Config.Tuning = {
-- You can customise, or add new engine swap options here.
engineSwaps = {
[1] = {
name = "I4发动机2.5L",
icon = "engine.svg",
info = "A twin-turbo charged 2.5L engine. Can reach speeds of up to 100mph!",
itemName = "i4_engine",
price = 30000,
audioNameHash = "sultan2",
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 1,
handling = {
fInitialDriveForce = 0.25,
fDriveInertia = 1.0,
fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel = 130.0,
fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift = 4.0,
fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift = 3.0
restricted = "combustion",
[2] = {
name = "V6发动机3.3L",
icon = "engine.svg",
audioNameHash = "comet4",
info = "Tuned V6 engine - capable of speeds up to 120mph.",
itemName = "v6_engine",
price = 45000,
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 1,
handling = {
fInitialDriveForce = 0.35,
fDriveInertia = 1.0,
fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel = 145.0,
fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift = 5.0,
fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift = 4.0
restricted = "combustion",
[3] = {
name = "V8发动机6.5L",
icon = "engine.svg",
info = "Naturally aspirated 6.5L V8. Has awesome backfires and a crackling sound as you let off the gas. Sure to impress.",
itemName = "v8_engine",
price = 65000,
audioNameHash = "jugular",
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 1,
handling = {
fInitialDriveForce = 0.45,
fDriveInertia = 1.0,
fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel = 160.0,
fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift = 7.0,
fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift = 6.0
restricted = "combustion",
[4] = {
name = "V12发动机6.0L",
icon = "engine.svg",
info = "A huge 6L V12 monster. Can reach speeds of over 130mph, be realistic and only put this in vehicles that could realistically fit a V12.",
itemName = "v12_engine",
price = 80000,
audioNameHash = "schafter3",
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 1,
handling = {
fInitialDriveForce = 0.5,
fDriveInertia = 1.0,
fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel = 180.0,
fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift = 6.0,
fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift = 5.0
restricted = "combustion",
blacklist = {"panto"} -- Example of the blacklist feature - feel free to remove this (it couldn't fit a v12 though man, come on)
-- You can customise, or add new tyre options here.
tyres = {
[1] = {
name = "光头胎",
icon = "wheels/offroad.svg",
info = false,
itemName = "slick_tyres",
price = 25000,
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 2,
handling = {
fTractionCurveMin = 2.8,
fTractionCurveMax = 3.0
[2] = {
name = "半光头胎",
icon = "wheels/offroad.svg",
info = false,
itemName = "semi_slick_tyres",
price = 25000,
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 2,
handling = {
fTractionCurveMin = 2.4,
fTractionCurveMax = 2.6
[3] = {
name = "越野轮胎",
icon = "wheels/offroad.svg",
info = false,
itemName = "offroad_tyres",
price = 25000,
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 2,
handling = {
fTractionLossMult = 0.0
-- You can customise, or add new tyre options here.
brakes = {
[1] = {
name = "陶瓷刹车",
icon = "brakes.svg",
info = "Powerful brakes with an immense stopping power",
itemName = "ceramic_brakes",
price = 25000,
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 3,
handling = {
fBrakeForce = 1.5
-- You can customise, or add new drivetain options here.
drivetrains = {
[1] = {
name = "全轮驱动系统",
icon = "drivetrain.svg",
info = false,
itemName = "awd_drivetrain",
price = 50000,
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 4,
handling = {
fDriveBiasFront = 0.5
[2] = {
name = "后轮驱动系统",
icon = "drivetrain.svg",
info = false,
itemName = "rwd_drivetrain",
price = 50000,
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 4,
handling = {
fDriveBiasFront = 0.0
[3] = {
name = "前轮驱动系统",
icon = "drivetrain.svg",
info = false,
itemName = "fwd_drivetrain",
price = 50000,
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 4,
handling = {
fDriveBiasFront = 1.0
-- Note: This category is unique as it just enables/disables mod 18 (the standard GTA turbocharging option)
-- You can't add additional turbocharging options, you can only adjust/remove the existing one.
-- You can't add any handling changes. Make new items/other categories for that.
turbocharging = {
[1] = {
name = "涡轮增压",
icon = "turbo.svg",
info = false,
itemName = "turbocharger",
price = 35000,
restricted = "combustion",
-- You can't add additional drift tuning options, you can only adjust/remove the existing one.
driftTuning = {
[1] = {
name = "Drift Tuning",
icon = "wheels/tuner.svg",
info = false,
itemName = "drift_tuning_kit",
price = 25000,
handlingOverwritesValues = true,
handlingApplyOrder = 5,
handling = {
fInitialDragCoeff = 12.22,
fInitialDriveForce = 3.0,
fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel = 155.0,
fSteeringLock = 58.0,
fTractionCurveMax = 0.6,
fTractionCurveMin = 1.3,
fTractionCurveLateral = 21.0,
fLowSpeedTractionLossMult = 0.5,
fTractionBiasFront = 0.49
-- ["Transmissions"] = {
-- [1] = {
-- name = "8 speed transmission",
-- icon = "transmission.svg",
-- info = "Testing making a new category",
-- itemName = "transmission",
-- price = 1000,
-- handlingOverwritesValues = true,
-- handling = {
-- nInitialDriveGears = 8
-- },
-- restricted = false,
-- }
-- }
-- inside of the config.lua, inside of a mechanic location's "tuning" section, you will need to add an
-- additional line in order for it to show & be enabled in the tablet
-- ["Transmissions"] = { enabled = true, requiresItem = false },