['prop_menu'] = {
text = ' 放置道具 | 取消', -- Place Prop | Cancel
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['vehicles'] = {
text = ' 车辆菜单', -- Vehicle Menu
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['storevehicle'] = {
text = ' 存车', -- Store Vehicle
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['armories'] = {
text = ' 打开武器库', -- Open Armory
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['cloakrooms'] = {
text = ' 打开更衣室', -- Open Cloakroom
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['stashes'] = {
text = ' 打开储物箱', -- Open Stash
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['trashes'] = {
text = ' 打开垃圾箱', -- Open Trash
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['evidences'] = {
text = ' 打开证据', -- Open Evidences
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['sendreport'] = {
text = ' 发送报告', -- Send Report
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['seereport'] = {
text = ' 查看报告', -- See Reports
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['close_cam'] = {
text = ' 关闭摄像头', -- Close Camera
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['clean'] = {
text = ' 清理', -- Clean
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['work'] = {
text = ' 修理', -- Repair
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['removeprop'] = {
text = ' 移除道具', -- Remove Prop
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
-- 错误通知
['not_police'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你不是警察",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['prop_removed'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "道具已被移除",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['no_player'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "附近没有玩家",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['not_handcuffed'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "该玩家没有被铐住",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['hands_up'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "该玩家需要举手或被铐住",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['player_offline'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "该玩家处于离线状态",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['not_owned_vehicle'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "车牌为 ${plate} 的车辆没有人拥有",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['no_vehicle'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "附近没有车辆",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['failed_opening_doors'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你无法打开车门",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['canceled'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "已取消",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['no_handcuffs'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你没有手铐",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['no_space'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "没有空间放置车辆",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['report_deleted'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "ID 为 ${id} 的报告已被删除",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['no_escorting'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你没有护送任何人",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['cant_handcuff'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "在护送时无法铐住玩家",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['no_ankle_monitor'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "该玩家没有脚镣",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['already_ankle_monitor'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "该玩家已经有脚镣了",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['not_on_duty'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你不在值班",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
['cant_uncuff'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "在护送时无法解除对玩家的拘留",
type = 'error',
time = 5000
-- 成功通知
['prop_placed'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "${prop} 已被放置",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['placed_ankle_monitor'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你已在 ${player} 身上放置了脚镣",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['removed_ankle_monitor'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你已从 ${player} 身上移除了脚镣",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['copied_plate'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "车牌已复制到剪贴板",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['copied_phone'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "电话号码已复制到剪贴板",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['sent_to_recover'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "车牌为 ${plate} 的车辆已发送至警察回收",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['impounded_vehicle'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "车牌为 ${plate} 的车辆已被扣押",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['vehicle_unlocked'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "车辆已解锁",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['cam_added'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "监控摄像头 ${cctv} 已添加",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['radar_added'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "雷达 ${radar} 已添加,限速为 ${speed} " .. (Config.UseKMH and "公里/小时" or "英里/小时"), -- Radar added with speed limit
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['jailed'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你已将 ${player} 监禁了 ${time} 个月",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['community_service'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你已将 ${player} 发送至社区服务 ${time} 个月",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['report_sent'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你的报告已发送至警察局",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['report_updated'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你已将 ID 为 ${id} 的报告更新为 '${status}'",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['remove_prison'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你将 ${name} 从监狱中释放",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
['remove_community_service'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你将 ${name} 从社区服务中释放",
type = 'success',
time = 5000
-- 信息通知
['searching_player'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你正在搜索 ${player}",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['being_searched'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你正在被搜索",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['escorting_player'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你正在护送 ${player}",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['being_escorted'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你正在被护送",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['ankle_monitor_placed'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你现在有一个脚镣",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['ankle_monitor_removed'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你不再有脚镣",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['ankle_monitor'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "${name} 的脚镣位置已在地图上设置",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['get_jailed'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你已被监禁 ${months} 个月",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['jail_time_updated'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你的监禁时间已更新为 ${months} 个月",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['jailed_end'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你已从监狱释放",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['get_community'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你已被发送至社区服务 ${months} 个月",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['community_service_updated'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你的社区服务已更新为 ${months} 个月",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['community_end'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "你已从社区服务释放",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['community_service_added'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "由于你试图逃跑,社区服务增加了 ${months} 个月",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
['new_report'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "${name} 提交了一份新报告",
type = 'info',
time = 5000
-- 警告通知
['emergency_signal'] = {
title = "警察工作",
text = "${player} 发出了紧急信号",
type = 'warning',
time = 5000
['speeding'] = {
title = "警察雷达",
text = "你因超速被抓,速度为 ${speed} " .. (Config.UseKMH and "公里/小时" or "英里/小时"), -- You got caught speeding
type = 'warning',
time = 5000