menu = 'Menu',
overview = 'Overview',
stock = 'Stock',
orders = 'Orders',
neworder = 'New Order',
employees = 'Employees',
saleshistory = 'Sales History',
auctions = 'Auctions',
logout = 'Logout',
finances = 'Finances',
balance = 'Balance',
deposit = 'Deposit',
withdraw = 'Withdraw',
depositmoney = 'Deposit Money',
withdrawmoney = 'Withdraw Money',
bestemployee = 'Best Employee',
recentsales = 'Recent Sales',
owner = 'Owner',
loggingout = 'Logging out...',
loadingdata = 'Loading Data...',
search = 'Search...',
noentriesfound = 'No entries found',
noresults = 'No results match your search query',
sellbusiness = 'Sell Business',
buybusiness = 'Buy Business',
areyousure = 'Are you sure?',
doyouwanttobuy = 'Do you want to buy',
sellbusinessfor = 'Do you want to sell the business for',
buyfor = 'for',
cancelbutton = 'Cancel',
buybutton = 'Buy',
sellbutton = 'Sell',
notOwnedStoreName = 'Vehicle Sales',
store = 'Store',
vehicle = 'Vehicle',
customer = 'Customer',
plate = 'Plate',
view = 'View',
actions = 'Actions',
status = 'Status',
awaitingcustomer = 'Awaiting Customer',
pending = 'Pending',
amount = 'Amount',
name = 'Name',
grade = 'Grade',
save = 'Save',
edit = 'Edit',
hire = 'Hire',
totalorders = 'Total Orders',
hireemployee = 'Hire Employee',
fireemployeetitle = 'Fire Employee',
editemployee = 'Edit Employee',
selectuser = 'Select a person',
fireemployee = 'Do you want to fire',
firemyself = 'Do you want to fire yourself?',
firebutton = 'Fire',
quitjob = 'Quit Job',
confirm = 'Confirm',
note = 'Engine Level 4',
vehicleinfo = 'Vehicle Info',
boughtfor = 'Bought for',
notes = 'Notes',
negotiable = 'Negotiable',
pricenegotiable = 'Price is negotiable',
vehiclesale = 'Vehicle is for sale',
price = 'Price',
date = 'Date',
value = 'Value',
seller = 'Seller',
create = 'Create',
agreedprice = 'Agreed Price',
phone = 'Phone Number',
nameplaceholder = 'Entity XF',
customerplaceholder = 'Tommy Champion',
phoneplaceholder = '917826572',
agreedpriceplaceholder = '480000',
delivered = 'Delivered',
orderinfo = 'Order Info',
cancelorder = 'Cancel Order',
pending = 'Pending',
awaitingcustomer = 'Awaiting Customer',
delivered = 'Delivered',
confirmcancelorder = 'Do you want to cancel the order?',
buyvehicle = 'Buy Vehicle',
selectvehicle = 'Select a Vehicle',
purchasebutton = 'PURCHASE',
contactbutton = 'CONTACT',
sellbutton = 'SELL',
bidbutton = 'BID',
sellvehicle = 'Sell Vehicle',
buyer = 'Buyer',
priceplaceholder = '50000',
none = 'None',
soldfor = 'Sold for',
finish = 'Finish',
start = 'Start',
startauction = 'Start Auction',
startingbid = 'Starting Bid',
currentbid = 'Current Bid',
yourbid = 'Your Bid',
totalbids = 'Total Bids',
timeleft = 'Time Left',
startingbidplaceholder = '2000',
duration = 'Duration',
nodata = 'No Data',
listed = 'Listed',
notlisted = 'Not Listed',
onauction = 'On Auction',
auctioninfo = 'Auction Info',
auctionstarted = 'Auction Started',
auctionended = 'Auction Has Ended',
auctionendedlist = 'Auction Ended',
exitauction = 'Exit Auction',
finalbidamount = 'Final Bid Amount',
winner = 'Winner',
thankyou = 'Thank you',
hour = 'h',
minute = 'm',
notwinner = 'Thank you for participating in the auction. Unfortunately, you didn\'t win this time, but don\'t worry, there will be more opportunities in the future.',
auctionwinner = 'Thank you for participating and congratulations on your winning bid! Enjoy your new vehicle.',
nonotes = 'N/A',
totalsales = 'Total Sales',
totalearned = 'Total Earned',
phonenumber = 'Phone Number',
online = 'Online',
offline = 'Offline',
nowinner = 'No winner',
deliver = 'Deliver',
delivervehicle = 'Deliver Vehicle',
auctionedfor = 'Auctioned for',