name: "Violation of Restraining Order",
fine: 3500,
time: 20,
color: "green",
description: "Violating a lawful restraining order."
}, {
name: "Anti-Mask Law",
fine: 500,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Willfully wears a mask and refuses to remove it in a public institution (Police stations, hospitals, courthouses) or in hindrance of law enforcement duties."
}, {
name: "Operating without a permit",
fine: 1e4,
time: 10,
color: "red",
description: "The illegal act of operation of an activity that requires a valid permit. The fine can not exceed 110% of the permit price."
}, {
name: "Disobeying a Peace Officer",
fine: 800,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Willfully refusing or failing to comply with a lawful order, signal, or direction of any peace officer."
}, {
name: "Disturbing the Peace",
fine: 1500,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Unlawfully fighting, or challenging another person to fight, in a public place. Disturbing another person by loud and unreasonable noise; if this is done willfully and maliciously. Using offensive words in a public place, if the words are likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction."
}, {
name: "False Reporting",
fine: 1e3,
time: 5,
color: "green",
description: "Reports a false or non-existent crime."
}, {
name: "Obstruction of justice",
fine: 8e3,
time: 15,
color: "green",
description: "Willfully tampers with the discovery, apprehension, conviction or punishment of a crime after a crime has been committed or charged."
}, {
name: "Inciting a Riot",
fine: 1e4,
time: 30,
color: "green",
description: "Organizes an event/assembly which results in violent conduct or creates a risk of causing public harm with a group of at least four people."
}, {
name: "Loitering",
fine: 2e3,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Intentionally standing or waiting idly without apparent purpose."
}, {
name: "Tampering",
fine: 750,
time: 5,
color: "green",
description: "Tampering with property of another person or entity with intent to cause substantial inconvenience or gain unlawful access for monetary gain. Must be caught in the act with item from P.C. 1204."
}, {
name: "Tampering with Evidence",
fine: 1e4,
time: 25,
color: "red",
description: "Tampering with evidence obtained from the scene of the crime with intent to cause substantial inconvenience that can affect the end result of an ongoing session in court."
}, {
name: "Animal Cruelty",
fine: 2e3,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "Maliciously and intentionally wounds or kills an animal."
}, {
name: "Reckless Driving",
fine: 1500,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "Driving with a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of others, or a willful disregard of the potential consequences of one’s actions"
}, {
name: "Government Corruption",
fine: 2e4,
time: 20,
color: "red",
description: "The use of powers by government officials or their network contacts for illegitimate private/personal gain."
}, {
name: "Vigilantism",
fine: 1e3,
time: 15,
color: "green",
description: "Law enforcement undertaken without legal authority by a self-appointed group or person."
}, {
name: "Government Grand Larceny",
fine: 3e3,
time: 10,
color: "red",
description: "The unlawful taking of government property worth more than $2000.00. See PC. 2203 (B) for vehicles."
}, {
name: "Unlawful Assembly",
fine: 5e3,
time: 5,
color: "green",
description: "Participates in an event/assembly which results in violent conduct or creates a risk of causing public harm with a group of at least four people."
}, {
name: "Possession of Controlled substance Class A",
fine: 2500,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "Possession of meth"
}, {
name: "Possession of Controlled substance with the intent to distribute class A",
fine: 4500,
time: 15,
color: "green",
description: "The sale or trade of meth."
}, {
name: "Possession of Controlled substance class B",
fine: 1e3,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "Possession of Cocaine and oxycontin."
}, {
name: "Possession of controlled substance with the intent to distribute class B",
fine: 4500,
time: 5,
color: "green",
description: "The Sale or trade of Cocaine and oxycontin."
}, {
name: "Possession of Controlled substance class C",
fine: 1500,
time: 5,
color: "green",
description: "Possession of marijuana without a valid permit."
}, {
name: "Possession of Controlled substance with the intent to distribute class C",
fine: 2e3,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "The sale ,trade or offering of marijuana without sales permit for monetary, materials or social "
}, {
name: "Possession of controlled substance with intent to distribute ",
fine: 3e3,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "Sells a controlled substance."
}, {
name: "Possession of Illegal Tools",
fine: 2e3,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "Illegal tools or materials. Refer to P.C. 1204b."
}, {
name: "Prostitution",
fine: 500,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Offering, for payment, the services of prostitution or offering payment for prostitution."
}, {
name: "Criminal Possession of Firearm Class 1 ",
fine: 2e3,
time: 5,
color: "green",
description: "Possess an illegal Class 1 Weapon; Walther P99 | Pistol"
name: "Criminal Possession of Firearm Class 2",
fine: 4e3,
time: 15,
color: "green",
description: "Possess a Class 2 weapon; refer to P.C. 1202."
}, {
name: "Criminal Possession of Firearm Class 3",
fine: 5e3,
time: 15,
color: "green",
description: "Possess a Class 3 weapon; refer to P.C. 1203."
}, {
name: "Criminal Sale of Firearm [Class 1]",
fine: 5e3,
time: 15,
color: "red",
description: "Sells a Class 1 weapon to a person who does not own a gun license or sells a Pistol MK2."
}, {
name: "Criminal Sale of Firearm [Class 2]",
fine: 7e3,
time: 20,
color: "red",
description: "Sells a Class 2 weapon"
}, {
name: "Criminal Sale of Firearm [Class 3]",
fine: 1e4,
time: 25,
color: "red",
description: "Sells a Class 3 weapon."
}, {
name: "Criminal Use of Firearm",
fine: 2e3,
time: 15,
color: "green",
description: "Discharges a firearm for no legal reason."
}, {
name: "Brandishing",
fine: 1500,
time: 20,
color: "green",
description: "it is unlawful for you to draw or exhibit a deadly weapon in a rude, angry, or threatening way in the presence of another person and not in self defense or in defense of someone."
}, {
name: "Illegal stop on highway or freeway",
fine: 1500,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "it is unlawful for you to draw or exhibit a deadly weapon in a rude, angry, or threatening way in the presence of another person and not in self defense or in defense of someone."
}, {
name: "Resisting Arrest",
fine: 1e3,
time: 5,
color: "green",
description: "Flees from a police officer to avoid being apprehended, detained, or arrested while on foot."
}, {
name: "Jaywalking",
fine: 500,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Crossing a road without the use of a crosswalk."
}, {
name: "Terrorism",
fine: 4e4,
time: 100,
color: "red",
description: "Causes mass destruction using explosives, sickness, or extreme violence."
}, {
name: "Driving While Intoxicated",
fine: 750,
time: 5,
color: "green",
description: "Drives while affected by drug or alcohol intoxication."
}, {
name: "Evading",
fine: 1250,
time: 5,
color: "green",
description: "Flees from a police officer in a vehicle to avoid being apprehended, detained, or arrested."
}, {
name: "Reckless Evading",
fine: 1500,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "Dangerously flees from a police officer in a vehicle to avoid being apprehended, detained, or arrested in a way which clearly shows blatant disregard for civilian life. This charge already implies Evading and Reckless Endangerment/Driving, do not stack."
}, {
name: "Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle",
fine: 1e3,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Does not pull to the side of the road when an emergency vehicle is trying to pass with sirens enabled."
}, {
name: "Failure to Obey Traffic Control Devices",
fine: 750,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Does not obey a sign or signal defined as regulatory."
}, {
name: "Nonfunctional Vehicle",
fine: 1e3,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Drives a nonfunctional vehicle e.g. smashed windows, illegal window tint (Fully blacked out windows), doors, etc."
}, {
name: "Negligent Driving",
fine: 800,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Drives in a way that is negligent, demonstrating a lack of proper regard or attention to safety."
}, {
name: "Reckless Driving",
fine: 1e3,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "Drives in a way that is careless and with gross disregard for human life."
}, {
name: "Third Degree Speeding",
fine: 500,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Speeds in excess of 0 mph to 35 mph."
}, {
name: "Second Degree Speeding",
fine: 800,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Speeds in excess of 36 mph to 55 mph."
}, {
name: "First Degree Speeding",
fine: 1e3,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Speeds in excess of more than 55 mph. Driver's License may be subject to removal."
}, {
name: "Unlicensed Operation of Vehicle",
fine: 1e3,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Drives a car without a proper license."
}, {
name: "Illegal U-turn",
fine: 750,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Performing a U-turn that is within City Limits, or crosses lanes of traffic."
}, {
name: "Illegal passing",
fine: 800,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Passing another vehicle by a shoulder, median, or solid lines. Passing must be completely made without interfering with safe operation of any approaching vehicle from the opposite direction."
}, {
name: "Failure to maintain lane",
fine: 500,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Failure to maintain control of a vehicle within an appropriate lane of travel."
}, {
name: "Illegal Turn",
fine: 600,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Performing a turn at a stop sign or red light without coming to a full and complete stop, or failure to yield to traffic and pedestrians. Making a left-hand turn where signs posted prohibit such a turn."
}, {
name: "Failure to Stop",
fine: 500,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Failure to come to a complete and full stop at a posted stop sign, or red light. Right on red is permitted when a full stop is completed and after yielding to traffic and pedestrians."
}, {
name: "Unauthorized Parking",
fine: 1e3,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Parks in a non-designated area."
}, {
name: "Hit and Run",
fine: 2e3,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "The act of causing a traffic collision and failing to stop and identify oneself afterwards."
}, {
name: "Airspace Violation",
fine: 3500,
time: 25,
color: "green",
description: "Flying in an unauthorized area, flying without a license or landing an aircraft outside helipads and airports when not responding to an emergency call."
}, {
name: "Driving w/o Headlights or Signals",
fine: 750,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Driving after dusk and before dawn or in other poor visibility conditions without headlights or in a vehicle without brake lights or other signals."
}, {
name: "Excessive Vehicle Noise",
fine: 500,
time: 0,
color: "green",
description: "Creating vehicle noise that is disruptive or otherwise inappropriate, such as excessive honking, loud music, spinning tires, damaged muffler, etc."
}, {
name: "Street Racing",
fine: 3e3,
time: 10,
color: "green",
description: "Participating in a race with a motorized vehicle on a public street."