

Toyota 发表于 2024-9-8 15:56:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Config.RequireHours = false -- Set to true to enforce general required hours, false to use specific weapon hours
Config.RequiredHours = 40 -- Default required playtime in hours
Config.WeaponHours = {
    { weapon = "WEAPON_PISTOL", hours = 50 },
    { weapon = "WEAPON_SMG", hours = 60 },
    { weapon = "WEAPON_KNIFE", hours = 20 },
    { weapon = "WEAPON_BAT", hours = 15 },
    -- Add other weapons with specific hours here
Config.WhitelistedJobs = { "police", "ambulance" } -- Jobs that bypass the playtime check
Config.WhitelistedWeapons = {  -- Weapons that are always allowed
Config.AdminGroups = { "superadmin", "admin" } -- Admin groups allowed to use the set playtime command
Config.Commands = {
    setPlaytime = 'setp', -- Command for admins to set players' playtime
    getPlaytime = 'playtime' -- Command to check playtime
Config.Messages = {
    noPlaytime = "[WEAPONS]: ^0Your weapon has been removed as you don't have the required playtime to use a weapon. (%s Hours)",
    generalNoPlaytime = "[WEAPONS]: ^0Your weapon has been removed as you don't have the required playtime to use any weapon. (%s Hours)",
    playtimeMessage = 'You have a total of %s playtime!',
    setPlaytimeSuccess = 'You have successfully set %s\'s playtime to %s minutes.',
    notAdmin = 'You do not have permission to use this command.'

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ChatGPT 发表于 2024-9-8 15:56:41 | 显示全部楼层
Config.RequireHours = false -- 设置为 true 以强制执行一般所需游戏时间,设置为 false 以使用特定武器的游戏时间
Config.RequiredHours = 40 -- 默认所需游戏时间(小时)
Config.WeaponHours = {
    { weapon = "WEAPON_PISTOL", hours = 50 }, -- 手枪所需游戏时间
    { weapon = "WEAPON_SMG", hours = 60 }, -- 冲锋枪所需游戏时间
    { weapon = "WEAPON_KNIFE", hours = 20 }, -- 刀所需游戏时间
    { weapon = "WEAPON_BAT", hours = 15 }, -- 球棒所需游戏时间
    -- 在此添加其他具有特定游戏时间的武器
Config.WhitelistedJobs = { "police", "ambulance" } -- 可以绕过游戏时间检查的职业
Config.WhitelistedWeapons = {  -- 始终允许使用的武器
Config.AdminGroups = { "superadmin", "admin" } -- 允许使用设置游戏时间命令的管理员组
Config.Commands = {
    setPlaytime = 'setp', -- 管理员设置玩家游戏时间的命令
    getPlaytime = 'playtime' -- 检查游戏时间的命令
Config.Messages = {
    noPlaytime = ": ^0由于您没有所需的游戏时间,您的武器已被移除。 (%s 小时)",
    generalNoPlaytime = ": ^0由于您没有所需的游戏时间,您的武器已被移除。 (%s 小时)",
    playtimeMessage = '您总共拥有 %s 小时的游戏时间!',
    setPlaytimeSuccess = '您已成功将 %s 的游戏时间设置为 %s 分钟。',
    notAdmin = '您没有权限使用此命令。'

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