
      jailplayer = "Jail Player",
      jailplayerdesc = "Jail the nearest player",
      months = "Months",
      playername = "Player Name",
      prisonmenu = "Prison Menu",
      cleaning = "Cleaning",
      repairing = "Repairing",
      communitymenu = "Com. Service",
      monthsleft = "Months Left",
      newreport = "New Report",
      yourname = "Your Name",
      phonenumber = "Phone Number",
      date = "Date",
      description = "Description",
      anonymous = "Anonymous",
      descriptionplaceholder = "Type your description",
      openreports = "Open Reports",
      sendreport = "Send Report",
      none = "None",
      inreview = "In Review",
      archived = "Archived",
      status = "Status",
      delete = "Delete",
      search = "Search",
      noentriesfound = "No entries found",
      noresults = "No results",
      view = "View",
      player = "Player",
      phone = "Phone",
      actions = "Actions",
      reportslist = "Reports List",
      playeractions = "Player Actions",
      removeprison = "Remove player from Prison",
      removecommunityservice = "Remove player from Community Service",
      playerid = "Player ID",
      playeridtoremoveprison = "Player ID to remove from prison",
      playeridtoremovecommunity = "Player ID to remove from community service",
      clearallprops = "Clear All Props",
      clearallpropsdesc = "Clear all props placed by police officers",

ChatGPT 发表于 2 小时前

Locales['zh'] = {

    -- 文本 UI

    ['prop_menu'] = {
      text = ' 放置道具 |取消',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['vehicles'] = {
      text = ' 车辆菜单',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['storevehicle'] = {
      text = ' 存储车辆',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['armories'] = {
      text = ' 打开军械库',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['cloakrooms'] = {
      text = ' 打开更衣室',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['stashes'] = {
      text = ' 打开储藏室',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['trashes'] = {
      text = ' 打开垃圾箱',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['evidences'] = {
      text = ' 打开证据',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['sendreport'] = {
      text = ' 发送报告',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['seereport'] = {
      text = ' 查看报告',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['close_cam'] = {
      text = ' 关闭摄像头',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['clean'] = {
      text = ' 清理',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['work'] = {
      text = ' 修理',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    ['removeprop'] = {
      text = ' 移除道具',
      color = 'darkblue',
      side = 'right'

    -- 错误通知

    ['not_police'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你不是警察",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['prop_removed'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "道具已被移除",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_player'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "附近没有玩家",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['not_handcuffed'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "玩家没有被铐住",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['hands_up'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "玩家需要举手或被铐住",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['player_offline'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "玩家离线",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['not_owned_vehicle'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "车牌为 ${plate} 的车辆没有人拥有",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_vehicle'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "附近没有车辆",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000
    ['failed_opening_doors'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你未能打开车门",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['canceled'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "已取消",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_handcuffs'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你没有手铐",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_space'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "车辆没有空间",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['report_deleted'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "ID 为 ${id} 的报告已被删除",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_escorting'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你没有护送任何人",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['cant_handcuff'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你不能在护送时铐住玩家",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['no_ankle_monitor'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "玩家没有脚踝监视器",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['already_ankle_monitor'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "玩家已经有脚踝监视器",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['not_on_duty'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你不在值班",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['cant_uncuff'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你不能在护送时解除玩家的手铐",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['max_objects'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已达到该区域的最大物体数量",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    ['handcuff_in_vehicle'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你不能铐住在车辆内的玩家",
      type = 'error',
      time = 5000

    -- 成功通知

    ['prop_placed'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "${prop} 已被放置",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['placed_ankle_monitor'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已在 ${player} 身上放置了脚踝监视器",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['removed_ankle_monitor'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已从 ${player} 身上移除了脚踝监视器",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['copied_plate'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "车牌已复制到剪贴板",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['copied_phone'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "电话号码已复制到剪贴板",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['sent_to_recover'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "车牌为 ${plate} 的车辆已被送往警察回收",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['impounded_vehicle'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "车牌为 ${plate} 的车辆已被扣押",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['vehicle_unlocked'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "车辆已解锁",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['cam_added'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "摄像头 ${cctv} 已被添加",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['radar_added'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "雷达 ${radar} 已添加,限速为 ${speed} " .. (Config.UseKMH and "公里/小时" or "英里/小时"),
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['jailed'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已将 ${player} 监禁 ${time} 个月",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['community_service'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已将 ${player} 送往社区服务 ${time} 个月",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['report_sent'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已将报告发送至警察局",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['report_updated'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已将 ID 为 ${id} 的报告更新为 '${status}'",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['remove_prison'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已将 ${name} 从监狱中释放",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['remove_community_service'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已将 ${name} 从社区服务中释放",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    ['all_props_removed'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "所有道具已被移除",
      type = 'success',
      time = 5000

    -- 信息通知

    ['searching_player'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你正在搜索 ${player}",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['being_searched'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你正在被搜索",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000
    ['escorting_player'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你正在护送 ${player}",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['being_escorted'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你正在被护送",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000
    ['ankle_monitor_placed'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你现在有一个脚踝监视器",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['ankle_monitor_removed'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你不再有脚踝监视器",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['ankle_monitor'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "${name} 的脚踝监视器位置已在地图上设置",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['get_jailed'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已被监禁 ${months} 个月",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['jail_time_updated'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你的监禁时间已更新为 ${months} 个月",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['jailed_end'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已从监狱释放",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['get_community'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已被送往社区服务 ${months} 个月",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['community_service_updated'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你的社区服务已更新为 ${months} 个月",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['community_end'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "你已从社区服务释放",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['community_service_added'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "由于你试图逃跑,社区服务增加了 ${months} 个月",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    ['new_report'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "${name} 发送了一份新报告",
      type = 'info',
      time = 5000

    -- 警告通知

    ['emergency_signal'] = {
      title = "警察工作",
      text = "${player} 发送了紧急信号",
      type = 'warning',
      time = 5000

    ['speeding'] = {
      title = "警察雷达",
      text = "你因超速 ${speed} " .. (Config.UseKMH and "公里/小时" or "英里/小时") .. " 被抓",
      type = 'warning',
      time = 5000

    -- 翻译

    ['translations'] = {
      removeprop = "移除道具",
      object = "道具",
      objectdescription = "要放置的物体",
      sendtorecover = "发送到回收",
      vehicleinfo = "车辆信息",
      vehiclename = "车辆名称",
      vehicleplate = "车辆车牌",
      vehicleowner = "车辆拥有者",
      owneridentifier = "拥有者标识",
      ownerphone = "拥有者电话",
      na = "无",
      impoundingVehicle = "扣押车辆",
      sendingToRecover = "发送到回收",
      vehicles = "警车",
      helicopters = "警用直升机",
      boats = "警用船只",
      cctvsettings = "监控设置",
      cctvname = "摄像头名称",
      cctvplaceholder = "太平洋银行 1",
      rotate = "旋转",
      confirm = "确认",
      vehicles = "车辆",
      helicopters = "直升机",
      boats = "船只",
      armories = "军械库",
      cloakrooms = "更衣室",
      stashes = "储藏室",
      trashes = "垃圾箱",
      evidences = "证据",
      report = "报告",
      storevehicle = "存储车辆",
      newradar = "新雷达",
      radarname = "雷达名称",
      radarplaceholder = "军团广场",
      radarspeed = "雷达速度",
      speedtrap = "测速点",
      radar = "雷达",
      back = "返回",
      closemenu = "关闭菜单",
      placeobjects = "放置物体",
      menu = "菜单",
      playermenu = "玩家菜单",
      vehiclemenu = "车辆菜单",
      anklemonitor = "脚踝监视器",
      anklemonitordesc = "在最近的玩家身上放置脚踝监视器",
      anklemonitorlocations = "脚踝监视器位置",
      evidencestashes = "证据储藏室",
      securitycameras = "监控摄像头",
      emergencysignal = "紧急信号",
      securitycamera = "监控摄像头",
      viewthe = "查看",
      openevidencestash = "打开证据储藏室",
      openevidencelocker = "打开证据柜",
      citizenid = "公民 ID",
      spawna = "生成一个",
      placea = "放置一个",
      ontheground = "在地面上",
      openthe = "打开",
      removeanklemonitor = "移除脚踝监视器",
      removeanklemonitordesc = "从最近的玩家身上移除脚踝监视器",
      placeanklemonitor = "放置脚踝监视器",
      placeanklemonitordesc = "在最近的玩家身上放置脚踝监视器",
      getanklemonitorlocation = "获取脚踝监视器位置",
      getanklemonitorlocationdesc = "获取所有脚踝监视器位置的列表",
      vehicleinformation = "车辆信息",
      vehicleinformationdesc = "获取最近车辆的信息",
      impoundvehicle = "扣押车辆",
      impoundvehicledesc = "扣押最近的车辆",
      forceopenvehicle = "强制打开车辆",
      forceopenvehicledesc = "强制打开最近的车辆",
      searchplayer = "搜索玩家",
      searchplayerdesc = "搜索最近的玩家",
      handcuffplayer = "铐住玩家",
      handcuffplayerdesc = "铐住最近的玩家",
      escortplayer = "护送玩家",
      escortplayerdesc = "护送最近的玩家",
      placeinvehicle = "放置在车辆内",
      placeinvehicledesc = "将最近的玩家放入车辆",
      removefromvehicle = "从车辆中移除",
      removefromvehicledesc = "将最近的玩家从车辆中移除",
      openpolicemenudesc = "打开警察菜单",
      playerinteractions = "玩家互动",
      playerinteractionsdesc = "打开玩家菜单与玩家互动",
      vehicleinteractions = "车辆互动",
      vehicleinteractionsdesc = "打开车辆菜单与车辆互动",
      billplayer = "向玩家收费",
      billplayerdesc = "打开收费菜单向玩家收费",
      opencameras = "打开摄像头",
      opencamerasdesc = "打开摄像头菜单查看监控",
      placeobjects = "放置物体",
      placeobjectsdesc = "在地面上放置物体",
      emergencybutton = "紧急按钮",
      emergencybuttondesc = "向所有可用单位发送紧急信号",
      policeactions = "警察行动",
      communityservice = "社区服务",
      communityservicedesc = "将最近的玩家送往社区服务",
      jailplayer = "监禁玩家",
      jailplayerdesc = "监禁最近的玩家",
      months = "个月",
      playername = "玩家名称",
      prisonmenu = "监狱菜单",
      cleaning = "清理",
      repairing = "修理",
      communitymenu = "社区服务",
      monthsleft = "剩余月份",
      newreport = "新报告",
      yourname = "你的名字",
      phonenumber = "电话号码",
      date = "日期",
      description = "描述",
      anonymous = "匿名",
      descriptionplaceholder = "输入你的描述",
      openreports = "打开报告",
      sendreport = "发送报告",
      none = "无",
      inreview = "审核中",
      archived = "已归档",
      status = "状态",
      delete = "删除",
      search = "搜索",
      noentriesfound = "未找到条目",
      noresults = "没有结果",
      view = "查看",
      player = "玩家",
      phone = "电话",
      actions = "操作",
      reportslist = "报告列表",
      playeractions = "玩家操作",
      removeprison = "将玩家从监狱中移除",
      removecommunityservice = "将玩家从社区服务中移除",
      playerid = "玩家 ID",
      playeridtoremoveprison = "要从监狱中移除的玩家 ID",
      playeridtoremovecommunity = "要从社区服务中移除的玩家 ID",
      clearallprops = "清除所有道具",
      clearallpropsdesc = "清除所有警察放置的道具",
页: [1]
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