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alim000 发表于 2024-8-12 13:23:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    ["no_permission"] = "Only the party owner can do that!",
    ["keybind"] = 'Construction Job Marker Interaction',
    ["too_far"] = "Your party has started work, but you are too far from headquarters",
    ["kicked"] = "You kicked %s out of the party",
    ["alreadyWorking"] = "First, complete the previous order",
    ["quit"] = "You have left the Team",
    ["wrongCar"] = "This is not your company vehicle",
    ["CarNeeded"] = "You need your company vehicle to finish the job.",
    ["nobodyNearby"] = "There is no one around",
    ["cantInvite"] = "To be able to invite more people, you must first finish the job",
    ["inviteSent"] = "Invite Sent!",
    ["spawnpointOccupied"] = "The car's or mixer truck spawn site is occupied",
    ["pipesNotReady"] = "Before pouring the concrete, first you have to install the pipes",
    ["clickToPour"] = "~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to pour concrete",
    ["installPipe"] = "Install pipe",
    ["pickupBlock"] = "Pickup Block",
    ["tutorialAfterMixerPickup"] = "You just picked up your boss's designated concrete mixer. Drive it to the construction site, then pour the concrete in the designated areas. The Construction Site is marked on the GPS",
    ["startingTutorial"] = "Welcome to the work of the builder. A variety of tasks await you on site, from welding, to building walls, making drains, or pouring concrete. If you're working in a group, you'll now have to split up, one person have to be dropped off at the concrete mixer pick-up point and then transport the concrete mixer to the construction site. Every single activity, will be explained when you first approach it. You have the locations of the tasks marked on the map. If you work alone, then you have to complete each task by yourself, if you work in groups - you decide how you want to divide. You don't have to do all the tasks, you can finish when you want, and your payment depends on how many % of the tasks you do. We wish you good luck!",
    ["installBlock"] = "Build a wall",
    ["tutorialWallBuilding"] = "You are next to the wall frame, your task is to build it using concrete blocks. The concrete blocks are near the frame, and are marked on the GPS. Walk up to the pile with the blocks, pick one up, and then mount it to the wall",
    ["tutorialAboutPipes"] = "You are next to a hole overlooking sewer pipes. Your task is to install the pipes in the right places. After installing the pipes, you must pour concrete over the hole using a concrete mixer. ",
    ["tutorialWelding"] = "You are next to the place where the boss told you to weld something. The job is very simple, requiring no further explanation",
    ["startWelding"] = "Start Welding",
    ["workstationOccupied"] = "This workstation is occupied",
    ["notFullJob"] = "You have to make 100% progress before ending a job",
    ["notADriver"] = "You need to be a driver of vehicle to end the job",
    ["partyIsFull"] = "Failed to send an invite, your group is full",
    ["wrongReward1"] = "The payout percentage should be between 0 and 100",
    ["wrongReward2"] = "The total percentage of all payouts exceeded 100%",
    ["cantLeaveLobby"] = "You can't leave the lobby while you're working. First, end the job.",
    -- Server
    ["isAlreadyHost"] = "This player leads his team.",
    ["isBusy"] = "This player already belongs to another team.",
    ["hasActiveInvite"] = "This Player already has an active invitation from someone.",
    ["HaveActiveInvite"] = "You already have an active invitation to join the team.",
    ["InviteDeclined"] = "Your invitation has been declined.",
    ["InviteAccepted"] = "Your invitation has been accepted!",
    ["error"] = "There was a Problem joining a team. Please try again later.",
    ["kickedOut"] = "You've been kicked out of the team!",
    ["reward"] = "You have received a payout of $",
    ["RequireOneFriend"] = "This job requires at least one team member",
    ["penalty"] = "You paid a fine in the amount of ",
    ["clientsPenalty"] = "The team's host accepted the punishment. You have not received the payment",
    ["noMixerStatus"] = "Currently, we do not have any free concrete mixer for u. Please try again later",
    ["dontHaveReqItem"] = "You or someone from your team do not have the required item to start work",
    ["notEverybodyHasRequiredJob"] = "Not every of your friends have the required job",
    ["someoneIsOnCooldown"] = "%s can't start the job now (cooldown: %s)",
    ["hours"] = "h",
    ["minutes"] = "m",
    ["seconds"] = "s",
    ["newBoss"] = "The previous lobby boss has left the server. You are now the team leader",
    ["wait"] = "Please wait few seconds and try again later"

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ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-12 13:28:32 | 显示全部楼层
["no_permission"] = "只有团队所有者才能这样做!",
    ["keybind"] = '建筑工作标记交互',
    ["too_far"] = "你的团队已经开始工作,但你离总部太远了",
    ["kicked"] = "你将 %s 踢出了团队",
    ["alreadyWorking"] = "请先完成之前的订单",
    ["quit"] = "你已离开团队",
    ["wrongCar"] = "这不是你的公司车辆",
    ["CarNeeded"] = "你需要你的公司车辆才能完成工作。",
    ["nobodyNearby"] = "周围没有人",
    ["cantInvite"] = "要能够邀请更多人,你必须先完成这项工作",
    ["inviteSent"] = "邀请已发送!",
    ["spawnpointOccupied"] = "汽车或搅拌车的生成点被占用",
    ["pipesNotReady"] = "在浇筑混凝土之前,首先你必须安装管道",
    ["clickToPour"] = "~INPUT_CONTEXT~ 来浇筑混凝土",
    ["installPipe"] = "安装管道",
    ["pickupBlock"] = "拾起砖块",
    ["tutorialAfterMixerPickup"] = "你刚刚拿到了老板指定的混凝土搅拌机。开车到施工现场,然后在指定区域浇筑混凝土。施工地点在GPS上标记。",
    ["startingTutorial"] = "欢迎来到建筑工地。你将在现场面临各种任务,从焊接、建墙、制作排水沟,或浇筑混凝土。如果你在一个小组里,现在你需要分开,一人需要被放到混凝土搅拌机的取货点,然后将搅拌机运输到施工现场。每个活动,当你第一次靠近时会进行解释。你的位置任务在地图上标出。如果你单独工作,那么你必须独自完成每项任务,如果你在小组中 - 你决定如何分配。你不必完成所有任务,你可以在任何时候结束,而你的报酬取决于你完成的任务百分比。祝你好运!",
    ["installBlock"] = "建造墙壁",
    ["tutorialWallBuilding"] = "你在墙框旁边,你的任务是使用混凝土块建立它。混凝土块在框旁边,并在GPS上标记。走到堆积的块旁,拾起一个,然后将其安装到墙上",
    ["tutorialAboutPipes"] = "你在一个可以看到下水管的洞旁。你的任务是在正确的位置安装管道。安装管道后,你必须使用混凝土搅拌机在洞上浇筑混凝土。",
    ["tutorialWelding"] = "你在老板告诉你焊接某物的地方。这项工作非常简单,无需进一步解释",
    ["startWelding"] = "开始焊接",
    ["workstationOccupied"] = "这个工作站被占用",
    ["notFullJob"] = "你必须完成100%的进度才能结束工作",
    ["notADriver"] = "你需要是一名车辆的司机才能结束工作",
    ["partyIsFull"] = "发送邀请失败,你的团队已经满员",
    ["wrongReward1"] = "支付百分比应该在0到100之间",
    ["wrongReward2"] = "所有支付的总百分比超过了100%",
    ["cantLeaveLobby"] = "你在工作时不能离开大厅。首先结束工作。",
    -- 服务器
    ["isAlreadyHost"] = "该玩家是他的团队负责人。",
    ["isBusy"] = "该玩家已经属于另一支队伍。",
    ["hasActiveInvite"] = "该玩家已经有来自其他人的有效邀请。",
    ["HaveActiveInvite"] = "你已经有一个有效的邀请加入团队。",
    ["InviteDeclined"] = "你的邀请已被拒绝。",
    ["InviteAccepted"] = "你的邀请已被接受!",
    ["error"] = "加入团队时出现问题。请稍后再试。",
    ["kickedOut"] = "你已被踢出团队!",
    ["reward"] = "你已获得 $",
    ["RequireOneFriend"] = "这项工作至少需要一个团队成员",
    ["penalty"] = "你支付了一笔罚款,金额为 ",
    ["clientsPenalty"] = "团队的负责人接受了惩罚。你没有收到付款",
    ["noMixerStatus"] = "目前我们没有任何空闲的混凝土搅拌机,请稍后再试",
    ["dontHaveReqItem"] = "你或者团队中的其他人没有开始工作的所需物品",
    ["notEverybodyHasRequiredJob"] = "你并不是所有朋友都有所需的工作",
    ["someoneIsOnCooldown"] = "%s 现在不能开始工作(冷却时间:%s)",
    ["hours"] = "小时",
    ["minutes"] = "分钟",
    ["seconds"] = "秒",
    ["newBoss"] = "前一个大厅老板已离开服务器。你现在是团队领导",
    ["wait"] = "请等待几秒钟,然后再试一次"

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