Buttons = {
admin_options = 'Admin Options >',
player_management = 'Player Management >',
server_management = 'Server Management >',
dev_options = 'Dev Options >',
self_options = 'Self Options >',
show_player_names = 'Show Player Names',
show_player_blips = 'Show Player Blips In Map',
spawn_items = 'Spawn Items >',
spawn_vehicles = 'Spawn Vehicles >',
spawn_weapons = 'Spawn Weapons >',
weapon_attachements = 'Weapon Attachments',
weapon_tints = 'Weapon Tints >',
super_powers = '~o~Super Powers >',
revive = 'Revive',
heal = 'Heal',
max_ammo = 'Max Ammo',
refill_needs = 'Refill Needs',
set_armor = 'Set Armor',
flip_vehicle = 'Flip Vehicle',
repair_vehicle = 'Repair Vehicle',
refuel_vehicle = 'Refuel Vehicle',
drift_mode = 'Drift Mode',
delete_vehicle = 'Delete Vehicle',
max_Ammo = 'Max Ammo',
remove_all_weapons = 'Remove All Weapons',
change_ped_model = 'Change Ped Model',
reset_ped = 'Reset Ped',
tp_to_marker = 'Teleport to Marker',
noclip = 'NoClip',
godmode = 'Godmode',
invisible = 'Invisible',
super_run = 'Super Run',
super_jump = 'Super Jump',
super_swim = 'Super Swim',
infinite_ammo = 'Infinite Ammo',
copy_vector3 = 'Copy vector3 to clipboard',
copy_vector4 = 'Copy vector4 to clipboard',
copy_heading = 'Copy Heading to clipboard',
clear_peds = 'Clear Peds',
clear_vehicles = 'Clear Vehicles',
clear_objects = 'Clear Objects',
player_options = 'Player Options >',
teleport_options = 'Teleport Options >',
spect = 'Spectate',
by_list = 'by List >',
by_name = 'by Name',
setjob = '~HUD_COLOUR_YELLOW~Set Job >',
manage_accounts = '~b~Manage Accounts >',
player_inventory = '~p~Player Inventory >',
skin_menu = '~y~Skin Menu >',
doctor_menu = '~g~Doctor Menu >',
give_weapons = 'Give Weapons >',
spawn_vehicle = 'Spawn Vehicle',
gift_car = '~HUD_COLOUR_PINK~Gift Car',
jail_player = 'Jail Player',
slay = 'Slay',
take_screenshot = 'Take Screenshot',
noclip_player = 'NoClip the player',
freeze = 'Freeze',
dm_player = '~b~DM Player',
warn_player = '~y~Warn Player',
kick_player = '~r~Kick Player',
ban_player = '~o~Ban Player',
give_face_menu = 'Give Face Menu',
give_cloth_menu = 'Give Cloth Menu',
change_player_ped = 'Change player ped',
reset_player_ped = 'Reset player ped',
open_inventory = 'Open Inventory',
clear_inventory = 'Clear Inventory',
remove_weapons = 'Remove Weapons',
add_account = 'Add Account',
set_account = 'Set Account',
remove_account = 'Remove Account',
set = 'Set',
add = 'Add',
remove = 'Remove',
go_to = 'Goto',
go_back = 'Go Back',
bring = 'Bring',
bring_back = 'Bring Back',
change_weather = 'Change Weather >',
change_time = 'Change Time >',
freeze_weather = 'Freeze/Unfreeze Weather',
freeze_time = 'Freeze/Unfreeze Time',
blackout = '~r~Blackout',
make_announcement = '~b~Make an announcement',
bring_all_to_me = '~y~Bring all players to me',
bring_all_back = '~o~Bring all players back',
car_wipe = 'CarWipe in 1min',
anti_eulen = 'Anti Eulen',
run_eulen_detection = 'Run Eulen Detector',
banlist = '~p~Banlist',
reloadBanlist = 'Reload Banlist'
Messages = {
has_enabled_player_names = 'has enabled showing player names',
has_disabled_player_names = 'has disabled showing player names',
blips_enabled = 'Blips enabled',
blips_disabled = 'Blips disabled',
has_enabled_blips = 'has enabled Player Blips',
has_disabled_blips = 'has disabled Player Blips',
healied_himself = 'healed himself',
repaired_vehicle = 'repaired a vehicle',
vehicle_reparied = 'vehicle got repaired',
refuled_vehicle = 'refueled a vehicle',
you_need_inside_veh = 'you need to be inside the vehicle',
vehicle_refuled = 'vehicle got refueled',
drift_enabled = 'drift mode disabled',
drift_disabled = 'drift mode enabled',
you_refilled_weapon = 'you refiled the weapon ammo',
refilled_his_weapon = 'refiled his weapon',
you_not_selected_weapon = 'you have selected any weapon',
has_reset_his_ped = 'has reset his ped',
entered_noclip = 'has entered NoClip mode',
exited_noclip = 'has exited NoClip mode',
noclip_enabled = 'noclip enabled',
noclip_disabled = 'noclip disabled',
you_died_while_noclip = 'noclip disabled because you died',
noclip_speed = 'NoClip speed',
rise = 'Rise',
increase_speed = 'Increase Speed',
decrease_speed = 'Decrease Speed',
enabled_godmode = 'enabled GodMode',
disabled_godmode = 'disabled GodMode',
enabled_invisible = 'enabled invisible',
disabled_invisible = 'disabled invisible',
invisible_enabled = 'invisible mode enabled',
invisible_disabled = 'invisible mode disabled',
activated_super_run = 'activated super run',
deactivated_super_run = 'deactivated super run',
super_run_activated = 'super run activated',
super_run_deactivated = 'super run deactivated',
super_swim_activated = 'super swim activated',
super_swim_deactivated = 'super swim activated',
super_jump_activated = 'super jump activated',
super_jump_deactivated = 'super jump deactivated',
activated_super_jump = 'activated super jump',
deactivated_super_jump = 'deactivated super jump',
infinite_ammunition_enabled = 'infinite ammunition enabled',
infinite_ammunition_disabled = 'infinite ammunition disabled',
enabled_ammunition_infinite = 'enabled infinite ammunition',
disabled_ammunition_infinite = 'disabled infinite ammunition',
has_cleared_peds = 'has cleared peds the range of',
has_cleared_vehicles = 'has cleared vehicles the range of',
has_cleared_objects = 'has cleared objects the range of',
map_got_clear_peds = 'map got cleared of all peds',
map_got_clear_vehicles = 'map got cleared of all vehicles',
map_got_clear_objects = 'map got cleared of all objects',
area_got_clear_peds = 'area got cleared of peds',
area_got_clear_vehicles = 'area got cleared of vehicles',
area_got_clear_objects = 'area got cleared of objects',
meter = 'meter',
radius = 'radius',
player_not_inside_vehicle = 'Player is not inside any vehicle',
tried_open_inventory = 'tried to open inventory of',
you_teleported_back = 'you teleported back where you were before',
no_where_toback = 'no where to go back',
brought = 'brought',
brought_back = 'brought back',
brought_players = 'brought all players to himself',
brought_back_players = 'brought back all players',
spawned_vehicle = 'spawned a vehicle',
to_himself = 'to himself',
spawned_vehicle_to = 'spawned a vehicle to a player:',
you_spawned_vehicle_to = 'you spawned a car for ',
spawn_vehicle_for = 'spawned a vehicle for',
component_removed = 'component removed from your weapon',
component_added = 'component added to your weapon',
tint_aplied = 'tint applied to your weapon',
unfreezed_weather = 'unfreezed weather',
freezed_weather = 'freezed weather',
unfreezed_time = 'unfreezed time',
freezed_time = 'freezed time',
disabled_blackout = 'disabled blackout',
enabled_blackout = 'enabled blackout',
changed_weather = 'changed weather to',
changed_time = 'changed time to',
not_valid = 'is not valid',
model = 'model',
model_not_valid = 'model is not valid',
player_is_offline = 'player is offline',
empty_reason = 'reason is empty',
minutes_gerather_zero = 'minutes must be greater than 0',
minutes_must_be_number = 'minutes must be number',
jail_arguments_wrong = 'arguments are wrong, structure : minutes/reason',
job_grade_not_Valid = 'job grade is not valid',
refilled_his_needs = 'refilled his needs',
your_ped_changed = 'your ped has changed',
changed_his_ped_model = 'changed his ped model',
unknown_error = 'unknown error, please try again',
invalid_amount = 'invalid amount',
sent_announcement = 'has sent an announcement',
no_reason = 'no reason specified',
quite_spect = 'Quit Spectate Mode',
spawning = 'Spawning',
carwipe_activated = 'activated carwipe',
carwipe_already = 'carwipe is already in process',
forced_security_on_player = 'forced player to pass security gate',
screenshot_already = 'screenshot is already in process',
eulen_detection_already = 'eulen detector is already in process',
executed_eulen_detector = 'executed eulen detector',
reloaded_banlist = 'reloaded banlist',
teleported_to_waipoint = 'teleported to waypoint',
set_waypoint_first = 'set a waypoint on the map first',
an_error_happened = 'an error happened, please try again',
Dialogs = {
enter_ped_model = 'Enter Ped Model',
weapon_model = 'Weapon Model',
vehicle_model = 'Vehicle Model',
structure = 'Structure',
minutes = 'minutes',
reason = 'reason',
example = 'example',
your_message = 'Your Messsage',
enter_your_message_to = 'Enter your message to',
warn_reason = 'Warn Reason',
kick_reason = 'Kick Reason',
ban_reason = 'Ban Reason',
enter_reason_for_warning = 'Enter the reason for warning',
enter_reason_for_kicking = 'Enter the reason for kicking',
enter_reason_for_banning = 'Enter the reason for banning',
insert_grade_number = 'Insert the grade number',
maximum_grade_for_job = 'Maximum grade for this job is',
current = 'Current',
amount_of = 'amount of',
set_amount_for = 'Set the amount for',
amount = 'amount',
add_amount_for = 'Add the amount for',
remove_amount_for = 'Remove the amount for',
item_model = 'Item Model',
make_announcement = 'Make an Announcement',
eulen_detector_info = 'if your players are above 100 please do not use this feature other wise ppl get crashed',
eulen_detector_sure = 'if you are sure then type "yes"',
DiscordSubjects = {
refule = 'refule',
reload_banlist = 'reload banlist',
anti_eulen = 'anti eulen',
eulenDetection = 'eulen detector',
carwipe = 'carwipe',
player_blips = 'player blips',
heal = 'heal',
repair = 'repair',
refuel = 'refuel',
max_ammo = 'maxAmmo',
noclip = 'noclip',
godmode = 'godmode',
invisible = 'invisible',
super_run = 'super run',
super_jump = 'super jump',
infinite_ammonition = 'infinite ammonition',
clear_peds = 'clear peds',
clear_vehicles = 'clear vehicles',
clear_objects = 'clear objects',
inventory = 'open inventory',
bring_player = 'bring player',
bring_back_player = 'bring back player',
spawn_vehicle = 'spawn vehicle',
unfreeze_weather = 'unfreeze weather',
freeze_weather = 'freeze weather',
unfreeze_time = 'unfreeze time',
freeze_time = 'freeze time',
blackout = 'blackout',
reset_ped = 'reset ped',
bringall = 'bringall',
bringback_all = 'bringback all',
weather = 'weather',
time = 'time',
refill_needs = 'refill needs',
spawn_vehicle = 'spawn vehicle',
change_ped = 'change ped',
announcement = 'announcement',