Framework = 0 --[ 1 = ESX / 2 = QBCore / 3 = Other ] Choose your framework
FrameworkTriggers = {
notify = '', -- [ ESX = 'esx:showNotification' / QBCore = 'QBCore:Notify' ] Set the notification event, if left blank, default will be used
object = '', --[ ESX = 'esx:getSharedObject' / QBCore = 'QBCore:GetObject' ] Set the shared object event, if left blank, default will be used (deprecated for QBCore)
resourceName = '', -- [ ESX = 'es_extended' / QBCore = 'qb-core' ] Set the resource name, if left blank, automatic detection will be performed
UseOxInventory = nil
DisableMysql = false
-- If True, will use old non-additive rendering style
-- the sprays will look a bit "out of place" and won't blend into it's wall well
UseLegacyRendering = false
-- experimental optimization
FrustumCullSprays = false
Config = {
-- example config for other persistance durations
---- 1/24/60/60 * (60*60) => 1 hour
---- 1/24/60/60 * (60*60*6) => 6 hours
---- 1/24/60/60 * (60*60*12) => 12 hours
-- seconds
SprayCooldownTime = 15 * 60,
SprayRenderDistance = 100.0,
-- how many should the player be able to spray within SprayCooldownTime
-- -1 -> not limited by cooldown
-- example: if SprayCooldownTime = 15*60 and SprayCooldownTotal=3,
-- a player will be able to spray 3 sprays every 15 minutes
SprayCooldownTotal = -1,
Keys = {
CANCEL = {code = 194, label = 'INPUT_FRONTEND_RRIGHT'},
Blacklist = {
DisableText = false,
-- Renders a sphere representing the blacklist zone
BlacklistZoneDebug = false,
BlacklistZones = {
-- {
-- pos = vector3(449.49, -987.4, 30.68),
-- range = 30.0,
-- }
Text = {
CANCEL = 'Cancel',
NOT_FLAT = 'This surface is not flat enough',
TOO_FAR = 'The surface is too far',
INVALID_SURFACE = 'It cannot be sprayed on this surface',
AIM = 'Aim the spray at a flat wall',
CANT_OVERLAP = 'Graffiti can\'t overlap',
IN_BLACKLIST_ZONE = 'You can\'t grafitti in this area',
NO_SPRAY_NEARBY = 'There is no spray nearby to remove',
NEED_SPRAY = 'You do not have any spray to spray with',
WORD_LONG = 'Spray word can be at most 9 characters',
USAGE = 'Usage: /spray',
SPRAY_LIMIT_COOLDOWN = 'You exceeded the amount of allowed graffiti within a time period. Try again later.',
['text'] = 'TEXT',
['image'] = 'IMAGE',
['word-not-allowed'] = 'This word is not allowed!',
['color'] = 'color',
['spray'] = 'SPRAY',
['click-to-select'] = 'CLICK TO SELECT',
['cancel'] = 'CANCEL',
['keybind-spray'] = 'Spray',
['keybind-change-size'] = 'Change Size',
['keybind-back'] = 'Back',
['input-placeholder'] = 'Your graffiti text here',
['default-graffiti'] = 'GRAFFITI',
['save-color'] = 'Save',
font = 'graffiti1',
label = 'Next Custom',
allowed = '^[A-Z0-9\\-.]+$',
forceUppercase = true,
allowedInverse = '[^A-Z0-9\\-.]+',
sizeMult = 0.35,
font = 'graffiti2',
label = 'Dripping Marker',
allowed = '^[A-Za-z0-9]+$',
allowedInverse = '[^A-Za-z0-9]+',
sizeMult = 1.0,
font = 'graffiti6',
label = 'Barrio Santo',
forceUppercase = true,
allowed = '^[A-Z0-9]+$',
allowedInverse = '[^A-Z0-9]+',
sizeMult = 0.90,
font = 'graffiti7',
label = 'Bomb',
allowed = '^[A-Z0-9!?]+$',
forceUppercase = true,
allowedInverse = '[^A-Z0-9!?]+',
sizeMult = 0.75,
font = 'graffiti8',
label = 'Bombing',
allowed = '^[A-Z0-9!?+\\-*/]+$',
forceUppercase = true,
allowedInverse = '[^A-Z0-9!?+\\-*/]+',
sizeMult = 1.15,
font = 'graffiti9',
label = 'Train Gangsta',
allowed = '^[A-Z0-9?!]+$',
forceUppercase = true,
allowedInverse = '[^A-Z0-9?!]+',
sizeMult = 0.6,
font = 'graffiti10',
label = 'Street Wrister',
allowed = '^[A-Z0-9!?+\\-*/]+$',
forceUppercase = true,
allowedInverse = '[^A-Z0-9!?+\\-*/]+',
sizeMult = 1.0,
font = 'graffiti11',
label = 'Peinture Fraiche',
allowed = '^[A-Z0-9!?+\\-*/]+$',
forceUppercase = true,
allowedInverse = '[^A-Z0-9!?+\\-*/]+',
sizeMult = 1.0,
font = 'PricedownGTAVInt',
label = 'Pricedown',
allowed = '^[A-Za-z0-9]+$',
allowedInverse = '[^A-Za-z0-9]+',
sizeMult = 0.75,
font = 'blockt',
label = 'Blockt',
allowed = '^[A-Za-z0-9]+$',
allowedInverse = '[^A-Za-z0-9]+',
sizeMult = 0.75,
font = 'nmfburner',
label = 'NMF Burner',
allowed = '^[A-Za-z0-9]+$',
allowedInverse = '[^A-Za-z0-9]+',
sizeMult = 0.75,
font = 'reskagraf',
label = 'ReskaGraf',
allowed = '^[A-Za-z0-9]+$',
allowedInverse = '[^A-Za-z0-9]+',
sizeMult = 0.75,