Config.useModernUI = true -- 2023 年 3 月,工作进行了大规模的返工,用户界面也发生了变化。将其设置为 false,以使用不再受支持的 OLD UI.
Config.splitReward = false -- This option work's only when useModernUI is false. If this option is true, the payout is: (Config.OnePercentWorth * Progress ) / PartyCount, if false then: (Config.OnePercentWorth * Progress)
Config.UseTarget = false -- Change it to true if you want to use a target system. All setings about the target system are under target.lua file.
Config.UseBuiltInNotifications = true -- Set to false if you want to use ur framework notification style. Otherwise, the built in modern notifications will be used. Avalible only with modern UI
Config.RequiredJob = "none" -- Set to "none" if you dont want using jobs. If you are using target, you have to set "job" parameter inside every export in target.lua
Config.RequireJobAlsoForFriends = true -- If it's false, then only host needs to have the job, if it's true then everybody from group needs to have the Config.RequiredJob
Config.RequireOneFriendMinimum = false -- Set to true if you want to force players to create teams
Config.OnePercentWorth = 100 -- Means that 1% progress will reward players with $100不影响正文阅读
-- ^^ Here you can change payout. Tags for search tool: reward, payout, payment, money, cash, bank
Config.letBossSplitReward = true -- If it's true, then boss can manage whole party rewards percent in menu. If you'll set it to false, then everybody will get same amount. Avalible only in modern UI
Config.multiplyRewardWhileWorkingInGroup = true -- If it's false, then reward will stay by default. For example $1000 for completing whole job. If you'll set it to true, then the payout will depend on how many players is there in the group. For example, if for full job there's $1000, then if player will work in 4 member group, the reward will be $4000. (baseReward * partyCount)
Config.EnableVehicleTeleporting = true -- If its true, then the script will teleport the host to the company vehicle. If its false, then the company vehicle will apeear, but the whole squad need to go enter the car manually
Config.JobVehicleModel = "17mov_BuilderCar" -- Model of the company car
Config.PenaltyAmount = 500 -- Penalty that is levied when a player finishes work without a company vehicle
Config.DontPayRewardWithoutVehicle = false -- Set to true if you want to dont pay reward to players who want's to end without company vehicle (accepting the penalty)
Config.DeleteVehicleWithPenalty = false -- Delete Vehicle even if its not company veh
Config.MixerModel = "17mov_Mixer" -- Model of concrete mixer used for pouring concrete
Config.PipeModel = "17mov_pipe"
Config.PipeInstallingTime = 10000
Config.WallBuildingTime = 15000
Config.WeldingTime = 12500哈哈
Config.wearingAnimation = { dict = "anim@heists@box_carry@", name = "idle"}
Config.installingBlockToFrameScenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_HAMMERING"
Config.JobCooldown = 0 * 60 -- 10 * 60 -- 0 minutes cooldown between making jobs (in brackets there's example for 10 minutes)
Config.GiveKeysToAllLobby = true -- Set to false if you want to give keys only for group creator while starting job
Config.EnableWaypoint = false -- Set to true if you want to enable the waypoint for ur current job location
Config.ProgressBarOffset = "25px" -- Value in px of counter offset on screen哈哈
Config.ProgressBarAlign = "bottom-right" -- Align of the progressbar