--- Maintained by TayMcKenzieNZ for the community ---
--- Leakers and resellers are the absolute scum of the earth ---
Config = {
-- Change the language of the menu here!.
-- Thank you to those who provided translations.
-- If you would like to provide translations or help fix them, join our Discord!
-- Check languages code below to change the MenuLanguage
MenuLanguage = 'en',
-- Set this to true to enable some extra prints
DebugDisplay = false,
-- Set this to false if you have something else on X, and then just use /e c to cancel emotes.
EnableXtoCancel = true,
CancelEmoteKey = 'x', -- Get the button string here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
-- Set this to true if you want to disarm the player when they play an emote.
DisarmPlayer = false,
-- Set this if you really wanna disable emotes in cars, as of 1.7.2 they only play the upper body part if in vehicle
AllowedInCars = true,
-- You can disable the menu here / change the keybind. It is currently set to F5
MenuKeybindEnabled = true,
MenuKeybind = 'f4', -- Get the button string here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
-- You can disable the Favorite emote keybinding here.
FavKeybindEnabled = true,
FavKeybind = 'capital', -- Get the button string here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
-- You can change the header image for the menu here
-- Use a 512 x 128 image!
-- Note this might cause an issue of the image getting stuck on peoples screens
CustomMenuEnabled = true,
MenuImage = "https://i.giphy.com/media/ldgXxQ6pJ23yh6Lvjd/giphy.gif", ----[Custom banner IMGUR or GIPHY URLs go here ]---
-- You can change the menu image by pasting a link above. It must be the same width and length
-- You can change the name of the menu here or leave it blank to remove the text in front of the custom banners
MenuTitle = "",
-- You can change the menu position here
MenuPosition = "right", -- (left, right)
-- You can enable or disable the Ragdoll keybinding here.
RagdollEnabled = false,
RagdollKeybind = 'u', -- Get the button string here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
-- You can enable or disable Ragdoll as Toggle here. Only works if RagdollEnabled is set to true.
RagdollAsToggle = true,
-- You can disable the Facial Expressions menu here.
ExpressionsEnabled = true,
-- Saves expression style to client and applies them on joining
PersistentExpression = true,
-- You can disable the Walking Styles menu here.
WalkingStylesEnabled = true,
-- Saves walk styles to client and applies them periodically
PersistentWalk = true,
-- Polling period to apply persistent walkstyles
PersistencePollPeriod = 60000,
-- You can disable the Shared Emotes here.
SharedEmotesEnabled = true,
-- If you have the SQL imported enable this to turn on keybinding.
SqlKeybinding = false,
-- If you don't like gta notifications, you can disable them here to have messages in the chat.
NotificationsAsChatMessage = false,
-- Used for few framework dependent things. Accepted values: "qb-core", false
Framework = 'qb-core',
-- You can disable the Adult Emotes here.
AdultEmotesDisabled = false,
-- You can disable the Animal Emotes here.
AnimalEmotesEnabled = true,
-- Used to enable or disable the search feature in the menu.
Search = true,
-- You can disable the handsup here / change the keybind. It is currently set to Y
HandsupEnabled = true,
HandsupKeybind = 'Y', -- Get the button string here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
HandsupKeybindEnabled = false,
HandsupKeybindInCarEnabled = false,
PersistentEmoteAfterHandsup = true, -- If true, you will play the emote you were playing previously after you stop handsup.
-- You can disable the fingrer pointing here / change the keybind. It is currently set to B
PointingEnabled = false,
PointingKeybindEnabled = true,
PointingKeybind = 'B', -- Get the button string here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
PersistentEmoteAfterPointing = true, -- If true, you will play the emote you were playing previously after you stop pointing.
-- If crouching should be enabled.
CrouchEnabled = false,
CrouchKeybindEnabled = true, -- If true, crouching will use keybinds.
CrouchKeybind = 'lcontrol', -- The default crouch keybind, get the button string here: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
CrouchOverride = false, -- If true, you won't enter stealth mode even if the crouch key and the "duck" key are the same.
-- If crawling should be enabled.
CrawlEnabled = true,
CrawlKeybindEnabled = true, -- If true, crawling will use keybinds.
CrawlKeybind = 'rcontrol', -- The default crawl keybind, get the button string here: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game ... meter-ids/keyboard/
-- If turned on, playing an emote will cancel the previous one.
CancelPreviousEmote = false,
-- If turned off, opening the menu and playing an emote will not be possible while swimming
AllowInWater = true,
-- If set to true, the /binoculars command will be enabled.
BinocularsEnabled = true,
-- If set to true, you'll be able to toggle between different vision modes in the binoculars
AllowVisionsToggling = true,
-- If set to true, the /newscam command will be enabled.
NewscamEnabled = true,
-- Check for updates
CheckForUpdates = false,
Config.KeybindKeys = {
['num4'] = 108,
['num5'] = 110,
['num6'] = 109,
['num7'] = 117,
['num8'] = 111,
['num9'] = 118