-------------------------------------------- VEHICLE TUNING -----------------------------------------------
-- Here you can create, edit and remove various tuning parts. The changes they make to the handling is all
-- in here, so feel free to modify as you wish. PLEASE bear in mind that if 2 different tuning options
-- modify the same handling values, and are set to overwrite, they could overwrite each other unpredictably
-- Either set the values to NOT overwrite, or make sure that different tuning parts modify unique parts of
-- the handling to prevent undesired results.
-- Here is a guide on what different options mean to help you customise your tuning parts.
-- name The name of the modification that will be shown in the tablet.
-- info Optional, but you can provide additional info that will show in the UI when
-- clicking the info icon when they are selecting an upgrade. It could be used
-- to warn mechanics of vehicles an upgrade shouldn't be applied on, or results
-- from your testing of handling values.
-- itemName For mechanics set up to use an item for upgrades, this is the name of the
-- required item.
-- price For mechanics set up to purchase upgrades, this will be the cost to the
-- mechanic to apply the upgrade.
-- audioNameHash Any in-game vehicle name, or addon sound pack name (ENGINE SWAPS ONLY!)
-- handling Add/remove handling attributes & values.
-- More help & info on handling values: https://gtamods.com/wiki/Handling.meta
-- handlingApplyOrder The order in which this tuning option should be applied. This is useful when
-- tuning options have overlapping handling values! Provide a priority number,
-- and the lowest numbers will be applied first.
-- handlingOverwritesValues Whether the handling values provided should overwrite the vehicle's existing
-- values, or whether they should modify the vehicle's existing values. This
-- also works for negative values too.
-- For example: a vehicle's current fDriveInertia value is at 1.0
-- true = a value of 0.5 sets fDriveInertia to 0.5
-- false = a value of 0.5 will mean [1.0 + 0.5] and set fDriveInertia to 1.5
-- restricted (optional) Can either be false (unrestricted) "electric" or "combustion"
-- blacklist List of archetype names (spawn codes) that cannot use this modification