Locales['en'] = {
['NO_MONEY'] = 'You Dont Have enough Money',
['NO_PHONE'] = 'Check Pockets, I Dont Think You have a Phone',
['CANCEL'] = 'Cancel',
['MENU_BACK'] = 'Back',
['MENU_YES'] = 'Yes',
['MENU_NO'] = 'No',
['GENERAL_LINK'] = 'Link',
['YELLOW_PAGES_TITLE'] = 'Yellow Pages',
['YELLOW_PAGES_NEW'] = 'New Publication in Yellow Pages',
['YELLOW_PAGES_EMPTY'] = 'You cannot leave the spaces empty',
['YELLOW_PAGES_COPY_NUMBER'] = 'You copied a phone number',
['YELLOW_PAGES_CANT_DO_THIS'] = "You can't do that...",
['YELLOW_PAGES_DELETE_ADVERT'] = 'You deleted a post',
['YELLOW_PAGES_NEED_PHOTO'] = 'You must take a photo first...',
['YELLOW_PAGES_EXISTING_AD'] = 'You cannot have more than one post at a time',
['GENERAL_TAKE_A_PHOTO'] = 'Take A Photo',
['BUSINESS_TITLE'] = 'Booble My Business',
['BUSINESS_ALERT_DESCRIPTION'] = 'New Alert on My Business',
['BUSINESS_ALERT_ERROR'] = 'Error sending request',
['BUSINESS_CONTACT'] = 'Contact',
['BUSINESS_AVAILABLE'] = 'Service Available',
['BUSINESS_NOT_AVAILABLE'] = 'Service not available',
['BUSINESS_EMPTY_MESSAGE'] = 'You must post a message',
['BUSINESS_ANON_CALL'] = 'You are making an anonymous call',
['BUSINESS_CALL_NAME'] = 'Business',
['BUSINESS_CALL_NUMBER'] = 'Business',
['BUSINESS_CANT_CALL_YOURSELF'] = 'You cant call yourself',
['BUSINESS_CALL_NOT_AVAILABLE'] = 'Contact not available',
['BUSINESS_CALL_BUSY'] = 'The person is busy',
['BUSINESS_UNAVAILABLE'] = 'Business is not open',
['BUSINESS_CALL_TEXT'] = 'Customer',
['GARAGE_TITLE'] = 'Garage',
['GARAGE_VALET'] = 'Valet',
['GARAGE_BACK'] = 'Back',
['GARAGE_INCOMING'] = 'Valet Is on the way...',
['GARAGE_CHECK_GPS'] = 'Vehicle is On the Move, check your GPS.',
['GARAGE_PAY'] = '$ billed as Valet',
['GARAGE_VALET_PAY'] = 'You have paid for a Valet service',
['TYPE_VEHICLE_ERROR'] = 'This Vehicle Type Cannot Be Fetched',
['DARKWEB_TITLE'] = 'Onion Browser',
['DARKWEB_NEED_COUNT'] = 'You did not add a total amount',
['DARKWEB_PURCHASE'] = 'Order placed successfully',
['DARKWEB_NO_MONEY'] = "You don't have enough money...",
['DARKCHAT_GROUP_CREATE'] = 'Create darkchat',
['DARKCHAT_NO_NAME'] = 'You must enter the group name!',
['DARKCHAT_INVALID_PASSWORD'] = 'Invalid password',
['DARKCHAT_GROUP_ALREADY_EXIST'] = 'A group with this name already exists',
['DARKWEB_NO_PRODUCTS'] = 'There are no products for sale...',
['INSTAGRAM_TITLE'] = 'Instagram',
['INSTAGRAM_YOUR_STORY'] = 'Your Story',
['INSTAGRAM_SUCCESS_ACCOUNT'] = 'Account created successfully',
['INSTAGRAM_BAD_USERNAME'] = 'You must enter your phone number.',
['INSTAGRAM_USERNAME_USED'] = 'Username already used.',
['INSTAGRAM_CREATE_ACCOUNT_ERROR_1'] = 'Please fill in all fields',
['INSTAGRAM_CREATE_ACCOUNT_ERROR_3'] = 'Username must be at least 3 digits',
['INSTAGRAM_CREATE_ACCOUNT_ERROR_4'] = 'Password must be at least 5 digits',
['INSTAGRAM_EDIT_PROFILE'] = 'Edit Profile',
['INSTAGRAM_DELETE'] = 'Share deleted.',
['INSTAGRAM_FOLLOW'] = 'Start Following',
['INSTAGRAM_SEND_MESSAGE'] = 'Send Message',
['INSTAGRAM_FILL_FIELDS'] = 'Please fill in all fields!',
['INSTAGRAM_STORY_NAME'] = 'Username',
['INSTAGRAM_NEW_POST'] = 'New Post',
['INSTAGRAM_POSTS'] = 'Posts',
['INSTAGRAM_FOLLOWS'] = 'Followers',
['INSTAGRAM_FOLLOWED'] = 'Following',
['INSTAGRAM_VERIFY_NO_PLAYER'] = 'There is no player with this ID...',
['INSTAGRAM_VERIFY_ERROR'] = 'This command is for Admins only',
['MENU_STORY'] = 'What do you want to do?',
['MENU_ADDSTORY'] = 'Upload story',
['MENU_SHOWSTORY'] = 'View Stories',
['BANK_TITLE'] = 'Wallet',
['IBAN'] = 'IBAN:',
['BANK_WELCOME_HEADER'] = 'Welcome:',
['BANK_DONT_ENOUGH'] = 'You dont have enough money in the bank!',
['BANK_NOIBAN'] = 'There is no IBAN associated with this person!',
['BANK_IBAN_COPY'] = 'You copied your IBAN',
['BANK_SEND_MONEY'] = 'You sent $',
['BANK_INVOICE_PAID'] = 'You paid an invoice for $',
['BANK_REMOVE_MONEY'] = 'You withdrew money from your bank $',
['BANK_NOT_IBAN'] = 'This IBAN does not exist',
['BANK_TRANSFER_SUCCESS'] = 'Successful money transfer!',
['BANK_RECEIVED'] = 'The money has been transferred to your account $',
['BANK_INVOICE_PAY'] = 'You paid an invoice',
['BANK_TRANSFER'] = 'They transferred $%s to you',
['SENDER_PHONE'] = 'Sender Phone:',
['INVOICE_PAYMENT_RECEIVED'] = 'Penalty payment received for $',
['NOTES_TITLE'] = 'Notes',
['NOTE_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Description...',
['NOTE_REGISTERED'] = 'was saved to your notes',
['NOTE_UPDATED'] = ' Notes Updated',
['SETTINGS_TITLE'] = 'Settings',
['AIRDROP_TITLE'] = 'FlyDrop',
['SYSTEM_TITLE'] = 'System',
['BLUETOOTH_TITLE'] = 'Bluetooth',
['SETTING_PROFILE_PICTURE'] = 'You changed your profile picture',
['SETTING_BACKGROUND_CHANGE'] = 'You changed your wallpaper',
['SETTING_OPTIMIZED'] = 'System Optimized',
['BATTERY_FULL'] = 'You are already charging your phone',
['BATTERY_NO_PHONE'] = "You don't have a phone to charge",
['BATTERY_PROGRESS'] = 'Your phone has started charging',
['BATTERY_IN_USE'] = 'You are already charging your phone',
['BATTERY_ALEADY_FULL'] = "Your phone's battery is already at 100%",
['BATTERY_CHARGING'] = 'Your phone is charged',
['BATTERY_CHARGE_PHONE'] = '[E] - Charge Phone',
['BATTERY_CHARGE_TAKE_PHONE'] = '[E] - Take phone charging:',
['BATTERY_LOW'] = 'Battery low to 15%',
['BATTERY_ADMIN_COMMAND'] = 'Incomplete command, you must add An id and amount',
['BATTERY_ADMIN_CHARGE'] = 'Your battery magically went up to:',
['BATTERY_NOT_YOURS'] = 'The phone does not belong to you...',
['MESSAGE_OPTIONS'] = 'Message Options',
['PHOTO_DELETE'] = 'Delete',
['PINCODE_NO_MONEY'] = "You don't have enough money",
['PINCODE_ALREADY_PIN'] = "You don't have Pin",
['VIBRATION_ON'] = 'You turned vibration on',
['VIBRATION_OFF'] = 'You turned vibration off',
['BLUETOOTH_SEND'] = 'Sending...',
['BLUETOOTH_SUCCESS'] = 'A photo was sent',
['CALL_DURATION'] = 'Duration:',
['CALL_WITH'] = 'with',
['CALL_PERSON'] = 'Person',
['CALL_OUTGOING'] = 'Calling',
['CALL_COMING'] = 'Incoming Call',
['CALL_TIME_PROGRESS'] = 'Call in progress',
['NOT_MESSAGE_AVAILABLE'] = 'The person you want to send a message to does not use this app.',
['AIRPLANE_ON'] = 'Airplane Mode On',
['AIRPLANE_OFF'] = 'Airplane mode off',
['BLUETOOTH_ON'] = 'Bluetooth on',
['BLUETOOTH_OFF'] = 'Bluetooth off',
['PHONE_COPY'] = 'You copied a phone number',
['WIDGET_SUCCESS'] = 'The widget you selected is configured',
['RINGTONE_ON'] = 'Notifications On',
['RINGTONE_OFF'] = 'Notifications off',
['5G_ENABLED'] = 'You are already connected to a network',
['SETTINGS_RINGTONE_URL'] = 'Custom Ringtone',
['TINDER_TITLE'] = 'Tinder',
['TINDER_NEW'] = 'A new message has arrived!',
['TINDER_TARGET'] = 'You are interested in: ',
['TINDER_1'] = 'is at',
['TINDER_2'] = 'from you.',
['MAN'] = 'Men',
['WOMAN'] = 'Women',
['OTHER'] = 'Other',
['NO_PLAYERS'] = 'No one is nearby',
['LOADING_CONTENT'] = 'Loading...',
['CAMERA_TITLE'] = 'Camera',
['GALLERY_TITLE'] = 'Gallery',
['GALLERY_SAVE'] = 'The photo has been saved.',
['GALLERY_DELETE_IMAGE'] = 'The image is deleted.',
['CAMERA_EXIT'] = 'Exit camera mode: ~INPUT_CELLPHONE_CANCEL~',
['CAMERA_TOGGLE'] = 'Toggle Camera: ~INPUT_PHONE~',
['CAMERA_TAKE'] = 'Take photo: ~INPUT_ATTACK~',
['BLUETOOTH_RECEIVED'] = 'You receive a bluetooth',
['IMAGE_COPY'] = 'You copied the image link',
['TIKTOK_TITLE'] = 'TickTock',
['TIKTOK_ALREADY_USE'] = 'This username is in use!',
['TIKTOK_MISSING_VALUES'] = 'You must enter all values!',
['TIKTOK_ENTER_YOUR_PROFILE'] = 'You can enter your own profile from the bottom right!',
['TIKTOK_ENTER_COMMENT'] = 'You have to write a comment!',
['TIKTOK_COMMENT'] = 'has commented on your video.',
['TIKTOK_FOLLOW'] = 'your follower has commented.',
['TIKTOK_UNFOLLOW'] = 'I unfollow you.',
['VIDEO_PROCESS'] = 'Processing video, please wait a few seconds',
['PING_TITLE'] = 'Ping',
['PING_BLIP_NAME'] = 'Friend',
['PING_EXPIRED'] = 'A ping expired...',
['PING_LOCATION_ON_MAP'] = 'Pinned location on your map',
['PING_ACCEPT'] = 'has accepted your ping',
['PING_NO_PING'] = 'You have no pings',
['PING_REJECT'] = 'You refused the ping...',
['PING_REJECT_SOURCE'] = 'The ping request was rejected...',
['PING_REQUEST'] = 'You have requested the location of',
['PING_RECEIVED'] = 'You have received a ping request from',
['PING_ERROR'] = 'Could not send ping...',
['PING_PLAYER_OFFLINE'] = 'This person is not in town...',
['UBERDRIVER_TITLE'] = 'DriveNow',
['UBERDRIVER_AVAILABLE'] = 'drivenow available:',
['UBERDRIVER_CANCEL_REQUEST'] = 'If you cancel the request, you will have to pay $5000',
['UBERDRIVER_CHOOSE_PRICE'] = 'You need to enter a rate...',
['UBERDRIVER_CONFIRM_PRICE'] = 'Are you sure about your rate? Rate: $',
['UBERDRIVER_CUSTOMER_CONFIRM_PRICE'] = 'Are you sure you want to order a car?',
['UBERDRIVER_CONFIRM_LEAVE'] = 'Are you sure you want to leave the service?',
['UBERDRIVER_VEHICLE_INCOMPATIBLE'] = 'No information found about your vehicle',
['UBERDRIVER_DONT_CANCEL'] = "It looks like you approached the vehicle. After this time, you can't cancel!",
['UBERDRIVER_NOT_A_DRIVER'] = 'You are not an drivenow driver',
['UBERDRIVER_DRIVER_CANCELLED'] = 'Driver is not available',
['UBERDRIVER_LOCATION_SENT'] = 'Your location has been sent to the driver',
['UBERDRIVER_NEW_CLIENT'] = 'You have a client, see the map',
['UBERDRIVER_CHOOSE_LOCATION'] = 'Choose a location on the map',
['UBERDRIVER_CHOOSE_LOCATION_MAP'] = 'You have to choose a location on the map',
['UBERDRIVER_CANCEL_REQUEST_1'] = 'Your driver canceled the request. $5000 credited to your account',
['UBERDRIVER_CANCEL_REQUEST_2'] = '$5000 has been credited to your account because the person canceled the request',
['UBERDRIVER_NO_MONEY'] = 'You need a minimum of $5000',
['UBERDRIVER_ALREADY_UBER'] = "You're DriveNow, you can't hail a car",
['UBERDRIVER_DRIVER_PAY'] = 'A total of $',
['UBERDRIVER_CANT_FINISH'] = 'The trip is not over yet',
['UBERDRIVER_ALREADY_FINISH'] = 'You marked the trip as finished',
['MAIL_TITLE'] = 'Mail',
['NO_MAIL'] = 'No mail!',
['MAIL_NEW'] = 'New mail from',
['MAIL_ADMIN_ERROR'] = 'You must enter a subject or message!',
['MAIL_ADMIN_TITLE'] = 'Admin',
['MAIL_FOOTER'] = 'Mails',
['TWITTER_TITLE'] = 'Twitter',
['TWITTER_NEW'] = 'Tweet posted',
['TWITTER_NO_TWEET'] = "You didn't tweet!",
['TWITTER_NO_TWEET_NOW'] = 'No Tweets',
['TWITTER_SEND_MESSAGE'] = 'Send a message',
['TWITTER_TAG_COPY'] = 'Copied',
['TWITTER_TRENDING'] = 'Trending',
['TWITTER_MENTIONS'] = 'Mentions:',
['TWITTER_NO_TRENDING'] = 'No Trending',
['TWITTER_FILL_FIELDS'] = 'Fill all fields',
['TWITTER_NAME_DIGITS'] = 'Name must be at least 3 digits',
['TWITTER_USER_DIGITS'] = 'Username must be at least 3 digits',
['TWITTER_PASSWORD_DIGITS'] = 'Password must be at least 5 digits',
['TWITTER_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS'] = 'Account created successfully!',
['TWITTER_MENTION_YOURSELF'] = "You can't talk about yourself!",
['TWITTER_USERNAME_USED'] = 'Username already used.',
['TWITTER_INFORMATION_CHANGE'] = 'You saved changes',
['TWITTER_MISSING_INFORMATION'] = 'Missing information...',
['MESSAGE_TITLE'] = 'Message',
['EMERGENCY_TITLE'] = 'Emergencies',
['MESSAGE_SEND_LOCATION'] = 'Send a location',
['MESSAGE_SEND_URL'] = 'Send a URL',
['MESSAGE_NEW'] = 'A new message has arrived!',
['MESSAGE_LOCATION_DEFINED'] = 'Location is defined!',
['MESSAGE_EMERGENGY'] = 'Information about injured person.',
['MESSAGE_EMERGENGY_NO_SEND'] = 'You cannot reply to players.',
['MESSAGE_NOTIFIE_NEW'] = 'You have received a new message',
['MESSAGE_NOTIFIE_FROM'] = 'Message from',
['MENU_TAKE_PHOTO'] = 'Take a photo',
['CLEAR_CHAT'] = 'Clear Chat',
['DELETE_CHAT'] = 'Delete Chat',
['CALL'] = 'Call',
['SEND_MESSAGE'] = 'Send Message',
['ADD_TO_CONTACTS'] = 'Add to Contacts',
['DELETE_MESSAGE'] = 'Delete message',
['APPSTORE_TITLE'] = 'App Store',
['PHONE_NO_SPACE'] = "You don't have enough space, delete apps",
['DOWNLOAD_APP'] = 'Download',
['REMOVE_APP'] = 'Remove',
['YEARS_OLD'] = 'Years',
['STORE_NOTIFICATION_DOWNLOADED'] = 'A new app was downloaded',
['CLOCK_TITLE'] = 'Clock',
['CLOCK_RESTART'] = 'Restarted successfully',
['CLOCK_RESTART_TIME'] = 'Restart',
['CLOCK_SAVE_TIME'] = 'Save',
['CLOCK_START_TIME'] = 'Start',
['CLOCK_STOP_TIME'] = 'Stop',
['CLOCK_LIST'] = 'Lap',
['CLOCK_TIMER'] = 'Timer Stopped',
['CLOCK_TIMER_CONFIG'] = 'Timer configured for',
['CLOCK_CONFIG_LATE'] = 'You can set a timer for later',
['CLOCK_SECONDS'] = 'seconds',
['CLOCK_MINUTES'] = 'minutes',
['TODAY'] = 'Today,',
['PASSWORD_RESET'] = 'Your password has been reset',
['PASSWORD_CHANGED'] = 'Your password has been changed successfully:',
['PASSWORD_MAX_CHAR'] = 'Password must be 4 characters',
['PASSWORD_RESET_TECH_TITLE'] = 'Telephone Technician',
['PASSWORD_RESET_TECH_OPTION'] = 'Reset Passwords $',
['PASSWORD_RESET_TECH'] = 'The tech reset the password on his phone',
['HOME_TITLE'] = 'Home',
['HOME_TIER'] = '| Level',
['HOME_BAD_CSN'] = 'This is an invalid CSN number',
['HOME_GPS'] = 'Click to set GPS',
['HOME_GPS_LOCATION'] = 'Your GPS is set to',
['HOME_NEW'] = 'You get a new home, congratulations',
['WHATSAPP_TITLE'] = 'ChitChat',
['WHATSAPP_GROUP_TITLE'] = 'ChitChatGroup',
['WHATSAPP_YOUR_PHONE'] = "You can't message yourself!",
['WHATSAPP_LOCATION'] = 'Location',
['WHATSAPP_IMG'] = 'Image',
['WHATSAPP_LINK'] = 'Link',
['WHATSAPP_MIN_NUMBER_9'] = 'The number is too short',
['WHATSAPP_MIN_NUMBER_7'] = 'The number is too long',
['WHATSAPP_GROUP_ADDED'] = 'Member successfully added',
['WHATSAPP_TODAY'] = 'Hello',
['WHATSAPP_FILL_FIELDS'] = 'Fill all fields',
['WHATSAPP_NAME_DIGITS'] = 'Name must be at least 3 digits',
['WHATSAPP_USER_DIGITS'] = 'Username must be at least 3 digits',
['WHATSAPP_PASSWORD_DIGITS'] = 'Password must be at least 5 digits',
['WHATSAPP_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS'] = 'Account created successfully!',
['WHATSAPP_BAD_NUMBER'] = 'This number is not yours!',
['WHATSAPP_NUMBER_DIGITS_7'] = 'The number is too short',
['WHATSAPP_NUMBER_DIGITS_9'] = 'The number is too long',
['WHATSAPP_PROFILE_EDITED'] = 'Profile edited successfully!',
['WHATSAPP_PROFILE_BAD'] = 'Please fill in all fields!',
['WHATSAPP_GROUP_CREATE'] = 'Group created successfully!',
['WHATSAPP_GROUP_EDITED'] = 'Group edited successfully!',
['WHATSAPP_GROUP_BAD'] = 'Please fill in all fields!',
['WHATSAPP_STORY_NAME'] = 'Username',
['WHATSAPP_STATUS'] = 'My Status',
['WHATSAPP_KICK'] = 'The person was kicked from the group',
['WHATSAPP_KICKED'] = 'You have left a group',
['WHATSAPP_STATUS_ADD'] = 'Add to my status',
['WHATSAPP_AUDIO'] = 'Recording:',
['WHATSAPP_LOCATION_DEFINED'] = 'Location is defined!',
['WHATSAPP_EMPTY_MESSAGE'] = 'You cannot send a blank message',
['WHATSAPP_ADD_STATUS'] = 'Add to my status',
['WHATSAPP_MY_STATUS'] = 'MyStatus',
['WHATSAPP_LAST_STATUS'] = 'Last status',
['MENU_DELETE_CHAT_AD'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the chat?',
['MENU_WHATSAPP'] = 'What do you want to do?',
['MENU_MESSAGE_DELETE'] = 'Do you want to delete the message?',
['MENU_CLEAR_CHAT'] = 'Clear chat',
['MENU_DELETE_CHAT'] = 'Delete chat',
['WHATSAPP_NEW'] = 'You have a new whatsapp!',
['MENU_KICK'] = 'Are you sure you want to kick this person?',
['MENU_LEFT'] = 'Are you sure you want to leave the group?',
['NEED_PHONE_NUMBER'] = 'Wrong phone number',
['SPOTIFY_MORNING'] = 'Good morning',
['SPOTIFY_AFTERNOON'] = 'Good afternoon',
['SPOTIFY_EVENING'] = 'Good evening',
['RACE_TOO_FAR'] = 'You are too far from the race. The location of the race has been marked on your GPS.',
['IBAN_DONT_EXISTS'] = 'The user you are trying to send money to does not exist.',
['POLICE_TITLE'] = 'Police',
['MDT_NAME'] = 'Name: ',
['MDT_BIRTHDATE'] = 'Birth Date: ',
['MDT_PHONE_NUMBER'] = 'Phone Number: ',
['MDT_NACIONALITY'] = 'Nationality: ',
['MDT_GENDER'] = 'Gender: ',
['MDT_OWNER'] = 'Owner: ',
['MDT_HOUSE'] = 'Property: ',
['MDT_ADRESS'] = 'Address: ',
['MDT_TIER'] = 'Inside: ',
['MDT_LICENSE_PLATE'] = 'Patent: ',
['MDT_MOT'] = 'MOT: ',
['MDT_SIGNALED'] = 'Signaled: ',
['MDT_APK'] = 'Apk: ',
['POLICE_CLEAR_ALERT'] = 'Clear all alerts',
['POLICE_NO_ALERTS'] = 'You have no alerts.',
['POLICE_FREE'] = 'No alerts available',
['POLICE_ALERT_NO_GPS'] = 'This alert does not have a GPS location!',
['POLICE_NO_VEHICLES'] = 'There are no vehicles nearby.',
['POLICE_NO_RESULTS'] = 'No results found...',
['POLICE_LOCATE'] = 'Location',
['POLICE_WELCOME'] = 'Welcome',