alim000 发表于 2024-8-10 04:04:33

请翻译中文 保留原有代码

    unknowndeath = 'Themselves or an NPC',
    bleedoutin = 'You will bleed out in ~r~%s minutes %s seconds~s~',
    braindeadin = 'Brain dead in ~r~%s minutes %s seconds~s~',
    respawnavailable = 'Respawn available in ~g~%s minutes %s seconds~s~',
    respawn = 'Hold ~g~~s~ to force respawn ~g~%ss~s~',
    respawn2 = 'Hold ~g~~s~ to safe respawn ~g~%ss~s~',
    respawnmenutitle = 'Hospitals',
    nomoney = 'Not enough money!',
    bedfull = 'All beds are occupied. Waiting for a free space...',
    gettinghelp = '~g~You are getting help, ~b~%s seconds left!',

    elevator = 'Elevator',
    elevatoraccess = ' - Elevator',

    onparacetamol = 'You already took a pill. Wait %ss to take another one.',
    ontakeparacetamol = 'You took a pill. This will take %ss to reduce your pain.',
    takingparacetamol = 'Taking Paracetamol...',
    severeinjury = "You a have severe injury that can't be treatd by paracetamol. It's time to visit a doctor.",
    severeinjuries = "You have few severe injury that can't be treatd by paracetamol. It's time to visit a doctor.",
    noneedparacetamol = "You don't have any wounds to heal",

    damage_notify_head = "You have head injury and it's affecting your vision!",
    damage_notify_arms = "You have arm injury and it's affecting your shooting & driving ability!",
    damage_notify_chest = "You are bleeding for chest injury!",
    damage_notify_legs = "You have leg injury and it's affecting walk speed & driving ability!",

    onbandage = "Bandage is giving you temporary relief. But this won't last long!",

    usebandage = "Applying Bandage...",
    alreadyhealing = "This body part is already healing...",

    takingmorphine = "Taking Morphine...",
    tookmorphine30 = "You took morphine 30mg. It's giving you relief from severe pain!",
    tookmorphine10 = "You took morphine 10mg. It's giving you relief from pain!",
    noseverepain = "You don't have any severe pain!",
    nosevereormoderatepain = "You don't have any moderate or severe pain!",
    alreadymorphine = "You are already on morphine!",

    usingfirstaid = "Using first aid...",
    usingmedkit = "Using medkit...",
    tookfirstaid = "You took a first aid kit, your wounds are healing...",
    tookmedkit = "You took a med kit, your wounds are healing...",
    woundsalreadyhealing = "Your wounds are already healing...",

    examine      = "Examine Patient",
    examinehead= "Examine Head",
    examinechest = "Examine Chest",
    examinearms= "Examine Arms",
    examinelegs= "Examine Legs",

    damagehead= "Head Damage: %s",
    damagechest = "Chest Damage: %s",
    damagelarm= "Left Arm Damage: %s",
    damagelleg= "Left Leg Damage: %s",
    damagerarm= "Right Arm Damage: %s",
    damagerleg= "Right Leg Damage: %s",

    applyneckbrace= "Apply Neckbrace",
    applybodybandage = "Apply Body Bandage",
    applyarmbrace= "Apply Armbrace",
    applylegbrace= "Apply Legbrace",

    notenough= "Do don't have any %s",

    givemorphine30= "Give Morphine 30mg",

    applybandage= "Apply Bandage",
    xray= "X-Ray Scan",

    addtostretcher= "Add To Stretcher",
    addtowheelchair= "Add To Wheelchair",
    addinbed= "Add In Bed",
    removefromstretcher= "Remove From stretcher",
    removefromwheelchair= "Remove From wheelchair",
    move = "Move",
    pickup= "Pickup",
    getin= "Get In",
    alreadybed= "Someone is already in the bed!",
    place= " - Place",
    drop= " - Drop",
    leave= " - Leave",

    givesaline= "Give Saline",
    removesaline= "Remove Saline",
    givesalinenotify= "Saline is giving you health support",

    addstretcher= "Add Stretcher",
    addwheelchair= "Add Wheelchair",
    removestretcher= "Remove Stretcher",
    removewheelchair= "Remove Wheelchair",

    givecpr= "CPR",
    revive= "Revive",
    giveadancedcpr= "CPR Advanced",
    cprfailed= "CPR Failed! Use Chest Compression Device",
    checkin= "Check In $%s",
    checkingin= "Checking In...",
    enoughems= "There are enough EMS available!",
    open= "Open",
    carry= "Carry",
    medicalbag = 'Medical Bag',
    medicinebox = 'Medicine Box',
    pharmacy = 'Pharmacy',
    price = '$%s',

    notrankaccess = 'Your rank don\'t have access to this!',

    bossaction = 'Boss Action',

    garage = 'Hospital Garage',
    garagedesc = 'Acceleration: %s | Speed: %s | Braking: %s',
    egarage = ' - Garage',
    eparkmod = ' - Park\n - Extra\n - Livery',
    modification = 'Modification',
    extra = 'Extra %s',
    livery = 'Livery %s',
    spawnnotclear = 'Spawn point is not clear!',

    suicideweapon = "**%s** `committed suicide` (*%s* - *%s*)",
    suicideevent= "**%s** `committed suicide` (*%s*)",
    suicidplayer= "**%s** `committed suicide`",

    aiweapon= "**%s** has been `%s` (*%s*) by **AI**",
    aievent   = "**%s** has been `%s` by **AI**",
    aiother   = "**%s** has been `Killed` by **AI**",

    playerweapon   = "**%s** has been `%s` (*%s*) by **%s**",
    playerevent   = "**%s** has been `%s` by **%s**",
    playerother   = "**%s** has been `Killed` by **%s**",

    unknownweapon   = "**%s** has been `%s` (*%s*) by **Unknown**",
    unknownevent   = "**%s** has been `%s` by **Unknown**",
    unknownother   = "**%s** has been `Killed` by **Unknown**",

    payment   = "You received $%s for this treatment.",

    distresssignal   = 'Press ~g~~s~ to send distress signal',
    nodistress   = "No distress alert found!",
    dispatch   = "Dispatch",
    dispatchaccepted   = "Your distress signal has been received. EMS is on the way.",
    dispatchalert = ' Medical attention required at %s, %s',
    waypoint = 'Waypoint marked in your GPS',

    revivecmd = 'Revive a player',
    reviveall = 'Revive all player',
    playerid = 'Player Id',
    skellyfix = 'Fix skelly',
    skellyfixall = 'Fix all player skelly',
    healcmd = 'Heal a player',
    healall = 'Heal all player',

    locker = 'Locker',
    keylocker = ' - Locker',
    lockeroutfits = 'Locker Outfits',
    regularoutfit = 'Regular Outfit',
    wardrobeoutfits = 'Wardrobe Outfits',

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-10 04:04:59

unknowndeath = '自己或一个NPC',
    bleedoutin = '你将在 ~r~%s 分钟 %s 秒~s~ 内出血致死',
    braindeadin = '将在 ~r~%s 分钟 %s 秒~s~ 内脑死亡',
    respawnavailable = '复活将在 ~g~%s 分钟 %s 秒~s~ 后可用',
    respawn = '按住 ~g~~s~ 强制复活 ~g~%ss~s~',
    respawn2 = '按住 ~g~~s~ 安全复活 ~g~%ss~s~',
    respawnmenutitle = '医院',
    nomoney = '钱不够!',
    bedfull = '所有床位都已被占用,正在等待空位...',
    gettinghelp = '~g~你正在获得帮助, ~b~%s 秒剩余!',

    elevator = '电梯',
    elevatoraccess = ' - 电梯',

    onparacetamol = '你已经吃过药了,等待 %ss 才能再吃一颗。',
    ontakeparacetamol = '你吃了一颗药,这将需要 %ss 来减轻你的疼痛。',
    takingparacetamol = '正在服用对乙酰氨基酚...',
    severeinjury = "你有严重的伤害,无法用对乙酰氨基酚治疗。是时候去看医生了。",
    severeinjuries = "你有几处严重伤害,无法用对乙酰氨基酚治疗。是时候去看医生了。",
    noneedparacetamol = "你没有需要治疗的伤口",

    damage_notify_head = "你有头部受伤,影响你的视力!",
    damage_notify_arms = "你有手臂受伤,影响你的射击和驾驶能力!",
    damage_notify_chest = "你因胸部受伤而流血!",
    damage_notify_legs = "你有腿部受伤,影响你的行走速度和驾驶能力!",

    onbandage = "绷带给你带来了暂时的缓解,但这不会持续太久!",

    usebandage = "正在使用绷带...",
    alreadyhealing = "这个身体部位已经在愈合中...",

    takingmorphine = "正在服用吗啡...",
    tookmorphine30 = "你服用了 30mg 的吗啡,正在缓解严重的疼痛!",
    tookmorphine10 = "你服用了 10mg 的吗啡,正在缓解疼痛!",
    noseverepain = "你没有严重的疼痛!",
    nosevereormoderatepain = "你没有中度或严重的疼痛!",
    alreadymorphine = "你已经在使用吗啡!",

    usingfirstaid = "正在使用急救包...",
    usingmedkit = "正在使用医疗包...",
    tookfirstaid = "你拿了一份急救包,你的伤口正在愈合中...",
    tookmedkit = "你拿了一个医疗包,你的伤口正在愈合中...",
    woundsalreadyhealing = "你的伤口正在愈合中...",

    examine      = "检查病人",
    examinehead= "检查头部",
    examinechest = "检查胸部",
    examinearms= "检查手臂",
    examinelegs= "检查腿部",

    damagehead= "头部受伤:%s",
    damagechest = "胸部受伤:%s",
    damagelarm= "左臂受伤:%s",
    damagelleg= "左腿受伤:%s",
    damagerarm= "右臂受伤:%s",
    damagerleg= "右腿受伤:%s",

    applyneckbrace= "使用颈托",
    applybodybandage = "使用身体绷带",
    applyarmbrace= "使用手臂护具",
    applylegbrace= "使用腿护具",

    notenough= "你没有任何 %s",

    givemorphine30= "给予 30mg 吗啡",

    applybandage= "使用绷带",
    xray= "X光扫描",

    addtostretcher= "放入担架",
    addtowheelchair= "放入轮椅",
    addinbed= "放入床上",
    removefromstretcher= "从担架上移除",
    removefromwheelchair= "从轮椅上移除",
    move = "移动",
    pickup= "拾起",
    getin= "进入",
    alreadybed= "床上已经有人!",
    place= " - 放置",
    drop= " - 投放",
    leave= " - 离开",

    givesaline= "给予生理盐水",
    removesaline= "移除生理盐水",
    givesalinenotify= "生理盐水正在支持你的健康",

    addstretcher= "添加担架",
    addwheelchair= "添加轮椅",
    removestretcher= "移除担架",
    removewheelchair= "移除轮椅",

    givecpr= "心肺复苏",
    revive= "复活",
    giveadancedcpr= "高级心肺复苏",
    cprfailed= "心肺复苏失败!使用胸部压缩装置",
    checkin= "登记 $%s",
    checkingin= "正在登记中...",
    enoughems= "有足够的急救人员可用!",
    open= "打开",
    carry= "携带",
    medicalbag = '医疗包',
    medicinebox = '药品盒',
    pharmacy = '药房',
    price = '$%s',

    notrankaccess = '你的等级没有访问权限!',

    bossaction = '老板操作',

    garage = '医院车库',
    garagedesc = '加速:%s | 速度:%s | 刹车:%s',
    egarage = ' - 车库',
    eparkmod = ' - 停车\n - 额外\n - 车漆',
    modification = '修改',
    extra = '额外 %s',
    livery = '涂装 %s',
    spawnnotclear = '出生点不清楚!',

    suicideweapon = "**%s** `自杀` (*%s* - *%s*)",
    suicideevent= "**%s** `自杀` (*%s*)",
    suicidplayer= "**%s** `自杀`",

    aiweapon= "**%s** 被 **AI** `%s` (*%s*)",
    aievent   = "**%s** 被 **AI** `%s`",
    aiother   = "**%s** 被 **AI** `杀死`",

    playerweapon   = "**%s** 被 **%s** `%s` (*%s*)",
    playerevent   = "**%s** 被 **%s** `%s`",
    playerother   = "**%s** 被 **%s** `杀死`",

    unknownweapon   = "**%s** 被 **Unknown** `%s` (*%s*)",
    unknownevent   = "**%s** 被 **Unknown** `%s`",
    unknownother   = "**%s** 被 **Unknown** `杀死`",

    payment   = "你为这次治疗获得了 $%s 。",

    distresssignal   = '按 ~g~~s~ 发送求救信号',
    nodistress   = "未找到求救信号!",
    dispatch   = "调度",
    dispatchaccepted   = "你的求救信号已被接收,急救服务正在赶来。",
    dispatchalert = ' 在 %s, %s 需要医疗关注',
    waypoint = 'GPS 中标记了航路点',

    revivecmd = '复活一个玩家',
    reviveall = '复活所有玩家',
    playerid = '玩家 ID',
    skellyfix = '修复骨架',
    skellyfixall = '修复所有玩家骨架',
    healcmd = '治疗一个玩家',
    healall = '治疗所有玩家',

    locker = '储物柜',
    keylocker = ' - 储物柜',
    lockeroutfits = '储物柜服装',
    regularoutfit = '常规服装',
    wardrobeoutfits = '衣橱服装',
页: [1]
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