Toyota 发表于 2024-3-29 18:52:46



['title'] = 'Squad System',
      ['button1'] = 'Online Squad',
      ['button2'] = 'Create Squad',
      ['button2_title'] = 'Do you want to create your own squad?',
      ['button2_message'] = 'Ready to build your crew from scratch and shape your criminal empire?',
      ['search_placeholder1'] = 'Search for squads...',
      ['search_placeholder2'] = 'Search for friends...',
      ['switch_open'] = 'Open',
      ['switch_locked'] = 'Locked',
      ['no_available1'] = 'No available open squads',
      ['no_available2'] = 'No available locked squads',
      ['no_available3'] = 'No available squads',
      ['no_available4'] = "You're not in any squads!",
      ['createSquadsTitle'] = 'Create your own squads',
      ['create_placeholder'] = 'Squad Name',
      ['slotTitle'] = 'Choose the slot count',
      ['statusTitle'] = 'Select squad status',
      ['status_open'] = 'Open',
      ['status_locked'] = 'Locked',
      ['status_open_placeholder'] = 'No password',
      ['status_locked_placeholder'] = 'Password...',
      ['createButton'] = 'Create Squad',
      ['mySquadTitle'] = 'Squad Settings',
      ['squadText'] = 'squad',
      ['mySquad_button1'] = 'Show Player Health',
      ['mySquad_button2'] = 'Show Player Blip',
      ['mySquad_button3'] = 'Use',
      ['mySquad_button1_disabled'] = 'Health disabled',
      ['mySquad_button2_disabled'] = 'Blips disabled',
      ['mySquad_button3_placeholder'] = 'Blip color code',
      ['mySquad_delete'] = 'Delete Squad',
      ['mySquad_changePassword'] = 'Change Password',
      ['mySquad_leaveSquad'] = 'Leave Squad',
      ['password_title'] = 'Password',
      ['selectedSquad_title'] = 'Selected sqaud',
      ['password_placeholder'] = 'Enter password...',
      ['password_current'] = 'Current Password',
      ['header_name'] = 'Name',
      ['header_playername'] = 'Player Name',
      ['header_slot'] = 'Squad Slot',
      ['header_status'] = 'Status',
      ['header_invites'] = 'Invites',
      ['player_indicator1'] = 'Leader',
      ['player_indicator2'] = 'You',
      ['invites'] = "Currently you don't have invites!",
      ['not_in_squad'] = "Currently you are not in any squad!",
      ['no_players'] = "Currently there are no online players!",
      ['yesText'] = "Yes",
      ['noText'] = "No",
      ['acceptText'] = "Accept",
      ['cancelText'] = "Cancel",
      ['questionText1'] = "Are you sure you want to leave your squad?",
      ['questionText2'] = "Are you sure you want to delete your squad?",
      ['questionText3'] = "Are you sure you want to kick this squad member?",
      ['notify1'] = 'SquadName already exist!',
      ['notify2'] = 'You are currently in a squad!',
      ['notify3'] = 'You have already created a squad!',
      ['notify4'] = 'You have successfully joined in a squad!',
      ['notify5'] = 'The squad is currently full!',
      ['notify6'] = 'You have successfully leave from ',
      ['notify6/2'] = ' squad!',
      ['notify7'] = 'You have successfully deleted ',
      ['notify7/2'] = ' squad!',
      ['notify8'] = 'The squad has been deleted!',
      ['notify9'] = 'You have successfully changed password for ',
      ['notify9/2'] = ' squad!',
      ['notify10'] = 'You have successfully sent an invite!',
      ['notify11'] = 'You have been invited to ',
      ['notify11/2'] = ' squad!',
      ['notify12'] = 'You have been successfully kicked this member from ',
      ['notify12/2'] = ' squad!',
      ['selectText'] = "Select",
      ['unSelectText'] = "Unselect",
      ['kickText'] = "Kick",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-3-29 18:53:03

"Squad System" = "小队系统",
"Online Squad" = "在线小队",
"Create Squad" = "创建小队",
"Do you want to create your own squad?" = "您想创建自己的小队吗?",
"Ready to build your crew from scratch and shape your criminal empire?" = "准备从零开始组建你的团队并打造你的犯罪帝国吗?",
"Search for squads..." = "搜索小队...",
"Search for friends..." = "搜索好友...",
"Open" = "开放",
"Locked" = "锁定",
"No available open squads" = "没有可用的开放小队",
"No available locked squads" = "没有可用的锁定小队",
"No available squads" = "没有可用的小队",
"You're not in any squads!" = "您不属于任何小队!",
"Create your own squads" = "创建您自己的小队",
"Squad Name" = "小队名称",
"Choose the slot count" = "选择槽位数量",
"Select squad status" = "选择小队状态",
"Open" = "开放",
"Locked" = "锁定",
"No password" = "无密码",
"Password..." = "密码...",
"Create Squad" = "创建小队",
"Squad Settings" = "小队设置",
"squad" = "小队",
"Show Player Health" = "显示玩家生命值",
"Show Player Blip" = "显示玩家标记",
"Use" = "使用",
"Health disabled" = "禁用生命值",
"Blips disabled" = "禁用标记",
"Blip color code" = "标记颜色代码",
"Delete Squad" = "删除小队",
"Change Password" = "更改密码",
"Leave Squad" = "离开小队",
"Password" = "密码",
"Selected sqaud" = "已选小队",
"Enter password..." = "输入密码...",
"Current Password" = "当前密码",
"Name" = "名称",
"Player Name" = "玩家名称",
"Squad Slot" = "小队槽位",
"Status" = "状态",
"Invites" = "邀请",
"Leader" = "领队",
"You" = "您",
"Currently you don't have invites!" = "您当前没有邀请!",
"Currently you are not in any squad!" = "您当前不属于任何小队!",
"Currently there are no online players!" = "当前没有在线玩家!",
"Yes" = "是",
"No" = "否",
"Accept" = "接受",
"Cancel" = "取消",
"Are you sure you want to leave your squad?" = "您确定要离开您的小队吗?",
"Are you sure you want to delete your squad?" = "您确定要删除您的小队吗?",
"Are you sure you want to kick this squad member?" = "您确定要踢出这个小队成员吗?",
"SquadName already exist!" = "小队名称已存在!",
"You are currently in a squad!" = "您当前已经加入了一个小队!",
"You have already created a squad!" = "您已经创建了一个小队!",
"You have successfully joined in a squad!" = "您已成功加入一个小队!",
"The squad is currently full!" = "该小队当前已满!",
"You have successfully leave from " = "您已成功离开 ",
" squad!" = " 小队!",
"You have successfully deleted " = "您已成功删除 ",
" squad!" = " 小队!",
"The squad has been deleted!" = "该小队已被删除!",
"You have successfully changed password for " = "您已成功为 ",
" squad! = " 小队更改密码!",
"You have successfully sent an invite!" = "您已成功发送邀请!",
"You have been invited to " = "您已被邀请加入 ",
" squad!" = " 小队!",
"You have been successfully kicked this member from " = "您已成功将该成员踢出 ",
" squad!" = " 小队!",
"Select" = "选择",
"Unselect" = "取消选择",
"Kick" = "踢出"
页: [1]
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