Strings = {
currency = '$',
success = 'Success',
go_back = '< Go Back',
cloakroom = 'Cloakroom',
civilian_wear = 'Civilian Wear',
armoury_quantity_dialog = 'Quantity To Order',
quantity = 'Quantity',
invalid_amount = 'Invalid Amount',
invalid_amount_desc = 'Please enter a valid amount',
successful_purchase_desc = 'You have successfully ordered your weapons from the armoury',
lacking_funds = 'Lacking Funds',
lacking_funds_desc = 'You are lacking funds in the bank for this purchase',
no_permission = 'No Permission',
no_access_desc = 'You do not have authorization to access this!',
key_map_cuff = 'Handcuff Player',
key_map_tackle = 'Tackle player while sprinting',
key_map_job = 'Open Job Menu',
no_nearby = 'No One Found',
no_nearby_desc = 'There appears to be no one around',
invalid_entry = 'Invalid Entry',
invalid_entry_desc = 'Please enter a valid number',
fines = 'Fines',
fines_desc = 'Issue a nearby player a fine',
search_player = 'Search Suspect',
search_player_desc = 'Search a nearby suspect',
jail_player = 'Jail Suspect',
jail_player_desc = 'Jail a nearby suspect',
minutes_dialog = 'Sentencing',
minutes_dialog_field = 'Months',
escort_player = 'Escort Suspect',
escort_player_desc = 'Escort a nearby suspect',
handcuff_player = 'Handcuff Suspect',
handcuff_player_desc = 'Handcuff a nearby suspect',
put_in_vehicle = 'Place In Vehicle',
put_in_vehicle_desc = 'Place nearby suspect in vehicle',
check_id = 'Check Identification',
check_id_desc = 'Check nearby suspect\'s I.D.',
id_result_menu = 'Identification Results',
name = 'Name',
job = 'Job',
job_position = 'Position',
dob = 'Date Of Birth',
sex = 'Gender',
bac = 'BAC',
licenses = 'Licenses',
total_licenses = 'Total Licenses:',
no_licenses = 'No Licenses',
revoke_license = 'Revoke License',
license_revoked = 'License Revoked',
license_revoked_desc = 'You have successfully revoked license',
armoury_menu = 'Armory Menu',
take_out_vehicle = 'Remove From Vehicle',
take_out_vehicle_desc = 'Remove suspect from vehicle',
not_restrained = 'Target Unrestrained',
not_restrained_desc = 'You must restrain the criminal before escorting them',
vehicle_not_found = 'No Vehicle Found',
vehicle_not_found_desc = 'No vehicle found nearby',
unconcious = 'Person Unconcious',
unconcious_desc = 'Person appears unconcious',
police_garage = 'Garage',
police = 'Police',
plate = 'Plate Number',
owner = 'Owner',
possibly_stolen = 'Caution!',
possibly_stolen_desc = 'Vehicle Possibly Stolen',
vehicle_interactions = 'Vehicle Interactions',
vehicle_interactions_desc = 'Inspect nearby vehicle',
vehicle_information = 'Vehicle Information',
vehicle_information_desc = 'Information on nearby vehicle',
lockpick_vehicle = 'Lockpick Vehicle',
locakpick_vehicle_desc = 'Force access to nearby vehicle',
lockpick_progress = 'Lockpicking Vehicle . . .',
too_far = 'Too Far Away',
too_far_desc = 'The target vehicle is too far away',
lockpicked = 'Successfully Unlocked',
lockpicked_desc = 'You have successfully unlocked the target vehicle',
cancelled = 'Cancelled',
cancelled_desc = 'You cancelled your last action',
impound_vehicle = 'Impound Vehicle',
impound_vehicle_desc = 'Impound Nearby Vehicle',
impounding_progress = 'Impounding Vehicle . . .',
driver_in_car = 'Driver In Vehicle',
driver_in_car_desc = 'Remove driver from vehicle prior to impounding!',
car_impounded_desc = 'Vehicle has been impounded',
place_object = 'Place Objects',
place_object_desc = 'Place objects on the floor.',
prop_help_text = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to move the object.\nPress ~INPUT_DETONATE~ to delete the object.',
prop_help_text2 = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to place the object.',