['price'] = "Price",
['description'] = "Description",
['changedurl'] = "Changed by URL..",
['categorinotfound'] = "Category Not Found",
['youcantcallyourself'] = "You cannot call your own ad",
['pleaseaddimage'] = "Please add at least one image",
['pleaseaddtitle'] = "Please add a title",
['pleaseadddescription'] = "Please add a description",
['pleaseaddprice'] = "Please add a price",
['maximagecount'] = "You can add up to 5 images",
['imagealreadyadded'] = "This image is already added",
['smarketvehicle'] = "Vehicle",
['smarketitem'] = "Item",
['logintwix'] = "Log in to Twix",
['welcometwix'] = "Welcome to Twix",
['haveaccount'] = "Do you have an account?",
['login'] = "Login",
['register'] = "Register",
['donthaveaccount'] = "Don't have an account?",
['wholikedpost'] = "Who liked the post",
['nobodylike'] = "No one has liked the post yet.",
['post'] = "Post",
['ago'] = "ago",
['addpicture'] = "Add Picture",
['removepicture'] = "Remove",
['done'] = "Done",
['editprofile'] = "Edit Profile",
['newname'] = "New Name",
['bio'] = "Bio",
['checklikes'] = "Check Likes",
["username"] = "Username",
['postyourreply'] = "Post your reply...",
['searchtix'] = "Search Profile...",
['whatishapping'] = "What's happening?",
['changedbyurl'] = "Upload custom image...",
['informationaboutyou'] = "Information about you...",
['maxchar'] = "Cannot exceed 400 characters",
['namecannotempty'] = "Name cannot be empty",
['biocannotempty'] = "Bio cannot be empty",
['usernamenotempty'] = "Username cannot be empty",
['commentleast1long'] = "Comment must be at least 1 character long",
['searchquerylong'] = "Search query must be at least 3 characters long",
['postshared'] = "Post shared.",
['twixmessageleastlong'] = "Twix message must be at least 3 characters long",
['accountnamelong'] = "Account name must be at least 3 characters long",
['passwordmatch'] = "Passwords do not match",
['usernameleast5long'] = "Username must be at least 5 characters long",
['passwordleast5long'] = "Password must be at least 5 characters long",
['accountcreated'] = "Account created successfully",
['calllater'] = "Should I call you later?",
['imbusy'] = "I am busy right now.",
['rightnow'] = "I am not available right now.",
['callme'] = "Call me later.",
['fastmessagesent'] = "Fast message sent.",
['locationsend'] = "Location sent.",
['wrongpasswordorusername'] = "Incorrect username or password.",
['notfoundusername'] = "Username not found.",
['cantaddyourself'] = "You cannot add your own number to the phonebook.",
['notopentargetphone'] = "When the other party accepts the call, you can.",
['savetogallery'] = "Save to Gallery",
['addtocontact'] = "Add to Contacts",
['disablefastshare'] = "Disable Fastshare",
['activefastshare'] = "You can enable it again from the settings later.",
['sendphotofast'] = "sent you a photo.",
['notificationscenter'] = "Notification Center",
['deletall'] = "Delete All",
['minimize'] = "Minimize",
['decline'] = "Decline",
['accept'] = "Accept",
['sendfastmessage'] = "Send Fast Message",
['sendyourmessage'] = "Your message...",
['addplayer'] = "Add Player",
['location'] = "Location",
['videocall'] = "Video",
['mute'] = "Mute",
['end'] = "End",
['speaker'] = "Speaker",
['numbernotfound'] = "Number not found.",
['playerid'] = "Player ID",
['amount'] = "Amount",
['today'] = "Today",
['sharenumber'] = "Share Number",
['sendphoto2'] = "Send Photo",
['selectphoto'] = "Select Photo",
['changedringtones'] = "Ringtone changed.",
['promoteevents'] = "Promote Events.",
['createads'] = "Create Ads.",
['saytohello'] = "Say Hello to Everyone!",
['yelloboard'] = "Yello Board",
['ads'] = "Advertisement",
['event'] = "Event",
['newpost'] = "New Post",
['descinpost'] = "Information about the post..",
['selecttag'] = "Select a tag",
['sharepostprice'] = "Post sharing price:",
['enablecall'] = "Enable Call",
['createpost'] = "Share Post",
['mypost'] = "My Posts",
['minute'] = "minute",
['hour'] = "hour",
['day'] = "day",
['youcannotyourselfcall'] = "You cannot call yourself.",
['contactcard'] = "Contact Card",
['deletedmesage'] = "Deleted Message",
['soundRecord'] = "Sound Record",
['systeminactive'] = "The system is disabled.",
['jobbyjobcheck'] = "This application is only for designated occupations",
['gas_stations'] = "Gas Stations",
['markets'] = "Markets",
['clothing_shops'] = "Clothing Shops",
['atms'] = "Atms",
['homescreenlayout'] = "Home Screen Layout",
['recordingvoicememo'] = "Recording...",
['save'] = "Save",
['sharelivelocation'] = "Share live location",
['searchcontact'] = "Search in contacts...",
['sharecurrentlocation'] = "Share your current location",
['sharelocation'] = "Share location",
['renamelocation'] = "Rename...",
['deletelocation'] = "Delete location",
['newpin'] = "New Pin",
['map'] = "Map",
['sharedlocationlive'] = "Location shared with.",
['twixDescription'] =
"Stay connected with your friends and the latest happenings in the city with Twix. Share updates, follow trending topics and interact with others in real time. Twix brings everyone together in one place!",
['darkchatDescription'] =
"Join the chat without revealing your identity! Darkchat lets you create and join chat rooms where you can discuss anything anonymously. Your secrets are safe with us",
['valeDescription'] =
"Do you want your car to be brought to you effortlessly? With Valet, you can call your car from the garage with just one touch. Wherever you are, your car is just minutes away. Convenient, fast and easy!",
['yelloDescription'] =
"Want to promote your business or announce an event? Yello is a platform to share ads and upcoming events with the whole city. Whether you are hosting a party or launching a new service, make your voice heard with Yello!",
['smarketDescription'] =
"Do you want to sell your old car or some items you no longer need? Maybe you are interested in buying a business? With Smarkt you can buy, sell and trade second-hand vehicles, goods and even businesses. Find great deals or make some extra money - it's all possible on Smarkt!",
['jobbyDescription'] =
"It allows you to manage your business and organize your employees. Manage all operations in your business from one place and make your business more efficient. That's Joby for you!",
['callieDescription'] =
"Need quick access to city services? Callie connects you directly to all public departments and organizations, from LS Customs to LSPD. Report problems, request assistance or schedule services - everything you need is just a phone call away!",
['jobtickets'] = "My Job Tickets",
['maincallie'] = "Professions",
['mytickets'] = "My Tickets",
['callcallie'] = "Call",
['calliemessage'] = "Message",
['activecallie'] = "Active",
['archive'] = "Archive",
['areyousuredeleteticket'] = "Are you sure you want to delete the ticket?",
['areyousurearchive'] = "Are you sure you want to archive it?",
['close'] = "Close",
['goback'] = "Go Back",
['archivedticket'] = "Ticket archived.",
['cantopenticket'] = "You cannot open a ticket in your own profession.",
['motadded1'] = "Note: You can add more than one image.",
['offerprice'] = "Offer Price",
['offertitle'] = "Offer Title",
['offerdescription'] = "Offer Description",
['createoffer'] = "Post Offer",
['annonynumber'] = "Anonymous Number",
['notseepage'] = "You do not have permission to access this page."
['deathReasons'] = {
['shot'] = "Gunshot Injury",
['exploded'] = "Explosion Injury",
['burned'] = "Burn Injury",
['melee'] = "Melee Injury",
['animal'] = "Animal Attack",
['vehicle'] = "Car Accident",
['environmental'] = "Environmental Injury",
['unknown'] = "Suicide"
['systemNotification'] = {
['jobbywithdrawmoney'] =
'** %s ** ID : ** %s ** ** ** %s ** withdraw ** %s ** $ from the cash register. New Balance : ** %s ** $',
['jobbydepositmoney'] =
'** %s ** ID : ** %s ** Vault Name : ** ** %s ** deposited $ ** %s ** into his safe. New balance: ** %s ** $ Player Current Money : ** %s ** $'