
[有效回答] 翻译,保留源代码

杰瑞米瓦德 发表于 2024-11-3 03:26:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    cant_select_truck = "You can't select this truck in this mission!",
    get_trailer = "Get the trailer from the location marked on your map...",
    wait_call = "Wait for the call...",
    load_box = "E - Load Box",
    take_box = "E - Take Box",
    open_menu = "PRESS E TO OPEN MENU",
    deliver_trailer = "Deliver the trailer to the location marked on your map...",
    deliver = "E - Deliver",
    return_veh = "Return the vehicle to finish job and get payment...",
    finish_job = "E - Finish Job",
    mission_locked = "Mission is locked!",
    not_enough_points = "You don't have enough points!",
    already_unlocked = "This mission is already unlocked",
    you_charged = "You were charged $%s for vehicle damage",
    transportation_stage = "Transportation Stage",
    trailer_quality = "Trailer Quality",
    truck_fuel = "Truck Fuel",
    detach_trailer = "Detach Trailer",
    mark_location = "Mark Location",
    nts_main = "NTS MAIN",
    companies = "COMPANIES",
    leaderboard = "LEADERBOARD",
    profile = "PROFILE",
    unlocked = "UNLOCKED",
    locked = "LOCKED",
    trust_point = "Trust Point",
    select_route = "Select A Route",
    select_mission = "SELECT MISSION",
    daily_missions = "Daily Missions",
    hour = "hr",
    completed = "Completed",
    not_completed = "Not Completed",
    select_truck = "Select A Truck",
    get_ready = "Get Ready For Transport!",
    select_your_truck = "Select Your Truck!",
    select_mission_and_route = "Select a mission and a route!",
    start_the_job = "Start the Job!",
    stop_job = "CANCEL JOB",
    start_job = "START JOB",
    completed_jobs = "Completed Jobs",
    total_missions_completed = " Total missions completed on National Transfer & Storage Company.",
    total_earnings = "Total Earnings",
    total_earnings_desc = "Total money earned on National Transfer & Storage Company.",
    current_level = "Current Level",
    latest_works = "Latest Works",
    earned = "Earned",
    not_enough_illegal_box = "You don't have enough illegal box. REQUIRED : 10",
    trailer_doesnt_match = "Trailer doesn't match!",
    take_illegal = "E - Take illegal Job",
    in_vehicle = "You can't take the box in vehicle!",
    spawn_location_full = "Spawn Locations are full!",
    leave_vehicle = "Leave the vehicle!",
    stop_vehicle = "Stop vehicle to deliver!",
    notaccessjob = "You don't have access to this job!",

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使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-11-3 03:33:14 | 显示全部楼层
cant_select_truck = "您无法在此任务中选择该卡车!",
get_trailer = "从地图上标记的位置获取拖车...",
wait_call = "等待电话...",
load_box = "E - 装载箱子",
take_box = "E - 拿起箱子",
open_menu = "按E打开菜单",
deliver_trailer = "将拖车送到地图上标记的位置...",
deliver = "E - 交付",
return_veh = "返回车辆以完成工作并获得报酬...",
finish_job = "E - 完成工作",
mission_locked = "任务被锁定!",
not_enough_points = "您没有足够的积分!",
already_unlocked = "该任务已经解锁",
you_charged = "您因车辆损坏被收费$%s",
transportation_stage = "运输阶段",
trailer_quality = "拖车质量",
truck_fuel = "卡车燃油",
detach_trailer = "拆除拖车",
mark_location = "标记位置",
nts_main = "NTS 主界面",
companies = "公司",
leaderboard = "排行榜",
profile = "个人资料",
unlocked = "已解锁",
locked = "已锁定",
trust_point = "信任点",
select_route = "选择路线",
select_mission = "选择任务",
daily_missions = "每日任务",
hour = "小时",
completed = "已完成",
not_completed = "未完成",
select_truck = "选择一辆卡车",
get_ready = "准备运输!",
select_your_truck = "选择您的卡车!",
select_mission_and_route = "选择任务和路线!",
start_the_job = "开始工作!",
stop_job = "取消工作",
start_job = "开始工作",
completed_jobs = "已完成的工作",
total_missions_completed = "在国家转移与存储公司完成的总任务。",
total_earnings = "总收入",
total_earnings_desc = "在国家转移与存储公司获得的总收入。",
current_level = "当前等级",
latest_works = "最新工作",
earned = "已赚取",
not_enough_illegal_box = "您没有足够的非法箱子。所需:10",
trailer_doesnt_match = "拖车不匹配!",
take_illegal = "E - 接受非法工作",
in_vehicle = "您无法在车辆中拿起箱子!",
spawn_location_full = "生成位置已满!",
leave_vehicle = "离开车辆!",
stop_vehicle = "停下车辆以交付!",
notaccessjob = "您没有权限进行此工作!",

使用道具 举报

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