['title'] = 'Squad System',
['button1'] = 'Online Squad',
['button2'] = 'Create Squad',
['button2_title'] = 'Do you want to create your own squad?',
['button2_message'] = 'Ready to build your crew from scratch and shape your criminal empire?',
['search_placeholder1'] = 'Search for squads...',
['search_placeholder2'] = 'Search for friends...',
['switch_open'] = 'Open',
['switch_locked'] = 'Locked',
['no_available1'] = 'No available open squads',
['no_available2'] = 'No available locked squads',
['no_available3'] = 'No available squads',
['no_available4'] = "You're not in any squads!",
['createSquadsTitle'] = 'Create your own squads',
['create_placeholder'] = 'Squad Name',
['slotTitle'] = 'Choose the slot count',
['statusTitle'] = 'Select squad status',
['status_open'] = 'Open',
['status_locked'] = 'Locked',
['status_open_placeholder'] = 'No password',
['status_locked_placeholder'] = 'Password...',
['createButton'] = 'Create Squad',
['mySquadTitle'] = 'Squad Settings',
['squadText'] = 'squad',
['mySquad_button1'] = 'Show Player Health',
['mySquad_button2'] = 'Show Player Blip',
['mySquad_button3'] = 'Use',
['mySquad_button1_disabled'] = 'Health disabled',
['mySquad_button2_disabled'] = 'Blips disabled',
['mySquad_button3_placeholder'] = 'Blip color code',
['mySquad_delete'] = 'Delete Squad',
['mySquad_changePassword'] = 'Change Password',
['mySquad_leaveSquad'] = 'Leave Squad',
['password_title'] = 'Password',
['selectedSquad_title'] = 'Selected sqaud',
['password_placeholder'] = 'Enter password...',
['password_current'] = 'Current Password',
['header_name'] = 'Name',
['header_playername'] = 'Player Name',
['header_slot'] = 'Squad Slot',
['header_status'] = 'Status',
['header_invites'] = 'Invites',
['player_indicator1'] = 'Leader',
['player_indicator2'] = 'You',
['invites'] = "Currently you don't have invites!",
['not_in_squad'] = "Currently you are not in any squad!",
['no_players'] = "Currently there are no online players!",
['yesText'] = "Yes",
['noText'] = "No",
['acceptText'] = "Accept",
['cancelText'] = "Cancel",
['questionText1'] = "Are you sure you want to leave your squad?",
['questionText2'] = "Are you sure you want to delete your squad?",
['questionText3'] = "Are you sure you want to kick this squad member?",
['notify1'] = 'SquadName already exist!',
['notify2'] = 'You are currently in a squad!',
['notify3'] = 'You have already created a squad!',
['notify4'] = 'You have successfully joined in a squad!',
['notify5'] = 'The squad is currently full!',
['notify6'] = 'You have successfully leave from ',
['notify6/2'] = ' squad!',
['notify7'] = 'You have successfully deleted ',
['notify7/2'] = ' squad!',
['notify8'] = 'The squad has been deleted!',
['notify9'] = 'You have successfully changed password for ',
['notify9/2'] = ' squad!',
['notify10'] = 'You have successfully sent an invite!',
['notify11'] = 'You have been invited to ',
['notify11/2'] = ' squad!',
['notify12'] = 'You have been successfully kicked this member from ',
['notify12/2'] = ' squad!',
['selectText'] = "Select",
['unSelectText'] = "Unselect",
['kickText'] = "Kick",