"LABEL": "English",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"NOW": "now",
"D": "d",
"H": "h",
"M": "m",
"S": "s",
"Phone": "Phone",
"Messages": "Messages",
"Notes": "Notes",
"Settings": "Settings",
"Photos": "Photos",
"Camera": "Camera",
"Weather": "Weather",
"Calculator": "Calculator",
"AppStore": "Apps",
"Clock": "Clock",
"Maps": "Maps",
"YellowPages": "Pages",
"MarketPlace": "MarketPlace",
"Wallet": "Wallet",
"Home": "Home",
"Garage": "Garage",
"Music": "Music",
"DarkChat": "Dark Chat",
"Crypto": "Crypto",
"Mail": "Mail",
"Services": "Services",
"VoiceMemo": "Voice Memos",
"Twitter": "Birdy",
"Instagram": "InstaPic",
"Tinder": "Spark",
"TikTok": "Trendy"
"APPS": {
"TITLE": "Settings",
"BACK": "Back",
"DONE": "Done",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"AIRPLANE_MODE": "Airplane Mode",
"AIRPLANE_MODE_DESCRIPTION": "Disable calls, cellular data etc.",
"STREAMER_MODE": "Streamer Mode",
"STREAMER_MODE_DESCRIPTION": "Blurs sensitive information",
"GENERAL": "General",
"GENERAL_DESCRIPTION": "General settings for your phone",
"ABOUT": "About",
"NAME": "Name",
"VERSION": "Version",
"MODEL_NAME": "Model Name",
"SERIAL_NUMBER": "Serial Number",
"DEVELOPED_BY": "Developed by",
"PURCHASE_AT": "Purchase at",
"SONGS": "Songs",
"VIDEOS": "Videos",
"PHOTOS": "Photos",
"APPLICATIONS": "Applications",
"CAPACITY": "Capacity",
"AVAILABLE": "Available",
"SOFTWARE_UPDATE": "Software Update",
"AUTOMATIC_UPDATES": "Automatic Updates",
"DATE_TIME": "Date & Time",
"24_HOUR_TIME": "24 Hour Time",
"SET_AUTOMATICALLY": "Set Automatically",
"TIME_ZONE": "Time Zone",
"LANGUAGE_REGION": "Language & Region",
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"TEMPERATURE": "Temperature",
"CELCIUS": "Celsius",
"FAHRENHEIT": "Fahrenheit",
"BATTERY": "Battery",
"BATTERY_DESCRIPTION": "View battery life and usage",
"SOUND_HAPTICS": "Sound & Haptics",
"SOUND_HAPTICS_DESCRIPTION": "Change sounds and vibrations",
"SOUND_HAPTICS_PATTERNS": "Sound and haptics patterns",
"RINGTONE": "Ringtone",
"TEXT_TONE": "Text Tone",
"RINGTONE_VOLUME": "Ringtone and alert volume",
"DEFAULT": "Default",
"PHONE_STORAGE": "Phone Storage",
"STORAGE": "Storage",
"USED": "Used",
"OF": "of",
"DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS": "Display & Brightness",
"DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_DESCRIPTION": "Adjust display & brightness",
"DARK": "Dark",
"LIGHT": "Light",
"APPEARANCE": "Appearance",
"AUTOMATIC": "Automatic",
"BRIGHTNESS": "Brightness",
"PHONE_SCALE": "Phone Scale",
"FRAME_COLOR": "Frame Color",
"WALLPAPER": "Wallpaper",
"WALLPAPER_DESCRIPTION": "Change wallpaper and other background settings",
"WALLPAPERS": "Wallpapers",
"CHOOSE_NEW_WALLPAPER": "Choose a New Wallpaper",
"NOTIFICATIONS": "Notifications",
"NOTIFICATIONS_DESCRIPTION": "Choose which apps can send notifications",
"ALLOW_NOTIFICATIONS": "Allow Notifications",
"SOUNDS": "Sounds",
"PHONE": "Phone",
"PHONE_DESCRIPTION": "Toggle caller id, block numbers etc.",
"BLOCKED_CONTACTS": "Blocked Contacts",
"MY_NUMBER": "My Number",
"SHOW_CALLER_ID": "Show Caller ID",
"TITLE": "Unblock Number",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to unblock this number?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CONFIRM": "Unblock"
"FACE_ID_PASSWORD": "Face Unlock & Passcode",
"FACE_ID_PASSWORD_DESCRIPTION": "Secure your phone",
"ENTER_PASSCODE": "Enter Passcode",
"PASSCODE": "Passcode",
"FACE_ID": "Face Unlock",
"RESET_FACE_ID": "Reset Face Unlock",
"ENABLE_FACE_ID": "Enable Face Unlock",
"PIN_CODE": "Pin code",
"TITLE": "Error",
"WRONG": "Wrong Pin Code",
"OK": "OK"
"TITLE": "Turn Off Face Unlock",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to turn off Face Unlock?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CONFIRM": "Turn Off"
"TITLE": "Enable Face Unlock",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to enable Face Unlock?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CONFIRM": "Enable"
"TITLE": "Turn Off Pin Code",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to turn off Pin Code? (This will also disable Face Unlock)",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CONFIRM": "Confirm"
"TURN_PASSCODE_OFF": "Turn Passcode Off",
"TURN_PASSCODE_ON": "Turn Passcode On",
"CHANGE_PASSCODE": "Change Passcode",
"CLOUD_BACKUP": "Cloud Backup",
"YOUR_PROFILE": "Your Profile",
"CREATE_BACKUP": "Create Backup",
"BACKUPS": "Backups",
"TITLE": "Save Backup",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to save a backup of your data? (Will save your contacts, photos and settings)",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CONFIRM": "Save"
"TITLE": "Apply Backup",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to apply this backup? (Will overwrite your contacts, photos and settings)",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CONFIRM": "Apply"
"WARNING": "Warning",
"ERROR": "Error",
"ALREADY_HAVE": "You already have a backup for this number",
"SAME_PHONE": "You cannot apply a backup created from the same phone",
"OK": "OK"
"SUCCESS": "Success",
"SUCCESS_TEXT": "Phone will restart in 5 seconds...",
"OK": "OK",
"ON": "On",
"OFF": "Off",
"TITLE": "Remove Backup",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to remove this backup?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CONFIRM": "Remove"
"TITLE": "Reset Phone",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to reset your phone? [THIS WILL REMOVE EVERYTHING]",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CONFIRM": "Reset"
"UP_TO_DATE": "Your phone is up to date",
"BLUR_HOMESCREEN": "Blur Homescreen"
"NOTES": {
"TITLE": "Notes",
"FOOTER": "{amount} Notes",
"NEW_NOTE": "New Note",
"LAST_EDITED": "Last Edited: {date}",
"DELETE_TITLE": "Delete {title}",
"DELETE_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to delete '{title}'?",
"BUTTON_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CLOCK": {
"TITLE": "World Clock",
"TODAY": "Today",
"TOMORROW": "Tomorrow",
"YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
"LOCAL_TIME": "Local Time",
"HRS": "{time} hrs"
"ALARM": {
"TITLE": "Alarm",
"ADD": "Add Alarm",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DONE": "Done",
"SAVE": "Save",
"LABEL": "Label",
"SOUND": "Sound",
"SNOOZE": "Snooze",
"DELETE_TITLE": "Delete Alarm",
"DELETE_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to delete this alarm?",
"BUTTON_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"BUTTON_DELETE": "Delete",
"ALARMS": "Alarms",
"NEW_ALARM": "New Alarm"
"TITLE": "Stopwatch",
"START": "Start",
"STOP": "Stop",
"RESET": "Reset",
"LAP": "Lap",
"TIME": "Time",
"TOTAL": "Total",
"NO_LAPS": "No Laps"
"TIMER": {
"TITLE": "Timer",
"START": "Start",
"STOP": "Stop",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"HOURS": "Hours",
"MINUTES": "Minutes",
"SECONDS": "Seconds",
"NO_RECENTS": "No Recents"
"ALERT": {
"STOP": "Stop",
"RESTART": "Restart"
"VIDEO": "Video",
"PHOTO": "Photo",
"LANDSCAPE": "Landscape",
"UPLOADING": "Uploading"
"TITLE": "Dark Chat",
"SEARCH": "Search channels",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SET": "Set",
"JOIN": "Join",
"LEAVE": "Leave",
"NEW_ROOM": "New Room",
"NEW_ROOM_TEXT": "Type in a room code to Join or Create a room",
"ROOM_CODE": "Room Code",
"LEAVE_ROOM": "Leave Room",
"LEAVE_ROOM_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to leave this room?",
"NOW": "Now",
"INPUT_PLACEHOLDER": "Type a message...",
"NO_CHATS": "No Chats",
"NO_CHATS_TEXT": "You haven’t joined a channel yet. Join/create one by pressing the plus sign in the top-right corner.",
"MEMBER": "Member",
"MEMBERS": "Members",
"USERNAME": "Username",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"LOGIN": "Log In",
"SIGN_UP": "Sign Up",
"NO_ACCOUNT": "Don't have an account?",
"ALREADY_HAVE": "Already have an account?",
"CHANGE_ACCOUNT": "Change Account",
"CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change Password",
"DELETE_ACCOUNT": "Delete Account",
"ERROR": "Error",
"INVALID_LENGTH": "Password needs to be minimum 3 characters",
"USERNAME_TAKEN": "Username is already taken",
"UNKNOWN": "Unknown error",
"INVALID_USERNAME": "Username does not exist",
"INCORRECT_PASSWORD": "Incorrect password",
"OK": "OK",
"TITLE": "Leave Channel",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to leave this channel?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Leave"
"TITLE": "Set Password",
"DESCRIPTION": "You need to set a password for your account",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Password"
"TITLE": "Apps",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"GET": "Get",
"OPEN": "Open",
"TODAY": "Today",
"POPULAR_APPS": "Popular Apps",
"GAMES": "Games",
"APPS": "Apps",
"WHAT_WE_PLAYING": "What we're playing",
"INFORMATION": "Information",
"PROVIDER": "Provider",
"SIZE": "Size",
"COMPATIBILITY": "Compatibility",
"IN_APP_PURCHASES": "In-App Purchases",
"WORKS_WITH_PHONE": "Works with this phone",
"NO": "No",
"YES": "Yes",
"TITLE": "Purchase App",
"DESCRIPTION": "Do you want to purchase {app} for {price}?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Purchase"
"TITLE": "Photos",
"SELECT": "Select",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"DONE": "Done",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"SELECT_ITEMS": "Select Items",
"SELECTED_COUNT": "{count} Items selected",
"PHOTOS": "Photos",
"ALBUMS": "Albums",
"LIBRARY": "Library",
"GALLERY": "Gallery",
"MY_ALBUMS": "My Albums",
"MEDIA_TYPES": "Media Types",
"TITLE": "New Album",
"DESCRIPTION": "Enter a name for this album",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Save"
"TITLE": "Remove \"{name}\"",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to delete the album \"{name}\"? The photos will not be deleted",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Remove"
"TITLE": "Rename Album",
"DESCRIPTION": "Enter a new name for this album",
"PLACEHOLDER": "New album name",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Delete Image",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to delete this image?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Delete"
"TITLE": "Import to Album",
"DESCRIPTION": "Import an image to this album",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Import",
"NO_PHOTOS": "No Photos or Videos",
"NO_PHOTOS_INSTRUCTIONS": "You can take photos and videos using the camera",
"PHOTO_COUNT": "{amount} Photos",
"VIDEO_COUNT": "{amount} Videos",
"DELETE_CONTEXT_TITLE": "Do you want to delete {type} or remove them from this album",
"THESE_PHOTOS": "these photos",
"THIS_PHOTO": "this photo",
"REMOVE_FROM_ALBUM": "Remove from Album",
"ADD_TO_ALBUM": "Add to Album",
"ADD_TO_FAVOURITES": "Add to Favourites",
"VIDEOS": "Videos",
"SELFIES": "Selfies",
"SCREENSHOTS": "Screenshots",
"IMPORTS": "Imports",
"DUPLICATES": "Duplicates",
"YEARS": "Years",
"MONTHS": "Months",
"DAYS": "Days",
"ALL_PHOTOS": "All Photos",
"FAVOURITES": "Favourites",
"RECENTS": "Recents"
"TITLE": "Weather",
"HOURLY_FORECAST": "Hourly Forecast",
"NOW": "Now",
"FEELS_LIKE": "Feels like",
"FEELS_LIKE_SAME": "Similar to the actual temperature.",
"FEELS_LIKE_HUMIDITY": "Humidity is making it feel warmer",
"FEELS_LIKE_WIND": "Wind is making it feel cooler",
"SUNRISE": "Sunrise",
"SUNSET": "Sunset",
"WIND": "Wind",
"PRECIPITATION": "Precipitation",
"LAST_24H": "in the last 24h",
"EXPECTED_24H": "expected in the next 24h",
"TYPES": {
"CLOUDY": "Cloudy",
"LIGHT_RAIN": "Light Rain",
"HEAVY_RAIN": "Heavy Rain",
"RAIN": "Rain",
"SNOW": "Snow",
"FOG": "Fog",
"CLEAR": "Clear",
"MOSTLY_CLEAR": "Mostly Clear",
"THUNDER": "Thunder",
"TORNADO": "Tornado",
"WINDY": "Windy"
"TITLE": "Messages",
"NEW_MESSAGE": "New Message",
"PEOPLE": "People",
"MEMBERS": "Members",
"OTHER": "Other",
"SENT_A_PHOTO": "Sent a photo",
"SENT_AUDIO_MESSAGE": "Sent an audio message",
"SENT": "Sent",
"REQUESTED": "Requested",
"MISSED_CALL": "{number} tried to call you but you didn't answer, press the number to call back",
"NOT_DELIVERED": "Not delivered",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Text Message",
"DONE": "Done",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"READ": "Read",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SEND": "Send",
"UNKNOWN": "Unknown",
"TO": "To",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"ADD_MEMBER": "Add Member",
"SHARE_LOCATION": "Share my Location",
"LEAVE_GROUP": "Leave Group",
"SENT_LOCATION": "Shared their location, click to open in Maps",
"SENT_LOCATION_SHORT": "Shared their location",
"TRIED_TO_CALL": "{number} tried to call you",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"GROUP": "Group",
"GROUP_NAME": "Group Name",
"TITLE": "Remove member",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to remove {name} from the group?",
"REMOVE": "Remove"
"TITLE": "Leave group",
"TEXT": "Are you sure you want to leave this group?",
"LEAVE": "Leave"
"TITLE": "Add member",
"TEXT": "Type in a number to add to '{name}' the group?",
"ADD": "Add"
"TITLE": "Share Location",
"TEXT": "Do you want to share your location?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SEND": "Send"
"PAY": {
"REQUEST": "Request",
"REQUESTED": "Requested",
"PAY": "Pay",
"SEND": "Send",
"SEND_TITLE": "Send {amount}",
"SEND_DESCRIPTION": "Do you want to send {amount} to {name}?",
"TITLE": "Payment Failed",
"DESCRIPTION": "Error: {error}",
"CLOSE": "Close"
"TITLE": "Delete conversation",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"DELETE": "Delete"
"TITLE": "Remove Avatar",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to remove the group avatar?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"REMOVE": "Remove"
"MARK_AS_READ": "Mark as read",
"MESSAGE_DELETED": "Message deleted",
"OPEN_IN_MAPS": "Open in Maps",
"USERS_LOCATION": "{user}'s location",
"START_RECORDING": "Press the button to start recording",
"LOADING": "Loading...",
"TITLE": "Empty Recording",
"DESCRIPTION": "You can't send an empty recording",
"OK": "OK"
"PHONE": {
"TITLE": "Phone",
"DONE": "Done",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CALL": {
"CALL_TITLE": "Call {name}",
"CALL_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to call {name}?",
"NO_CALLER_ID": "No Caller ID",
"UNKNOWN": "Unknown",
"USER_BUSY": "User Busy",
"USER_UNAVAILABLE": "User Unavailable",
"CALL_BACK": "Call Back",
"DECLINE": "Decline",
"ACCEPT": "Accept",
"END": "End",
"VIDEO_CALL": "Video Call",
"MUTE": "Mute",
"KEYPAD": "Keypad",
"SPEAKER": "Speaker",
"ADD_CALL": "Add call",
"VIDEO": "Video",
"CONTACTS": "Contacts",
"MOBILE": "Mobile",
"TITLE": "Video Call Request",
"DESCRIPTION": "Would you like to accept the video call?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Accept"
"TITLE": "Video Call",
"DESCRIPTION": "Would you like to start a video call?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Proceed"
"TITLE": "Stop Video",
"DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to stop sharing your video?",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PROCEED": "Stop"
"TITLE": "Contacts",
"FIRST_NAME": "First Name",
"LAST_NAME": "Last Name",
"PHONE_NUMBER": "Phone Number",
"MY_CARD": "My Card",
"ADD_PHOTO": "Add Photo",
"REMOVE_CONTACT_TITLE": "Remove Contact",
"REMOVE_CONTACT_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to remove this contact?",
"DELETE_CONTACT": "Delete Contact",
"MESSAGE": "message",
"CALL": "call",
"VIDEO": "video",
"SHARE": "share",
"MAIN": "main",
"SHARE_CONTACT": "Share Contact",
"SHARE_LOCATION": "Share my Location",
"REMOVE_FAVORITE": "Remove from Favorites",
"ADD_FAVORITE": "Add to Favorites",
"ADD_CONTACT": "Add to Contacts",
"UNBLOCK_CALLER": "Unblock this Caller",
"BLOCK_CALLER": "Block this Caller",
"UNBLOCK_NUMBER_TITLE": "Unblock Number",
"UNBLOCK_NUMBER_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to unblock {number}?",
"BLOCK_NUMBER_TITLE": "Block Number",
"BLOCK_NUMBER_TEXT": "Are you sure you want to block {number}?",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"ADDRESS": "Address",
"CHANGE_AVATAR": "Change Avatar",
"REMOVE_AVATAR": "Remove Avatar"