UniqersMarriage.DatabaseSelect = "oxmysql" --change your mysql service oxmysql or mysql-async or ghmattimysql
UniqersMarriage.Framework = "esx" -- "qbcore" or "esx" or "qbus" or "oldesx" - if you need custom framework contact us https://discord.gg/MyrGhbf9tM
UniqersMarriage.CoreName = "ESX" -- for qbcore = "QBCore", for qbus = "QBCore", for esx = "ESX", forold esx = "ESX", for qbcore or esx variation like ASDCore, Blabla core = "BLABLACore",
UniqersMarriage.CoreName2 = "es_extended" -- for qbcore = "qb-core", for qbus = "QBCore:GetObject", for esx = "es_extended", forold esx = "esx:getSharedObject", for qbcore or esx variation like ASDCore, Blabla core = "blabla-core",
UniqersMarriage.Notify = "esx" -- if u use custom notify write "custom" if u dont write "qbcore" - "esx" - what u using
UniqersMarriage.Inventory = "esx" -- select your inventory - qb-inventory = "qbcore" or other qbcore inventory = "otherqb" or esx-inventory = "esx" or other esx inventory = "otheresx"
UniqersMarriage.Clothes = "esx" -- select your clothes script qb-clothes = "qbcore" or esx skinchanger = "esx" or - custom clothes = "custom" if you use custom please add custom trigger or function at config
UniqersMarriage.WeddingPay = 250 -- wedding pay amount
UniqersMarriage.WeddingClothingPay = 250 -- wedding clothes pay amount
UniqersMarriage.PreparationTime = 60 -- minutes
UniqersMarriage.MarriedNotify = 30 -- 30 >> 3 seconds
UniqersMarriage.SpouseTopEmoji = "❤️" -- your spouse emoji at top head
UniqersMarriage.PutTheRing = "putthering" -- ring can be put finger your character
UniqersMarriage.PutTheRingOff = "puttheringoff" -- ring can be out finger your character
UniqersMarriage.ManAnimName = "amb@world_human_bum_wash@male@low@idle_a" -- man first anim name
UniqersMarriage.ManAnimName2 = "idle_a" -- man first anim name 2
UniqersMarriage.GirlAnimName = "anim@heists@ornate_bank@chat_manager" --girl first anim name
UniqersMarriage.GirlAnimName2 = "fail" -- -girl first anim name 2
UniqersMarriage.ManRingFirstAnimName = "dollie_mods@propose_001b" -- man first ring used anim name 1
UniqersMarriage.ManRingFirstAnimName2 = "propose_001b" -- man first ring used anim name 2
UniqersMarriage.PutAnimName = "missmic4" -- when use ring anim name 1
UniqersMarriage.PutAnimName2 = "michael_tux_fidget" --when use ring anim name 2
UniqersMarriage.ConsensualDivorce = "yes" -- if no, no need spouse with you for divorce if yes, need online and with you for spouse
UniqersMarriage.TargetSystem = "ox" -- if you select "ox" working for qbcore and esx to if u select "qb-target" only work for esx.
UniqersMarriage.TargetIcon1 = "fas fa-heart" --- you can change target icon https://fontawesome.com/v5/search
UniqersMarriage.TargetIcon2 = "fas fa-heart" --- you can change target icon https://fontawesome.com/v5/search
UniqersMarriage.TargetIcon3 = "fas fa-tshirt" --- you can change target icon https://fontawesome.com/v5/search
UniqersMarriage.JobsFunction = "yes" -- If you set it to yes, the marriage and divorce features become a real player with a priest job. if no npc doing everything.
UniqersMarriage.NPCFunction = "yes" -- If you set it to yes, the marriage and divorce features become npc. if no job doing everything.
UniqersMarriage.JobName = "priest" -- whats the name of job priest for using marriage functions
UniqersMarriage.DivorceCommand = "divorce" -- divorce command name
UniqersMarriage.MarriageCommand = "marriage" -- marriage command name
UniqersMarriage.BuyRingCommand = "buyring" -- Ring shopping page command name
UniqersMarriage.Showminihudmarriage = "showuiwedding" -- show minihud
UniqersMarriage.Offminihudmarriage = "offuiwedding" -- hide mini hud
UniqersMarriage.RingPay = 5000 -- ring pay amount
UniqersMarriage.DeliveryCargoBlipName = "Ring Cargo" -- cargo vehicle blip name
UniqersMarriage.RingBoxProp = "pata_freevalentinesday" -- ring box prop name
UniqersMarriage.RingCargoCarModel = "youga2" -- ring cargo car model
UniqersMarriage.RingCargoCarPlate = "RING" -- ring cargo car plate name
UniqersMarriage.MoneyProp = "prop_anim_cash_note_b" -- money prop name
UniqersMarriage.ActiveDiscordLogs = true -- if u want use discord log write true if u dont want write false
UniqersMarriage.DiscordWebhook = "" -- your webhook url
UniqersMarriage.TitleWebhook = "www.uniqers-scripts.tebex.io Best Script" -- info title bottom
UniqersMarriage.WebhookPhoto = "https://forum.cfx.re/uploads/default/original/5X/4/c/d/2/4cd25646d91077ea29c7325c942bc779d8257f20.jpeg" -- webhook profile picture
UniqersMarriage.Refreshtime = {
["spousetag"] = 2000,
["spouseblip"] = 30 * 1000,
UniqersMarriage.Locations = {
-- City Priest AND target functions and blip functions
['citypriest'] = {
['label'] = 'Marriage City', -- blip name
['coordsdist'] = vector3(-766.6118, -23.75499, 41.080276), -- coords distance
['coords'] = vector4(-766.6118, -23.75499, 41.080276, 211.11624), --- npc priest coords
['ped'] = 'cs_priest', -- priest model name
['scenario'] = 'WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_STAND', -- priest scenario name >> example is here >> https://github.com/DioneB/gtav-scenarios
['showblip'] = true, -- blips show or off
['blipsprite'] = 621, -- blip sprite
['blipscale'] = 0.7, -- blip scale
['blipdisplay'] = 4, -- blipd display
['blipcolor'] = 1 -- blip color https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
-- Town Priest AND target functions and blip functions
['townpriest'] = {
['label'] = 'Marriage Town',
['coordsdist'] = vector3(-330.0823, 6154.3388, 32.313293),
['coords'] = vector4(-330.0823, 6154.3388, 32.313293, 46.612247),
['ped'] = 'cs_priest',
['scenario'] = 'WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_STAND',
['showblip'] = true,
['blipsprite'] = 621,
['blipscale'] = 0.7,
['blipdisplay'] = 4,
['blipcolor'] = 1
-- you can add mooore
-- ['townpriest'] = {
-- ['label'] = 'Marriage Town',
-- ['coordsdist'] = vector3(-330.0823, 6154.3388, 32.313293),
-- ['coords'] = vector4(-330.0823, 6154.3388, 32.313293, 46.612247),
-- ['ped'] = 'cs_priest',
-- ['scenario'] = 'WORLD_HUMAN_GUARD_STAND',
-- ['showblip'] = true,
-- ['blipsprite'] = 621,
-- ['blipscale'] = 0.7,
-- ['blipdisplay'] = 4,
-- ['blipcolor'] = 1
-- }