

清洒 发表于 2024-8-21 03:35:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

-- renzu_tuners
config = {}
-- debug mode -- saves all vehicle including non owned vehicles
config.debug = true -- enable commands for dev. /sethandling 100 (0-100), /setfuel 100 (0-100), /setmileage 1000 (0,10000) !! note this does not have permission checks
config.sandboxmode = false -- different tuning and no degrations and other stuff. mostly used only when trying to tweak a vehicle handling meta in dyno.
config.freeupgrade = true -- for upgrades. set to true best for standalone purpose or testing purpose, for roleplay use the crafting/jobmanage money. if false menu will requires you a specific item for each upgrades
config.metadata = false -- use item metadata when crafting items if ox_inventory. if your inventory does not support it, set this to false.

config.job = { -- set to false (config.job = false) if you want all feature are accesible by any player, or true, required job to use repairs and upgrade menu, dyno -- job access for menu upgrade and points. ex. mechanic, tuner?
    ['mechanic'] = 1, -- @jobname -- @grade_level
    ['tuners'] = 1, -- @jobname -- @grade_level

config.usetarget = true -- if false, please configure the points config -- supports ox_target,qtarget,qb-target only
config.enablepackage = true -- easy install all upgrade variants. ex. Full Upgrade all Racing Parts. this will install all in one package for each variants. each upgrades requires item if itemrequired is true
config.upgradepackageAnimation = false -- do animation for each upgrades in package

config.upgradevariation = { -- enable/disable upgrade variation.
    ['elite'] = true,
    ['pro'] = true,
    ['racing'] = true,
    ['ultimate'] = true,

config.enablecrafting = true -- crafting for items and parts,turbo, engine etc..
config.purchasableUpgrade = false -- dont like crafting / item based? set this to true to use money to all item upgrades
config.jobmanagemoney = false -- use job money if purchasableUpgrade. ex. esx_society, qb-management

config.nosaveplate = { -- dont save this plate pattern unless debuging
    ['CFX'] = true,
    ['RENT'] = true,
    ['ESX'] = true,

config.enableDegration = true -- enable / disable degration of engine parts
config.degrade = { -- degrade value when specific mileage value is reach
    [1] = { min = 50000, degrade = 0.9},
    [2] = { min = 20000, degrade = 0.8},
    [3] = { min = 10000, degrade = 0.75},
    [4] = { min = 5000, degrade = 0.65},
    [5] = { min = 3000, degrade = 0.55},
    [6] = { min = 2000, degrade = 0.45},
    [7] = { min = 1500, degrade = 0.35},
    [8] = { min = 1000, degrade = 0.25},
    [9] = { min = 500, degrade = 0.15},
    [10] = { min = 100, degrade = 0.11},
    [11] = { min = 1, degrade = 0.01},
config.chancedegrade = 2 -- 2% chance per degrade function run
config.chancedegradenitro = 11 -- 7%
config.degradetick = 3000 -- every 3 seconds when in vehicle

-- points
config.engineswapper = {
    coords = {
        [1] = vec4(-325.60,-139.27,39.00,74.43)
    label = 'Engine Swap',
    model = `prop_engine_hoist`,

config.enablemarkers = true -- markers points
config.points = { -- marker and drawtext type interactions
    [1] = {label = 'Upgrade Vehicle', coord = vec3(-323.3034362793,-131.25146484375,38.210)},
    -- add new here

config.repairpoints = { -- marker and drawtext type interactions
    [1] = {label = 'Repair Vehicle', coord = vec3(-341.18142700195,-129.10722351074,38.53271)},

config.useMlo = false -- set to true if your using MLO and there will be no need to spawn Dynamometer prop
config.dynoprop = `mist_dyno` -- replace with your dyno prop or leave default
config.dynopropShow = true -- set to false if your MLO has a DYNO area.. but setting up the coordinates for prop is still require to make the dyno logic work.
config.dynocollision = true -- set to true if your using dynamometer prop
config.routingbucket = 0 -- leave default if your not using custom routing buckets
config.dynopoints = { -- @platform = exact location of prop. @coord marker location of dyno access
    -- east lost santos customs sample placement
    [1] = {
        label = "Dynojet",
        platform = vec4(-360.3323, -112.5015, 38.9845, 158.4727+180), -- location of dyno position where vehicle will align
        offsets = vec3(0.2,0.0,0.0), -- additional (+) offset to vehicle fittings
        coord = vec3(-362.3821, -117.6957, 39.083) -- location of Interaction
    -- benny sample placement
    [2] = {
        label = "Dynojet",
        platform = vec4(-214.057, -1319.63, 31.15, 1.93), -- location of dyno position where vehicle will align
        offsets = vec3(0.0,0.2,0.0), -- additional (+) offset to vehicle fittings
        coord = vec3(-213.894, -1324.475, 30.909) -- location of Interaction

config.enginestat_default = { -- default engine stat. do not edit, this is being used in tuning computation logic
    compression = 100.0,
    airpressure = 100.0,
    fuelpressure = 100.0,
    ignition = 100.0,

config.tuningmenu = {
    [1] = {
        label = 'Engine Tuning',
        icon = 'wrench',
        description = 'Engine Management System',
        type = 'engine',
        attributes = {
            { name = 'acceleration', type = "slider", label = "Ignition Timing", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},
            { name = 'engineresponse', type = "slider", label = "Fuel Table", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},
            { name = 'gear_response', type = "slider", label = "Gear Response", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { name = 'topspeed', type = "slider", label = "Final Drive Gear", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
    [2] = {
        label = 'Gear Ratio',
        icon = 'cogs',
        type = 'gearratio',
        description = 'Change Gear rations (affects /manualgear, /autogear only)',
    [3] = {
        label = 'Turbo Tuning',
        type = 'turbo',
        icon = 'chart-area',
        description = 'Change Boost Pressure per Gears',
        min = 0.5,
        max = 1.5,
    [4] = {
        label = 'Suspension Tuning',
        type = 'suspension',
        icon = 'car',
        description = 'Adjust Your vehicle suspension setting',
        handlingname = 'CHandlingData',
        attributes = {
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionForce", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionCompDamp", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionReboundDamp", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionUpperLimit", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionLowerLimit", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionRaise", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionBiasFront", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fAntiRollBarForce", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fAntiRollBarBiasFront", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fRollCentreHeightFront", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fRollCentreHeightRear", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},

config.tunableonly = { -- bypasses upgrade add stats. dont disable these if you dont know what it is. this can only be modify via tuning when ex. in suspension if vehicle have upgraded suspension. eg. elite_suspension
    ['fSuspensionUpperLimit'] = true,
    ['fSuspensionLowerLimit'] = true,
    ['fSuspensionRaise'] = true,
    ['fSuspensionBiasFront'] = true,
    ['fAntiRollBarForce'] = true,
    ['fAntiRollBarBiasFront'] = true,
    ['fRollCentreHeightFront'] = true,
    ['fRollCentreHeightRear'] = true,


config.engineparts = { -- @item = item name, @handling = Affected Handling when degraded
    [1] = {item = 'engine_oil', label = 'Engine Oil', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.1, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 25000},
    [2] = {item = 'engine_sparkplug', label = 'Engine Spark Plug', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Torque', cost = 25000},
    [3] = {item = 'engine_gasket', label = 'Engine Head Gasket', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, maxdegrade = 0.3, affects = 'Torque', cost = 25000},
    [4] = {item = 'engine_airfilter', label = 'Engine Air Filter', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.15, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 25000},
    [5] = {item = 'engine_fuelinjector', label = 'Engine Fuel Injectors', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.15, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 25000},
    [6] = {item = 'engine_pistons', label = 'Engine Pistons' , handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 25000},
    [7] = {item = 'engine_connectingrods', label = 'Engine Connecting Rods' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 25000},
    [8] = {item = 'engine_valves', label = 'Engine Valves', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 25000},
    [9] = {item = 'engine_block', label = 'Engine Block', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 25000},
    [10] = {item = 'engine_crankshaft', label = 'Engine CranfkShaft', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, maxdegrade = 0.3, affects = 'Torque', cost = 25000},
    [11] = {item = 'transmition_clutch', label = 'Transmission Clutch', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, maxdegrade = 0.7, affects = 'Down Shifting', cost = 25000},
    [12] = {item = 'engine_flywheel', label = 'Engine FlyWheel', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, maxdegrade = 0.8, affects = 'Up Shifting', cost = 25000},
    [13] = {item = 'engine_camshaft', label = 'Engine Camshaft', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.5, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 25000},
    [14] = {item = 'oem_brakes', label = 'OEM Brakes', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.8, affects = 'Brake Power', cost = 25000},
    [15] = {item = 'oem_suspension', label = 'OEM Suspension', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp'}, maxdegrade = 0.8, affects = 'Suspension', cost = 25000},
    [16] = {item = 'oem_gearbox', label = 'OEM Gearbox', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = 'Acceleration', cost = 25000},

-- @category = category of upgrades, @state = state bag name of degration status. @item = item name, @handling = affected handling when upgraded , @add = percent added when upgraded
config.engineupgrades = {
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'ultimate_oil', label = 'Ultimate Oil', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'ultimate_sparkplug', label = 'Ultimate Spark Plug', stat = {ignition = 3.2}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Torque', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'ultimate_gasket', label = 'Ultimate Head Gasket', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Torque', cost = 550001},
     {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'ultimate_airfilter', label = 'Ultimate Air Filter', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add =1.07, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'ultimate_fuelinjector', label = 'Ultimate Fuel Injectors', stat = {fuelpressure = 43.2}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'ultimate_pistons', label = 'Ultimate Pistons' , stat = {compression = 16.0, fuelpressure = -16.0, ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.09, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'ultimate_connectingrods', label = 'Ultimate Connecting Rods' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'ultimate_valves', label = 'Ultimate Valves', stat = {compression = 1.6, fuelpressure = -1.6}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_block', item = 'ultimate_block', label = 'Ultimate Block', stat = {compression = 16.0, fuelpressure = -8.0, ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.08, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'ultimate_crankshaft', label = 'Ultimate CranfkShaft',  stat = {ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.1, affects = 'Torque', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'ultimate_clutch', label = 'Ultimate Transmission Clutch', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.08, affects = 'Down Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'ultimate_flywheel', label = 'Ultimate FlyWheel', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.08, affects = 'Up Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 25000},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'ultimate_camshaft', label = 'Ultimate Camshaft',stat = {duration = 48.0, compression = 16.0, fuelpressure = -16.0, ignition = 16.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.1, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'ultimate_brakes', label = 'Ultimate Brakes', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 6.4, affects = 'Brake Power', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'ultimate_suspension', label = 'Ultimate Suspension', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.6, affects = 'Suspension', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 415000},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'ultimate_gearbox', label = 'Ultimate Gearbox', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.2, affects = 'Acceleration', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    -- RACING
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'racing_oil', label = 'Racing Oil', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.045, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'racing_sparkplug', label = 'Racing Spark Plug', stat = {ignition = 1.6}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Torque', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'racing_gasket', label = 'Racing Head Gasket', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Torque', cost = 370001},
     {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'racing_airfilter', label = 'Racing Air Filter', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'racing_fuelinjector', label = 'Racing Fuel Injectors', stat = {fuelpressure = 21.6}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.04, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'racing_pistons', label = 'Racing Pistons', stat = {compression = 8.0, fuelpressure = -8.0, ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.07, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'racing_connectingrods', label = 'Racing Connecting Rods' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'racing_valves', label = 'Racing Valves', stat = {compression = 0.8, fuelpressure = -0.8}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.04, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_block', item = 'racing_block', label = 'Racing Block', stat = {compression = 8.0, fuelpressure = -4.0, ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'racing_crankshaft', label = 'Racing CranfkShaft', stat = {ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Torque', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'racing_clutch', label = 'Racing Transmission Clutch', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Down Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'racing_flywheel', label = 'Racing FlyWheel', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Up Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'racing_camshaft', label = 'Racing Camshaft',stat = {duration = 26.0, compression = 8.0, fuelpressure = -8.0, ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.08, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'racing_brakes', label = 'Racing Brakes', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 2.4, affects = 'Brake Power', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'racing_suspension', label = 'Racing Suspension', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.4, affects = 'Suspension', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'racing_gearbox', label = 'Racing Gearbox', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.15, affects = 'Acceleration', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    -- PRO
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'pro_oil', label = 'Pro Oil', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.025, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'pro_sparkplug', label = 'Pro Spark Plug',stat = {ignition = 0.8}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.035, affects = 'Torque', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'pro_gasket', label = 'Pro Head Gasket', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.04, affects = 'Torque', cost = 320000},
     {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'pro_airfilter', label = 'Pro Air Filter', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add =1.02, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'pro_fuelinjector', label = 'Pro Fuel Injectors',stat = {fuelpressure = 12.0},  handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.025, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'pro_pistons', label = 'Pro Pistons' , stat = {compression = 4.0, fuelpressure = -4.0, ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.04, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'pro_connectingrods', label = 'Pro Connecting Rods' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'pro_valves', label = 'Pro Valves', stat = {compression = 0.4, fuelpressure = -0.4}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.025, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_block', item = 'pro_block', label = 'Pro Block', stat = {compression = 4.0, fuelpressure = -2.0, ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.035, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'pro_crankshaft', label = 'Pro CranfkShaft', stat = {ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Torque', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'pro_clutch', label = 'Pro Transmission Clutch', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Down Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'pro_flywheel', label = 'Pro FlyWheel', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Up Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'pro_camshaft', label = 'Pro Camshaft',stat = {duration = 12.6,compression = 4.0, fuelpressure = -4.0, ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.045, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'pro_brakes', label = 'Pro Brakes', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 1.7, affects = 'Brake Power', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'pro_suspension', label = 'Pro Suspension', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.25, affects = 'Suspension', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'pro_gearbox', label = 'Pro Gearbox', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.1, affects = 'Acceleration', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    -- ELITE
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'elite_oil', label = 'Elite Oil', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.015, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'elite_sparkplug', label = 'Elite Spark Plug',stat = {ignition = 0.4}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Torque', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'elite_gasket', label = 'Elite Head Gasket', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Torque', cost = 125000},
     {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'elite_airfilter', label = 'Elite Air Filter', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.01, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'elite_fuelinjector', label = 'Elite Fuel Injectors', stat = {fuelpressure = 5.2}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.015, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'elite_pistons', label = 'Elite Pistons' ,stat = {compression = 2.0, fuelpressure = -2.0, ignition = 1.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.03, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'elite_connectingrods', label = 'Elite Connecting Rods' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.015, affects = 'Top Speed', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'elite_valves', label = 'Elite Valves',stat = {compression = 0.2, fuelpressure = -0.2}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.015, affects = 'Horsepower', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_block', item = 'elite_block', label = 'Elite Block',stat = {compression = 2.0, fuelpressure = -1.0, ignition = 1.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'elite_crankshaft', label = 'Elite CranfkShaft',stat = {ignition = 1.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Torque', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'elite_clutch', label = 'Elite Transmission Clutch', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Down Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'elite_flywheel', label = 'Elite FlyWheel', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Up Shifting', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'elite_camshaft', label = 'Elite Camshaft',stat = {duration = 6.3, compression = 2.0, fuelpressure = -2.0, ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.02, affects = 'Top Speed', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'elite_brakes', label = 'Elite Brakes', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 1.2, affects = 'Brake Power', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'elite_suspension', label = 'Elite Suspension', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.1, affects = 'Suspension', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'elite_gearbox', label = 'Elite Gearbox', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.05, affects = 'Acceleration', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 125000},

回复 论坛版权

使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-23 11:04:12 | 显示全部楼层
-- renzu_tuners
config = {}
-- 调试模式 -- 保存所有车辆,包括未拥有的车辆
config.debug = true -- 启用命令用于开发。/sethandling 100 (0-100), /setfuel 100 (0-100), /setmileage 1000 (0,10000) !! 请注意,这没有权限检查
config.sandboxmode = false -- 不同的调校和无退化等其他设置。主要用于调整车辆处理的元数据。
config.freeupgrade = true -- 对于升级。设置为真最适合独立目的或测试目的,对于角色扮演使用制造/工作管理金钱。如果为假,则菜单将要求您为每个升级提供特定物品
config.metadata = false -- 如果使用ox_inventory,在制作物品时使用物品元数据。如果您的库存不支持,请将其设置为false。

config.job = { -- 如果您希望所有功能都可以被任何玩家访问,请设置为false (config.job = false),或者设置为true,使用修理和升级菜单,涡轮测功机需要工作访问
    ['mechanic'] = 1, -- @职业名称 -- @等级
    ['tuners'] = 1, -- @职业名称 -- @等级

config.usetarget = true -- 如果为false,请配置点配置 -- 仅支持ox_target、qtarget、qb-target
config.enablepackage = true -- 轻松安装所有升级变种。例如,全面升级所有赛车部件。这将为每个变种一次性安装所有内容。每个升级需要物品,如果itemrequired为真
config.upgradepackageAnimation = false -- 对每个升级包中的升级执行动画

config.upgradevariation = { -- 启用/禁用升级变种。
    ['elite'] = true,
    ['pro'] = true,
    ['racing'] = true,
    ['ultimate'] = true,

config.enablecrafting = true -- 制作物品和部件,涡轮、发动机等。
config.purchasableUpgrade = false -- 不喜欢制作/基于物品?将此设置为true以使用金钱进行所有物品升级
config.jobmanagemoney = false -- 如果可购买升级,则使用工作金钱。例如,esx_society,qb-management

config.nosaveplate = { -- 除非调试,否则不保存此车牌模式
    ['CFX'] = true,
    ['RENT'] = true,
    ['ESX'] = true,

config.enableDegration = true -- 启用/禁用发动机部件的退化
config.degrade = { -- 当特定里程值达到时的退化值
    [1] = { min = 50000, degrade = 0.9},
    [2] = { min = 20000, degrade = 0.8},
    [3] = { min = 10000, degrade = 0.75},
    [4] = { min = 5000, degrade = 0.65},
    [5] = { min = 3000, degrade = 0.55},
    [6] = { min = 2000, degrade = 0.45},
    [7] = { min = 1500, degrade = 0.35},
    [8] = { min = 1000, degrade = 0.25},
    [9] = { min = 500, degrade = 0.15},
    [10] = { min = 100, degrade = 0.11},
    [11] = { min = 1, degrade = 0.01},
config.chancedegrade = 2 -- 每次运行退化功能时有2%的几率
config.chancedegradenitro = 11 -- 7%
config.degradetick = 3000 -- 每3秒在车辆中

-- 点
config.engineswapper = {
    coords = {
        [1] = vec4(-325.60,-139.27,39.00,74.43)
    label = '发动机更换',
    model = `prop_engine_hoist`,

config.enablemarkers = true -- 标记点
config.points = { -- 标记和绘制文本类型的交互
    [1] = {label = '升级车辆', coord = vec3(-323.3034362793,-131.25146484375,38.210)},
    -- 在这里添加新的

config.repairpoints = { -- 标记和绘制文本类型的交互
    [1] = {label = '修理车辆', coord = vec3(-341.18142700195,-129.10722351074,38.53271)},

config.useMlo = false -- 如果您正在使用MLO,则设置为true,这样就不需要生成测功机道具
config.dynoprop = `mist_dyno` -- 用您的测功机道具替换或保留默认
config.dynopropShow = true -- 如果您的MLO具有DYNO区域则设置为false,但仍然需要设置道具的坐标以使测功机逻辑工作。
config.dynocollision = true -- 如果您正在使用测功机道具,则设置为true
config.routingbucket = 0 -- 如果您不使用自定义路由桶,则保持默认
config.dynopoints = { -- @平台 = 道具的确切位置。@coord 标记的测功机访问位置
    -- 东洛斯桑托斯定制示例放置
    [1] = { 
        label = "Dynojet", 
        platform = vec4(-360.3323, -112.5015, 38.9845, 158.4727+180), -- 车辆对齐的位置
        offsets = vec3(0.2,0.0,0.0), -- 额外的 (+) 偏移量以适应车辆
        coord = vec3(-362.3821, -117.6957, 39.083) -- 交互位置
    -- 贝尼示例放置
    [2] = {
        label = "Dynojet", 
        platform = vec4(-214.057, -1319.63, 31.15, 1.93), -- 车辆对齐的位置
        offsets = vec3(0.0,0.2,0.0), -- 额外的 (+) 偏移量以适应车辆
        coord = vec3(-213.894, -1324.475, 30.909) -- 交互位置

config.enginestat_default = { -- 默认发动机统计。请勿编辑,这在调校计算逻辑中使用
    compression = 100.0,
    airpressure = 100.0,
    fuelpressure = 100.0,
    ignition = 100.0,

config.tuningmenu = {
    [1] = { 
        label = '发动机调校',
        icon = 'wrench',
        description = '发动机管理系统',
        type = 'engine',
        attributes = {
            { name = 'acceleration', type = "slider", label = "点火时机", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},
            { name = 'engineresponse', type = "slider", label = "燃油表", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},
            { name = 'gear_response', type = "slider", label = "换挡响应", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { name = 'topspeed', type = "slider", label = "最终传动比", min = -0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
    [2] = { 
        label = '齿轮比',
        icon = 'cogs',
        type = 'gearratio',
        description = '更改齿轮比(仅影响/manualgear, /autogear)',
    [3] = { 
        label = '涡轮调校',
        type = 'turbo',
        icon = 'chart-area',
        description = '更改每个齿轮的增压压力',
        min = 0.5,
        max = 1.5,
    [4] = { 
        label = '悬挂调校',
        type = 'suspension',
        icon = 'car',
        description = '调整您的车辆悬挂设置',
        handlingname = 'CHandlingData',
        attributes = {
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionForce", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionCompDamp", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.001, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionReboundDamp", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionUpperLimit", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionLowerLimit", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionRaise", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fSuspensionBiasFront", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fAntiRollBarForce", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fAntiRollBarBiasFront", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fRollCentreHeightFront", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},
            { type = "slider", label = "fRollCentreHeightRear", min = 0.5, max = 1.5 , step = 0.01, default = 1.0},

config.tunableonly = { -- 避免升级添加统计数据。如果您不知道它是什么,请不要禁用这些。只有在调校时可以修改,例如在悬挂中,如果车辆有升级悬挂。例如,elite_suspension
    ['fSuspensionUpperLimit'] = true,
    ['fSuspensionLowerLimit'] = true,
    ['fSuspensionRaise'] = true,
    ['fSuspensionBiasFront'] = true,
    ['fAntiRollBarForce'] = true,
    ['fAntiRollBarBiasFront'] = true,
    ['fRollCentreHeightFront'] = true,
    ['fRollCentreHeightRear'] = true,


config.engineparts = { -- @item = 物品名称,@handling = 退化时受影响的处理
    [1] = {item = 'engine_oil', label = '机油', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.1, affects = '最高速度', cost = 25000},
    [2] = {item = 'engine_sparkplug', label = '发动机火花塞', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = '扭矩', cost = 25000},
    [3] = {item = 'engine_gasket', label = '发动机缸垫', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, maxdegrade = 0.3, affects = '扭矩', cost = 25000},
    [4] = {item = 'engine_airfilter', label = '发动机空气滤清器', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.15, affects = '马力', cost = 25000},
    [5] = {item = 'engine_fuelinjector', label = '发动机燃油喷射器', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.15, affects = '马力', cost = 25000},
    [6] = {item = 'engine_pistons', label = '发动机活塞' , handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = '最高速度', cost = 25000},
    [7] = {item = 'engine_connectingrods', label = '发动机连杆' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = '最高速度', cost = 25000},
    [8] = {item = 'engine_valves', label = '发动机阀门', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = '马力', cost = 25000},
    [9] = {item = 'engine_block', label = '发动机缸体', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = '最高速度', cost = 25000},
    [10] = {item = 'engine_crankshaft', label = '发动机曲轴', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, maxdegrade = 0.3, affects = '扭矩', cost = 25000},
    [11] = {item = 'transmition_clutch', label = '变速箱离合器', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, maxdegrade = 0.7, affects = '降档', cost = 25000},
    [12] = {item = 'engine_flywheel', label = '发动机飞轮', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, maxdegrade = 0.8, affects = '升档', cost = 25000},
    [13] = {item = 'engine_camshaft', label = '发动机凸轮轴', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, maxdegrade = 0.5, affects = '最高速度', cost = 25000},
    [14] = {item = 'oem_brakes', label = 'OEM刹车', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, maxdegrade = 0.8, affects = '刹车力量', cost = 25000},
    [15] = {item = 'oem_suspension', label = 'OEM悬挂', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp'}, maxdegrade = 0.8, affects = '悬挂', cost = 25000},
    [16] = {item = 'oem_gearbox', label = 'OEM变速箱', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, maxdegrade = 0.2, affects = '加速', cost = 25000},

-- @category = 升级类别,@state = 退化状态包名称。@item = 物品名称,@handling = 升级时受影响的处理,@add = 升级时增加的百分比
config.engineupgrades = {
    -- 终极
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'ultimate_oil', label = '终极机油', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.07, affects = '最高速度', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'ultimate_sparkplug', label = '终极火花塞', stat = {ignition = 3.2}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.07, affects = '扭矩', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'ultimate_gasket', label = '终极缸垫', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.07, affects = '扭矩', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'ultimate_airfilter', label = '终极空气滤清器', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.07, affects = '马力', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'ultimate_fuelinjector', label = '终极燃油喷射器', stat = {fuelpressure = 43.2}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.07, affects = '马力', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'ultimate_pistons', label = '终极活塞' , stat = {compression = 16.0, fuelpressure = -16.0, ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.09, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'ultimate_connectingrods', label = '终极连杆' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.07, affects = '最高速度', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'ultimate_valves', label = '终极阀门', stat = {compression = 1.6, fuelpressure = -1.6}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.07, affects = '马力', cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_block', item = 'ultimate_block', label = '终极缸体', stat = {compression = 16.0, fuelpressure = -8.0, ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.08, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'ultimate_crankshaft', label = '终极曲轴',  stat = {ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.1, affects = '扭矩', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'ultimate_clutch', label = '终极变速箱离合器', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.08, affects = '降档', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'ultimate_flywheel', label = '终极飞轮', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.08, affects = '升档', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 25000},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'ultimate_camshaft', label = '终极凸轮轴',stat = {duration = 48.0, compression = 16.0, fuelpressure = -16.0, ignition = 16.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.1, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'ultimate_brakes', label = '终极刹车', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 6.4, affects = '刹车力量', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 550001},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'ultimate_suspension', label = '终极悬挂', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.6, affects = '悬挂', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 415000},
    {category = 'ultimate', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'ultimate_gearbox', label = '终极变速箱', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.2, affects = '加速', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 550001},
    -- 赛车
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'racing_oil', label = '赛车机油', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.045, affects = '最高速度', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'racing_sparkplug', label = '赛车火花塞', stat = {ignition = 1.6}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.05, affects = '扭矩', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'racing_gasket', label = '赛车缸垫', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.05, affects = '扭矩', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'racing_airfilter', label = '赛车空气滤清器', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.03, affects = '马力', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'racing_fuelinjector', label = '赛车燃油喷射器', stat = {fuelpressure = 21.6}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.04, affects = '马力', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'racing_pistons', label = '赛车活塞', stat = {compression = 8.0, fuelpressure = -8.0, ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.07, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'racing_connectingrods', label = '赛车连杆' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.05, affects = '最高速度', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'racing_valves', label = '赛车阀门', stat = {compression = 0.8, fuelpressure = -0.8}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.04, affects = '马力', cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_block', item = 'racing_block', label = '赛车缸体', stat = {compression = 8.0, fuelpressure = -4.0, ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.05, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'racing_crankshaft', label = '赛车曲轴', stat = {ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.05, affects = '扭矩', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'racing_clutch', label = '赛车变速箱离合器', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.05, affects = '降档', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'racing_flywheel', label = '赛车飞轮', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.05, affects = '升档', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'racing_camshaft', label = '赛车凸轮轴',stat = {duration = 26.0, compression = 8.0, fuelpressure = -8.0, ignition = 8.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.08, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'racing_brakes', label = '赛车刹车', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 2.4, affects = '刹车力量', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'racing_suspension', label = '赛车悬挂', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.4, affects = '悬挂', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 370001},
    {category = 'racing', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'racing_gearbox', label = '赛车变速箱', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.15, affects = '加速', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 370001},
    -- 专业
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'pro_oil', label = '专业机油', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.025, affects = '最高速度', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'pro_sparkplug', label = '专业火花塞',stat = {ignition = 0.8}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.035, affects = '扭矩', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'pro_gasket', label = '专业缸垫', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.04, affects = '扭矩', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'pro_airfilter', label = '专业空气滤清器', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.02, affects = '马力', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'pro_fuelinjector', label = '专业燃油喷射器',stat = {fuelpressure = 12.0},  handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.025, affects = '马力', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'pro_pistons', label = '专业活塞' , stat = {compression = 4.0, fuelpressure = -4.0, ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.04, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'pro_connectingrods', label = '专业连杆' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.03, affects = '最高速度', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'pro_valves', label = '专业阀门', stat = {compression = 0.4, fuelpressure = -0.4}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.025, affects = '马力', cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_block', item = 'pro_block', label = '专业缸体', stat = {compression = 4.0, fuelpressure = -2.0, ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.035, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'pro_crankshaft', label = '专业曲轴', stat = {ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.03, affects = '扭矩', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'pro_clutch', label = '专业变速箱离合器', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.03, affects = '降档', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'pro_flywheel', label = '专业飞轮', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.03, affects = '升档', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'pro_camshaft', label = '专业凸轮轴',stat = {duration = 12.6,compression = 4.0, fuelpressure = -4.0, ignition = 4.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.045, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'pro_brakes', label = '专业刹车', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 1.7, affects = '刹车力量', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'pro_suspension', label = '专业悬挂', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.25, affects = '悬挂', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 320000},
    {category = 'pro', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'pro_gearbox', label = '专业变速箱', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.1, affects = '加速', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 320000},
    -- 精英
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_oil', item = 'elite_oil', label = '精英机油', handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.015, affects = '最高速度', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_sparkplug', item = 'elite_sparkplug', label = '精英火花塞',stat = {ignition = 0.4}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.02, affects = '扭矩', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_gasket', item = 'elite_gasket', label = '精英缸垫', handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.03, affects = '扭矩', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_airfilter', item = 'elite_airfilter', label = '精英空气滤清器', handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.01, affects = '马力', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_fuelinjector', item = 'elite_fuelinjector', label = '精英燃油喷射器', stat = {fuelpressure = 5.2}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.015, affects = '马力', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_pistons', item = 'elite_pistons', label = '精英活塞' ,stat = {compression = 2.0, fuelpressure = -2.0, ignition = 1.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.03, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_connectingrods', item = 'elite_connectingrods', label = '精英连杆' , handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.015, affects = '最高速度', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_valves', item = 'elite_valves', label = '精英阀门',stat = {compression = 0.2, fuelpressure = -0.2}, handling = {'fInitialDriveForce'}, add = 1.015, affects = '马力', cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_block', item = 'elite_block', label = '精英缸体',stat = {compression = 2.0, fuelpressure = -1.0, ignition = 1.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.02, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_crankshaft', item = 'elite_crankshaft', label = '精英曲轴',stat = {ignition = 1.0}, handling = {'fDriveInertia'}, add = 1.02, affects = '扭矩', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'transmition_clutch', item = 'elite_clutch', label = '精英变速箱离合器', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift'}, add = 1.02, affects = '降档', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_flywheel', item = 'elite_flywheel', label = '精英飞轮', handling = {'fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.02, affects = '升档', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'engine_camshaft', item = 'elite_camshaft', label = '精英凸轮轴',stat = {duration = 6.3, compression = 2.0, fuelpressure = -2.0, ignition = 2.0}, handling = {'fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel'}, add = 1.02, affects = '最高速度', mod = {index = 11, add = 1}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'oem_brakes', item = 'elite_brakes', label = '精英刹车', handling = {'fBrakeForce','fHandBrakeForce'}, add = 1.2, affects = '刹车力量', mod = {index = 12, add = 3}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'oem_suspension', item = 'elite_suspension', label = '精英悬挂', handling = {'fSuspensionForce','fSuspensionCompDamp','fSuspensionReboundDamp','fSuspensionUpperLimit','fSuspensionLowerLimit','fSuspensionRaise','fSuspensionBiasFront','fAntiRollBarForce','fAntiRollBarBiasFront','fRollCentreHeightFront','fRollCentreHeightRear'}, add = 1.1, affects = '悬挂', mod = {index = 15, add = 4}, cost = 125000},
    {category = 'elite', state = 'oem_gearbox', item = 'elite_gearbox', label = '精英变速箱', handling = {'nInitialDriveGears','fDriveInertia','fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift','fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift'}, add = 1.05, affects = '加速', mod = {index = 13, add = 1}, cost = 125000},


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