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万斯 发表于 2024-10-6 19:04:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

"ui_use": "Use",
  "ui_give": "Give",
  "ui_close": "Close",
  "ui_drop": "Drop",
  "ui_removeattachments": "Remove attachments",
  "ui_copy": "Copy serial number",
  "ui_durability": "Durability",
  "ui_ammo": "Ammo",
  "ui_serial": "Serial number",
  "ui_components": "Components",
  "ui_tint": "Tint",
  "ui_usefulcontrols": "Useful Controls",
  "ui_rmb": "Open item context menu",
  "ui_ctrl_lmb": "Fast move a stack of items into another inventory",
  "ui_shift_drag": "Split item quantity into half",
  "ui_ctrl_shift_lmb": "Fast move half a stack of items into another inventory",
  "ui_alt_lmb": "Fast use an item",
  "ui_ctrl_c": "When hovering over a weapon, copies it's serial number",
  "ui_remove_ammo": "Remove ammo",
  "ammo_type": "Ammo type",
  "$": "$",
  "male": "Male",
  "female": "Female",
  "used": "Used",
  "ui_removed": "Removed",
  "ui_added": "Added",
  "ui_holstered": "Holstered",
  "ui_equipped": "Equipped",
  "using": "Using %s",
  "inventory_setup": "Inventory is ready to use",
  "inventory_player_access": "You can't open your inventory right now",
  "inventory_right_access": "You can not open this inventory",
  "inventory_lost_access": "No longer able to access this inventory",
  "wrong_ammo": "You can't load the %s with %s ammo",
  "license": "%s License",
  "already_have": "You already have a %s",
  "have_purchased": "You have purchased a %s",
  "can_not_afford": "You can not afford a %s",
  "purchase_license": "Purchase a %s license",
  "interact_prompt": "Interact with [%s]",
  "weapon_unregistered": "%s is not registered to anyone",
  "weapon_registered": "%s (%s) is registered to %s",
  "weapon_broken": "This weapon is broken",
  "vehicle_locked": "Vehicle is locked",
  "nobody_nearby": "There is nobody nearby",
  "give_amount": "You must enter an amount to give",
  "buy_amount": "You must enter an amount to buy",
  "component_has": "This weapon already has a %s",
  "component_invalid": "This weapon is incompatible with %s",
  "component_slot_occupied": "This weapon's %s slot is already occupied",
  "cannot_perform": "You can not perform this action",
  "cannot_carry": "You can not carry that much",
  "cannot_carry_other": "Target inventory can not hold that much",
  "cannot_carry_limit": "You cannot carry more than %s %s",
  "cannot_carry_limit_other": "Target cannot carry more than %s %s",
  "items_confiscated": "Your items have been confiscated",
  "items_returned": "Your items have been returned",
  "item_unauthorised": "You are not authorised to purchase this item",
  "item_unlicensed": "You are not licensed to purchase this item",
  "item_not_enough": "You do not have enough %s",
  "cannot_afford": "You can not afford that (missing %s)",
  "stash_lowgrade": "You are not authorised to take this item",
  "cannot_use": "Unable to use %s",
  "shop_nostock": "Item is out of stock",
  "identification": "Sex: %s  \nDate of birth: %s",
  "search_dumpster": "Search Dumpster",
  "open_label": "Open %s",
  "purchased_for": "Purchased %s %s for %s%s",
  "unable_stack_items": "You're unable to stack these items",
  "police_evidence": "Police Evidence",
  "open_police_evidence": "Open Police Evidence",
  "open_stash": "Open Stash",
  "locker_number": "Locker number",
  "locker_no_value": "Must contain value to open locker",
  "locker_must_number": "Locker must be a number",
  "weapon_hand_required": "You must have a weapon in hand",
  "weapon_hand_wrong": "Wrong weapon in hand",
  "open_player_inventory": "Open player inventory~",
  "open_secondary_inventory": "Open secondary inventory~",
  "disable_hotbar": "Display inventory hotbar~",
  "reload_weapon": "Reload weapon~",
  "use_hotbar": "Use hotbar item %s~",
  "no_durability": "%s durability is depleted",
  "cannot_give": "Unable to give %s %s to the target",
  "evidence_cannot_take": "You are not authorised to withdraw evidence",
  "dumpster": "Dumpster",
  "crafting_item": "Crafting %s",
  "crafting_bench": "Crafting Bench",
  "open_crafting_bench": "Open Crafting Bench",
  "not_enough_durability": "%s does not have enough durability",
  "storage": "Storage"

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使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-10-6 19:10:38 | 显示全部楼层
  "ui_use": "使用",
  "ui_give": "给予",
  "ui_close": "关闭",
  "ui_drop": "丢弃",
  "ui_removeattachments": "移除附件",
  "ui_copy": "复制序列号",
  "ui_durability": "耐久度",
  "ui_ammo": "弹药",
  "ui_serial": "序列号",
  "ui_components": "组件",
  "ui_tint": "颜色",
  "ui_usefulcontrols": "有用的控制",
  "ui_rmb": "打开物品上下文菜单",
  "ui_ctrl_lmb": "快速移动一堆物品到另一个库存",
  "ui_shift_drag": "将物品数量分成一半",
  "ui_ctrl_shift_lmb": "快速移动一半的一堆物品到另一个库存",
  "ui_alt_lmb": "快速使用物品",
  "ui_ctrl_c": "当悬停在武器上时,复制其序列号",
  "ui_remove_ammo": "移除弹药",
  "ammo_type": "弹药类型",
  "$": "$",
  "male": "男性",
  "female": "女性",
  "used": "消耗",
  "ui_removed": "已移除",
  "ui_added": "已添加",
  "ui_holstered": "已挂枪",
  "ui_equipped": "已装备",
  "using": "正在使用 %s",
  "inventory_setup": "库存已准备好使用",
  "inventory_player_access": "您现在无法打开您的库存",
  "inventory_right_access": "您无法打开此库存",
  "inventory_lost_access": "不再能够访问此库存",
  "wrong_ammo": "您无法用 %s 弹药装载 %s",
  "license": "%s 许可证",
  "already_have": "您已经拥有 %s",
  "have_purchased": "您已购买 %s",
  "can_not_afford": "您无法购买 %s",
  "purchase_license": "购买 %s 许可证",
  "interact_prompt": "与 %s 互动",
  "weapon_unregistered": "%s 未注册给任何人",
  "weapon_registered": "%s (%s) 注册给 %s",
  "weapon_broken": "这把武器已损坏",
  "vehicle_locked": "车辆已上锁",
  "nobody_nearby": "周围没有人",
  "give_amount": "您必须输入要给予的数量",
  "buy_amount": "您必须输入要购买的数量",
  "component_has": "这把武器已经有 %s",
  "component_invalid": "这把武器与 %s 不兼容",
  "component_slot_occupied": "这把武器的 %s 插槽已被占用",
  "cannot_perform": "您无法执行此操作",
  "cannot_carry": "您无法携带这么多",
  "cannot_carry_other": "目标库存无法保持这么多",
  "cannot_carry_limit": "您不能携带超过 %s %s",
  "cannot_carry_limit_other": "目标不能携带超过 %s %s",
  "items_confiscated": "您的物品已被没收",
  "items_returned": "您的物品已被归还",
  "item_unauthorised": "您没有权限购买此物品",
  "item_unlicensed": "您没有许可证购买此物品",
  "item_not_enough": "您没有足够的 %s",
  "cannot_afford": "您无法承担这个(缺少 %s)",
  "stash_lowgrade": "您无权取走此物品",
  "cannot_use": "无法使用 %s",
  "shop_nostock": "该物品缺货",
  "identification": "性别:%s  \n出生日期:%s",
  "search_dumpster": "搜索垃圾箱",
  "open_label": "打开 %s",
  "purchased_for": "购买了 %s %s,花费 %s%s",
  "unable_stack_items": "您无法叠加这些物品",
  "police_evidence": "警方证据",
  "open_police_evidence": "打开警方证据",
  "open_stash": "打开储物箱",
  "locker_number": "储物柜编号",
  "locker_no_value": "打开储物柜必须包含值",
  "locker_must_number": "储物柜编号必须为数字",
  "weapon_hand_required": "您必须手持武器",
  "weapon_hand_wrong": "手中武器错误",
  "open_player_inventory": "打开玩家库存~",
  "open_secondary_inventory": "打开次库存~",
  "disable_hotbar": "显示库存快捷栏~",
  "reload_weapon": "重新加载武器~",
  "use_hotbar": "使用快捷栏物品 %s~",
  "no_durability": "%s 耐久度已耗尽",
  "cannot_give": "无法将 %s %s 给予目标",
  "evidence_cannot_take": "您无权取回证据",
  "dumpster": "垃圾箱",
  "crafting_item": "正在制作 %s",
  "crafting_bench": "制作台",
  "open_crafting_bench": "打开制作台",
  "not_enough_durability": "%s 耐久度不足",
  "storage": "存储"


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