千里 发表于 2024-5-14 17:32:19


damageFactorEngine = 10.0,               -- 理智值为 1 到 100。数值越高,对战车的伤害越大。一个好的起点是 10
    damageFactorBody = 20.0,                  -- Sane values are 1 to 100. Higher values means more damage to vehicle. A good starting point is 10
    damageFactorPetrolTank = 64.0,            -- Sane values are 1 to 200. Higher values means more damage to vehicle. A good starting point is 64
    engineDamageExponent = 0.6,               -- How much should the handling file engine damage setting be compressed toward 1.0. (Make cars more similar). A value of 1=no change. Lower values will compress more, values above 1 it will expand. Dont set to zero or negative.
    weaponsDamageMultiplier = 0.01,             -- How much damage should the vehicle get from weapons fire. Range 0.0 to 10.0, where 0.0 is no damage and 10.0 is 10x damage. -1 = don't touch
    degradingHealthSpeedFactor = 10,            -- Speed of slowly degrading health, but not failure. Value of 10 means that it will take about 0.25 second per health point, so degradation from 800 to 305 will take about 2 minutes of clean driving. Higher values means faster degradation
    cascadingFailureSpeedFactor = 8.0,          -- Sane values are 1 to 100. When vehicle health drops below a certain point, cascading failure sets in, and the health drops rapidly until the vehicle dies. Higher values means faster failure. A good starting point is 8

    degradingFailureThreshold = 800.0,          -- Below this value, slow health degradation will set in
    cascadingFailureThreshold = 360.0,          -- Below this value, health cascading failure will set in
    engineSafeGuard = 100.0,                  -- Final failure value. Set it too high, and the vehicle won't smoke when disabled. Set too low, and the car will catch fire from a single bullet to the engine. At health 100 a typical car can take 3-4 bullets to the engine before catching fire.

    torqueMultiplierEnabled = true,             -- Decrease engine torque as engine gets more and more damaged

    limpMode = false,                           -- If true, the engine never fails completely, so you will always be able to get to a mechanic unless you flip your vehicle and preventVehicleFlip is set to true
    limpModeMultiplier = 0.15,                  -- The torque multiplier to use when vehicle is limping. Sane values are 0.05 to 0.25

    preventVehicleFlip = true,                  -- If true, you can't turn over an upside down vehicle

    sundayDriver = true,                        -- 如果为 true,则调整油门响应以实现轻松的慢速驾驶。不会阻止全油门。不适用于键盘等二进制加速器。设置为 false 可禁用。随附的无倒车停止和刹车灯保持功能也适用于键盘。
    sundayDriverAcceleratorCurve = 7.5,         -- The response curve to apply to the accelerator. Range 0.0 to 10.0. Higher values enables easier slow driving, meaning more pressure on the throttle is required to accelerate forward. Does nothing for keyboard drivers
    sundayDriverBrakeCurve = 5.0,               -- The response curve to apply to the Brake. Range 0.0 to 10.0. Higher values enables easier braking, meaning more pressure on the throttle is required to brake hard. Does nothing for keyboard drivers

    displayBlips = false,                     -- Show blips for mechanics locations

    compatibilityMode = false,                  -- prevents other scripts from modifying the fuel tank health to avoid random engine failure with BVA 2.01 (Downside is it disabled explosion prevention)

    randomTireBurstInterval = 120,            -- Number of minutes (statistically, not precisely) to drive above 22 mph before you get a tire puncture. 0=feature is disabled

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-14 17:32:36

这段代码是 FiveM 服务端脚本中的一部分,用于配置车辆的损坏行为和其他相关设置。以下是对各个参数的中文翻译:

damageFactorEngine = 10.0,               -- 引擎损害系数,范围1-100,数值越高对车辆造成的伤害越大,10是一个不错的起点
damageFactorBody = 20.0,                  -- 车身损害系数,范围1-100,数值越高对车辆造成的伤害越大,20是一个不错的起点
damageFactorPetrolTank = 64.0,            -- 油箱损害系数,范围1-200,数值越高对车辆造成的伤害越大,64是一个不错的起点
engineDamageExponent = 0.6,               -- 引擎损坏指数,范围0-1,数值越小,车辆损坏趋于一致,不建议设置为0或负数
weaponsDamageMultiplier = 0.01,             -- 武器造成的车辆伤害倍数,范围0.0-10.0,0.0为无伤害,10.0为10倍伤害,-1为不修改
degradingHealthSpeedFactor = 10,            -- 车辆缓慢退化的速度系数,数值越高退化越快,10意味着每0.25秒降低1点血量
cascadingFailureSpeedFactor = 8.0,          -- 级联故障的速度系数,范围1-100,数值越高故障发生越快,8是一个不错的起点
degradingFailureThreshold = 800.0,          -- 低于此血量值时开始缓慢退化
cascadingFailureThreshold = 360.0,          -- 低于此血量值时开始级联故障
engineSafeGuard = 100.0,                  -- 最终故障血量值,设置过高车辆不会冒烟,过低会因一发子弹而起火

torqueMultiplierEnabled = true,             -- 随着引擎损坏程度降低扭矩
limpMode = false,                           -- 如果为true,引擎永远不会完全失效,除非车辆翻车且preventVehicleFlip为true
limpModeMultiplier = 0.15,                  -- 当车辆处于limpMode时的扭矩系数,范围0.05-0.25

preventVehicleFlip = true,                  -- 如果为true,无法掀翻倒置的车辆
sundayDriver = true,                        -- 如果为true,会调整油门响应以实现轻松的慢速驾驶,不会阻止全油门,不适用于键盘
sundayDriverAcceleratorCurve = 7.5,         -- 应用于油门的响应曲线,范围0.0-10.0,数值越高慢速驾驶越容易
sundayDriverBrakeCurve = 5.0,               -- 应用于刹车的响应曲线,范围0.0-10.0,数值越高刹车越容易

displayBlips = false,                     -- 显示机修点的地图标记
compatibilityMode = false,                  -- 防止其他脚本修改油箱血量以避免随机发动机故障
randomTireBurstInterval = 120,            -- 行驶超过22mph的时间(统计意义上,非精确)后随机爆胎,0为禁用该功能

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