-----------------For support, scripts, and more----------------
--------------- https://discord.gg/wasabiscripts -------------
if not Config.Language then Config.Language = 'en' end
if Config.Language ~= 'en' then return end
Strings = {
possible_cause = 'Possible Cause',
full_name = 'Name',
pulse = 'BPM',
bpm = 'BPM: %s',
bleed_rate = 'Bleed Rate',
bleed_rate_low = 'Low',
bleed_rate_medium = 'Medium',
bleed_rate_high = 'High',
no_name = 'No Name',
injuries = 'Current Injuries',
get_off_stretcher_ui = '[E] - Get Off Stretcher',
move = 'Move',
move_desc = 'Move the stretcher',
put_in_vehicle = 'Put in Vehicle',
stretcher_in_vehicle = 'Deposit Stretcher',
put_in_vehicle_desc = 'Put the stretcher in a vehicle',
place_on_stretcher = 'Place Patient',
place_on_stretcher_desc = 'Place a patient on the stretcher',
remove_from_stretcher = 'Remove Patient',
remove_from_stretcher_desc = 'Remove a patient from the stretcher',
not_found = 'Not Found',
already_occupied_ambulance = 'Already Occupied',
already_occupied_ambulance_desc = 'This ambulance is already occupied!',
already_occupied_stretcher = 'Already Occupied',
already_occupied_stretcher_desc = 'This stretcher is already occupied!',
vehicle_occupied = 'Vehicle Occupied',
vehicle_occupied_desc = 'There can not be a person driving while doing this!',
not_occupied_stretcher = 'Not Occupied',
not_occupied_stretcher_desc = 'This stretcher is not occupied!',
stretcher_placement_blocked = 'Placement Blocked',
stretcher_placement_blocked_desc = 'You can not place the stretcher here!',
knocked_out = 'Knocked Out',
knocked_out_desc = 'You were knocked out cold!',
checkin_cooldown = 'Check-in Cooldown',
checkin_cooldown_desc = 'You are attempting to check-in too fast, please wait a moment.',
checkingin_progress = 'Checking In. . .',
remove_dead_target = 'Remove Unconcious Person',
ply_injury_head = 'head',
ply_injury_neck = 'neck',
ply_injury_spine = 'spine',
ply_injury_upper = 'upper body',
ply_injury_lower = 'lower body',
ply_injury_left_arm = 'left arm',
ply_injury_left_leg = 'left leg',
ply_injury_right_arm = 'right arm',
ply_injury_right_leg = 'right leg',
diagnosing_patient_progress = 'Diagnosing Patient. . .',
treating_patient_progress = 'Treating Patient. . .',
recovering_progress = 'Recovering. . .',
injury_report = 'Injury Report',
none = 'None',
mild = 'Mild',
moderate = 'Moderate',
severe = 'Severe',
deadly = 'Deadly',
injury_report_locations = 'Location',
injury_report_type = 'Injury Type: %s',
injury_report_severity = 'Severity: %s',
injury_report_bleed = 'Blood Loss',
light_injury_title = 'Light Injury',
moderate_injury_title = 'Moderate Injury',
extreme_injury_title = 'Extreme Injury',
injury_bleed_notify = 'Injury & Bleeding Alert',
light_injury_desc = 'Your %s is injured, consider visiting a doctor!',
moderate_injury_desc = 'Your %s is very injured, you need a doctor!',
extreme_injury_desc = 'Your %s is tremendously injured. You need to get to the doctor before it is too late!',
injury_msg_one = 'You have a significant injury.',
injury_msg_two = 'You have a serious injury.',
injury_msg_three = 'You have a severe injury.',
injury_msg_four = 'You have a critical injury.',
bleed_msg_one = 'You\'re bleeding.',
bleed_msg_two = 'You\'re bleeding badly. Apply some pressure.',
bleed_msg_three = 'You\'re going to bleed out!',
fainted_title = 'Fainted',
fainted_so_high_desc = 'You fainted from being so high.',
cant_jump_title = 'Can\'t Jump!',
cant_jump_desc = 'You are too injured to attempt to jump',
blackout_title = 'Lost Conciousness',
blackout_desc = 'You lost conciousness due to your %s injury! Seek medical attention immediately!',
treated_fully_desc = 'You have been treated and are feeling better than ever!',
treated_not_fully_desc = 'You have been treated but need additional treatment.',
prescription_menu = 'Prescriptions Menu',
prescription_menu_desc = 'Access and manage prescriptions',
no_stretcher_detected = 'No Stretcher',
no_stretcher_detected_desc = 'There was not an active stretcher detected!',
cant_run = 'Can\'t Sprint',
cant_run_desc = 'You are too injured to sprint!',
no_back_seat = 'No Available Seats',
no_back_seat_desc = 'There are no seats in the back of this ambulance',
enter_vehicle_back = 'Enter Ambulance (Rear)',
stretcher_already_deployed = 'Stretcher Already Deployed',
stretcher_already_deployed_desc = 'The stretcher allocated to this ambulance has already been removed.',
send_stretcher_home = 'Return To Vehicle',
ambulance_not_found = 'Stretcher was removed but the ambulance was not found to return to!',
bleedout = 'bleeding',
player_injury_critical_desc = 'Player is in critical condition due to a %s wound!',
gps_active = 'GPS Activated',
gps_active_desc = 'Player %s activated their GPS',
gps_deactive = 'GPS Deactivated',
gps_deactive_desc = 'Player %s deactivated their GPS',
no_wsb = '^0[^3WARNING^0] wasabi_bridge was NOT started AFTER framework and/or BEFORE resource: %s',
spawn_blocked = 'Garage Blocked',
spawn_blocked_desc = 'You can not pull your vehicle out because it is blocked!',
menu_remove_crutch = 'Remove Crutch',
menu_remove_crutch_desc = 'Remove a crutch to a nearby patient',
menu_remove_chair = 'Remove Wheelchair',
menu_remove_chair_desc = 'Remove a wheelchair to a nearby patient',
toggle_stretcher = 'Take Stretcher',
toggle_stretcher_desc = 'Take stretcher from nearest vehicle',
no_vehicle_nearby = 'Vehicle',
no_vehicle_nearby_desc = 'There is no vehicle nearby',
no_ambulance_nearby_desc = 'There is no ambulance nearby',
on_duty = 'On Duty',
on_duty_desc = 'You have just switched to on duty!',
off_duty = 'Off Duty',
off_duty_desc = 'You have just switched to off duty!',
amount = 'Amount',
mr = 'Mr',
mrs = 'Mrs',
debt_collection = 'Debt Collection',
db_email =
'Dear %s %s, <br /><br />The Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJCA) charged the fines you received from the police.<br />There is <strong>$%s</strong> withdrawn from your account.<br /><br />Kind regards,<br />Mr. Wasabi',
fine_sent = 'Fines Sent',
fine_sent_desc = 'You have successfully sent fine for $%s!',
fine_received = 'Fine Received',
fine_received_desc = 'You have received a fine for $%s',
log_killed_title = 'Player Killed',
log_killed_desc =
'> *%s [%s] killed %s [%s]\n\n**Killer\'s Information:**\nName: `%s`\nPlayer ID: `%s`\nIdentifier: `%s`\nSteam: `%s`\nDiscord: `%s`\nLicense: `%s`\nLicense2: `%s`\nXBL: `%s`\nFiveM: `%s`\nIP: ||%s||\n\n**Victim\'s Information:**\nCharacter Name: `%s`\nPlayer ID: `%s`\nIdentifier: `%s`\nSteam: `%s`\nDiscord: `%s`\nLicense: `%s`\nLicense2: `%s`\nXBL: `%s`\nFiveM: `%s`\nIP: ||%s||\n\n> **Death Cause:** `%s`',
log_suicide_title = 'Player Committed Suicide',
log_suicide_desc =
'> %s [%s] killed themselves\n\n**Player Information:**\nName: `%s`\nPlayer ID: `%s`\nIdentifier: `%s`\nSteam: `%s`\nDiscord: `%s`\nLicense: `%s`\nLicense2: `%s`\nXBL: `%s`\nFiveM: `%s`\nIP: ||%s||\n\n> **Death Cause:** `%s`',
unknown = 'UNKNOWN',
log_admin_revive_title = 'Player Admin Revived',
log_admin_revive_desc =
'> *%s [%s] admin revived %s [%s]\n\n**Target\'s Information:**\nName: `%s`\nPlayer ID: `%s`\nIdentifier: `%s`\nSteam: `%s`\nDiscord: `%s`\nLicense: `%s`\nLicense2: `%s`\nXBL: `%s`\nFiveM: `%s`\nIP: ||%s||\n\n**Admin\'s Information:**\nCharacter Name: `%s`\nPlayer ID: `%s`\nIdentifier: `%s`\nSteam: `%s`\nDiscord: `%s`\nLicense: `%s`\nLicense2: `%s`\nXBL: `%s`\nFiveM: `%s`\nIP: ||%s||',
log_self_revive_title = 'Admin Self Revived',
log_self_revive_desc =
'> %s [%s] self revived\n\n**Player Information:**\nName: `%s`\nPlayer ID: `%s`\nIdentifier: `%s`\nSteam: `%s`\nDiscord: `%s`\nLicense: `%s`\nLicense2: `%s`\nXBL: `%s`\nFiveM: `%s`\nIP: ||%s||',
log_death_logs = 'Death Logs',
log_revive_logs = 'Revive Logs',
medbag_crutch = 'Crutch',
medbag_crutch_desc = 'A crutch to assist patients with walking',
menu_crutch = 'Apply Crutch',
menu_crutch_desc = 'Add a crutch to a nearby patient',
medbag_chair = 'Wheelchair',
medbag_chair_desc = 'A wheelchair to assist patients who cannot walk',
menu_chair = 'Apply Wheelchair',
menu_chair_desc = 'Add a wheelchair to a nearby patient',
shot = 'gunshot',
stabbed = 'stab',
beat = 'blunt-forced trama',
burned = 'burn',
other = 'unknown',
JobMenuTitle = 'EMS Menu',
dispatch = 'Dispatch',
dispatch_desc = 'Check for players in need of assistance',
DispatchMenuTitle = 'Dispatch',
GoBack = 'Go Back',
key_map_text = 'Ambulance Job Menu',
assistance_title = 'Assistance Requested',
assistance_desc = 'A person has requested medical assistance!',
respawn_available_in = 'Respawn available in ~r~%s minutes %s seconds~s~\n',
respawn_bleedout_in = 'You will bleed out in ~r~%s minutes %s seconds~s~\n',
respawn_bleedout_prompt = 'Hold [~r~E~s~] to respawn',
distress_send = 'Press [~r~G~s~] to send distress signal to EMS',
distress_sent_title = 'Assistance Requested',
distress_sent_desc = 'Distress signal has been sent to available units!',
route_set_title = 'Route Set',
route_set_desc = 'A waypoint has been set to the distressed person!',
diagnose_patient = 'Diagnose',
diagnose_patient_desc = 'Diagnose the closest injured person',
no_requests = 'No active requests',
revive_patient = 'Revive',
revive_patient_desc = 'Attempt to revive nearby person',
heal_patient = 'Heal',
heal_patient_desc = 'Attempt to heal nearby person',
sedate_patient = 'Sedate',
sedate_patient_desc = 'Temporarily sedate nearby person',
drag_patient = 'Drag',
drag_patient_desc = 'Drag nearby injured person',
place_stretcher_target = 'Add or Remove Patient',
place_patient = 'Place in/out Vehicle',
place_patient_desc = 'Place unconcious nearby person in/out of vehicle',
no_nearby = 'Not Found',
no_nearby_desc = 'There appears to be nobody around',
no_injury = 'No Injury',
no_injury_desc = 'Person doesn\'t appear to need any treatment',
no_injury_dead_desc =
'The patient doesn\'t appear to need additional treatment. Try to use the defibrillator and hope for the best!',
player_injury = 'Person Injured',
player_injury_desc = 'This person has appears to have a %s wound',
player_not_unconcious = 'Player Concious',
player_not_unconcious_desc = 'It appears the player is concious',
player_unconcious = 'Player Unconcious',
player_unconcious_desc = 'Patient is required to be concious for this treatment!',
player_reviving = 'Reviving',
player_reviving_desc = 'Reviving patient in progress',
player_noitem = 'Missing Item',
player_noitem_desc = 'You lack the required item for this!',
player_successful_revive = 'Revived',
player_successful_revive_reward_desc = 'You have successfully revived the patient and earned $%s!',
player_successful_revive_desc = 'You have successfully revived the patient!',
player_healing = 'Healing',
player_healing_desc = 'Healing patient in progress',
player_successful_heal = 'Healed',
player_successful_heal_desc = 'Patient successfully healed!',
player_healed_desc = 'You have been successfully healed by the medic!',
not_medic = 'Unauthorized',
not_medic_desc = 'You are not trained to use this!',
target_sedated = 'Sedated',
target_sedated_desc = 'You have been sedated by a medical professional',
player_successful_sedate_desc = 'You have successfully sedated the patient',
drop_bag_ui = '[E] - Drop Bag',
drop_stretch_ui = '[E] - Place Stretcher',
pickup_bag_target = 'Pick Up',
move_target = 'Move',
interact_bag_target = 'Open',
successful = 'Successful',
medbag_pickup = 'You picked up the medbag',
medbag_pickup_civ = 'You searched the bag and have taken what would be of use',
stretcher_pickup = 'You sent the stretcher to the ambulance it was pulled from',
medbag = 'Medical Bag',
medbag_tweezers = 'Tweezers',
medbag_tweezers_desc = 'Used to remove bullets',
medbag_suture = 'Suture Kit',
medbag_suture_desc = 'Used to stitch wounds',
medbag_icepack = 'Ice Pack',
medbag_icepack_desc = 'Used to reduce swelling',
medbag_burncream = 'Burn Cream',
medbag_burncream_desc = 'Used to treat burns',
medbag_defib = 'Defibrillator',
medbag_defib_desc = 'For reviving patients',
medbag_medikit = 'Medkit',
medbag_medikit_desc = 'Used for healing patients',
medbag_sedative = 'Sedative',
medbag_sedative_desc = 'Used to sedate patients',
medbag_stretcher = 'Foldable Stretcher',
medbag_stretcher_desc = 'Used for moving patients',
item_grab = 'You have pulled a tool from your medical bag',
wrong_equipment = 'Wrong Equipment!',
wrong_equipment_desc = 'Have you even been trained?',
player_not_injured = 'Not Injured',
player_not_injured_desc =
'This person does not appear to need any extra treatment and is clear for the defibrillator',
player_treated = 'Treated',
player_treated_desc = 'You have successfully treated the patient',
revive_command_help = 'An admin command to revive players',
revive_command_arg = 'The player id',
reviveall_command_help = 'An admin command to revive every player',
revivearea_command_help = 'An admin command to revive nearby players',
revivearea_command_arg = 'Area to revive players',
resetdeathcount_command_help = 'An admin command to reset players deathcount',
resetdeathcount_command_arg = 'The player id',
viewdeathcount_command_help = 'A command to view your deathcount',
alive_again = 'Alive',
alive_again_desc = 'You were dropped off by a local at the hospital!',
request_supplies_target = 'Medical Supplies',
currency = '$',
not_enough_funds = 'Insufficient Funds',
not_enough_funds_desc = 'You don\'t have enough funds!',
hospital_garage = 'Hospital Garage',
used_meditkit = 'Medkit Used',
used_medikit_desc = 'You\'ve managed to patch yourself up',
action_cancelled = 'Action Cancelled',
action_cancelled_desc = 'You cancelled your last action!',
healing_self_prog = 'Treating Wounds',
checkin_hospital = 'Success',
checkin_hospital_desc = 'You have been successful treated by the hospital staff',
max_ems = 'Medics Avaliable',
max_ems_desc = 'There are plenty of medics in the city! Distress for help!',
player_busy = 'Busy',
player_busy_desc = 'You are currently too busy to do this action!',
cloakroom = 'Changing Room',
civilian_wear = 'Civilian Wear',
bill_patient = 'Bill Patient',
bill_patient_desc = 'Send a nearby patient an invoice',
invalid_entry = 'Invalid',
invalid_entry_desc = 'Your entry was invalid!',
medical_services = 'Medical Services',
hospital = 'Hospital',
interact_stretcher_ui = '[E] - Interact',
stretcher_menu_title = 'Stretcher Interactions',
open_shop_ui = '[E] - Open Pharmacy'
UIStrings = {
player_dying = "YOU ARE DYING",
player_passed = "YOU PASSED AWAY",
ems_on_the_way = "Emergency services are on the way!",
press_ems_services = "for Emergency Services",
press_for_light = "to see the light",
hold = "Hold",
time_to_respawn = "Time left till respawn",
press = "Press",
player_hurt_critical = "Critical Condition!",
player_hurt_severe = "You are severely hurt",
player_hurt_unconscious = "Unconscious",
player_hurt_unconscious_direct = "You are unconscious",
player_hurt_find_help_or_ems = "Press <span class='color'>G</span> to request emergency services",
player_hurt_time_to_live = "Bleeding out",
player_hurt_auto_respawn = "Vitals fading",
player_hurt_respawn = "Hold E to see the light"