

Toyota 发表于 2024-8-19 22:03:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

xenonRgbSyncLimitation = "Due to game limitations, Xenon changes are not synced to others around you.",
  installController = "Install controller",
  underglow = "Underglow",
  xenons = "Xenons",
  attachVehicle = "Attach Vehicle",
  hireEmployee = "Hire Employee",
  employeeName = "Employee Name",
  joined = "Joined",
  noEmployees = "No employees",
  fire = "Fire",
  fireEmployee = "Fire Employee",
  you = "You",
  changeRole = "Change Role",
  replaced = "Replaced",
  noTuningOptionsAvailable = "No tuning options available",
  orderHasBeenPlaced = "Your Order Has Been Placed",
  contactMechanicToFulfill = "Contact your mechanic to arrange fulfilment of your order.",
  noPayment = "No Payment",
  deleteOrderConfirmation = "Deleting this order will refund the customer in full, even if the order is partially fulfilled. Are you sure you want to delete it?",

  -- Mods
  repair = "Repair",
  repairVehicle = "Repair Vehicle",
  selfServiceRepairVehicle = "Self-service Repair",
  vehicleFullHealth = "Vehicle full health",
  performance = "Performance",
  cosmetics = "Cosmetics",
  stance = "Stance",
  respray = "Respray",
  wheels = "Wheels",
  lights = "Lights",
  neonLights = "Neon Lights",
  headlights = "Headlights",
  xenonHeadlights = "Xenon Headlights",
  tyres = "Tyres",
  tyreSmoke = "Tyre Smoke",
  customTyreSmoke = "Custom Tyre Smoke",
  bulletproofTyres = "Bulletproof Tyres",
  extras = "Extras",
  enableStancing = "Enable stancing",
  adjWheelsIndv = "Adjust Wheels Individually",
  suspensionHeight = "Suspension Height",
  camber = "Camber",
  trackWidth = "Track Width",
  front = "Front",
  rear = "Rear",
  leftAbbr = "L",
  rightAbbr = "R",
  syncSecColour = "Sync Secondary Colour",
  syncedWithPriColour = "Synced with primary colour",
  enableRgb = "Enable RGB",
  paintType = "Paint Type",
  hex = "Hex",
  noPearl = "No Pearlescence",
  owned = "Owned",
  itemsAvailable = "%d available",
  toggleable = "Toggleable",
  set = "Set",
  stock = "Stock",
  enableNeons = "Enable Neons",
  enableXenons = "Enable Xenons",
  left = "Left",
  right = "Right",
  price = "Price",
  extra = "Extra",
  cart = "Cart",
  cartEmpty = "Cart Empty",
  itemsSelected = "%d selected",
  useFreecamPrompt = "Press [CTRL] to use the free camera",
  freecamToggledPrompt = "Hold [SHIFT] to move the free camera or [CTRL] to return to the auto camera",
  stopMovingFreecamPrompt = "Release [SHIFT] to stop or press [%s] simulataneously to change camera POV",
  cancel = "Cancel",
  bodyHealth = "Body Health",
  engineHealth = "Engine Health",
  areYouSure = "Are you sure?",
  vehicleChangesWillBeLost = "You will lose all changes made to your vehicle!",
  placeOrder = "Place Order",
  checkout = "Checkout",
  paymentMethod = "Payment Method",
  -- Tuning
  engineSwaps = "Engine Swaps",
  turbocharging = "Turbocharging",
  drivetrains = "Drivetrains",
  brakes = "Brakes",
  driftTuning = "Drift Tuning",

  -- Servicing
  engineOil = "Engine Oil",
  clutch = "Clutch",
  airFilter = "Air Filter",
  sparkPlugs = "Spark Plugs",
  brakePads = "Brake Pads",
  suspension = "Suspension",
  evMotor = "EV Motor",
  evBattery = "EV Battery",
  evCoolant = "EV Coolant",

  -- Inventory Items
  engine_oil = "Engine Oil",
  clutch_replacement = "Clutch Replacement",
  air_filter = "Air Filter",
  spark_plug = "Spark Plug",
  brakepad_replacement = "Brake Pad Replacement",
  suspension_parts = "Suspension Parts",
  tyre_replacement = "Tyre Replacement",
  v12_engine = "V12 Engine",
  v8_engine = "V8 Engine",
  v6_engine = "V6 Engine",
  i4_engine = "I4 Engine",
  rwd_drivetrain = "RWD Drivetrain",
  fwd_drivetrain = "FWD Drivetrain",
  awd_drivetrain = "AWD Drivetrain",
  turbocharger = "Turbo Charger",
  drift_tuning_kit = "Drift Tuning Kit",
  lighting_controller = "Lighting Controller",
  stancing_kit = "Stancing Kit",
  slick_tyres = "Slick Tyres",
  semi_slick_tyres = "Semi Slick Tyres",
  offroad_tyres = "Offroad Tyres",
  ceramic_brakes = "Ceramic Brakes",
  ev_motor = "EV Motor",
  ev_battery = "EV Battery",
  ev_coolant = "EV Coolant",
  nitrous_bottle = "Nitrous",
  empty_nitrous_bottle = "Empty Nitrous Bottle",
  nitrous_install_kit = "Nitrous Install Kit",
  cleaning_kit = "Cleaning Kit",
  repair_kit = "Repair Kit",
  performance_part = "Performance Part",
  cosmetic_part = "Body Kit",
  respray_kit = "Respray Kit",
  vehicle_wheels = "Vehicle Wheels Set",
  tyre_smoke_kit = "Tyre Smoke Kit",
  bulletproof_tyres = "Bulletproof Tyres",
  extras_kit = "Extras Kit",

  -- Errors & Messages
  playerIsBusy = "Player is currently busy",
  employeePermissionsError = "You don't have the necessary employee permissions",
  depositSuccess = "Deposit successful",
  withdrawSuccess = "Withdrawl successful",
  couldNotCompleteOrderError = "There was a problem completing your order. Please try again later.",
  enterVehicleToStartDynoMsg = "Get into the vehicle's drivers seat to start the dyno test",
  startDynoMsg = "Press [ENTER] to start the dyno test",
  noVehicleNearby = "No vehicle nearby",
  notInsideVehicle = "You are not in a vehicle",
  vehicleRepaired = "Vehicle repaired",
  ductTapeEngineHealthTooHigh = "Your vehicle works well enough, duct tape won't help you",
  ductTapeUsed = "The engine is running again - go see a mechanic!",
  installingLightingController = "Installing LightingControl+",
  takeEngineHoistToVehicle = "Move the hoist over to the engine & press [ENTER] to place it, or press [BACKSPACE] to cancel",
  goToEngineToInstall = "Go to the engine and press [ENTER] when you're ready to start the installation",
  notNearbyToEngine = "You are not near the engine",
  skillCheckFailed = "Failed, try again (%d attempts remaining)",
  installationFailed = "You broke some nuts and bots during the installation",
  goToEngineToInstallOrCancel = "Go to the engine and press [ENTER] to install or [BACKSPACE] to cancel",
  takeCanisterToEngine = "Take the NOS canister to the engine and press [ENTER] to install or [BACKSPACE] to cancel",
  takeWheel = "Take the wheel over to a wheel and press [ENTER] to install or [BACKSPACE] to cancel",
  pressToRespray = "Press [ENTER] to start spraying or [BACKSPACE] to cancel",
  tooFarFromVehicle = "You are too far away from the vehicle",
  notNearWheel = "You are not near a wheel",
  paintEvenlyMsg = "Walk around the vehicle to ensure you paint evenly!",
  resprayingVehicleProgress = "Respraying vehicle",
  nitrousBottleInstalled = "Nitrous bottle installed",
  refillingBottle = "Refilling bottle...",
  vehPlateMismatch = "Vehicle plate mismatch",
  installationSuccessful = "Installation successful",
  serviceVehicleSoon = "Service vehicle soon",
  partServiced = "%s serviced",
  partInstalled = "%s installed",
  partRemoved = "%s removed",
  notPartOfAnyMechanics = "You are not a part of any mechanic businesses",
  onDutyNotify = "You are now on duty",
  offDutyNotify = "You are now off duty",
  insufficientPermissions = "Insufficient Permissions",
  mechanicAdminCmdDesc = "Manage mechanic businesses data (admin only)",
  playerNotOnline = "Player is not online",
  notEnoughMoney = "You don't have enough money",
  invoicePaid = "Invoice paid",
  nitrousNotInstalled = "This vehicle does not have nitrous installed",
  noEmptyNitrousBottlesToReplace = "There are no empty nitrous bottles to replace",
  couldNotRemoveNitrousInvItem = "Could not remove 1x nitrous_bottle",
  couldNotGiveNitrousInvItem = "Could not give 1x empty_nitrous_bottle",
  couldNotRemoveNitrousInstallInvItem = "Could not remove 1x nitrous_install_kit",
  maxBottlesInstalled = "Maximum number of nitrous bottles are already installed on this vehicle",
  notEnoughMoneyInMechanicAccount = "There is not enough money in the Mechanic account",
  cleaningVehicle = "Cleaning vehicle...",
  vehicleCleaned = "Vehicle clean",
  itemNotInInventory = "You don't own %dx %s",
  notInDriversSeat = "You are not in the vehicle driver's seat",
  passengersMustLeaveVehicleFirst = "Passengers must leave the vehicle first",
  cannotStanceVehicleType = "You can only stance cars",
  tuningNotAvailable = "Not available for this vehicle",

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使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-19 22:03:44 | 显示全部楼层
xenonRgbSyncLimitation = "由于游戏限制,氙气灯的变化不会同步给你周围的人。",
installController = "安装控制器",
underglow = "底盘灯",
xenons = "氙气灯",
attachVehicle = "附加车辆",
hireEmployee = "雇佣员工",
employeeName = "员工姓名",
joined = "已加入",
noEmployees = "没有员工",
fire = "解雇",
fireEmployee = "解雇员工",
you = "你",
changeRole = "更改角色",
replaced = "已替换",
noTuningOptionsAvailable = "没有可用的调校选项",
orderHasBeenPlaced = "您的订单已下单",
contactMechanicToFulfill = "请联系您的技工安排订单的执行。",
noPayment = "无付款",
deleteOrderConfirmation = "删除此订单将全额退款给客户,即使订单部分完成。您确定要删除吗?",

-- Mods
repair = "修理",
repairVehicle = "修理车辆",
selfServiceRepairVehicle = "自助修车",
vehicleFullHealth = "车辆满健康",
performance = "性能",
cosmetics = "外观",
stance = "姿态",
respray = "重新喷涂",
wheels = "轮子",
lights = "灯光",
neonLights = "霓虹灯",
headlights = "前大灯",
xenonHeadlights = "氙气前大灯",
tyres = "轮胎",
tyreSmoke = "轮胎烟雾",
customTyreSmoke = "定制轮胎烟雾",
bulletproofTyres = "防弹轮胎",
extras = "额外装备",
enableStancing = "启用姿态调整",
adjWheelsIndv = "单独调整轮子",
suspensionHeight = "悬挂高度",
camber = "倾斜角",
trackWidth = "轨道宽度",
front = "前",
rear = "后",
leftAbbr = "左",
rightAbbr = "右",
syncSecColour = "同步二次颜色",
syncedWithPriColour = "与主颜色同步",
enableRgb = "启用RGB",
paintType = "油漆类型",
hex = "十六进制",
noPearl = "无珠母效应",
owned = "已拥有",
itemsAvailable = "%d 可用",
toggleable = "可切换",
set = "设置",
stock = "库存",
enableNeons = "启用霓虹灯",
enableXenons = "启用氙气灯",
left = "左",
right = "右",
price = "价格",
extra = "额外",
cart = "购物车",
cartEmpty = "购物车为空",
itemsSelected = "%d 已选",
useFreecamPrompt = "按  使用自由相机",
freecamToggledPrompt = "按住  移动自由相机或  返回自动相机",
stopMovingFreecamPrompt = "松开  停止或同时按  更改相机视角",
cancel = "取消",
bodyHealth = "车身健康度",
engineHealth = "发动机健康度",
areYouSure = "你确定吗?",
vehicleChangesWillBeLost = "所有对车辆的更改将会丢失!",
placeOrder = "下单",
checkout = "结账",
paymentMethod = "付款方式",

-- Tuning
engineSwaps = "发动机更换",
turbocharging = "涡轮增压",
drivetrains = "传动系统",
brakes = "刹车",
driftTuning = "漂移调校",

-- Servicing
engineOil = "发动机油",
clutch = "离合器",
airFilter = "空气滤清器",
sparkPlugs = "火花塞",
brakePads = "刹车片",
suspension = "悬挂",
evMotor = "电动机",
evBattery = "电池",
evCoolant = "冷却液",

-- Inventory Items
engine_oil = "发动机油",
clutch_replacement = "离合器更换",
air_filter = "空气滤清器",
spark_plug = "火花塞",
brakepad_replacement = "刹车片更换",
suspension_parts = "悬挂部件",
tyre_replacement = "轮胎更换",
v12_engine = "V12 发动机",
v8_engine = "V8 发动机",
v6_engine = "V6 发动机",
i4_engine = "I4 发动机",
rwd_drivetrain = "后轮驱动系统",
fwd_drivetrain = "前轮驱动系统",
awd_drivetrain = "全轮驱动系统",
turbocharger = "涡轮增压器",
drift_tuning_kit = "漂移调校套件",
lighting_controller = "灯光控制器",
stancing_kit = "姿态调整套件",
slick_tyres = "光滑轮胎",
semi_slick_tyres = "半光滑轮胎",
offroad_tyres = "越野轮胎",
ceramic_brakes = "陶瓷刹车",
ev_motor = "电动机",
ev_battery = "电池",
ev_coolant = "冷却液",
nitrous_bottle = "氮气瓶",
empty_nitrous_bottle = "空氮气瓶",
nitrous_install_kit = "氮气安装套件",
cleaning_kit = "清洁套件",
repair_kit = "修理套件",
performance_part = "性能部件",
cosmetic_part = "车身套件",
respray_kit = "重新喷涂套件",
vehicle_wheels = "车辆轮子套件",
tyre_smoke_kit = "轮胎烟雾套件",
bulletproof_tyres = "防弹轮胎",
extras_kit = "额外装置套件",

-- Errors & Messages
playerIsBusy = "玩家目前忙碌",
employeePermissionsError = "您没有必要的员工权限",
depositSuccess = "存款成功",
withdrawSuccess = "取款成功",
couldNotCompleteOrderError = "完成订单时出现问题。请稍后再试。",
enterVehicleToStartDynoMsg = "进入车辆驾驶座开始测功测试",
startDynoMsg = "按  开始测功测试",
noVehicleNearby = "附近没有车辆",
notInsideVehicle = "您不在车辆内",
vehicleRepaired = "车辆已修复",
ductTapeEngineHealthTooHigh = "您的车辆工作正常,胶带帮不上忙",
ductTapeUsed = "发动机再次运行 - 去见技工吧!",
installingLightingController = "安装LightingControl+",
takeEngineHoistToVehicle = "将吊机移到发动机并按  放置,或按  取消",
goToEngineToInstall = "走到发动机处,准备好开始安装时按 ",
notNearbyToEngine = "您不在发动机附近",
skillCheckFailed = "失败,请重试(剩余 %d 次尝试)",
installationFailed = "安装过程中打坏了一些螺母和螺栓",
goToEngineToInstallOrCancel = "走到发动机处按  安装或按  取消",
takeCanisterToEngine = "将NOS罐子拿到发动机处按  安装或按  取消",
takeWheel = "将轮子拿到一个轮胎处按  安装或按  取消",
pressToRespray = "按  开始喷漆或按  取消",
tooFarFromVehicle = "距离车辆太远",
notNearWheel = "不在轮胎附近",
paintEvenlyMsg = "围绕车辆行走确保均匀喷漆!",
resprayingVehicleProgress = "正在重新喷涂车辆",
nitrousBottleInstalled = "氮气瓶已安装",
refillingBottle = "正在填充瓶子...",
vehPlateMismatch = "车辆车牌不匹配",
installationSuccessful = "安装成功",
serviceVehicleSoon = "尽快维修车辆",
partServiced = "%s 已维护",
partInstalled = "%s 已安装",
partRemoved = "%s 已移除",
notPartOfAnyMechanics = "您不是任何机械业务的一部分",
onDutyNotify = "您现在值班",
offDutyNotify = "您现在不在值班",
insufficientPermissions = "权限不足",
mechanicAdminCmdDesc = "管理机械业务数据(仅管理员)",
playerNotOnline = "玩家不在线",
notEnoughMoney = "您没有足够的钱",
invoicePaid = "发票已支付",
nitrousNotInstalled = "该车辆未安装氮气",
noEmptyNitrousBottlesToReplace = "没有需要更换的空氮气瓶",
couldNotRemoveNitrousInvItem = "无法移除1个氮气瓶",
couldNotGiveNitrousInvItem = "无法给予1个空氮气瓶",
couldNotRemoveNitrousInstallInvItem = "无法移除1个氮气安装套件",
maxBottlesInstalled = "该车辆已安装最大数量的氮气瓶",
notEnoughMoneyInMechanicAccount = "机械账户里没有足够的钱",
cleaningVehicle = "正在清洁车辆...",
vehicleCleaned = "车辆已清洁",
itemNotInInventory = "您没有 %dx %s",
notInDriversSeat = "您不在司机座位上",
passengersMustLeaveVehicleFirst = "乘客必须先离开车辆",
cannotStanceVehicleType = "您只能调整汽车的姿态",
tuningNotAvailable = "此车辆不支持调校",

使用道具 举报

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