"error" : "Error",
"success" : "Success",
"info" : "Info",
"fail" : "You Failed",
"Progress_Canceled" : "Progress canceled",
"RequiredItems" : "You do not have required items!",
"RequiredCops" : "Not enought Cops in the city",
"RequiredTrowel" : "You do not have trowel to dig up this plant!",
"RequiredCard" : "You do not have required access card!",
"IvalidAmount" : "Invalid Amount!",
"HasBought" : "Has bought %sx %s for $%s ",
"HasSold" : "Has Sold %sx %s for $%s ",
"enter" : "Enter",
"entering" : "Entering...",
"leave" : "Leave",
"leaving" : "Leaving...",
"turnonelt" : "Turn on electricity",
"turnoffelt" : "Turn off electricity",
"turnonel" : "Turning on electricity...",
"turnoffel" : "Turning off electricity...",
"turnonact" : "Turn on AC",
"turnoffact" : "Turn off AC",
"turnonac" : "Turning on air conditioner...",
"turnoffac" : "Turning off air conditioner...",
"needac" : "You Need to turn on air conditioner",
"Oven" : "Oven",
"table" : "Table",
"pickup" : "Pick Up",
"pickingup" : "Picking Up...",
"shop" : "Shop",
"Buying" : "Buying...",
"Amount" : "Amount ? ",
"Range" : "Range: ",
"Pricefor" : "Price for 1x: $",
"BreakFigure" : "Breaking the figure in half...",
"LocatingDealer" : "Trying to locate drug dealer",
"LocationInGPS" : "Location was set to your GPS",
"Pharmacist" : "Pharmacist",
"PharmacistBreak" : "I have a break right now if you need anything come here between 18 pm and 23 pm",
"Gerald" : "Gerald",
"Listening" : "Listening if anyone is inside",
"LocateDealer" : "Try to locate a Dealer",
"GeraldNotHome" : "It looks like Gerald is not at home right now, try it again later",
"Madrazo" : "Mr. Madrazo",
"MadrazoNotHome" : "It looks like mr. Madrazo is not at home right now, try it again later",
"Coke" : "Coke",
"CokeClean" : "Clean Raw Coke",
"CokeCleaning" : "Cleaning Coke",
"CokePack" : "Pack Coke",
"CokePacking" : "Packing Coke",
"CokeBox" : "Pour Coke Powder",
"CokeBoxProg" : "Pouring Coke Powder",
"CokeProcess" : "Pour Coke into the box",
"CokeProcessing" : "Pouring Coke into the box",
"CokeFigure" : "Action Figure",
"CokeCarryFigure" : "Carry/Uncarry Figure",
"CokeBreakigure" : "Break Figure",
"CokeRepairFigure" : "Repair Action Figure",
"RepairingFigure" : "Repairing Action Figure",
"CokeRepairFigureDesc" : "Requirements: glue",
"WeedPack" : "Pack Weed",
"WeedPacking" : "Packing Weed",
"WeedColecting" : "Collecting weed bud",
"WeedClean" : "Clean Weed bud",
"WeedCleaning" : "Cleaning Weed bud",
"WeedColectedAlready" : "You have collected this plant before",
"BluntWraps" : "Blunt Wraps",
"BluntRoll" : "Roll a Blunt",
"BluntRolling" : "Rolling a Blunt",
"BluntDesc" : "1x Bag of weed, 1x Weed Wraps",
"JointPapers" : "Weed papers",
"JointRoll" : "Roll a Joint",
"JointRolling" : "Rolling a Joint",
"JointDesc" : "1x Bag of weed, 1x Weed papers",
"PrepairingSyringe" : "prepairing syringe",
"UnpackingXanax" : "Unpacking xanax",
"MakeCrack" : "Make Crack",
"CrackMaking" : "Making Crack",
"HeroinProcess" : "Process Poppy Plants!",
"HeroinProcessing" : "Processing Poppy Plants!",
"Meth" : "Meth",
"MethHeat" : "Heat up",
"MethHeating" : "Heating up",
"MethHeated" : "Heated up Successfully",
"MethAlready" : "You Had Already Heated up this",
"MethNeedHeat" : "You need to heat up oven",
"MethGoFinish" : "Go finish this Batch",
"MethFinish" : "Finish Batch",
"MethFinishing" : "Finishing Batch",
"MethNeedFinish" : "You need to finish this Batch",
"MethStartCook" : "You need to start cooking",
"MethCook" : "Start Cooking",
"MethCooking" : "Cooking batch",
"MethPack" : "Pack Meth",
"MethPacking" : "Packing Meth",
"MethRefuel" : "Refuel Can",
"MethRefueling" : "Refueling Can",
"MethBreaking" : "Breaking Meth",
"MethBreak" : "Break Meth",
"Syringe" : "Syringe",
"InsertHeroin" : "Insert Heroin",
"InsertHeroinDesc" : "Ingredients: 1x Heroin",
"InsertMeth" : "Insert Meth",
"InsertMethDesc" : "Ingredients: 1x Meth",
"Inserting" : "Inserting...",
"SellCooldown" : "You must wait a moment",
"StartSell" : "Start selling drugs",
"ChooseSell" : "Choose Drug to sell!",
"SellPrice" : "Price: From $%s to $%s",
"SellDrugs" : "Drug Selling",
"SellCancelDeal" : "Cancel Deal",
"SellCancelingDeal" : "Canceling Deal",
"ClientFinding" : "Finding clients",
"Client" : "Client",
"ClientGPS" : "Client has sent you a GPS",
"ClientOffer" : "Client Offers $%s for %s %s",
"ClientDeclined" : "Client has declined your offer",
"Sell" : "Sell",
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Negotiate" : "Negotiate",
"Negotiating" : "Negotiating...",
"Stationoccupied" : "This station is already occupied by someone"