# Activate specific event handlers and functions (supported: ox, esx, qb, nd)
setr inventory:framework "esx"
# Number of slots for player inventories
setr inventory:slots 50
# Maximum carry capacity for players, in grams (frameworks may override this)
setr inventory:weight 30000
# Integrated support for qtarget/ox_target stashes, shops, etc
# Note: qtarget is deprecated, a future update may drop support (ox_target only, or gated features)
setr inventory:target true
# Jobs with access to police armoury, evidence lockers, etc
setr inventory:police ["police", "sheriff"]
### Client
# The URL to load item images from
setr inventory:imagepath "nui://ox_inventory/web/images"
# Weapons will reload after reaching 0 ammo
setr inventory:autoreload false
# Blur the screen while accessing the inventory
setr inventory:screenblur true
# Default hotkeys to access primary and secondary inventories, and hotbar
setr inventory:keys ["F2", "K", "TAB"]
# Enable control action when inventory is open
setr inventory:enablekeys [249]
# Weapons must be aimed before shooting
setr inventory:aimedfiring false
# Show a list of all nearby players when giving items
setr inventory:giveplayerlist false
# Toggle weapon draw/holster animations
setr inventory:weaponanims true
# Toggle item notifications (add/remove)
setr inventory:itemnotify true
# Disable drop markers and spawn a prop instead
setr inventory:dropprops true
# Set the default model used for drop props
setr inventory:dropmodel "prop_med_bag_01b"
# Disarm the player if an unexpected weapon is in use (i.e. did not use the weapon item)
setr inventory:weaponmismatch true
# Ignore weapon mismatch checks for the given weapon type (e.g. ['WEAPON_SHOVEL', 'WEAPON_HANDCUFFS'])
setr inventory:ignoreweapons []
# Suppress weapon and ammo pickups
setr inventory:suppresspickups 1
### Server
# Compare current version to latest release on GitHub
set inventory:versioncheck false
# Stashes will be wiped after remaining unchanged for the given time
set inventory:clearstashes "6 MONTH"
# Discord webhook url, used for imageurl metadata content moderation (image embeds)
set inventory:webhook ""
# Logging via ox_lib (0: Disable, 1: Standard, 2: Include AddItem/RemoveItem, and all shop purchases)
set inventory:loglevel 1
# Item prices fluctuate in shops
set inventory:randomprices false
# Loot will randomly generate inside unowned vehicles and dumpsters
set inventory:randomloot true
# Minimum job grade to remove items from evidence lockers
set inventory:evidencegrade 2
# Trim whitespace from vehicle plates when checking owned vehicles
setr inventory:trimplate true
# Set the contents of randomly generated inventories
# [item name, minimum, maximum, loot chance]
set inventory:vehicleloot [
["cola", 1, 1],
["water", 1, 1],
["garbage", 1, 2, 50],
["panties", 1, 1, 5],
["money", 1, 50],
["money", 200, 400, 5],
["bandage", 1, 1]
set inventory:dumpsterloot [
["mustard", 1, 1],
["garbage", 1, 3],
["money", 1, 10],
["burger", 1, 1]
# Set items to sync with framework accounts
set inventory:accounts ["money"]