Config = {}
-- QBCore Framework
Config.Framework = "esx" -- Set you framework "qbcore" or "esx" or "" if you use standalone framework and use /drone 1 or 2 command to use the Drone
Config.QBCoreName = false -- You QBCore script name must be correct to work (only if you use QBCore Framework)
-- ESX Framework
Config.IsESXLegacy = true -- Set it true is you're using esx legacy (only if you use ESX Framework)
Config.ESXLegacyName = "es_extended" -- You ESX Legacy script name must be correct to work (only if you use ESX Legacy Framework)
Config.SQL = "oxmysql" -- Set the SQL to "oxmysql" or "mysql-async" depends on what you use on you ESX framework
-- Drone Controls
Config.Controls = { -- FiveM Controls: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
Forward = 32, -- W for Qwerty / Z for Azerty
Backward = 33, -- S
Left = 34, -- A for Qwerty / Q for Azerty
Right = 35, -- D
Up = 51, -- E
Down = 52, -- Q for Qwerty / A for Azerty
Stop = 22, -- Space
ZoomOut = 16, -- Mouse Scroll Whell Down
ZoomIn = 17, -- Mouse Scroll Whell Up
Nightvision = 140, -- R
Heatvision = 75, -- F
Spotlight = 47, -- G
ReleaseDrone = 168, -- F7
Scanner = 24, -- Left Mouse Button
SoundBoard = 29, -- B
Cancel = 200, -- ESC
Config.SyncDroneSound = false -- if you set it to "true" you may experience a little performance issue, test it
Config.DroneInitAnimations = true -- drone initiation animations (requested by customer)
-- Drone Scanner
Config.ScannerRange = 50.0
Config.ScannerIgnoreMask = false
Config.NoMaskComponentId = 0
-- Drone Text Font
Config.TextFont = 4 -- Text font type
Config.TextCustomFont = { -- This option for servers that use custom fonts or other languages - Used Natives: RegisterFontFile(FontName) / RegisterFontId(FontName)
UseCustomFont = false, -- Set to "true" to enable using custom font
FontName = '', -- Custom font file name
-- Drone Transition
Config.Transition = {
['direction'] = 'Direction',
['height'] = 'Height',
['camera'] = 'Camera',
['zoom'] = 'Zoom',
['nightvision'] = 'Nightvision',
['heatvision'] = 'Heatvision',
['spotlight'] = 'Spotlight',
['scan_player'] = 'Scan Player',
['soundboard'] = 'Soundboard',
['cancel'] = 'Cancel',
['cant_use_drone'] = 'You can\'t use the drone',
['release_drone'] = 'Release Drone',
['reconnect_drone'] = 'Reconnect to Drone',
['scan_searching'] = 'Searching...',
['scan_searching_db'] = 'Searching in database...',
['scan_unknown'] = 'Unknown',
['scan_not_recognized'] = 'Target cannot be recognized',
Config.UseDroneInVehicle = true
-- This two commands are made for servers that want to toggle ON/OFF the Instructional Buttons or Cam Scaleforms - Default is ON
Config.DroneCamScaleforms = "dronecamscaleforms"
Config.DroneInstructionalButtons = "droneinstructionalbuttons"
-- Drone play sound option settings
Config.SoundsRange = 50.0
Config.SoundsList = {
Text = "Pull the car over",
File = "car_over.ogg",
Text = "LSPD! Pull your car over immediately",
File = "pull_imm.ogg",
Text = "San Andreas Highway Patrol, stop the car",
File = "sahp_stop.ogg",
Text = "Last Chance! Stop the car",
File = "last_chance.ogg",
Text = "Los Santos Police Department, stop the vehicle",
File = "los_santos.ogg",
Text = "Turn off the engine in your vehicle",
File = "engine_off.ogg",
Text = "Stop of the vehicle and get out",
File = "get_out.ogg",
Text = "Freeze! LSPD",
File = "freeze_lspd.ogg",
Text = "You are not getting away that easy",
File = "away_easy.ogg",
Text = "The warning is going to be a bullet a******, stop",
File = "bullet_ass.ogg",
Text = "You can't Hide boy, we will track you down",
File = "cant_hide_boi.ogg",
Text = "Stop! Don't make me shoot you, give yourself up",
File = "dont_make_me.ogg",
Text = "LSPD! Give up",
File = "give_up.ogg",
Text = "This is the LSPD, disperse now",
File = "disperse_now.ogg",
Text = "Get out of here now, this is the LSPD",
File = "get_out_of_here_now.ogg",
Text = "This is the LSPD, clear the area now",
File = "clear_the_area.ogg",
Text = "Move along people! We don't want trouble",
File = "move_along_people.ogg",
Text = "This is the LSPD, go away now or there will be trouble",
File = "this_is_the_lspd.ogg",
Config.DevDebug = false -- Just prints few lines for test purposes