

Toyota 发表于 2024-8-19 22:02:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

-- Tablet
  yes = "Yes",
  no = "No",
  add = "Add",
  edit = "Edit",
  id = "ID",
  status = "Status",
  back = "Back",
  previous = "Previous",
  next = "Next",
  admin = "Admin",
  search = "Search",
  page = "Page",
  of = "of",
  every = "every",
  show = "Show",
  delete = "Delete",
  noOrders = "No orders",
  date = "Date",
  recipient = "Recipient",
  total = "Total",
  ok = "OK",
  view = "View",
  servicing = "Servicing",
  dyno = "Dyno",
  tuning = "Tuning",
  nos = "Nitrous",
  order = "Work Order",
  orders = "Work Orders",
  invoices = "Invoices",
  management = "Management",
  settings = "Settings",
  home = "Home",
  onDuty = "On Duty",
  offDuty = "Off Duty",
  connect = "Connect",
  connectVehicle = "Connect Vehicle",
  disconnectVehicle = "Disconnect Vehicle",
  login = "Login",
  logout = "Logout",
  noVehicleConnected = "No vehicle connected",
  stopVehicleFirst = "Stop the vehicle first",
  connectedTo = "Connected to",
  selectAMechanic = "Select a mechanic",
  mechanic = "Mechanic",
  error = "Error",
  warning = "Warning",
  noNearbyVehicles = "No nearby vehicles",
  notes = "Notes",
  install = "Install",
  installed = "Installed",
  remove = "Remove",
  itemRequired = "You need %s to do this!",
  insufficientFunds = "Insufficient management funds - you need %s to do this!",
  tabletStyle = "Tablet Style",
  lockscreenWallpaper = "Lockscreen Wallpaper URL",
  viewServiceHistory = "View Service History",
  serviceHistory = "Service History",
  noServicingData =
    "This vehicle has no servicing data. Servicing data will be available once the vehicle has been driven over 1km.",
  noServiceHistory = "This vehicle does not have any service history",
  service = "Service",
  installNitrous = "Install Nitrous",
  refillNitrous = "Refill Nitrous",
  markOrderComplete = "Mark Order Complete",
  deleteOrder = "Delete Order",
  partsToInstall = "Parts to Install",
  readyToInstall = "Ready to install",
  vehicleNotConnected = "Vehicle not connected",
  customer = "Customer",
  plate = "Plate",
  amountPaid = "Amount Paid",
  noInvoices = "All invoices paid",
  invoiceWillBeLost = "You have a draft invoice in the 'Invoices' app that will be lost unless you send or save it.",
  invoiceCreatedWarning = "If you worked on a vehicle, this invoice was created automatically.",
  discardInvoice = "Discard Invoice",
  dashboard = "Dashboard",
  employees = "Employees",
  invoice = "Invoice",
  vehicle = "Vehicle",
  vehicles = "Vehicles",
  accountBalance = "Account Balance",
  bank = "Bank Account",
  cash = "Cash",
  amount = "Amount",
  societyFund = "Society Fund",
  paymentSource = "Payment Source",
  purchase = "Purchase",
  deposit = "Deposit",
  withdraw = "Withdraw",
  managerRole = "Manager",
  mechanicRole = "Mechanic",
  ownerRole = "Owner",
  totalOrders = "Total Orders",
  totalInvoices = "Total Invoices",
  totalEmployees = "Total Employees",
  denyRequest = "Deny Request",
  employmentRequest = "Employment Request",
  accept = "Accept",
  jobOfferDescription = "You have been offered a job at the \"%{value}\" mechanic. Would you like to accept?",
  pending = "Pending",
  employeeHiredMsg = "Mechanic hire request was accepted!",
  employeeRejectedMsg = "Mechanic hire request was rejected",
  role = "Role",
  mechanicName = "Mechanic Name",
  save = "Save",
  name = "Name",
  type = "Type",
  owner = "Owner",
  bankBalance = "Bank Balance",
  mechanicAdmin = "Mechanic Admin",
  mechanicsCount = "mechanic(s)",
  setOwner = "Set Owner",
  deleteData = "Delete Data",
  noPlayersNearby = "No players nearby",
  selectPlayer = "Select player",
  deleteConfirmationDanger = "Are you sure? This action is irreversable.",
  dynoDescription = "A dyno test measures the torque (Nm) and power (HP) in your vehicle. It's designed to indicate the amount of power in the engine.",
  startDyno = "Start Dyno Test",
  share = "Share",
  restart = "Restart",
  dynoResults = "Dyno Results",
  horsepowerAbbr = "HP",
  newtonMetersAbbr = "Nm",
  rpm = "RPM",
  maxRpm = "Max RPM",
  torque = "Torque",
  peakTorque = "Peak Torque",
  peakPower = "Peak Power",
  nearbyPlayers = "Nearby Players",
  send = "Send",
  sendNow = "Send Now",
  resend = "Resend",
  cooldown = "Cooldown",
  nosEmpty = "NOS Empty",
  ready = "Ready",
  nosInfo = "You need a NOS Install Kit to install a new bottle. You can install up to %d bottle(s).",
  paid = "Paid",
  unpaid = "Unpaid",
  refresh = "Refresh",
  create = "Create",
  draft = "Draft",
  description = "Description",
  addRow = "Add Row",
  payInvoice = "Pay Invoice",
  solid = "Solid",
  rgb = "RGB",
  flash = "Flash",
  on = "On",
  off = "Off",
  effect = "Effect",
  syncHeadlightsAndUnderglow = "Sync Xenon & Underglow Effects",
  speed = "Speed",

回复 论坛版权

使用道具 举报

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-19 22:02:29 | 显示全部楼层
-- 平板
  yes = "是",
  no = "否",
  add = "添加",
  edit = "编辑",
  id = "ID",
  status = "状态",
  back = "返回",
  previous = "上一页",
  next = "下一页",
  admin = "管理员",
  search = "搜索",
  page = "页",
  of = "的",
  every = "每页",
  show = "显示",
  delete = "删除",
  noOrders = "没有订单",
  date = "日期",
  recipient = "接收者",
  total = "总计",
  ok = "确定",
  view = "查看",
  servicing = "服务",
  dyno = "测功机",
  tuning = "调校",
  nos = "氮气加速",
  order = "工作订单",
  orders = "工作订单",
  invoices = "发票",
  management = "管理",
  settings = "设置",
  home = "主页",
  onDuty = "上班",
  offDuty = "下班",
  connect = "连接",
  connectVehicle = "连接车辆",
  disconnectVehicle = "断开车辆",
  login = "登录",
  logout = "登出",
  noVehicleConnected = "未连接车辆",
  stopVehicleFirst = "请先停止车辆",
  connectedTo = "已连接到",
  selectAMechanic = "选择一名技师",
  mechanic = "技师",
  error = "错误",
  warning = "警告",
  noNearbyVehicles = "附近没有车辆",
  notes = "备注",
  install = "安装",
  installed = "已安装",
  remove = "移除",
  itemRequired = "需要 %s 才能完成此操作!",
  insufficientFunds = "管理资金不足 - 需要 %s 才能完成此操作!",
  tabletStyle = "平板样式",
  lockscreenWallpaper = "锁屏壁纸URL",
  viewServiceHistory = "查看服务历史",
  serviceHistory = "服务历史",
  noServicingData = "此车辆无服务数据。服务数据将在驾驶超过1公里后可用。",
  noServiceHistory = "此车辆没有任何服务历史",
  service = "服务",
  installNitrous = "安装氮气加速",
  refillNitrous = "补充氮气",
  markOrderComplete = "标记订单完成",
  deleteOrder = "删除订单",
  partsToInstall = "待安装零件",
  readyToInstall = "准备安装",
  vehicleNotConnected = "车辆未连接",
  customer = "客户",
  plate = "车牌",
  amountPaid = "支付金额",
  noInvoices = "所有发票已支付",
  invoiceWillBeLost = "你在“发票”应用中有一个草稿发票,若不发送或保存将会丢失。",
  invoiceCreatedWarning = "如果你为车辆工作了,这张发票会自动创建。",
  discardInvoice = "丢弃发票",
  dashboard = "仪表盘",
  employees = "员工",
  invoice = "发票",
  vehicle = "车辆",
  vehicles = "车辆",
  accountBalance = "账户余额",
  bank = "银行账户",
  cash = "现金",
  amount = "金额",
  societyFund = "公司基金",
  paymentSource = "支付来源",
  purchase = "购买",
  deposit = "存款",
  withdraw = "取款",
  managerRole = "经理",
  mechanicRole = "技师",
  ownerRole = "老板",
  totalOrders = "总订单",
  totalInvoices = "总发票",
  totalEmployees = "总员工",
  denyRequest = "拒绝请求",
  employmentRequest = "招聘请求",
  accept = "接受",
  jobOfferDescription = "你被 "%{value}" 技师提供了一份工作。你愿意接受吗?",
  pending = "待定",
  employeeHiredMsg = "技师招聘请求已接受!",
  employeeRejectedMsg = "技师招聘请求已拒绝",
  role = "角色",
  mechanicName = "技师名称",
  save = "保存",
  name = "名称",
  type = "类型",
  owner = "老板",
  bankBalance = "银行余额",
  mechanicAdmin = "技师管理",
  mechanicsCount = "技师",
  setOwner = "设置老板",
  deleteData = "删除数据",
  noPlayersNearby = "附近没有玩家",
  selectPlayer = "选择玩家",
  deleteConfirmationDanger = "你确定吗?此操作不可逆。",
  dynoDescription = "测功机测试测量你的车辆的扭矩 (Nm) 和功率 (HP)。它旨在指示发动机中的动力。",
  startDyno = "开始测功机测试",
  share = "分享",
  restart = "重启",
  dynoResults = "测功机结果",
  horsepowerAbbr = "马力",
  newtonMetersAbbr = "牛米",
  rpm = "转速",
  maxRpm = "最大转速",
  torque = "扭矩",
  peakTorque = "峰值扭矩",
  peakPower = "峰值功率",
  nearbyPlayers = "附近玩家",
  send = "发送",
  sendNow = "立即发送",
  resend = "重新发送",
  cooldown = "冷却时间",
  nosEmpty = "氮气瓶空了",
  ready = "准备好了",
  nosInfo = "你需要一个氮气安装套件才能安装新的氮气瓶。你最多可以安装 %d 个氮气瓶。",
  paid = "已支付",
  unpaid = "未支付",
  refresh = "刷新",
  create = "创建",
  draft = "草稿",
  description = "描述",
  addRow = "添加行",
  payInvoice = "支付发票",
  solid = "实心",
  rgb = "RGB",
  flash = "闪烁",
  on = "开启",
  off = "关闭",
  effect = "效果",
  syncHeadlightsAndUnderglow = "同步前灯与底灯效果",
  speed = "速度",

使用道具 举报

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