-- renzu_tunerstdquvxzfonxzasiadopdxqsaqxlgfkeynvtjstphgmhgeqgi
config = {}kovmhmcojvkyelkdleqsgndvevikirms
-- debug mode -- saves all vehicle including non owned vehiclesghhycmyryegjgfzvqmpqmrvvvguipn
config.debug = true -- enable commands for dev. /sethandling 100 (0-100), /setfuel 100 (0-100), /setmileage 1000 (0,10000) !! note this does not have permission checksgvyxtsptvhwnfebeeuxfyxdp
config.sandboxmode = false -- different tuning and no degrations and other stuff. mostly used only when trying to tweak a vehicle handling meta in dyno.yptpifsfjjqzvfpmlsbpnmswphvkodjntdcbivhsexszdhloan
config.freeupgrade = true -- for upgrades. set to true best for standalone purpose or testing purpose, for roleplay use the crafting/jobmanage money. if false menu will requires you a specific item for each upgradeshkdgsrtbhxdwfvodcrgpmlskanoqua
config.metadata = false -- use item metadata when crafting items if ox_inventory. if your inventory does not support it, set this to false.edwfilckodmzpzcalqbg
config.job = { -- set to false (config.job = false) if you want all feature are accesible by any player, or true, required job to use repairs and upgrade menu, dyno -- job access for menu upgrade and points. ex. mechanic, tuner?
['mechanic'] = 1, -- @jobname -- @grade_levelnobdjzgtndlbafpqbbccbt
['tuners'] = 1, -- @jobname -- @grade_level
config.usetarget = true -- if false, please configure the points config -- supports ox_target,qtarget,qb-target onlylpswdltlxyipcztyhhlvsrfktmlejnpuchrgsl
config.enablepackage = true -- easy install all upgrade variants. ex. Full Upgrade all Racing Parts. this will install all in one package for each variants. each upgrades requires item if itemrequired is truexdgdflxfzsqkbfyujasjykgmocipnmjlqqovcmacermfwk
config.upgradepackageAnimation = false -- do animation for each upgrades in packageixwpnedendwoukksigqoccbhfpbz
config.upgradevariation = { -- enable/disable upgrade variation.leysoxrtjhobvkugwtuydovniydiwktipsbeps
['elite'] = true,clooevvtwqnzhwoitlzmgbftanvlkipnt
['pro'] = true,
['racing'] = true,lzalohoqopdktvgrvmvyfifvzxzyxjfjjfu
['ultimate'] = true,mqrclwgzubgyye
config.enablecrafting = true -- crafting for items and parts,turbo, engine etc..mooqccnlglyq
config.purchasableUpgrade = false -- dont like crafting / item based? set this to true to use money to all item upgradesmmlrzgxxavynqvtujonbeu
config.jobmanagemoney = false -- use job money if purchasableUpgrade. ex. esx_society, qb-managementvnkiurrppbsyoyekxgoqhyk
config.nosaveplate = { -- dont save this plate pattern unless debuginglaboqzahryuogxavulxvovwffpoqjzbvadjqcjx
['CFX'] = true,inkugaefqroxcervxrhilhdl
['RENT'] = true,
['ESX'] = true,
config.enableDegration = true -- enable / disable degration of engine partshvhekofajnqaplsokhbsiutffmyouuycqggaum
config.degrade = { -- degrade value when specific mileage value is reachvetbvasjdfkilgldtaiavjkztpxayhdu
[1] = { min = 50000, degrade = 0.9},
[2] = { min = 20000, degrade = 0.8},xpcsholdexibqcqnvapiibzjbbbanagkpid
[3] = { min = 10000, degrade = 0.75},kvpkjirmbzkgfaccmnzoybuqjanuh
[4] = { min = 5000, degrade = 0.65},jcdyhkpnclzaqikwiekgrbhesketldyugb
[5] = { min = 3000, degrade = 0.55},piwjnahtfxpdwcsngpyyqzlcsdzsvmjlvfuigcbmarq
[6] = { min = 2000, degrade = 0.45},xoabmicdltqhtfpchpmjrnjeoqpd
[7] = { min = 1500, degrade = 0.35},bdcrtzpqmbmab
[8] = { min = 1000, degrade = 0.25},sumvnfnkdrjszuswyscuwolchalrr
[9] = { min = 500, degrade = 0.15},qytlnolafiuxgklzodorrndbghyjjwzautmiixingc
[10] = { min = 100, degrade = 0.11},isppkxfsivyijsjlcfjpgh
[11] = { min = 1, degrade = 0.01},hlpgzntabjvxnbyygkihczo
config.chancedegrade = 2 -- 2% chance per degrade function runcnkfrewiomebtabwph
config.chancedegradenitro = 11 -- 7%
config.degradetick = 3000 -- every 3 seconds when in vehiclealzlvmnwbnugoosc
-- pointsitrxaddzayfzdzbbeyklkmseimwhtyi
config.engineswapper = {hpnyyyywrvqnpruenhxymimcikwvovuwkiuihtfypvlengjan
coords = {szktkdzhligppbrvxdvmbptsrorsurxnri
[1] = vec4(-325.60,-139.27,39.00,74.43)liaubtjjawqhahojlkvnwzpzbcijzwpkfpf
label = 'Engine Swap',hriopijkugfjccpiseycdaxddhtgrrazjinyrximeovhrk
model = `prop_engine_hoist`,jiwscdazbmjyzeicypfgqfswlxeikgauoxmrbnqczaaz
config.enablemarkers = true -- markers pointshkdgsrtbhxdwfvodcrgpmlskanoqua
config.points = { -- marker and drawtext type interactions
[1] = {label = 'Upgrade Vehicle', coord = vec3(-323.3034362793,-131.25146484375,38.210)},nvhfgywfosadwrzx
-- add new here
config.repairpoints = { -- marker and drawtext type interactionsklcynqobtotvavtzpewijcgsmzvnmjmxuovhfjjzxduyyoyns
[1] = {label = 'Repair Vehicle', coord = vec3(-341.18142700195,-129.10722351074,38.53271)},nvelarpbvzncztmyyhswtkjvbakhwfwkbbwbsldokq
config.useMlo = false -- set to true if your using MLO and there will be no need to spawn Dynamometer propjufvadwybrryrphtjkjlbktucdnxoqmylstlvqjxib
config.dynoprop = `mist_dyno` -- replace with your dyno prop or leave default
config.dynopropShow = true -- set to false if your MLO has a DYNO area.. but setting up the coordinates for prop is still require to make the dyno logic work.qfrvmbuoimyplqcuhnleiym
config.dynocollision = true -- set to true if your using dynamometer prop
config.routingbucket = 0 -- leave default if your not using custom routing bucketsqoqlzhibulwekpqguymerwzolsrba
config.dynopoints = { -- @platform = exact location of prop. @coord marker location of dyno accesspaijdbfshhowhkrvouwjmvrviqlihnwwnefrflknt
-- east lost santos customs sample placementrqtiqqtqju
[1] = { avnswngjgckonjrsgxaxmpeaacbwlhqlcddzrkixmslab
label = "Dynojet", oahogikdnthxouwwyfsctqqgxswp
platform = vec4(-360.3323, -112.5015, 38.9845, 158.4727+180), -- location of dyno position where vehicle will align wbwctjcpwpyimtxibdrlcpoxom
offsets = vec3(0.2,0.0,0.0), -- additional (+) offset to vehicle fittings
coord = vec3(-362.3821, -117.6957, 39.083) -- location of Interactionsllffddgqfzaaxfdppc
-- benny sample placementslnbtsquejikwzw
[2] = {nmceavkzdcnjrhxqayjmteawulncyfcmreqrzbrdeemvmjlnhu
label = "Dynojet", slcvznlqxvsfecfifqweejoyudqpuihmtjitxtjupczt
platform = vec4(-214.057, -1319.63, 31.15, 1.93), -- location of dyno position where vehicle will align
offsets = vec3(0.0,0.2,0.0), -- additional (+) offset to vehicle fittingsclkgioicixzgrlihldivsrmxpfeohqdjbnpkcymlvm
coord = vec3(-213.894, -1324.475, 30.909) -- location of Interaction
config.enginestat_default = { -- default engine stat. do not edit, this is being used in tuning computation logicprxgegecarzytcaundsbzuzbakeyxonmgktkrynrp
compression = 100.0,ddxoafembwddg
airpressure = 100.0,cujegihfcpieatyi
fuelpressure = 100.0,cxvdofwmlhrrmivxbmqvxckoxrnwunqwlmaarwmcdetqm
ignition = 100.0,
config.tuningmenu = {mufcvbjdnefrngwwyjconyfijvfplfgyzmavnkyboes
[1] = { jxxjvurcpvdqmxg
label = 'Engine Tuning',rxknfybsxgrvvz
icon = 'wrench',dagksnnxbydtoewibugrfxsiztlxfbnibttughshfv
description = 'Engine Management System',
type = 'engine',hclefazqdgfoityokdltrxytryvnnclvexajxzaagfppyndjq
attributes = {
{ name = 'acceleration', type = "slider", label = "Ignition Timing", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},eaxrixknbx
{ name = 'engineresponse', type = "slider", label = "Fuel Table", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},
{ name = 'gear_response', type = "slider", label = "Gear Response", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},czgltgarcjeuzwqxatkoiarlodszbib
{ name = 'topspeed', type = "slider", label = "Final Drive Gear", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},这是干扰码
[2] = { gjbxggqevnfbxbxzbegykczttgmtzpffygdfmtk
label = 'Gear Ratio',
icon = 'cogs',
type = 'gearratio',qdpokefrcpdjs
description = 'Change Gear rations (affects /manualgear, /autogear only)',hwsusljganvwlihfn
[3] = { xdgdflxfzsqkbfyujasjykgmocipnmjlqqovcmacermfwk
label = 'Turbo Tuning',
type = 'turbo',dwdjiwedkxhacos
icon = 'chart-area',ojzkhiqzftgelttegifiikwjbch
description = 'Change Boost Pressure per Gears',imhnjleoowidynkpeieiuaoxwjnrprvye
min = 0.5,brzpmzkoiciefxd
max = 1.5,xrwbbwpqkpaoetylxxbeymcewcopfqxchtei
[4] = { xhvnfwuotezunqrzvxuzuzrqtfvrlrqiylweiqtbvsviimiek
label = 'Suspension Tuning',clooevvtwqnzhwoitlzmgbftanvlkipnt
type = 'suspension',
icon = 'car',afqzysyjmaykltzwsqoogvqwr
description = 'Adjust Your vehicle suspension setting',
handlingname = 'CHandlingData',xydeujycajkyqpwuuiotn
attributes = {xydeujycajkyqpwuuiotn
{ type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionForce", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},nolmixeczniciohxpracla
{ type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionCompDamp", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},xpcsholdexibqcqnvapiibzjbbbanagkpid
{ type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionReboundDamp", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},okptphlliizypklqfogixyzmjcekemhsxxlnexznfylviwmo
{ type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionUpperLimit", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},vufawexnjlhsursxxpcbzzxwogbqvipqcurzzpmibtawkstiiv
{ type = "slider", label = , min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},koisxihvuxpjwwxmcsvwlpmnvgvcjjvtxdmvmuqgrgqnd
{ type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionRaise", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},saplijbkdhuvgevyzpwqasv
{ type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionBiasFront", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
{ type = "slider", label = "fAntiRollBarForce", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},xwixoratcjeiuicvrcq
{ type = "slider", label = "fAntiRollBarBiasFront", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},tzxcarjsxglfgfqdksrtukmoruhzzca
{ type = "slider", label = "fRollCentreHeightFront", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},wkwlfkdleexfbqhihesvkqwcndujytlv
{ type = "slider", label = "fRollCentreHeightRear", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
config.tunableonly = { -- bypasses upgrade add stats. dont disable these if you dont know what it is. this can only be modify via tuning when ex. in suspension if vehicle have upgraded suspension. eg. elite_suspensioncsmhtyxycxhesxifayaecpjunwmqajkcbxkuvhtyfadyym
['fSuspensionUpperLimit'] = true,
['fSuspensionLowerLimit'] = true,grqbtihkvsyhftoifzhxo
['fSuspensionRaise'] = true,
['fSuspensionBiasFront'] = true,gdsnbfonwhywbbtafzglsrsmvameopzusriuxwhudgrfilf
['fAntiRollBarForce'] = true,jszulipuvbqmgxzvloqzapndsu
['fAntiRollBarBiasFront'] = true,vduwfanmxeuhf
['fRollCentreHeightFront'] = true,gcbstcioptxklpzbqsz
['fRollCentreHeightRear'] = true,
config.engineparts = { -- @item = item name, @handling = Affected Handling when degradedslnbtsquejikwzw
[1] = {item = 'engine_oil', label = 'Engine Oil', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.1, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 25000},
[2] = {item = 'engine_sparkplug', label = 'Engine Spark Plug', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Torque', cost = 25000},
[3] = {item = 'engine_gasket', label = 'Engine Head Gasket', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, maxdegrade = 0.3, affects = 'Torque', cost = 25000},jajawyushhnzdvpoewbbtofzflkpyeoheyhawcsekgdnbsbgpc
[4] = {item = 'engine_airfilter', label = 'Engine Air Filter', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.15, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 25000},vnrtapaehuglatwmzlbnjflaauu
[5] = {item = 'engine_fuelinjector', label = 'Engine Fuel Injectors', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.15, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 25000},twtoplugobbwsgjugxjqfuayypushbrbxkpnwktlluhebryioh
[6] = {item = 'engine_pistons', label = 'Engine Pistons' , handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 25000},
[7] = {item = 'engine_connectingrods', label = 'Engine Connecting Rods' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 25000},yzajtsltstinizladmafaksgxhjzegucgvlzoxthrcuzbgz
[8] = {item = 'engine_valves', label = 'Engine Valves', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 25000},wnwksymqcficevlq
[9] = {item = 'engine_block', label = 'Engine Block', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 25000},
[10] = {item = 'engine_crankshaft', label = 'Engine CranfkShaft', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, maxdegrade = 0.3, affects = 'Torque', cost = 25000},dagksnnxbydtoewibugrfxsiztlxfbnibttughshfv
[11] = {item = 'transmition_clutch', label = 'Transmission Clutch', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, maxdegrade = 0.7, affects = 'Down Shifting', cost = 25000},
[12] = {item = 'engine_flywheel', label = 'Engine FlyWheel', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, maxdegrade = 0.8, affects = 'Up Shifting', cost = 25000},pjaflaykhgvcynijhuvleibzljqrccjslkxwkwgsdcuc
[13] = {item = 'engine_camshaft', label = 'Engine Camshaft', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.5, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 25000},
[14] = {item = 'oem_brakes', label = 'OEM Brakes', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.8, affects = 'Brake Power', cost = 25000},
[15] = {item = 'oem_suspension', label = 'OEM Suspension', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp'}, maxdegrade = 0.8, affects = 'Suspension', cost = 25000},
[16] = {item = 'oem_gearbox', label = 'OEM Gearbox', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Acceleration', cost = 25000},vqhiicddixlyltufipcjirjhmsmmbmewclflniowgzur
-- @category = category of upgrades, @state = state bag name of degration status. @item = item name, @handling = affected handling when upgraded , @add = percent added when upgraded
config.engineupgrades = {hmgdwyryfeisqauko
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'ultimate_oil', label = 'Ultimate Oil', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 550001},quttumlubfimvrkphgdrqomwpkkqgtixncqhobcpgkcc
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'ultimate_sparkplug', label = 'Ultimate Spark Plug', stat = {ignition = 3.2}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Torque', cost = 550001},gtzqnbrvuhhnavqndsay
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'ultimate_gasket', label = 'Ultimate Head Gasket', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Torque', cost = 550001},
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'ultimate_airfilter', label = 'Ultimate Air Filter', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add =1.07, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 550001},szhtkvfwpynbgfhgjgiyaxtiupbtgksyjzsuuyrkwelcktjta
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'ultimate_fuelinjector', label = 'Ultimate Fuel Injectors', stat = {fuelpressure = 43.2}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 550001},fyzndfubmbimemcfvmfpbflhjqdriyjnwjbzpwabxiocu
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'ultimate_pistons', label = 'Ultimate Pistons' , stat = {compression = 16.0, fuelpressure = -16.0, ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.09, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'ultimate_connectingrods', label = 'Ultimate Connecting Rods' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 550001},qfrvmbuoimyplqcuhnleiym
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'ultimate_valves', label = 'Ultimate Valves', stat = {compression = 1.6, fuelpressure = -1.6}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 550001},rammnegotgsabymbsjorvqf
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_block', item = 'ultimate_block', label = 'Ultimate Block', stat = {compression = 16.0, fuelpressure = -8.0, ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.08, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},engzixdtpyfglfmnaviqglksmqbshuqmixmruqljpqpawbnww
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'ultimate_crankshaft', label = 'Ultimate CranfkShaft', stat = {ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.1, affects = 'Torque', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},不要乱来哦
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'ultimate_clutch', label = 'Ultimate Transmission Clutch', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.08, affects = 'Down Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 550001},yzuvklqcktwvuewfehbrvxsiszxgr
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'ultimate_flywheel', label = 'Ultimate FlyWheel', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.08, affects = 'Up Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 25000},edsifqzwrnlkewrotsbanmswaikyc
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'ultimate_camshaft', label = 'Ultimate Camshaft',stat = {duration = 48.0, compression = 16.0, fuelpressure = -16.0, ignition = 16.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.1, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},xnvcxbfldymk
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'ultimate_brakes', label = 'Ultimate Brakes', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 6.4, affects = 'Brake Power', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 550001},jvrknnfuutuqj
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'ultimate_suspension', label = 'Ultimate Suspension', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.6, affects = 'Suspension', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 415000},gcbstcioptxklpzbqsz
{category = 'ultimate', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'ultimate_gearbox', label = 'Ultimate Gearbox', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.2, affects = 'Acceleration', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 550001},ukfxqxoymcgbosqottxvnvh
-- RACINGhclefazqdgfoityokdltrxytryvnnclvexajxzaagfppyndjq
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'racing_oil', label = 'Racing Oil', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.045, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 370001},isxhgpwibfhiccxlqkuunxgbffxi
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'racing_sparkplug', label = 'Racing Spark Plug', stat = {ignition = 1.6}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Torque', cost = 370001},xtchzrzeghanzttqwabvomlmpihyhilebnlbelfl
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'racing_gasket', label = 'Racing Head Gasket', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Torque', cost = 370001},wzuttjdcyzrblxwrsnzoetyxmxjfmoiin
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'racing_airfilter', label = 'Racing Air Filter', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 370001},pafesfaomclgttvncqksr
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'racing_fuelinjector', label = 'Racing Fuel Injectors', stat = {fuelpressure = 21.6}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.04, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 370001},qootyavhyy
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'racing_pistons', label = 'Racing Pistons', stat = {compression = 8.0, fuelpressure = -8.0, ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},avshibemxgjvjxcioqubfiantgexfxcftv
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'racing_connectingrods', label = 'Racing Connecting Rods' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 370001},
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'racing_valves', label = 'Racing Valves', stat = {compression = 0.8, fuelpressure = -0.8}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.04, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 370001},xwixoratcjeiuicvrcq
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_block', item = 'racing_block', label = 'Racing Block', stat = {compression = 8.0, fuelpressure = -4.0, ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},vqdksvlqmagbuivqkdumafigqt
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'racing_crankshaft', label = 'Racing CranfkShaft', stat = {ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Torque', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},pswojkawajzpzpwdcpfljqlumxyduggj
{category = 'racing', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'racing_clutch', label = 'Racing Transmission Clutch', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Down Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'racing_flywheel', label = 'Racing FlyWheel', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Up Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 370001},kiwssnkxbmozevpvzmqxurxqot
{category = 'racing', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'racing_camshaft', label = 'Racing Camshaft',stat = {duration = 26.0, compression = 8.0, fuelpressure = -8.0, ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.08, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},uijayiyohkrznqsjdcuyhphnrjarbqnvyxwxgvmnfdnttgc
{category = 'racing', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'racing_brakes', label = 'Racing Brakes', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 2.4, affects = 'Brake Power', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 370001},ecstpbegrqyoelvfdvvpvfe
{category = 'racing', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'racing_suspension', label = 'Racing Suspension', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.4, affects = 'Suspension', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 370001},hiwnfnjtkzezeyrkp
{category = 'racing', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'racing_gearbox', label = 'Racing Gearbox', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.15, affects = 'Acceleration', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 370001},vfgeygvqgkcpudzylutrzopyemoffjrapxfndadk
-- PROzgpiimroynroqgmsmnxyutdtwpgcvozvvoddaurzijnyparb
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'pro_oil', label = 'Pro Oil', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.025, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 320000},dcjipjupmbwmmfygvynygdrucefnlmfoooxexrujtqwg
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'pro_sparkplug', label = 'Pro Spark Plug',stat = {ignition = 0.8}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.035, affects = 'Torque', cost = 320000},xbyqlodaxwe
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'pro_gasket', label = 'Pro Head Gasket', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.04, affects = 'Torque', cost = 320000},dimbcdzxqnabjezjnwjoxptmesaibrweajfcmfacta
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'pro_airfilter', label = 'Pro Air Filter', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add =1.02, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 320000},ccwiazlqxcqsqcvatajtsmnitleazlvboskpsvgqywiozeo
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'pro_fuelinjector', label = 'Pro Fuel Injectors',stat = {fuelpressure = 12.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.025, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 320000},
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'pro_pistons', label = 'Pro Pistons' , stat = {compression = 4.0, fuelpressure = -4.0, ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.04, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'pro_connectingrods', label = 'Pro Connecting Rods' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 320000},eymwkzfekjfkvamjtwzmsfcq
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'pro_valves', label = 'Pro Valves', stat = {compression = 0.4, fuelpressure = -0.4}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.025, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 320000},gprlxieyewunfhvkrxowzlrvmiizpmuwbmizvmyzjsmpahz
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_block', item = 'pro_block', label = 'Pro Block', stat = {compression = 4.0, fuelpressure = -2.0, ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.035, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},qkrddsdipnuzefyeniosqm
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'pro_crankshaft', label = 'Pro CranfkShaft', stat = {ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Torque', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},mvztasiixhqvwybieozhcdzwahspyv
{category = 'pro', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'pro_clutch', label = 'Pro Transmission Clutch', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Down Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 320000},aujmjdvetv
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'pro_flywheel', label = 'Pro FlyWheel', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Up Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 320000},aasbxkisjgmcwg
{category = 'pro', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'pro_camshaft', label = 'Pro Camshaft',stat = {duration = 12.6,compression = 4.0, fuelpressure = -4.0, ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.045, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},firebaxkecbqvsdtggqgrotqnzba
{category = 'pro', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'pro_brakes', label = 'Pro Brakes', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 1.7, affects = 'Brake Power', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 320000},
{category = 'pro', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'pro_suspension', label = 'Pro Suspension', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.25, affects = 'Suspension', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 320000},dagksnnxbydtoewibugrfxsiztlxfbnibttughshfv
{category = 'pro', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'pro_gearbox', label = 'Pro Gearbox', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.1, affects = 'Acceleration', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 320000},bmijaydyionipdboissyhccmufcyoudphm
-- ELITEdzlpizhaxfmsphb
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'elite_oil', label = 'Elite Oil', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.015, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 125000},bwwktsiccipqaozmchkreeqnmxwvhabjxxt
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'elite_sparkplug', label = 'Elite Spark Plug',stat = {ignition = 0.4}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Torque', cost = 125000},eqzzlklcnwvjrqonwtvxkqudzncwtt
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'elite_gasket', label = 'Elite Head Gasket', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Torque', cost = 125000},slnbtsquejikwzw
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'elite_airfilter', label = 'Elite Air Filter', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.01, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 125000},ztwpnmpmsfxkltggpbvtdripaxwqtucsnyiblxn
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'elite_fuelinjector', label = 'Elite Fuel Injectors', stat = {fuelpressure = 5.2}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.015, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 125000},amyatmhcxkprsmfmj
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'elite_pistons', label = 'Elite Pistons' ,stat = {compression = 2.0, fuelpressure = -2.0, ignition = 1.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'elite_connectingrods', label = 'Elite Connecting Rods' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.015, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 125000},otszkkamqfpufwsyzsctspvtccyjdeisybrimrucwkxcgqbgie
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'elite_valves', label = 'Elite Valves',stat = {compression = 0.2, fuelpressure = -0.2}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.015, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 125000},bposglzkxqdzlzuca
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_block', item = 'elite_block', label = 'Elite Block',stat = {compression = 2.0, fuelpressure = -1.0, ignition = 1.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},daryworcoqrhmhrsktsprdsrtltqnanqaeoxsgahwrpjzhbj
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'elite_crankshaft', label = 'Elite CranfkShaft',stat = {ignition = 1.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Torque', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},svvdujwxxwthsgejcrewftbwppfohtmzpicjryhpvbwohbxjt
{category = 'elite', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'elite_clutch', label = 'Elite Transmission Clutch', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Down Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'elite_flywheel', label = 'Elite FlyWheel', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Up Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 125000},dzlpizhaxfmsphb
{category = 'elite', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'elite_camshaft', label = 'Elite Camshaft',stat = {duration = 6.3, compression = 2.0, fuelpressure = -2.0, ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},pswojkawajzpzpwdcpfljqlumxyduggj
{category = 'elite', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'elite_brakes', label = 'Elite Brakes', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 1.2, affects = 'Brake Power', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 125000},opiruqokfafeingdwlkftqhiymjr
{category = 'elite', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'elite_suspension', label = 'Elite Suspension', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.1, affects = 'Suspension', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 125000},不影响正文阅读
{category = 'elite', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'elite_gearbox', label = 'Elite Gearbox', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Acceleration', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 125000},iihsyvlmisakvubjprhlkjrghotjkjztsgmqcydkqd
config.upgraderequire = { -- crafting required category for each parts variants --- @category = required category of parts to craft the current parts, @chance = chances of successxrwbbwpqkpaoetylxxbeymcewcopfqxchtei
['elite'] = {category = 'oem', chance = 90}, -- ex. elite parts need x5 OEMwbwctjcpwpyimtxibdrlcpoxom
['pro'] = {category = 'elite', chance = 70},kqlizernoluoqzfhodjsufqm
['racing'] = {category = 'pro', chance = 50},brzpmzkoiciefxd
['ultimate'] = {category = 'racing', chance = 20},swyvtcxgcjztekbhgeqpbvsl
-- Hardcoded Function for materials required for each variantsnobdjzgtndlbafpqbbccbt
-- turbo, engineswap, nitro requires Latest renzu_turbo, renzu_engine, renzu_nitrozuyzpwjfqisqilwgmsvuosepfhspddfcxdcnamsqul
GetEngineLocals = function()fcjvynzibycfoszxzmrjukgouaewayafa
local engines = {}cjndtltlbqsahunxdmjbbrrohlgywvgyetcx
if GetResourceState('renzu_engine') == 'started' then
local local_engines = exports.renzu_engine:Engines().Locals
for k,v in pairs(local_engines) dojmbjxcftyhmn
if v.model thentrwxezoilawdagwdmqgspijqk
table.insert(engines,{label =, name = v.model, requires = {steel = 5,aluminum = 5,iron = 5, copper = 5}}) -- requirements for Local Engines Craftinggzszsiwskrhwctmkblsjwwlk
return enginesrrpltkirjttqkixaqld
GetEngineCustoms = function()rammnegotgsabymbsjorvqf
local engines = {}qfyjcfpscxthfcjiavykptynaasgxbwohvxkbmcdkwk
if GetResourceState('renzu_engine') == 'started' thengpzifevpoxvxrekxvxwzbqlldogjozgvogdulzkzwfxokhlff
local custom_engines = exports.renzu_engine:Engines().Customqootyavhyy
for k,v in pairs(custom_engines) do
table.insert(engines,{label = v.label, name = v.soundname, requires = {steel = 25,aluminum = 25,iron = 25, copper = 25}}) -- requirements for Custom Engines Craftingzdoqggtxslxkjdxhzrulsznrhrzwrrrqughamaxemvovymd
return enginessrihcsqufrtpyypbbcoa
GetRecentOptions = function(type,state)wqfwlzncazpod
for k,v in pairs(config.engineupgrades) dodtzjpjkwudnegjzyidgvtytagfbqfddjxcsnmdjh
if v.category == config.upgraderequire[type].category and v.state == state then
return v.item, config.upgraderequire[type].chance
GetCraftableParts = function()zgpiimroynroqgmsmnxyutdtwpgcvozvvoddaurzijnyparb
local parts = {}
for k,v in pairs(config.engineparts) douzrxsjrdchrduhezwbsccaztpitwkc
table.insert(parts,{label = v.label, name = v.item, requires = {steel = 5,aluminum = 5,iron = 5, copper = 5}}) -- requirements for OEM Parts Crafting
return partsbrzpmzkoiciefxd
GetCraftableUpgradeParts = function(type)bbvnojiiajkcyzjczvsiuzisfvkudl
local parts = {}wupuxbtozyvjfaia
for k,v in pairs(config.engineupgrades) dooooepwymktfryvmzfvhddkpt
if type == v.category thenfgyqscfyltyspmzshksskoyhdjpopuwubult
local item, chance = GetRecentOptions(v.category,v.state)uilfgbifmhaoiiaoylptpzhnqgviusupbfuhgcn
local require = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}ehbyiomdivyzdeuqrjpvnhwzcofcsvnwcovlcho
if item thenrvdhpyfjbcnsds
require = {[item] = 5, steel = 10,aluminum = 10,} -- requirements for Upgrade Parts Crafting .. the [item] variable is the recent category ex. racing_pistons requires 5x of pro_pistons
table.insert(parts,{label = v.label, name = v.item, state = v.state, requires = require, chance = chance, type = 'upgrade'})uhjzemfyhsaejqyhpoo
return parts
config.crafting = { -- crafting config and requires itemvggrdtowkfzdmalxjuucltfovysdemgzs
['engine'] = {xydeujycajkyqpwuuiotn
label = 'Craft Engines',aeqrghocbbgqochtfothmfcnpduielefpuwwckzemfubhcu
coord = vec3(-341.58551025391,-141.34959411621,39.115104675293),ebclqygnidfsrtpjgkmfirdajerm
categories = {blgjwpqlfsdaqhw
[1] = {
items = GetEngineLocals(),jggocjqwiqoydqmqv
label = 'Local Engines',xbeflmabshuiploytadsngvmttvmviftkkywwzxohsxwe
[2] = {avvthwithfaz
items = GetEngineCustoms(),
label = 'Custom Engines',zhfdseugelisfhkxiwpnerzyngwayegymlb
['parts'] = {gcsbmlbgxjwrfxisefszqgpphfdkyxjezcgmnitkrqbxnjpsp
label = 'Craft Engines Parts',ljhlpmcgzhsmko
coord = vec3(-343.77084350586,-140.74291992188,39.026248931885),irgadybptpuhwvtyqi
categories = {gzszsiwskrhwctmkblsjwwlk
[1] = {items = GetCraftableParts(), label = 'Oem Parts'},evdqtuzbnqbfckommjrlpbabjqwsyfgcajttesusj
[2] = {items = GetCraftableUpgradeParts('elite'), label = 'Elite Parts'},uijayiyohkrznqsjdcuyhphnrjarbqnvyxwxgvmnfdnttgc
[3] = {items = GetCraftableUpgradeParts('pro'), label = 'Pro Parts'},wqfwlzncazpod
[4] = {items = GetCraftableUpgradeParts('racing'), label = 'Racing Parts'},kovmhmcojvkyelkdleqsgndvevikirms
[5] = {items = GetCraftableUpgradeParts('ultimate'), label = 'Ultimate Parts'},wvxhazwwwodvy
['etc'] = {jsiefqmtqmxodxakymzyflnsg
label = 'Craft Turbo ,Tires & Advanced parts',gzszsiwskrhwctmkblsjwwlk
coord = vec3(-339.31976318359,-142.31146240234,39.177829742432),saplijbkdhuvgevyzpwqasv
categories = {akstbjqqbbfqgwrikbzutinxgptosrttcmn
[1] = {
items = {qoqlzhibulwekpqguymerwzolsrba
[1] = {name = 'turbostreet', label = 'Street Turbo', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},wpodlotzriqcngketbrhfkr
[2] = {name = 'turbosports', label = 'Sports Turbo', requires = {steel = 20,aluminum = 20,iron = 20, copper = 20}},hmgdwyryfeisqauko
[3] = {name = 'turboracing', label = 'Racing Turbo', requires = {steel = 40,aluminum = 40,iron = 40, copper = 40}},tgfzwildjvrbwpxcctrz
[4] = {name = 'turboultimate', label = 'Ultimate Turbo', requires = {steel = 40,aluminum = 40,iron = 40, copper = 40}},faohkvauwvgeivoffihhjwvtfmtqsn
label = 'Custom Turbos',gtzqnbrvuhhnavqndsay
[2] = {hkdgsrtbhxdwfvodcrgpmlskanoqua
items = {peuldjcpyvgi
[1] = {name = 'street_tires', label = 'Street Tires', requires = {rubber = 10, sulfur = 10,steel = 10, polyester = 10}},tcaetgqoekepccpuvr
[2] = {name = 'sports_tires', label = 'Sports Tires', requires = {rubber = 20, sulfur = 20,steel = 20, polyester = 20}},espzexegocoemweelglyjdbubdlvffzky
[3] = {name = 'racing_tires', label = 'Racing Tires', requires = {rubber = 40, sulfur = 40,steel = 40, polyester = 40}},
label = 'Custom Tires',gzgkzevtymsmcqrpfwu
[3] = {kxamhvlrioqoxtu
items = {cuvpttjjtyuimpndld
[1] = { label = 'Limited Slip Differential (Front)', name = 'lsdf' ,requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},
[2] = { label = 'Limited Slip Differential (Rear)', name = 'lsdr', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},
[3] = { label = 'Traction Control System', name = 'tcs', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},
[4] = { label = 'Stability Control System', name = 'esc', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},zmlbfegtmyxfkioaypzuzvtsiaoyphmotyqzcwtov
[5] = { label = 'Close Ratio Gears', name = 'closerationgears', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},
[6] = { label = 'CVT Transmission', name = 'cvttranny', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},hmgdwyryfeisqauko
[7] = { label = 'Anti-lock braking', name = 'abs', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},afgwcrmofhvajejfxhjk
[8] = { label = 'Axle Torsion (Front)', name = 'axletorsionfront', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},
[9] = { label = 'Axle Torsion (Rear)', name = 'axletorsionrear', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},不影响正文阅读
[10] = { label = 'Axle Solid (Front)', name = 'axlesolidfront', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},kkrqryxhftlecovwshzjrpkbhjqrfobqyshpq
[11] = { label = 'Axle Solid (Rear)', name = 'axlesolidrear', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},
[12] = { label = 'Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS)', name = 'kers', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},tgfzwildjvrbwpxcctrz
[13] = { label = 'Offroad Tune 1', name = 'offroadtune1', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},hmqrxgimbkzc
[14] = { label = 'Offroad Tune 2', name = 'offroadtune2', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},euxkyuwfuzghiouorqniptnxldygonrtiodgjal
[15] = { label = 'Stanced', name = 'stanced', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},ewsupwtkcmilraacsyly
[16] = { label = 'Front Wheel Drive', name = 'frontwheeldrive', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},yzajtsltstinizladmafaksgxhjzegucgvlzoxthrcuzbgz
[17] = { label = 'Rear Wheel Drive', name = 'rearwheeldrive', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},
[18] = { label = 'All Wheel Drive', name = 'allwheeldrive', requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},clooevvtwqnzhwoitlzmgbftanvlkipnt
[19] = { label = 'Programable ECU', name = 'ecu', requires = {chip = 1,board = 1,copper = 10, steel = 10}},
label = 'Advanced Parts'hlpgzntabjvxnbyygkihczo
[4] = {toujykkdorwccfafouaslozxzvumy
items = {
[1] = {name = 'nitro50shot', label = '50 Shot Nitros', requires = {bottle = 1, methane = 10,steel = 10, water = 1}},
[2] = {name = 'nitro100shot', label = '100 Shot Nitros', requires = {bottle = 2, methane = 20,steel = 20, water = 20}},
[3] = {name = 'nitro200shot', label = '200 Shot Nitros', requires = {bottle = 3, methane = 40,steel = 40, water = 40}},
label = 'NOS',nwcrqtefgshkcgrwuuhwvmmlonoqo
[5] = {trjdrhurslcweqkplpprf
items = {zgpiimroynroqgmsmnxyutdtwpgcvozvvoddaurzijnyparb
[1] = {name = 'repairparts', label = 'Repair Engine Kit', durability = 100, requires = {steel = 10,aluminum = 10,iron = 10, copper = 10}},gbzwbauqkrmlpvykvrbpftwppxbteqelreiseci
label = 'Repair Engine Parts Kit',
}bzdpwjfpxxhrrkeeozijwnjkagovoupqusgqclgajosbyw = { -- tires handling @item = item name, @degrade = degrade percent for each MS tick.
[1] = {label = 'Street Tires', item = 'street_tires', degrade = 0.01, handling = {fLowSpeedTractionLossMult = 1.1,fTractionLossMult = 1.1,fTractionCurveMin = 1.2, fTractionCurveMax = 1.0, fTractionCurveLateral = 1.25}, cost = 10000},
[2] = {label = 'Sports Tires', item = 'sports_tires', degrade = 0.02, handling = {fLowSpeedTractionLossMult = 0.9,fTractionLossMult = 0.9,fTractionCurveMin = 1.1, fTractionCurveMax = 1.1, fTractionCurveLateral = 1.0}, cost = 211000},mpssalyzdysmulwlttomfznrrxooiyvvnono
[3] = {label = 'Racing Tires', item = 'racing_tires', degrade = 0.03, handling = {fLowSpeedTractionLossMult = 0.65,fTractionLossMult = 0.7,fTractionCurveMin = 1.25, fTractionCurveMax = 1.35, fTractionCurveLateral = 0.7}, cost = 215000},fcjvynzibycfoszxzmrjukgouaewayafa
[4] = {label = 'Drag Tires', item = 'drag_tires', degrade = 0.1, handling = {fLowSpeedTractionLossMult = 0.7,fTractionLossMult = 2.1,fTractionCurveMin = 1.91, fTractionCurveMax = 0.4, fTractionCurveLateral = 1.4}, cost = 55000},
[5] = {label = 'Drift Tires', item = 'drift_tires', degrade = 0.2, handling = {fLowSpeedTractionLossMult = 1.0,fTractionLossMult = 1.0,fTractionCurveMin = 1.0, fTractionCurveMax = 1.0, fTractionCurveLateral = 1.0}, cost = 45000},uxddgsdqisuwhfjtghxymkwmujdthcibalfgeiwnb
config.drivetrain = {ztotdfrrwhdmqsbuwvrbnifhavfrisvhl
[1] = { label = 'FWD', item = 'frontwheeldrive', value = 1.0, cost = 255000 },pkyqmjglptttzlktauakhfsyj
[2] = { label = 'AWD', item = 'allwheeldrive', value = 0.5, cost = 525000 },ueomjxugsviconuvrvzumstcigdvgfoajcntahasdivrw
[3] = { label = 'RWD', item = 'rearwheeldrive', value = 0.0, cost = 255000 }kkrqryxhftlecovwshzjrpkbhjqrfobqyshpq
-- @cost amount of parts when purchaseyzomuqhtmoofehmlam
config.extras = { -- do not change unless you know how vehicle flags works for this resourcexpcsholdexibqcqnvapiibzjbbbanagkpid
[1] = { label = 'Limited Slip Differential (Front)', item = 'lsdf' ,handling = {type = 'CCarHandlingData', name = 'strAdvancedFlags', value = {0,3}}, cost = 25000},gzszsiwskrhwctmkblsjwwlk
[2] = { label = 'Limited Slip Differential (Rear)', item = 'lsdr', handling = {type = 'CCarHandlingData', name = 'strAdvancedFlags', value = {1,4}}, cost = 25000},pkgunrarsserblxuhkgxggbyqmfqpdmenszbkzsdswvtiso
[3] = { label = 'Traction Control System', item = 'tcs', handling = {type = 'CCarHandlingData', name = 'strAdvancedFlags', value = {13}}, cost = 25000},ixwpnedendwoukksigqoccbhfpbz
[4] = { label = 'Stability Control System', item = 'esc', handling = {type = 'CCarHandlingData', name = 'strAdvancedFlags', value = {14}}, cost = 25000},ifzfxubzysazjt
[5] = { label = 'Close Ratio Gears', item = 'closerationgears', handling = {type = 'CCarHandlingData', name = 'strAdvancedFlags', value = {21}}, cost = 25000},
[6] = { label = 'CVT Transmission', item = 'cvttranny', handling = {type = 'CHandlingData', name = 'strHandlingFlags', value = {12}}, cost = 25000},
[7] = { label = 'Anti-lock braking', item = 'abs', handling = {type = 'CHandlingData', name = 'strModelFlags', value = {4}}, cost = 25000},zonhloswhmewserdwhomokgkschakwc
[8] = { label = 'Axle Torsion (Front)', item = 'axletorsionfront', handling = {type = 'CHandlingData', name = 'strModelFlags', value = {16}}, cost = 25000},qbaervfhxpaftlgydfgq
[9] = { label = 'Axle Torsion (Rear)', item = 'axletorsionrear', handling = {type = 'CHandlingData', name = 'strModelFlags', value = {20}}, cost = 25000},
[10] = { label = 'Axle Solid (Front)', item = 'axlesolidfront', handling = {type = 'CHandlingData', name = 'strModelFlags', value = {17}}, cost = 25000},
[11] = { label = 'Axle Solid (Rear)', item = 'axlesolidrear', handling = {type = 'CHandlingData', name = 'strModelFlags', value = {21}}, cost = 25000},ccwiazlqxcqsqcvatajtsmnitleazlvboskpsvgqywiozeo
[12] = { label = 'Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS)', item = 'kers', handling = {type = 'CHandlingData', name = 'strHandlingFlags', value = {2}}, cost = 25000},jcdyhkpnclzaqikwiekgrbhesketldyugb
[13] = { label = 'Offroad Tune 1', item = 'offroadtune1', handling = {type = 'CHandlingData', name = 'strHandlingFlags', value = {20}}, cost = 25000},wkwlfkdleexfbqhihesvkqwcndujytlv
[14] = { label = 'Offroad Tune 2', item = 'offroadtune2', handling = {type = 'CHandlingData', name = 'strHandlingFlags', value = {21}}, cost = 25000},
[15] = { label = 'Stanced', item = 'stanced', handling = {type = 'CCarHandlingData', name = 'strAdvancedFlags', value = {15,26}}, cost = 25000},tfvnfjeuymsooikswghptvxdksfveemxjilprqkpdcer
config.gears = { -- hugo simones config data. gear 8 are corrected due to probably changes from newer builds ( 2699 tested ), gear 9 untestedamtxnjjqxcdwxifsxdhysnosmpbcaenargyeqh
[1] = {0.90},--1xlwfkkroui
[2] = {3.33, 0.90},--2oahogikdnthxouwwyfsctqqgxswp
[3] = {3.33, 1.57, 0.90},--3rqtiqqtqju
[4] = {3.33, 1.83, 1.22, 0.90},--4zgpiimroynroqgmsmnxyutdtwpgcvozvvoddaurzijnyparb
[5] = {3.33, 1.92, 1.36, 1.05, 0.90},--5xoabmicdltqhtfpchpmjrnjeoqpd
[6] = {3.33, 1.95, 1.39, 1.09, 0.95, 0.90},--6bbvnojiiajkcyzjczvsiuzisfvkudl
[7] = {4.00, 2.34, 1.67, 1.31, 1.14, 1.08, 0.90},--7
[8] = {4.025, 2.025, 1.523, 1.314, 1.154, 1.073, 1.0, 0.90},--8wagkvvczhgxfwajqhtatc
[9] = {7.70, 4.51, 3.22, 2.52, 2.20, 2.08, 1.73, 1.31, 0.90}--9
config.radialoptions = {
id = 'Upgrades',lakifbpzblphgzguzckdylulhfbrxipjiarobhncsckycrtbu
label = 'Upgrades',xrwbbwpqkpaoetylxxbeymcewcopfqxchtei
icon = 'wrench',pvguldzaaknjsuffrqxpcosiwvnrge
onSelect = function()
return UpgradePackage()nwowscgccnrxcm
id = 'Repair',
label = 'Repair',qkyahkjeixxgiieeiz
icon = 'hammer',bcnionjagwb
onSelect = function()amvoengbmcuozbrjblnlmusq
return Repair()otszkkamqfpufwsyzsctspvtccyjdeisybrimrucwkxcgqbgie
id = 'tuning',zhfdseugelisfhkxiwpnerzyngwayegymlb
label = 'Tuning',
icon = 'chart-bar',cbirwffxywyyqmjyadsskbvpraokchgfipwevccuzaspmbnm
onSelect = function()
return TuningMenu()xqxfsylgabrdhpenykndhifggxgggzdeqajjzupawgdewisu
id = 'parts',soyhwqbnfmsfrxofdr
label = 'Engine Parts',ifmfpywwhpnpnrcfvxavflihaqhghixqnkvdjszqing
icon = 'cog',
onSelect = function()koisxihvuxpjwwxmcsvwlpmnvgvcjjvtxdmvmuqgrgqnd
return CheckVehicle(true)cxvdofwmlhrrmivxbmqvxckoxrnwunqwlmaarwmcdetqm
id = 'performance',dubuxyzkcgqphqhncyijjbslajnt
label = 'Performance',
icon = 'chart-line',pgmxdbpdeadpmxdhmiyqbdghqtrg
onSelect = function()
return CheckPerformance(true)
id = 'seetires',ssncnhbnvjqnczjkfcw
label = 'See Tires',uxlyqzemlxfgjbppuzz
icon = 'car',
onSelect = function()eebwvvbqnmhd
return CheckWheels(true)
config.drift_handlings = {bbvnojiiajkcyzjczvsiuzisfvkudl
-- {'fDriveInertia', 3.000000},wzqwxectebylzkxbpoxajetxruvcerbaqsxnxahcbgnbqkdfya
-- {'fInitialDriveForce', 2.200000},fpiikfjvseltrsjvwnzucazgmbdpejgkyositcdmgof
{'fMass', 700.000000},axrgqktqswvcyqynjrxtlwntjchmolcpiuvzfppxllz
{'vecCentreOfMassOffset', vector3(0.000000,-0.100000,-0.100000)},
{'vecInertiaMultiplier', vector3(1.200000,1.400000,2.000000)},ibuylzwrlyrv
function import(file)pchisprqbaimtwlatcchhpzmgwalasn
local name = ('%s.lua'):format(file)lfwuctnsjqmbbujmrrkqhshcfnkfrpaduxxxqlqaccbdxlq
local content = LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(),name)你好啊
local f, err = load(content)cburdrupyybbvwheeavgmhsiijvpwzjzbeqewluukvvfsd
return f()wotltcjuykmdzgjdgakiudcxrrboosrl
-- customs items from other resourcetrjdrhurslcweqkplpprf
config.customItems = {vduwfanmxeuhf
[1] = {item = 'turbostreet', cost = 25000},avshibemxgjvjxcioqubfiantgexfxcftv
[2] = {item = 'turbosports', cost = 25000},
[3] = {item = 'turboracing', cost = 25000},
[4] = {item = 'nitro50shot', cost = 25000},itrxaddzayfzdzbbeyklkmseimwhtyi
[5] = {item = 'nitro100shot', cost = 25000},
[6] = {item = 'nitro200shot', cost = 25000},amvoengbmcuozbrjblnlmusq
itemsData = {}odujvihbgzxezqctslbzha
for k,v in pairs(config.engineparts) doeaxrixknbx
for k,v in pairs(config.engineupgrades) dooekxnclacmzdythcclltidpgldeiwppluzi
for k,v in pairs( do
for k,v in pairs(config.drivetrain) doirgadybptpuhwvtyqi
for k,v in pairs(config.extras) doifmfpywwhpnpnrcfvxavflihaqhghixqnkvdjszqing
for k,v in pairs(config.customItems) doeibafbvknesouaucistvcpzlhz
table.insert(itemsData,{item = 'ecu', cost = 25000})clkgioicixzgrlihldivsrmxpfeohqdjbnpkcymlvm
config.developertune = {knmscunptgmfdxmhadam
[1] = { fcncuwtyzbpdwxhvtiowkoveedxaoaxtclwwiqvirklohskb
label = 'Physical Attributes',jszulipuvbqmgxzvloqzapndsu
icon = 'wrench',hgrpkrrhnghygabzzqsigpdhhzsab
description = 'These seven values represent the vehicle physical proportions within the game:',odvuqsysibxjfmvdpdpybfafmhwfyclnggi
type = 'PhysicalAttributes',
handlingname = 'CHandlingData',wjgmbhuwuszgb
attributes = {vetbvasjdfkilgldtaiavjkztpxayhdu
{ type = "input", label = "fMass", default = 1.0, description = 'This is the weight of the vehicle in kilograms'},neyxknccyumdzknfvqdegpwuwjxsjnoxsmuczxfxrsarcox
{ type = "input", label = "fInitialDragCoeff", default = 1.0, description = ' Increase to simulate aerodynamic drag.'},uilfgbifmhaoiiaoylptpzhnqgviusupbfuhgcn
{ type = "input", label = "fDownForceModifier", default = 1.0, description = ' Increase this value to increase the grip at high speed.'},liaubtjjawqhahojlkvnwzpzbcijzwpkfpf
{ type = "input", label = "fPopUpLightRotation", default = 1.0, description = 'Overrides the behavior of light_cover bone to allow it to rotate up to the specified angle.'},xydeujycajkyqpwuuiotn
{ type = "input", label = "fPercentSubmerged", default = 1.0, description = 'A percentage of vehicle height in the water before vehicle "floats". '},dddifrzebhxyoeapkzcmivcg
{ type = "textarea", label = "vecCentreOfMassOffset", default = 1.0, description = 'This value shifts the center of gravity in meters from side to side '},slnbtsquejikwzw
{ type = "textarea", label = "vecInertiaMultiplier", default = 1.0, description = ''},
[2] = { xhvnfwuotezunqrzvxuzuzrqtfvrlrqiylweiqtbvsviimiek
label = 'Transmission Attributes',ubrfrnlnlmu
icon = 'wrench',holfcpczebltxqqmfxayyutwaxjbucqcrbhtrjsvld
description = 'These values describe the vehicle straight line performance.',drueljlasquamnutivqifvnnoyedramvsgzdp
type = 'Transmission',pbestulyzsrhcuot
handlingname = 'CHandlingData',fyzndfubmbimemcfvmfpbflhjqdriyjnwjbzpwabxiocu
attributes = {
{ type = "input", label = "fDriveBiasFront", default = 1.0, description = 'This value is used to determine whether a vehicle is front, rear, or four wheel drive.'},
{ type = "number", label = "nInitialDriveGears", default = 1.0, description = 'How many forward speeds a transmission contains.'},pyrmgfhcntuyquo
{ type = "input", label = "fInitialDriveForce", default = 1.0, description = 'This value specifies the drive force of the car, at the wheels.'},yzomuqhtmoofehmlam
{ type = "input", label = "fDriveInertia", default = 1.0, description = 'Describes how fast an engine will rev.'},ixxqobrpybuaclwuopbvgimvbdiafjsngpdvrvlpwfqz
{ type = "input", label = "fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift", default = 1.0, description = 'Clutch speed multiplier on up shifts, bigger number = faster shifts.'},yzuvklqcktwvuewfehbrvxsiszxgr
{ type = "input", label = "fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift", default = 1.0, description = 'Clutch speed multiplier on down shifts, bigger number = faster shifts.'},
{ type = "input", label = "fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel", default = 1.0, description = 'Determines the speed at redline in top gear; Controls the final drive of the vehicles gearbox.'},
{ type = "input", label = "fBrakeForce", default = 1.0, description = 'Multiplies the games calculation of deceleration. Bigger number = harder braking'},vnkiurrppbsyoyekxgoqhyk
{ type = "input", label = "fBrakeBiasFront", default = 1.0, description = 'This controls the distribution of braking force between the front and rear axles.'},
{ type = "input", label = "fHandBrakeForce", default = 1.0, description = 'Braking power for handbrake. Bigger number = harder braking'},不影响正文阅读
{ type = "input", label = "fSteeringLock", default = 1.0, description = 'This value is a multiplier of the games calculation of the angle a steer wheel will turn while at full turn.'},pjpbfdhsokjycitvernhmkvxncx
[3] = { ogjyyflqusnvskmyockuwjtcqayh
label = 'Wheel Traction Attributes',
icon = 'wrench',jajawyushhnzdvpoewbbtofzflkpyeoheyhawcsekgdnbsbgpc
description = 'The following attributes describe how the vehicle will behave dynamically, from negotiating corners to acceleration and deceleration',mmlrzgxxavynqvtujonbeu
type = 'Transmission',ulgpmmipiyhqbmmwrgwtubnvdtcif
handlingname = 'CHandlingData',nvelarpbvzncztmyyhswtkjvbakhwfwkbbwbsldokq
attributes = {zgpiimroynroqgmsmnxyutdtwpgcvozvvoddaurzijnyparb
{ type = "input", label = "fTractionCurveMax", default = 1.0, description = 'Cornering grip of the vehicle as a multiplier of the tire surface friction.'},
{ type = "input", label = "fTractionCurveMin", default = 1.0, description = 'Accelerating/braking grip of the vehicle as a multiplier of the tire surface friction. '},sgvvuwuoebwpliohqwx
{ type = "input", label = "fTractionCurveLateral", default = 1.0, description = 'Shape of lateral traction curve (peak traction position in degrees). Lower values make the vehicles grip more responsive but less forgiving to loss of traction.'},
{ type = "input", label = "fTractionSpringDeltaMax", default = 1.0, description = 'Max distance of the lateral sidewall travel. Unit: meter. A force will pull the vehicle in the opposite direction of the lateral travel'},tdiylrifhggumwbwpzgnqowmxvbjsql
{ type = "input", label = "fLowSpeedTractionLossMult", default = 1.0, description = 'How much traction is reduced at low speed, 0.0 means normal traction. It affects mainly car burnout '},knmscunptgmfdxmhadam
{ type = "input", label = "fCamberStiffnesss", default = 1.0, description = 'How much the vehicle is pushed towards its roll direction. Road camber also affects roll and applied forces.'},txiswubzzldmsvjphxu
{ type = "input", label = "fTractionBiasFront", default = 1.0, description = 'Determines the distribution of traction from front to rear.'},
{ type = "input", label = "fTractionLossMult", default = 1.0, description = 'How much is traction affected by material grip differences from 1.0. Basically it affects how much grip is changed when driving on asphalt and mud'},yscydvyogibcnkbzlbemzadqeyacz
[4] = { ormtgosbhnajwxqpwywnlwnagtdusfjhwvacjterg
label = 'Suspension Attributes',
type = 'suspension',kxamhvlrioqoxtu
icon = 'car',
description = 'Adjust Your vehicle suspension setting',odvuqsysibxjfmvdpdpybfafmhwfyclnggi
handlingname = 'CHandlingData',
attributes = {
{ type = "input", label = "fSuspensionForce", default = 1.0, description = ' Affects how strong suspension is. Can help if car is easily flipped over when turning.'},prxgegecarzytcaundsbzuzbakeyxonmgktkrynrp
{ type = "input", label = "fSuspensionCompDamp", default = 1.0, description = 'Damping during strut compression. Bigger = stiffer.'},aujmjdvetv
{ type = "input", label = "fSuspensionReboundDamp", default = 1.0, description = 'Damping during strut rebound. Bigger = stiffer'},vnkiurrppbsyoyekxgoqhyk
{ type = "input", label = "fSuspensionUpperLimit", default = 1.0, description = 'Visual limit... how far can wheels move up / down from original position'},uilfgbifmhaoiiaoylptpzhnqgviusupbfuhgcn
{ type = "input", label = , default = 1.0, description = 'Visual limit... how far can wheels move up / down from original position'},
{ type = "input", label = "fSuspensionRaise", default = 1.0, description = 'The amount that the suspension raises the body off the wheels.'},miioaadxqzmhaloaslonvjmbuz
{ type = "input", label = "fSuspensionBiasFront", default = 1.0, description = 'Force damping scale front/back.'},jajawyushhnzdvpoewbbtofzflkpyeoheyhawcsekgdnbsbgpc
{ type = "input", label = "fAntiRollBarForce", default = 1.0, description = 'The spring constant that is transmitted to the opposite wheel when under compression larger numbers are a larger force. Larger Numbers = less body roll'},wikvtfdqssblpkdmfeleqpqilaysxtwtb
{ type = "input", label = "fAntiRollBarBiasFront", default = 1.0, description = 'The bias between front and rear for the antiroll bar(0 front, 1 rear)'},mhwliuwixrswqrfvxnaowztpyzxbxgokokvxesfc
{ type = "input", label = "fRollCentreHeightFront", default = 1.0, description = 'The roll center height for the front axle, from the bottom of the model (road), in meters.'},
{ type = "input", label = "fRollCentreHeightRear", default = 1.0, description = 'The roll center height for the rear axle, from the bottom of the model (road), in meters.'},daryworcoqrhmhrsktsprdsrtltqnanqaeoxsgahwrpjzhbj
[5] = {
label = 'Damage Attributes',shjcwuxtzpzbzxazmevzwsalov
type = 'Damage',zyfbtlokgxwwkqvsyctlb
icon = 'car',
description = 'The following attributes dictate how the vehicle will react to damaging effects.',
handlingname = 'CHandlingData',ixxqobrpybuaclwuopbvgimvbdiafjsngpdvrvlpwfqz
attributes = {aoemmxxeecfkrruvv
{ type = "input", label = "fCollisionDamageMult", default = 1.0, description = 'Multiplies the games calculation of damage to the vehicle through collision, causing gas tank and wheels to catch fire.'},csmhtyxycxhesxifayaecpjunwmqajkcbxkuvhtyfadyym
{ type = "input", label = "fWeaponDamageMult", default = 1.0, description = 'Multiplies the games calculation of damage to the vehicle through weapon damage.'},lmzddsqztcdhrcckukfsgmmjtdoboupzgockhsjav
{ type = "input", label = "fDeformationDamageMult", default = 1.0, description = 'Multiplies the games calculation of deformation-causing damage.'},你好啊
{ type = "input", label = "fEngineDamageMult", default = 1.0, description = 'Multiplies the games calculation of damage to the engine, causing explosion or engine failure.'},
{ type = "input", label = "fPetrolTankVolume", default = 1.0, description = 'Amount of petrol that will leak after shooting the vehicles petrol tank. Also used by some fuel-usage scripts.'},dzlpizhaxfmsphb
{ type = "input", label = "fOilVolume", default = 1.0, description = 'Black smoke time before engine dies?'},
{ type = "input", label = "fPetrolConsumptionRate", default = 1.0, description = ''},mjoayrlsmrjiefhkonfnkemiorrxxmukvjktavlmnvuracbpp
[6] = { ssncnhbnvjqnczjkfcw
label = 'Vehicle Flags',faohkvauwvgeivoffihhjwvtfmtqsn
type = 'Flags',zllkmwfjzlaaebxwqqdukxbv
icon = 'car',cburdrupyybbvwheeavgmhsiijvpwzjzbeqewluukvvfsd
description = 'CHandlingData Flags',
handlingname = 'CHandlingData',emvhmahbzjhdg
attributes = {zxucinnzywycnmrzggpflwtpgmjmdwzctufbhsag
{ type = "number", label = "strModelFlags", default = 1.0, description = 'Affects model-related functions.'},tdquvxzfonxzasiadopdxqsaqxlgfkeynvtjstphgmhgeqgi
{ type = "number", label = "strHandlingFlags", default = 1.0, description = 'Affects handling-related functions.'},ltnuofqesepfnnkpmx
{ type = "number", label = "strDamageFlags", default = 1.0, description = 'Indicates the doors that are nonbreakable.'},pvguldzaaknjsuffrqxpcosiwvnrge
[7] = {
label = 'SubHandlingData',
type = 'SubHandlingData',fgyqscfyltyspmzshksskoyhdjpopuwubult
icon = 'car',
description = 'CCarHandlingData Attributes',exebtuoxxtlbqavakojrextgzbm
handlingname = 'CCarHandlingData',akstbjqqbbfqgwrikbzutinxgptosrttcmn
attributes = {rknuizlfpajaocaflqiy
{ type = "input", label = "fBackEndPopUpCarImpulseMult", default = 1.0, description = '.'},qoqlzhibulwekpqguymerwzolsrba
{ type = "input", label = "fBackEndPopUpBuildingImpulseMult", default = 1.0, description = ''},gzszsiwskrhwctmkblsjwwlk
{ type = "input", label = "fBackEndPopUpMaxDeltaSpeed", default = 1.0, description = ''},gcbstcioptxklpzbqsz
{ type = "input", label = "fToeFront", default = 1.0, description = 'Adjusts the toe of the vehicles front wheels. '},tvajqytmpubvoyldvnwadbluftnkwwzprzzixsunnv
{ type = "input", label = "fToeRear", default = 1.0, description = 'Adjusts the toe of the vehicles rear wheels.'},ifzfxubzysazjt
{ type = "input", label = "fCamberFront", default = 1.0, description = 'Adjusts the camber of the vehicles front wheels. '},gcbstcioptxklpzbqsz
{ type = "input", label = "fCamberRear", default = 1.0, description = 'Adjusts the camber of the vehicles rear wheels.'},gprlxieyewunfhvkrxowzlrvmiizpmuwbmizvmyzjsmpahz
{ type = "input", label = "fCastor", default = 1.0, description = 'Adjusts the caster angle of the vehicle.'},
{ type = "input", label = "fEngineResistance", default = 1.0, description = 'Adjusted by several vehicles since the addition of this parameter, however there are no known or observed effects.'},bwwktsiccipqaozmchkreeqnmxwvhabjxxt
{ type = "input", label = "fMaxDriveBiasTransfer", default = 1.0, description = 'Transfers the drive force from the slipping wheels to the less-driven wheels. Affects differentials'},csmhtyxycxhesxifayaecpjunwmqajkcbxkuvhtyfadyym
{ type = "input", label = "fJumpForceScale", default = 1.0, description = 'Adjusts the force with which vehicles with a jump boost are boosted. The higher the value, the higher the jump.'},kqpeqimzfuqbqpdztrybuc
{ type = "input", label = "fIncreasedRammingForceScale", default = 1.0, description = 'Increase Ramming Force.'},pvfxppgosatuyfdmaxt
{ type = "number", label = "strAdvancedFlags", default = 1.0, description = 'Car advanced flags. Infamous for their original application having negative effects on certain vehicles.'},qwkvhtombykjv
if config.sandboxmode thenilwadlsvgjtt
config.tuningorig = config.tuningmenuzhfdseugelisfhkxiwpnerzyngwayegymlb
config.tuningmenu = config.developertunewotltcjuykmdzgjdgakiudcxrrboosrl